Training Wu Zhou

Chapter 204: Treat if you are sick

(Happy New Year, the plot begins to turn, and Tang Guan's training journey begins)


"Wan'er, the person who wrote this poem is called Du Fu, heh, he is also a poor man."

In the dark room, Tang Guan held a yellowed thread-bound book, flipping through the pages while talking to himself.

The girl on the bed was still unconscious, with a bloody face.

This scene is indescribably eerie.

At this moment, the door was quietly opened, and a bright light entered the room. Tang Guan subconsciously squinted his eyes, and then wanted to scold the visitor.

Yes, he was tired of people interrupting his last time with her.

It is impossible to split the human heart in two. This is an important reason why many women think that men in the world are ruthless. Persistence in parting is love. [

A man's love is full of contradictions and possessiveness.

But at this moment Tang Guan only belonged to Shangguan Wan'er, even Lin Yuxun could only be temporarily buried in his heart.

But the angry scolding had just reached his throat, and he swallowed it back. Tang Guan stared blankly at the person who came. A white-haired old man was standing with his back bent in the sun.

"Are you here to take me away?"

Tang Guan looked at the person who came and murmured, could it be that his prayer was answered, that the old man who brought him finally wanted to end this farce?

"Xiao Langjun, I am the old king!"

But as soon as the old man made a sound, Tang Guan was immediately woken up.


The sudden drop made Tang Guan's eyes blur.The person who came has already walked in front of him.

"Xiao Langjun, you are"

The person who came showed his true face, it was Lao Wang, and he first glanced at Tang Guan who was in a daze, and then glanced at Shangguan Wan'er on the bed in surprise.Chang Ying really didn't lie to him, seeing this scene, he was already sure in his heart.

In Tang Guan's heart, the surprise was finally defeated by the sadness, and the emotions that had been mobilized suddenly fell back. He looked at Shangguan Wan'er again and said softly: "Wan'er, this is our Uncle Wang. He is a good man, don't be afraid."

"Hiss~" Old Wang secretly gasped when he heard this. These two young people should be at a lively age, but they are so gloomy, and Tang Guan, who is at home, has always been lively. Feel bad.

It wasn't until Tang Guan finished speaking that he raised his head and said, "Why are you here?"

"Hey." Old Wang saw Tang Guan who was neither human nor ghost.She didn't even answer his words, but sighed heavily, then frowned and looked at Shangguan Wan'er. [

"This doll is very handsome."

"You get out!" Tang Guan's tone immediately became heavier when he heard the words, and he didn't care about how Lao Wang got here, but Lao Wang's words hit his sore spot.

Lao Wang didn't leave after hearing the words, and still stood there. Tang Guan's strictness might be useful to people like Chang Ying and Xiao Qi.But it has very little effect on him as an elder.

Seeing this, Tang Guan felt annoyed, and said again: "You"

"Xiao Langjun, your parents miss you, let me come and see you."

Tang Guan's words were stopped again, and the room suddenly fell silent. After a long time, Tang Guan said: "Are they all okay?"

Old Wang was overjoyed when he saw this, it seemed that Tang Guan hadn't gone crazy yet, so he immediately said with a smile on his face, "Okay, everything is fine."

"Uncle Wang. You go out." Tang Guan said noncommittal when he heard the words, but this time his voice softened.

Old Wang shook his head when he heard the words, and said: "Little Lang, Miss Xun'er asked me to give this to you. The master has already read your letter. But you also know that the road is too far, and the weather is still too cold. The young lady's body is still weak. Can't stand it, but she's glad to know."

Lao Wang fumbled for an embroidered handkerchief from his bosom as he spoke. This embroidered handkerchief was finely stitched, and it looked like it was carefully sewn. Tang Guanwenyin finally had a wave of emotion in his heart. They are all extremely important women, and they cannot be embroidered because of Shangguan. Wan'er completely abandoned Lin Yuxun, which is why Tang Guan apologized to the official Wan'er. The love is so close to life and death, not only one party dares to agree, but the other party will also use this courage, but Tang Guan knows that he can't, he has too much. Too much burden.

Lao Wang completely regarded Shangguan Wan'er as air in his words, and when he saw Tang Guan reaching out to pick it up, he hurriedly handed it over.

I saw Tang Guan slowly undoing the square embroidered handkerchief, and then it freezes. The things wrapped in the embroidered handkerchief are very small, and what floats in front of his eyes is actually a grasshopper.

A grasshopper with a strange color, not colorful, only yellow and red.

"Shua." Suddenly Tang Guan's head became hot, the ingenuity of fate is like this, this is the perseverance when separation, this grasshopper came quietly with his fate with Lin Yuxun, at first it was used to comfort the bereaved mother However, she appeared in Tang Guan's hands one after another in the future, and accompanied him through the difficulties.

Once in the state government office, he was tortured by Liu Xun until he lost his shape, and even lost the ability to pick up the grasshopper, but Tang Guan's ambition was completely aroused at that moment, he remembered what he said, there is always One day no one can stop him from getting what he wants.

But this time, it appeared here again, when Tang Guan was about to lose another love in his life. It appeared. Tang Guan stared straight at the grasshopper. It carried the fragrance of Lin Yuxun's body floating in the palm of his hand.

Old Wang saw that Tang Guan was staring blankly, so he couldn't bear to disturb him, but he secretly rejoiced in his heart. Whether Tang Guan was precocious or not, it was the best solution for this kind of emotional injury. As a man, he still lived dozens more A young man naturally understands what a man thinks, half and half of which is shared by every man.

Immediately he looked away, looked at Shangguan Wan'er again, and said in his heart: "This baby is born well, but the origin is a bit scary."

Thinking of this, he glanced at Tang Guan again, nodded secretly again and said: "It's a pity to die, but if you are sick, you have to be cured. Why are you crying so hard?"

Lao Wang thought about it and couldn't help but said: "Xiao Langjun, don't you have no money on you? Our family's flying money can also be used in Chang'an."

Originally Tang Guan was in a trance, when he heard his words, he couldn't help saying: "What did you say?"

"Xiao Langjun, if you are sick, you should be treated. If one is not good, let's invite the next one. There are so many doctors, do you have no money on you?"

Seeing Tang Guan's puzzled face, Lao Wang secretly shook his head. This is the most basic principle of seeing a doctor. Tang Guan is too young after all. The name of the imperial physician is really scary, but in fact it is just a name.

Of course, Lao Wang didn't know that the imperial doctor had already come to see him, so he said this, thinking that Tang Guan couldn't afford to hire a doctor. He was someone who had experienced officialdom and knew that some officials had power but no money. The official is not a fool, but a political life like Pei Yan.

Whether Tang Guan is a fool or not, there really was a period of time in Lao Wang's impression.

Tang Guan didn't seem to hear clearly, and asked again: "What did you say?"

"Are you out of money?" Old Wang repeated, looking at Tang Guan's appearance, he couldn't help taking two steps back secretly, afraid that he was going to do something stupid.

"No! Next sentence!"

"If you are sick, treat it!" Old Wang was shocked when he saw Tang Guan's excited appearance, but he still stammered and repeated.

As soon as these words came out, Tang Guan's eyes lit up suddenly, and he murmured: "Yes, if you are sick, you should be cured, if you are sick, you should be cured, you are right, if you are sick, you should be cured."

"Come on!"

After Tang Guan finished speaking, he raised his head and yelled loudly. Lao Wang then confirmed that Tang Guan was fine, and hurriedly stepped forward to help him up, but he still asked in doubt: "Xiao Langjun, what's wrong with you?"

But Tang Guan ignored him and continued to shout: "Come here!"

Immediately, under the support of Old Wang, he sat down slowly, and then continued to mutter: "If you are sick, treat it, if you are sick, treat it."

"Come here! Invite all the doctors from Quan Chang'an!" (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point to vote, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile phone users, please go to m read.)

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