Training Wu Zhou

Chapter 164: The Murder Case Caused by Stones

Officials, households, rites, soldiers, criminals, and workers, the six ministers whispered a few words in front of Lingyan Pavilion from time to time. Although they didn't know why Tianhou called everyone to gather, they still had the courage. After all, how many people were there? People, except for the general Cheng Wuting, are all the people closest to the core of power.

From time to time, a few people sneaked a look at Cheng Wuting, who looked like an old god. This man had a heavy army under his hands and had not returned to Beijing for some years. Although the army under him was not elite, it was not comparable to ordinary government troops.

Of course, they would not be afraid of an old warrior. Although they were all of the same generation, they were of course superior in terms of authority. It was just that the disappearance of three of them made them look at Cheng Wuting a little interestingly.

As we have said, the DPRK and China actually have a clear division of labor between civil and military affairs, and the same is true among political gangs. Part of the confidence of civil servants in speaking in the DPRK comes from the bound generals in the gang.

This is not to say that everyone has the heart to support soldiers and rebel, but it has been a tradition since ancient times that civil servants can benefit them in the court, and generals must use their strengths to strengthen their waists.

Therefore, when the Pei Yan case happened, the first thing Liu and Guo thought of was Cheng Wuting, and even Guo Shiju almost blurted out the word "military remonstrance".

The ruler has always had a deep taboo on the generals below. We can see that in the official history, after Pei Yan was killed, Cheng Wuting was killed in the army, and he didn't even issue a definite imperial edict. Looking back at Liu Guoer Even if he is a relative, he is just demoted to one level and dies with hatred.

The difference between civil and military treatment sounds really astonishing.But it is also easy to understand that Wenchen's verbal criticism is just talking.It's not just talking about a general who is determined to wade through the muddy water.In this era, there is no rule that cannot be transferred across levels that is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

There is a saying that "the general is outside, and the king's order is not accepted." It is true. Once the general is outside, the entire army can only be mobilized by him. There are many people who rebelled in history. Only when the army under him was fighting in the dark did they know that they were rebelling. .

This is also one of the reasons why the Jiedushi in the late Tang Dynasty caused the separatism of the feudal towns, all of which were for their own benefit.

While all the people present looked relaxed, they also peeped at Cheng Wuting playfully from time to time. They had been curious about this person long ago, but they could hold their breath.His companions in court have all left the field now. It stands to reason that he should have stood up in Pei Yan's case. Of course, it is unexpected that Pei Yan did not die. Tang Guan has always been a little complacent about this veteran who has never met before. Because this is one of the biggest changes.

One must know that under Wu Zhao's viciousness, what he brought to himself is indeed supreme majesty. Whether Pei Yan dies or not, it does not matter to the country. Wu Zhao is confident that he can govern the country better than him.But once Cheng Wuting died, the Turkic War would not be far away.

Throughout the Wu Zhou Dynasty, it was almost a multi-front battle, and the long-term war against Tubo was endless.When the famous generals were slaughtered, the Turkic people sprang up suddenly, and took down several important towns in succession.

This is not to say that Tang Guan is greedy for peace, he also wants to make war fortune.He was eager to get rid of Wu Zhao, and he also yearned to dominate the side.Part of the premise of all this stems from a promise, and part of it is forced.It's true that people are forced out, if Tang Guan doesn't fight, bite, or grab, Wu Zhao won't let him go.

But now he is not as tall as a spear, not to mention making war fortune, it is difficult to mount a horse.

Several people had different expressions, but no one noticed that Wu Chengsi was full of gloom when he lowered his head, as if he was uneasy about something, and looked around the corner thoughtfully from time to time.

At this time, on the palace road in the imperial city, a barefoot businessman was walking silently following an eunuch, but the eunuch ignored him, and the businessman just kept walking.

The eunuch didn't stop until he was about to turn the corner, and turned his head and said, "You wait here and get your things ready."

Hearing this, the businessman raised his head and showed a somewhat joyful face. There is no one else, it is Tang Tongtai who came to the palace to offer treasures.

I saw that there were still some bruises on his forehead, and his eyelids were twitching standing on the palace road. It was obvious that the development of the matter was a little out of control. The eunuch turned around and left.

Fortunately, he was just born, so he turned around and said coldly: "It's not too late for you to leave, the miscellaneous family can spare your life, if you can't get anything out later, you will lose your head."

"I..." Tang Tongtai was anxious and wanted to answer. He hurriedly recalled the man's instructions, and he followed them one by one. The strange thing was that there was another important person who didn't show up for a long time.

The eunuch frowned when he saw that he was hesitant to speak, and was about to speak, when suddenly a voice came from not far away.

"Eunuch Chen."

When the eunuch heard the sound and looked back, he saw that the visitor was startled, he hurried forward and said, "Eunuch Wan."

I saw that the person who came was also an eunuch, but the clothes on this eunuch were quite complicated, much more gorgeous than the old eunuch, somewhat similar to the prince who often met Tang Guan, but the color was slightly changed.

The palace organization is complicated, but the foreign ministers seem simple in comparison. Every department and every prison has a person in charge, and there are also eunuchs who are close to the emperor Tianhou.

Eunuch Wang is Wu Zhao's personal eunuch, and his authority varies from time to time, because he has no real power as a cashier. Obviously, Eunuch Wan in front of him is a real eunuch with real power, and he is accompanied by a small eunuch.

Apparently the old eunuch respected Eunuch Wan very much and bowed to salute Eunuch Wan. Eunuch Wan nodded slightly and glanced at Tang Tongtai who was not far away. When he saw his bare feet, a hint of deep meaning flashed in his eyes, and then he pretended to be puzzled and said: " Who is this person?"

Hearing the words, the old eunuch trembled in his heart, and glanced at Tang Tongtai. He had broken the rules by bringing in the person who did not inspect the treasure for him. If the boss in front of him pursued it, he would inevitably be punished. He felt remorseful, and hurriedly said: "This lowly merchant came to present treasures, and his subordinates took him to prison."

"Oh? Treasure offering." Eunuch Wan heard the words, with some surprise in his tone, he took two steps forward to look at Tang Tongtai, and said, "What do you want to offer?"

The old eunuch felt even colder when he heard the sound, for fear that Tang Tongtai didn't know what was going on. Fortunately, after Tang Tongtai heard the person's name clearly, his face showed a relaxed expression.

Eunuch Wan approached and winked at him without any trace, and Tang Tongtai immediately said: "What a treasure, it was bestowed by the heavens on the Holy Queen."

"You fool, don't talk nonsense!" The old eunuch was taken aback by hearing the sound, this man really dared to brag, he immediately yelled out, and then secretly glanced at Eunuch Wan, seeing that he was not surprised, he felt a little puzzled in his heart.

"Oh? Take it out and show it to the miscellaneous family."

The old eunuch raised his heart just after letting go, and looked anxiously at Tang Tongtai. Outside the palace, Tang Tongtai didn't show him life and death. The Eunuch Wan in front of him was several grades older than himself. If he provoked him, it wouldn't be true to be rode to death in the palace.

Fortunately, Tang Tongtai changed his previous attitude, pretending to understand, glanced at the old eunuch, and said to Wan Gong: "Eunuch, come closer, the villain is such a treasure that ordinary people can't show it."

Hearing the words, Eunuch Wan moved two steps, and the two cooperated surprisingly. Tang Tongtai also touched his sleeve. Seeing this scene, the old eunuch ignored his doubts and stretched his neck to look over. Unfortunately, Eunuch Wan covered him, so he couldn't see clearly. .

After a long time, Eunuch Wan lowered his head and suddenly made a sound.

"Good baby, good baby!"

The old eunuch was startled when he heard the sound, and wanted to check it out, but Tang Tongtai had already put it away, and Eunuch Wan was even more surprised, and the old eunuch's heart jumped.

"Does he really have a baby?"

Eunuch Wan admired it for a long time, and then said: "Eunuch Chen, this man has a good treasure, you have made merit this time."

"Ah!?" The old eunuch was taken aback when he heard the words, but then he was ecstatic. He didn't expect that this man really had a baby, and immediately looked at him with fiery eyes.

You must know that it is a credit for offering a good treasure. Although I didn't see what it was, but the boss said so, it must be true.

After Wan Gonggong finished speaking, he stepped forward and whispered a few words in the old eunuch's ear. The surprise on the old eunuch's face faded, and he looked at Tang Tongtai with some embarrassment, and said hesitantly: "This..."

"The miscellaneous family will never forget your contribution, I still need a deputy supervisor, this baby..."

The old eunuch was still hesitating at first, but Eunuch Wan said that there is nothing else, it seems that this person does have a treasure, and he wanted to take credit for him, but when he heard this, he couldn't help but rejoiced and said: "Give it to Eunuch, let him do it." Give it to the eunuch."

Then he left without looking back. Tang Tongtai breathed a sigh of relief when he saw this scene, and looked at Eunuch Wan. Eunuch Wan nodded slightly at him, and told the little eunuch beside him, "Go back first, the miscellaneous family has something to do. .”

"Yes." The little eunuch answered with a bow, the affairs of these big eunuchs can't be managed, the old eunuch and Eunuch Wan in front of him are both very senior eunuchs, they also turned around and left immediately.

For a while, only Tang Tongtai and Eunuch Wan were left, and Eunuch Wan said, "You're pretty smart, go with the miscellaneous family."

"Yes, yes." Seeing that things had finally returned to normal, Tang Tongtai looked relaxed, and hurriedly followed Eunuch Wan.

The two met so coincidentally, of course it was not a coincidence, so far the matter was considered to be progressing, and Tang Tongtai was even more frightened for a while, he knew that the most critical moment was approaching.

But that Mr. Wan showed no expression on his face, he seemed to be pondering a little, the two of them went in the direction of Lingyan Pavilion of Tai Chi Palace! (to be continued..)

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