Training Wu Zhou

Chapter 223: The old servant knows Tang Guan from his mouth

The next day, early in the morning.

Before the rooster crowed, He Qiyue got up early and woke Feng Xiaobao up, and after repeatedly exhorting Feng Xiaobao, he left happily with money in his arms.

He Qiyue stood at the corner and looked at his back, and he looked away after a long time.

"Brother Xiaobao, take care of yourself." He Qiyue didn't dare to say what he hadn't said until after he left. He stood in a white robe in the morning sun, rustling, what is a gentleman?In front of others, without talking about human affairs, searching all over the world, anyone with thaumaturgy is arrogant, but he lacks that arrogance and has more tenderness.

If Tang Guan could see this situation, he might feel even more conflicted in his heart. If such a person is really the real Feng Xiaobao in history as he expected, then how can he explain those crazy things later?

"Doctor He, you got up so early."

At this moment, a voice suddenly came from behind him, He Qiyue looked over after hearing the sound, cupped his hands and said: "Uncle Wang, you are also quite early."

"Me? Haha, I'm old and I can't sleep anymore." The person behind He Qiyue is Lao Wang, who wakes up early and wanders around. He knows that young people are sleepy, such as Tang Guan who doesn't sleep until the sun is high at home and never gives up.

"Uncle Wang, are you going?" Seeing that Lao Wang was dressed neatly, He Qiyue thought he was going out, so he couldn't help asking.

Old Wang Wenyin shook his head and said with a smile: "Walk around leisurely, why don't you take a walk with the old man?"

"Oh, I won't delay you, I..." He Qiyi waved his hands hurriedly when he heard the words, but he couldn't continue speaking halfway. He subconsciously wanted to say that he was going to grind the medicine, but then he remembered that he was not in the medical center Among them, where can the medicine be grinded.

For a moment he didn't know what to do when he got up so early, Old Wang smiled knowingly when he saw this.Said: "Go."

After all, Pharaoh walked ahead with his hands behind his back.Seeing this, He Qiyi had no choice but to follow, after all, the other party was an elder.It's hard to turn down the hospitality, not to mention it's okay, even if there's something to do, when it comes to this, it's his nature to accompany him.

Immediately, the two walked slowly around the corner, Lao Wang looked up at the deserted street and said with a smile: "This is Chang'an, I haven't been here for some years."

He Qiyue was silent when he heard the words, and then he seemed to think of something, and said to the old Wang: "Uncle Wang, I would like to ask, is there a discount for the promissory note of the Tang family when it arrives in Luoyang?"

Old Wang seemed to realize something when he heard the words, and played with his taste: "You child, just like my young master, only misses others."

He Qiyue was taken aback when he heard the words, and was about to ask again, but Lao Wang waved his hand and said: "Don't worry, there might be one or two or two zero deductions before, but now my young master has received the favor of the Holy One. Long-eyed, if you dare to detain my Tang family's goods ticket, as long as your brother is not stupid, he will not be short-changed."

Lao Wang knew that He Qizhi was worried about Feng Xiaobao.Feng Xiaobao didn't know how to fly money, and he was afraid that he would be framed by others. After all, many extremely complicated interest rates were involved in this thing.Ordinary people seldom have contact, and he also knows a thing or two in the few opportunities.

The two talked while walking.When he reached a bridgehead, Old Wang barely stopped.Seeing this, He Qiyue thought he was tired from walking, and wanted to step forward to help him, but Lao Wang said, "Go back, I have to order the stove to boil."

He Qiyue nodded silently when he heard the words, but he was aroused by Lao Wang's words. The name Tang Qubing is undoubtedly very famous among the people. One of the reasons is that it does not mean that if Wu Zhao dotes on him, he will be respected by others. Although some of Tang Guan's real materials are plagiarized, in any case, he has quickly accumulated a lot of money while speculating. big prestige.

People may not know who the prime minister of the ever-changing court is today, and who the emperor will be tomorrow, but as long as the officials can be remembered by the people, the official rank will be automatically ignored, and this is why there are so many folk stories in China One of the reasons, such as Di Renjie, Bao Zheng, etc., their actual official positions are not as big as the folk rumors.

Of course, what Tang Guan passed down was only a lifetime talent, and it was not as good as those famous ministers who passed down through the ages. Their names came from their political achievements to the people, but Tang Guan's talent name was forcibly spread by Wu Zhao.

But no matter what, He Qiyue was still in awe of Tang Guan and was full of curiosity. When he was seeing a doctor, he could uphold the principle of not asking questions. When he was free, his heart was not so rigid.

Of course Huairou is as soft as him, so I dare not ask directly, I only hope that Lao Wang can say more, but fortunately, Lao Wang also responded to the situation, and said on the way back: "My young master is hard-spoken and soft-hearted, someday if he gets angry at you for something He Yilang has to be patient for a while."

It can be seen that Lao Wang is very fond of He Qiyue, a young man, and this is also a common practice of people. Young talents like He Qiyue are often likable, but He Qiyue was surprised when he heard the words. If you get angry with yourself, then you have no life left, but listening to Lao Wang's words, Tang Guan doesn't seem to be that scary.

For a while, He Qiyue began to think to himself, what kind of person is Tang Guan? According to the story, he is the face leader of the future.

But the story is the story. After seeing it with his own eyes, He Qiyue still couldn't understand what kind of person Tang Guan was, because he had seen his two sides, he saw Tang Guan's madness, and even sent people to smash the store to grab the medicine. , but I have also accepted his gentleness, and I don't hesitate to give it up, so that I am commensurate with myself, a humble brother.

All these things made He Qiyue feel contradictory. In fact, this is right. If it were not like this, Tang Guan would never be where he is today. Half of what he relies on is his moodiness like Wu Zhao, and the other half is coincidence. If he can understand Tang Guan, then he doesn't have to mess around in court anymore.

The unrestricted meeting with Li Yuanjia interpreted Tang Guan's character. When others thought he had to flatter him, he would provoke him;

Just because Tang Guan in the temple never trusted anyone, even if Chen Yun was promoted to Beijing as an official, once there was a conflict with Tang Guan, Tang Guan would beat him back to his original form without hesitation.

Fortunately, Chen Yunsheng, Tang Guan's only political ally at present, will not and cannot be an enemy of Tang Guan.

In other words, what Tang Guan is afraid of is not a god-like opponent, but a pig-like teammate. Taking Li Yuanjia as an example, at the banquet, they clearly know that this person is a disaster, and they are enthusiastic about him. Being smart doesn't mean you're pretending to be a snake.

Some people may say that Tang Guan is an insider of history, and of course he knows how to stand in line. In fact, when things come to an end, Tang Guan has no advantage at all, but Wu Chengsi and Wu Sansi also know that their aunt has long been trying to deal with it. This person wished that someone would provoke him as soon as possible, but they still had thoughts in their hearts, they were greedy for comfort, and of course they still hoped that they would not rebel, and they could live in peace like this.

This is not ruthless enough, Tang Guan is an official and Pei Yan is very similar, Pei Yan once said to Tang Guan the word "official", to overwhelm the public, the way of being an official, to overwhelm yourself.

When Pei Yan said this, Tang Guan thought that he wanted to make himself a clean official, but in fact, he only guessed right at that time. The so-called overthrowing oneself means not only overthrowing sex, but also ruthlessness!

Looking at Pei Yan's life as an official, he disobeyed the emperor's order to slaughter the city at night, betrayed his righteousness and remonstrated with frugality, Gaozong died in front of his bed, he had no choice but to raise Wu Zhao, did he really have no regrets in his life?

Yes, he really has no shame in his heart. In the official history, he still scolded Wu Zhao until his death. What is ruthless? This is ruthless. When your opponent is completely tearing his face away from you, he knows he is going to lose but he will not stop dying!

Just because you have your own beliefs in your heart, you must defeat the opponent standing in the front, even if the one standing in front is a good person, or a good official!

If killing one person can save thousands of people, kill it!If killing tens of millions of people can save the world, kill!

Of course, it was all of these that made Tang Guan a mystery, and He Qizhi couldn't figure out what Tang Guan was thinking despite all his thoughts.

For a while, they could only silently follow behind Lao Wang. The two of them didn't walk very far, but the time for chatting

But it took up a large part of it, and the sun was slowly rising. Seeing this, Pharaoh couldn't help speeding up his pace. (to be continued..)

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