Training Wu Zhou

Chapter 232: The Funniest Rebellion in History 3

With the ever-changing situation in Chang'an, Cheng Huaibi, a famous general, later became Wu Zhao's "secret chief". Back then, his ancestors followed the Li family's iron horse Jin Ge and conquered a huge country. Go, whether he wants to or not, we don't know, only that he seems to have to.

The incident broke out suddenly overnight, and Li Yuanjia, who was far away in Luzhou, also turned the few remaining black hairs into silver strands that night.

"Report, Prince Fan Yang's family has already moved out."

Li Yuanjia sat on the chair and listened blankly to the report.

Three days later, he realized that his most trusted nephew had left him. Of course he knew where he went and what he was going there for.


The teacup fell to the ground and shattered into pieces. He didn't blame why his subordinates didn't notice such a big movement, because he never thought that the nephew who swore so hard would defect.

None of the prince's sons and grandsons who were at odds with him back then failed to tear him down at this juncture, but the son of his closest brother drove him into ruin.

This is a matter for the entire Li family. At this moment, all the princes and grandchildren of the Li family have abandoned the past festivals, even if they stand still, they will not be stupid enough to make a whistleblower. [

For a while, Li Yuanjia suddenly felt that it was so ridiculous that he had done so much.

Yes, he himself thought it was ridiculous to resist Wu Zhao, but he had to.

History is actually so interesting. Sometimes the process is complicated, but the result makes people laugh.

King Lu, Li Lingkui's residence.

"My lord!"

"My lord!"

"Wake up, old prince!"


The old man on the seat sprinkled a mouthful of old blood on the secret letter in his hand, and his subordinates hurried forward to appease him.

This old man is Li Lingkui, king of Lu, and the biological father of Li Ai, the informer who came to Beijing.

"The thief!"

After saying that, Li Lingkui opened his eyes, and was pissed to death on the chair.

The governor of Yuzhou, Li Zhenfu. [

"How could this be?"

Li Zhen's face was pale and she murmured, as the real No. [-] figure in this anti-military movement, he changed from struggling at the beginning to being decisive, and he had already risked his life and wealth.

As long as they react suddenly and completely, there is still a possibility of one in ten thousand, but this possibility is gone now.

"My lord, this matter can't be done anymore. The demon queen has learned about the king's army's plan. I'm afraid the hearts of the kings are fluctuating. Why don't we go to Beijing to plead guilty and leave this matter on the king of Han, and leave the green hill behind, okay?"

A counselor looked at the distraught Li Zhen, and his heart was completely shaken.

Li Zhen hesitated when she heard the words, the counselor's words were unreasonable, anyway they did not turn against each other, according to later generations it is called "attempted crime", maybe there is still a chance of survival by following Li Ai's example.

Thinking of this, Li Zhen pondered secretly.

At the time when the general rebellion was not yet rebellious, the kings from all walks of life naturally communicated closely, and the speed of this news was much faster than that of the eight hundred miles in the army.

For a moment, Li Aisheng judged that the news that Wu Zhao had already grasped the plan of himself and others circulated crazily. This is not the "rumour that was reposted five hundred times" in later generations, but a real catastrophe is imminent!

No way, at dawn, Wu Zhao's army will crush him from the horizon!

But just when Li Zhen was hesitating whether to live in mediocrity, his son Li Chong, king of Langya, made a "decisive" decision completely different from his father's when he received the news.

Langya King Li Chong is a young man, his first name is Chong, and his surname is Zi Yechong. The word Langya is really not for nothing.

In Bozhou, who was making the final mobilization of his subordinates, he suddenly received the news of the thunderbolt, and said to his confidantes in the tent: "The Queen of Heaven has learned, whether to oppose or not, we are all responsible." The principle of survival."

"Little prince, the preparations of the princes have not continued, why don't I wait and see for a while, and wait for the old prince to send a message."

"No!" Li Chong interrupted with a wave of his hand. He has the most advantageous geographical environment among the kings. As long as he crosses the Yellow River, he can go straight to the capital. In his mind, as long as the thousands of troops under his command work hard, when the soldiers approach the city, they will be caught off guard. , when all the kings gathered within the agreed time, they would definitely kill Wu Zhao in the palace.

Of course I want to think about it, let's analyze what kind of role this person is playing in this joke, I want to sum it up in one sentence.

"It's just because I was too young at the time, I couldn't tell if it was a human or a dog."

Li Chong pondered in his heart for a moment, and instantly affirmed that his ambition and great cause were feasible, completely ignoring whether his uncles and brothers had the same idea as him, but he didn't know that even his biological father was hesitant, but he was the first to fall behind. One word.

"Reverse! Pass my order, the demon queen plots against my country and destroys my country! Midnight buries the pot to make food, and the fifth night marches to fight the Yellow River!"

As soon as the reverse word came out, several generals present all trembled, but one suddenly lowered his head with a strange smile on his face.

"Brothers, if the king of Japan can take back the ancestral land, he will definitely not forget you!"

Li Chong still didn't forget to offer great benefits at this time, but let's not say, apart from some people who looked uncomfortable, there were really some people who responded excitedly: "I will follow to the death!"

At this point, the generals stepped out of the account and assigned tasks to each other.

They are all local government soldiers. Li Chong is hereditary king. Compared with forcing Tang Guan hard, he is one in the sky and the other in the earth. He was only in his teens when he became king. The two are indeed comparable. One was born with a golden key in his mouth , but one has to struggle.

A young man who becomes king is ten times more powerful than Tang Guan. Tang Guan is just a part-time traveler, but he is the eldest son of the board of directors of the "company".

In addition, he has not witnessed the miracle of Wu Zhao like so many uncles, and he has no fear of her at all. Instead, he feels that he is more like a destiny. Crazy boundless.

He was no exception, and even said the opposite in a few words.

The night was long and many people were awake, of course not including Tang Guan who was sleeping with his beautiful woman in his arms in Chang'an Baoshe. He had no interest in this group of people at all. Their failure in rebellion was worse than that of Xu Jingye.

At any rate, Xu Jingye still had something to fear from the imperial court, but now their almost transparent rebellion movement can only be seen as a joke.

Sitting in the tent, Li Chong was completely unaware of what a terrible decision he had made. It is not terrible to hit a stone with an egg. What is terrible is that he did not realize that he was not even an egg.

But at this time, among Li Chong's confidantes, the general who was smiling strangely in his tent returned to his tent and quietly hid a dagger with a cold light in his arms. (To be continued.)

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