Training Wu Zhou

Chapter 207: He Qiyue and Feng Xiaobao

Accompanying capital, Luoyang.

A piece of medical-seeking order spread quickly, and the words Tang Qubing were no strangers to the folks. The common people didn’t know the difference between the imperial list and ordinary notices. conspicuous.

At this moment, a young man was walking down the street with a red face. It could be seen that he seemed extremely excited. He only heard that he liked it and murmured: "500 taels, 500 taels."

The young man walked and talked, and stopped in front of a medicine hall after walking for a while. There was still a burst of medicinal fragrance wafting from it. The young man looked up at the plaque on the door. Although he was illiterate, this place was where he often came to. , Familiarity is inevitable.

The word "Hua Ren Tang" was written in the letter. After confirming that they were familiar with each other, the young man knew that he had gone the right way, and saw that there was a person empty in the medicine hall, so he walked in carelessly. As soon as he entered the door, he shouted: "Abandon treatment, abandon treatment !"

As soon as he finished his words, there was a response, the young man smiled slightly when he saw this, and opened the curtain over there, it turned out that the medicine hall was unique, behind the door was a single courtyard, and the courtyard was full of medicinal herbs.

"Abandon treatment! Haha, big brother is here to see you!"

The young man glanced at the back of a young man in the courtyard, and said to himself: "This boy is indeed here."

He swaggered forward and threw the things behind him on the ground, but the young man ignored him, as if he was squatting down and concentrating on picking some herbs. [

I saw this young man wearing a linen white robe, although his back was facing each other, but he could vaguely detect that the other party was about ten years old, a little older than Tang Guan, and about the same age as Shangguan Wan'er.

"Hush." ​​The boy didn't signal to keep silent until he approached, and the young man seemed to be used to this scene.Standing aside silently.

Until the boy stopped moving and slowly got up.After clapping his hands, he stepped forward and said, "Give up the treatment. I'm here"

As soon as he spoke, the young man said without turning his head: "Brother Xiaobao, I'll go to the kitchen and get it for you. Let's go after eating."

After all, the young man started to leave, but the young man hurriedly grabbed him and dragged him to turn around. Only then did he see the young man's appearance clearly, and saw that the young man's facial features were regular.Although there was some impatience between the eyebrows towards the young man in front of him, his gentleness remained undiminished, and there was still a faint smile in his eyes.

Although this appearance is not as feminine and handsome as Xiao Qi's to the extreme, but at first glance, he is a rare gentle man among men, but this young man seems a little shy, and was grabbed by the young man, and he frowned and said: "Xiao Qi Brother Bao, what are you going to do?"

Seeing this, the young man chuckled and said, "Abandoning treatment, you underestimate brother. I have really encountered a good thing. With your ability, we will make a fortune!"

The young man frowned when he heard the words, and the young man said mysteriously: "Have you ever seen so much 500 taels of silver!?"

The young man shook his head upon hearing the sound.Then he looked at his words and said: "Brother Xiaobao, I beg the master to let you do the work too, and you can follow me to gather herbs in the future."

"Abandon the treatment! Did you listen to me!" The young man saw that the young man answered irrelevantly.Can't help being annoyed.

"Brother Xiaobao, I know what you think. But do you know who that person is?"

The young man stopped when he heard the words, but the young man slowly squatted down.Stretching out his hand, he continued to arrange the herbs and said, "That man is Tang Qubing, a nine-year-old number one scholar. He was accepted by the Wenyuan in the same year and forced to death Luo Guangguan in the south. The prime minister was very polite when he saw him."

The young man picked up some points while talking, but when it came to this, even he himself was horrified, Tang Guan's deeds were not mentioned, if outsiders mentioned it coherently, it would only make people's hair stand on end.

The young man was taken aback by his series of words, and it took him a long time to react and said: "Oh, I don't care whether he is a pig or a dog. I, Feng Xiaobao, have never seen so much money in my life. We have this Yinzi, you can open a medical clinic by yourself!"

"Abandon treatment!" [

"Brother Xiaobao, stop talking, you don't even know how powerful this man is." The young man shook his head slightly, his words full of fear towards Tang Guan.

It turns out that the young man's name is Feng Xiaobao, and the boy's name is He Qiyue. If these two names fall into Tang Guan's ears, the former will surely make him feel struck by lightning, and the latter will make him laugh out loud.

They have known each other since they were young, and they are both lonely and lonely. Speaking of their relationship, their relationship is somewhat similar to that of Niu Lang and Xiao Qi, but Feng Xiaobao, the eldest brother, is obviously not as reliable as Niu Lang, so He Qixi was seen by the old doctor in the early years. In the middle, I came here for an errand.

A few years older than Feng Xiaobao, he has been mingling in the market place, crawling around, full of the atmosphere of the market place, but He Qiyue is not like him, it is also due to fate, let him be educated and reasonable, as to why Feng Xiaobao believes in He Qiyue so much Of course, there is a story in this, but it can only be said in the future.

It can be seen that He Qiyue is a gentle and shy young man, but his best friend and even some relatives are actually street hooligans like Feng Xiaobao.

When Feng Xiaobao saw He Qiyue's rebuff, he also showed embarrassment. In fact, he also had his own unspeakable secrets. There was a princess in the city, the daughter of the country. By chance, Feng Xiaobao came into contact with the maid in the inner palace. Although Feng Xiaobao was not born well, he was glib. , came and went, and even got involved.

But Feng Xiaobao also knew that this matter was not a fire, and he worked hard to sell medicine every day in order to collect some money to stay and fly with the maid named Linggu, or elope to put it bluntly.

At this time, Tang Guan's order to seek medical treatment is a golden opportunity. The Tang family is now richer than before. Through Chen Yunsheng and Tang Guan, the private boat of the Tang family was once more fearsome than the pirates in Zhejiang and Hangzhou. .

Tang Guan didn't think that this was corruption. The Tang family's money was not stolen, robbed, or corrupted. His official position was also bet on his life step by step, so this was also a big blow to Tang Guan's values. It caused a great impact. In fact, to put it bluntly, this is the so-called sprout of capitalism, but later Tang Guan put on it the cloak of imperial power.

Of course, these are all things to say later, 500 taels is a huge fortune for a person like Feng Xiaobao, and it makes him, a person who is dead if he takes a step forward, and dies if he takes a step back, be moved.

But he also knew that he was incapable, and his death would be in vain if he went there, but the young man in front of him was different, maybe not many people knew about his abilities, but as the person who had the closest relationship with him, he happened to be one of them.

Thinking of this, Feng Xiaobao's heart moved, and he slowly sat beside the young man and said, "Abandoning treatment, I have dragged you down all these years."

As soon as the words came out, the young man paused, Feng Xiaobao sighed softly and said: "When I was young, I was afraid that you would be bullied, so I hid you in some jar, don't hate me."

"Brother Xiaobao, you?" Feng Xiaobao's completely different tone from the past finally moved He Qishang's face. The past is full of twists and turns. Although Feng Xiaobao is not a qualified big brother, without him, he would definitely not be who he is now.

"Give up the treatment, if one day the eldest brother disappears, you should play hard, make a good appearance, and burn a few sticks of incense in front of the dilapidated house we used to live in during the holidays."

Speaking of this, Feng Xiaobao also felt sad. He couldn't control the work in his crotch for a while, and he did something like adultery with the princess's maid. Once it was exposed, he knew what would happen.

Originally, he still wanted to impress the young man with an emotional offensive, but as he spoke, he predicted his end, and a big man choked up.

Seeing this, He Qiyue frowned. It seemed that something serious had happened to this good friend, and he couldn't help saying: "Okay, brother Xiaobao, don't cry, I'll just help you."

As soon as his words fell, Feng Xiaobao raised his head and looked at him in disbelief, and suddenly turned from sadness to joy and said with a smile: "I knew you boy would definitely help me."

He Qiyue shook his head and smiled when he heard the words, and then said softly: "However, I don't know if I can take a good look, if so"

"Give up the treatment, don't worry! It doesn't matter if you don't see it well, brother will not let anyone kill you if you risk your life!"

"You." He Qiyue shook his head and smiled wryly when he heard the words, and then murmured: "Even if you have nine lives, it's not enough to fight with others."

"What did you say?" Feng Xiaobao was so excited that he didn't hear him clearly, so he asked.

He Qiyue smiled lightly when he heard the words, "It's all right."

"Then pack up quickly, pack up, let's go to Chang'an now!"

Feng Xiaobao got up and patted his buttocks with a smile on his face, but He Qiyue glanced at the empty medicine hall in front of the hall with some reluctance, and said: "Why don't you wait for the master to come back, and I'll tell him before leaving."

"You are stupid, the old guy is here, you can't leave!"

After all, Feng Xiaobao pulled He Qiyue and walked out the door, He Qiyue frowned and said, "I'll get some clothes before I go."

"Take whatever you want, we will have 500 taels when we go, and you can wear whatever you want!"

"Abandon treatment, do you have any silver with you?"

But just walking to the street, Feng Xiaobao stopped again and asked He Qiyue.

He Qiyue nodded when he heard the words, Feng Xiaobao grinned and said: "Then let's find a car along the way, we should be able to arrive before dark."

After finishing speaking, he dragged He Qiyue into the crowd, and in the crowd, He Qiyue looked back at the medicine hall behind him, and then at Feng Xiaobao, who was excitedly leading him forward, and then his eyes flashed resolutely. (To be continued..)

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