Training Wu Zhou

Chapter 192: 8 Winds Strike

A good rain, pouring down, once again wet the chaotic city of Chang'an, and a gust of wind rose in the distance, washing the dirty corners over and over again.

Raindrops and dust turn into mud, mud is dirtier than dust, but it is diluted outside the city and inside the city, becoming the cornerstone of survival and fertile fields.

Yes, this is a good rain. Tang Guan came to Chang'an to have the biggest one. The spring rain is as expensive as oil and no longer applicable. Tang Guan rode his horse into the hazy Chang'an with a drizzle. This huge city swallowed him up. An indigestible iron nail.

"Good rain!" Chang Ying heard the thunder, stood outside and cheered, then looked thoughtfully at the room with the closed door over there, and then walked away with a sigh.


There was another thunderclap, in the rain, in the wind, in the dark room.

Tang Guan enjoyed the tenderness of his palms, but his skin, which was supposed to be hot, was a little cold at this moment.

A yellowed book was held in Shangguan Wan'er's hands, she seemed unable to feel Tang Guan's blasphemy, her beautiful eyes stared blankly at the four scrawled small seal characters on the title page.

"Shangguan Tingzhi."

Tang Guan couldn't feel the reaction of the person in his arms, and felt inexplicably irritable in his heart. He couldn't help pulling off the delicate bud. It was ridiculous to say that Tang Guan's behavior at this moment was undoubtedly a little perverted. He didn't dare to go any further, but in his heart The unlimited desire made him want to blaspheme Shangguan Wan'er.

Playing with each other's pepper milk seems to be Tang Guan's greatest pleasure. I have to say that Shangguan Wan'er, as the first woman to have such intimate contact with Tang Guan, is lucky but also unfortunate, as we said before.Tang Guan, who was successful at a young age, lived in his heart with a submissive street writer.

The two lumps of softness in his hand were squeezed and deformed by Tang Guan.In fact, Tang Guan never stripped all the people in his arms, and let her be naked in front of his eyes.He only dared to scratch the itch, reaching into the other's clothes and playing with this woman who was called a toy.

The breast meat penetrated through the fingers, rubbing one ball after another between the palms. It is not difficult to imagine the beauty inside. Tang Guan's immature lower body suddenly swelled extremely uncomfortable. As the movements intensified, Shangguan Wan'er returned from pain. god.

Just when Tang Guan was about to lose his mind, Shangguan Wan'er said coldly: "Enough."

She was neither happy nor angry, as if the two balls Tang Guan was playing with were not her own.

"What did you say?" Tang Guan stopped moving after hearing the words.Looking at Shangguan Wan'er in disbelief.


Shangguan Wan'er's tone was cold, but Tang Guan smiled instead of anger, slowly took out the hand out of her arms, and said with a smile: "That's right, this is you."

"The body of a concubine is worthless, if the gentleman wants it, he can take it, but do you dare?"


As soon as she finished speaking, there was another muffled thunder.Accompanied by the sound of dripping rain, echoes were drawn like Lars.

"You dare?"

"Do I dare!?"

"Hahahaha!" Tang Guan laughed out loud, she would say such a thing.

"Shangguan Wan'er, Shangguan Wan'er, why do you want me to like you?"

Tang Guan's eyes changed.There was a murmur in her mouth, Shangguan Wan'er heard the words and remained silent, the matter has come to an end.Whether it was Tang Guan's vigilance and arrogance, or he did something that made him feel lingering fear.That ridiculous transaction, and this copy signed by his father in his hand.It's not a reason for her to let him play.

Undoubtedly, except for Tang Guan himself, anyone who looks at Tang Guan's masturbation-like behavior will find it ridiculous, but Tang Guan enjoys it. After all, he is close to a god to others, but to himself, But they are real people.

|"The concubine is no longer a member of the Shangguan family, and the concubine dare not accept what belongs to the lord."

Just when Tang Guan's eyes were changing, Shangguan Wan'er stood up and put the Liyuan Sword Dance on the table. Tang Guan couldn't bear it any longer.

"Hey, do I dare, you see if I dare!"

Just when Shangguan Wan'er turned around to leave, Tang Guan suddenly stretched out his hand and pulled her back.

Immediately Tang Guan pulled him to the side of the bed, the sudden change caught Shangguan Wan'er off guard, her face paled instantly, she underestimated Tang Guan's bottom line again.


There was a sound of clothes being ripped, and Shangguan Wan'er heard Tang Guan say in panic, "I know you want to live."


There was another sound, Tang Guan actually peeled Shangguan Wan'er slowly like a lamb waiting to be slaughtered, until now the obscene clothes were exposed.

"I also know that you want to live a better life than anyone else."

Shangguan Wan'er tightly clutched the few clothes she had left, and subconsciously wanted to call for help, but she knew that no one would save him, and there was only a nine-year-old boy in front of her!

Who would have imagined that in this storm, a nine-year-old boy would have such a big desire. If he thought about all the conflicts in the world, he wouldn't concentrate on one person like this. The boy in front of him is a ghost!

Shangguan Wan'er gritted her silver teeth tightly, covering her last resistance tightly, Tang Guan's face was ferocious, perhaps, from the time they met to now, Tang Guan shouldn't have her in his life!

She is a trouble, a terrible trouble, Tang Guan can hide from Wu Zhao, because the other party's status has already been established, and there is no need to think about why she will destroy herself, but Shangguan Wan'er is different, yes, Tang Guan is in front of Wu Zhao. Fear, all his unspeakable secrets can be summed up in two words, that is fear.

He was afraid that one day this woman would become his enemy. He saw too much forbearance in her and the little thoughts he hated the most, and he never put himself in her shoes to think about her, to possess, to obtain, to conquer, to use for himself , became the main theme between them.

No matter which point, there is no liking element. The young Tang Guan has gained too much and lost too much.

He thought that even if she was completely violated by him, she would maintain her terrifying nature and continue to bear it, but he didn't notice the determination in the panicked eyes of the people. Yes, Shangguan Wan'er was completely desperate for Tang Guan. In the impression that a gentleman is like the wind, Tang Guan, who is gentle and a little bit bad-tempered, is gone.

As long as Tang Guan dared to take a step beyond the threshold, the silver teeth she was biting on the tip of her tongue would fall down without hesitation.

Just when Tang Guan's heart was hardened and he was only one step away from that fatal mistake.

Suddenly, an inappropriate voice sounded out of nowhere in the room.

"Hehe, it's a coincidence that the old man came, and it spoiled the happy event of the number one scholar."


There was a sudden thunder outside the room, and Tang Guan's back felt chills. He quickly turned his head, and with the flash of light, a person in a Taoist robe was sitting on the desk at some point.

The most frightening thing is that this person's expression is half a smile but not a smile, like a ghost!

At the same time, in the howling wind and rain, one after another of black shadows quickly approached Baoshe with the sound of earth-shattering thunder.


The gust of wind passed by, "Bang!"

The door of Baoshe was knocked open with a loud noise, and dozens of figures stood outside. Under the dark sky, they were wearing bamboo hats, but the leader was a tall and strong man.

"Kill!" (To be continued...)

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