Training Wu Zhou

Chapter 227: A confidant is rare and how many people stay 1

Yelang is rare, and after Tang Guan took good care of Shangguan Wan'er, it is inevitable that he has to tidy up before he can go to sleep.

After coaxing him down first, Tang Guan walked out of the room with the wooden barrel in his hand, and was about to find a place to throw it away, when a gentle voice suddenly came from behind him.

"Go to the sick brother."

Tang Guan's heart moved when he heard the sound, and he put down the barrel leisurely, then turned his head and said, "Brother Qizhi, you haven't slept so late?"

"I" saw a hesitant young man in white clothes standing behind Tang Guan. It was He Qiyao who was forcibly pulled back to the full house by Chang Ying during the day. Tang Guan had been standing on the top of the wall silently watching the slaves enter the city. Did not go to see him.

But Tang Guan still remembers the daytime scene today, and he didn't know why Qiju was going to make a fuss, and he rushed into the crowd to save the slave mother and child.

Tang Guan looked He Qiyue up and down, and saw that he was still covering his chest with one hand, his clothes seemed to have not been changed, and there was a dark red faintly showing at the hole where he was whipped, it was expected that he had bandaged hastily.

Seeing this, Tang Guan frowned and said, "Brother Qizhi, are you alright?"

He Qiyue didn't answer when he heard the words, he hesitated on his face, hesitant to speak several times, and after a long time, he seemed to muster up his courage, and said in a warm voice: "Brother Qubing, why didn't you save the poor mother and child during the day? If you speak, they will definitely let the child go, and they don't know if the little brother is dead or alive now."[

At first, He Qiyue seemed to be asking Tang Guan, but he turned into a muttering to himself. Tang Guan was taken aback when he heard the words, then shook his head, smiled and squatted down to continue pouring his water.

Seeing this, He Qiyue frowned, took two steps forward and said, "Brother Qubing, don't you have any compassion?"

"Brother Qiji, do you know who they are?" Tang Guan finally responded when he saw that he kept asking.

He Qiyue sarcastically said, "I know you want to say they are slaves."

"Since you know they are slaves, you still want me to save them?"

Tang Guan became interested when he heard the sound, He Qiyi was really interesting, he, the "culprit" who wasted money and money, didn't have much guilt, and he, an outsider, got entangled.

"What happened to slaves!? Are slaves not human!?"

After He Qiyue heard the word "slave", he seemed to be extremely excited, and even blushed and shouted out.

Tang Guan couldn't help being taken aback when he saw this. He Qiyue had always given him the impression that he was an extremely reserved and shy person. It seemed that he would not talk loudly to others when he was in a hurry, but today he was very excited.

Thinking of this, Tang Guan's expression remained unchanged, anticipating that there was something to say, he immediately fell silent and continued to dump the wooden barrel in his hand.

He knew that these so-called slaves did not necessarily commit any crimes and were used as slaves. He also knew that a large part of them were arrested and made slaves for no reason. , There are also refugees without craftsmanship, and there may be some innocent refugees from all over the country.

"Brother Qubing, the next level of grassroots dare not talk about the affairs of the court, but He is a doctor, so he should be kind. That boy is still younger than Brother Qubing, but he was unfairly punished. I just want to Ask Brother Qu Bing, which law of the king has he violated to be tortured!?"

Seeing Tang Guan's indifference, He Qiyue became famous in his heart. Tang Guan was famous for his talents. He also read the paper asking for thieves to pay. The words in the text were not on the side of the people, but at this time he saw the injustice. So insensitive.

For a moment, He Qiyue refused to give in, and stared at Tang Guan full of doubts after he finished speaking, but Tang Guan seemed to have no reaction after listening to it, until he poured out the water in the bucket, he turned his head and said: "Ah, you just said What? I'm sorry, but I'm not happy with what I do. "

After all, Tang Guan looked at He Qiyue jokingly. He didn't expect to meet a "true saint". Of course, Tang Guan heard what he said, but the two people's positions were very different, so he responded honestly. I'm afraid that He Qixiu won't understand. [

It's better to be sloppy and let it go. His purpose of keeping this person is not to kill two birds with one stone and keep Feng Xiaobao, but to raise a fool. Keeping this person can not only have a medical skill but also indirectly lock Feng Xiaobao.

Even if his various guesses were wrong, it would be a shame whether they were the real Feng Xiaobao, anyway, if he caught one, the other would be in his hand.

Seeing that Tang Guan said such words, He Qiyue was already angry with others, but He Qiyue was furious. Ordinary people would yell and curse when they get angry, but his persistence kept talking, and he immediately said: "Okay, Since Brother Qubing didn’t hear clearly, then I’ll say it again until Brother Qubing hears it clearly!”

The two stood opposite each other in the dark, Tang Guan couldn't help being dumbfounded when he heard this, there really are such cute and innocent people in the world, he is not afraid of himself at this time.

Tang Guan's guess was right. He Qiyue, who became obsessed, really put Tang Guan's identity aside temporarily, only to see him looking directly at Tang Guan with fear and saying: "Brother Qubing, I just want to ask about your child Which king's law did you violate, and you have to suffer other people's criminal law for nothing!?"

Seeing this, Tang Guan was delighted, but he underestimated He Qiyue a little bit. For a while, Tang Guan was silent with his hands behind his back, and He Qiyue stared at him after he finished speaking.

There was a lot of movement here, which naturally attracted Chang Ying who had been paying close attention to Tang Guan. He walked out immediately when he heard the sound in the room. Seeing the scene here, he wanted to come, but Tang Guan gave him a wink. Ying was taken aback when he saw this, and after a glance, he returned to the room.

He Qiyue turned his back to Chang Ying and naturally didn't notice it, but just stared at Tang Guan intently, as if he wanted to get an answer from his face.

And Tang Guan didn't dislike his ink marks, but he was very interested, but he still didn't respond, he wanted to see what else He Qiyue could say.

But after the two looked at each other for a long time, He Qiyue didn't say a word. Seeing this, Tang Guan smiled lightly and said, "Brother Qiyue, even if I saved that child today, do you think there will be another one?"

Tang Guan was silent for a moment and finally used his best rhetorical question. This kind of rhetorical question is absolutely useful for people who are not persistent, because once they ask, that person will immediately understand the difficulty.

But He Qiyue was otherwise, when he heard this, although he vaguely understood what Tang Guan wanted to say, he still said: "If there is one, I will save one, if there are two, I will save two!"

"Huh?" Tang Guan, who was still casual at first, was moved when he heard this, and then he took a serious look at He Qiyue again. His words sounded like someone from the Tang Sect.

That rainy night Tang Sect Taoist said: "There is a father who kills one, and there are two fathers who kill two, until no one thinks about it."

Apparently, He Qiyue's idea coincides with that Taoist's, but one is to save people, and the other is to kill.

But things in the world are like this, everyone has a different position, and their attachments will also be different, just like he can impress Cheng Wuting with a few words, they are all people in the officialdom, they are hostile for a while, as long as they find common ground, they can stand together immediately.

But at this time, He Qiyue looked like a Jianghu person, even though he had the power to restrain a chicken, Tang Guan was still a little surprised.

He couldn't understand what people like He Qiyue had in their heads. Slaves are a kind of system. He was born from the origin of the country, and it is also in line with the interests of this era. It can even be said to be against the times.

As a three-time traveler, Tang Guan has experienced a short but ups and downs in the official career. He has long been worn out. Naturally, he will not be arrogant enough to have the idea of ​​quickly stepping into modernization and entering a civilized society.

He can only infiltrate softly, and then gradually make changes. Now he can't protect himself, let alone protect others. The reason for Mingtang is because of him. Since he did it, he thought of taking on these so-called sins.

On the other hand, He Qiyue seems to have an unknown story, and he is brooding about what he saw during the day, so at this time he has the courage to confront Tang Guan tit for tat. (To be continued.)

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