Training Wu Zhou

Chapter 241: Mandarin Ducks and Butterflies Fly Together

Zhang Shaoyun kicked the clan ball, and his friend Dali Siqing kicked it away in response to the occasion. He never expected that Zhou Xing stopped him directly. After a long time, Zhang Shaoyun and others recovered from the embarrassment. Wu Chengsi narrowed his eyes when he saw this, and he thought It's almost the same when it comes to this, but Tang Guan still has something to say.

It's like watching a football game, number one passes to number two, number two passes to number three, but number three remains silent.

Wu Chengsi stood up and said, "Today is my younger brother's happy event. You gentlemen don't talk about business, don't talk about business."

"Yes, yes, what the Duke said is exactly what Zhou wants." Over there, Zhou Xing looked like a king of supporters. No matter who it was, he would not refute, but kept following along. People also have great taboos.

It is really unheard of that the temple is so strange, Wu Chengsi saw the scattered responses from the crowd, and said with a smile: "Come here."

As soon as the words fell, a maid walked in, and Wu Chengsi said: "Let the wet nurse bring Mr. Xiao Lang."

The maid was startled when she heard the sound, and hurriedly said: "Master, the young master cannot leave the house yet."

"Presumptuous, if you are told to pass it on, you can go!"

"Yes." The girl turned pale when she saw this, and hurriedly turned and left.

Only then did Wu Chengsi look back with a smile on his face and said: "You are all elegant people, and the dog will come to pay respects to you in a while."

Everyone shook their heads secretly when they heard the words, Tang Guan was no exception, he said in his heart: "Look at this anxious look, at most it's just a child who just gave birth the day before yesterday, at this time he has to be carried out of the house, what a cruel father."

Thinking of Tang Guan's belief in the historical fact that Wu Chengsi abused his eldest son, this is not a good treatment since he was a child.

After a while, the maid carefully led a woman into the house.The woman is fat and quite strong.A baby was still wrapped tightly in his arms, and only half of the baby's head popped out.

The woman seemed a little dissatisfied with Wu Chengsi for letting her bring the baby.But he didn't dare to say more, the people present also looked at her when they saw her coming.

Tang Guan's gaze was also attracted by that reason, the flow of life is really wonderful, a wave of historical celebrities disappears, and another wave will come again, and the child in the nurse's arms is Wu Chengsi's eldest son.

"Hey, I've become an uncle too." Tang Guan snickered in his heart, the child seemed to be asleep, neither crying nor fussing.

Wu Chengsi stepped forward to take the child.Smiling and looking at the crowd, he said: "Little brother was born in a poor life, I just hope that this child will get a lot of care from you uncles present here in the future."

"Easy to say, easy to say."

When everyone heard the words, they cupped their hands and responded, Wu Chengsi looked at Tang Guan and said, "Little friend."

"The student is here." Tang Guan stood up when he heard the words, Wu Chengsi glanced at the baby in his arms, looked at Tang Guan and said: "Little friend, brother will not say compliments, you are the master of the Hongwen Museum, and you are the teacher of scholars in the world. When this child grows up, it is inevitable that he will join your sect, so I ask this little friend to give him a name."

Tang Guan was taken aback when he heard the words, it was rare that he didn't have any bad intentions, the child in Wu Chengsi's arms was a short-lived and miserable person.If his temperament is really as recorded in history, his disposition should not be bad.

While talking, Wu Chengsi carefully handed the baby to Tang Guan, and Tang Guan hurriedly took it.Then he stared intently at his little face whose eyes had not yet been closed.

"Forget it, wait until you grow up. I don't know whether to live or die. Although your father is not very good, I won't make things difficult for you."

Everyone was very interested in seeing this scene. Everyone knew that Tang Qubing was called "Little Minister" in private, but the officials of the sixth rank did all the things of the prime minister. Well deserved.

After pondering for a moment, Tang Guan smiled at the child. The child seemed to be born with a golden key in his mouth. As soon as he was born, they, the officials who judged life and death, came to see him, but it was hard to say what happened afterwards. Thinking of this Tang Guan glanced at him Wu Chengsi was full of expectations.

Then he said, "Haven't asked for advice yet?"

Wu Chengsi was taken aback when he heard the words, then he seemed to think of something, he and Wu Sansi glanced at each other, and after seeing him nodding slightly, he stepped forward and whispered in his ear: "The ancestors take the word "Yan".

Tang Guan nodded when he heard the words, as expected, he was really this generation, thought for a moment and said: "Little brother, there is a word, I wonder if old brother can take it?"

Wu Chengsi was overjoyed when he heard the words, "But it's okay to talk about it."

"Now that His Majesty Long En, you have all the gentlemen present here, how about this son who is grateful and serves the court in the future, how about just taking a word of kindness?"

Tang Guan thought for a while and still didn't name him Yanji, but suddenly his conscience broke out. If what happened to this son in the future came true, it would really make him, an outsider, feel very embarrassed.

Now that Tang Guan is in the stage of being inseparable with Shangguan Wan'er, he doesn't even dare to think about the tragic story about him, so he subconsciously wants to change his name, maybe there will be a change.

Everyone murmured when they heard the name, Wu Chengsi seemed a little reluctant, but after a while, he still beamed with joy and said, "Okay, okay, Yan En, my son, first thank you for the dog. "

"Don't dare, dare not." Hearing this, Tang Guan handed back the baby in his arms. He is struggling now to save his offspring from being besieged on all sides like himself. But it was true that his child was born with a golden key.

After the name was chosen, everyone complimented them again, and chatted for a while, and someone glanced at the sky, and it was time to leave on their own initiative.

It was Lai Junchen who spoke, and he smiled and said, "Duke, should we take our leave?"

Wu Chengsi heard the words and said unhurriedly: "Wait a minute."

"Papa." Then he patted his hands lightly with a smile on his face.

Everyone was taken aback when they saw this, Wu Chengsi smiled and said: "It's okay to finish listening to this song."

As soon as his words fell, the curtain that had been closed all along was suddenly pulled open. Tang Guan laughed when he saw this, but Wu Chengsi would enjoy it, and even set up a stage at home.

But before he could take a closer look, his voice suddenly lit up.

"Mandarin ducks and butterflies fly together."

As soon as this sound came out, everyone couldn't help cheering secretly. The voice was bright and soft, and the rhythm and rhythm were perfect.

The people who waited until everyone could see the clear-sounding voice couldn't help being stunned, and even Tang Guan's breathing became stagnant.

I saw two women on the stage dancing gracefully in silk and long clouds, waving their sleeves like two butterflies.The two are of different sizes, but they are generally exquisite.One looks older, with a charming look in his frown and smile.But the other made the countless senior officials who were present at the scene speechless for a while.

"Qin Mo." Tang Guan looked at the woman dancing in the dim light and murmured, like jade, the haze in the depths of his memory was suddenly dug up, and the twirling figure was the Qin Mo he had seen before.

I saw that she had a lot more charm now than before, and when the zither played, the dreamlike Qin Mo opened her lips lightly: "The spring scenery in the garden is intoxicating."

"Okay!" Hearing this voice, the lustful Wu Sansi next to Tang Guan actually praised him.

The others, including Tang Guan, just stared blankly, as if the melody had nothing to do with it, and the obscurity that shocked the depths of the soul became the only one.

After a long time.Tang Guan suddenly came back to his senses, and hurriedly held his breath, his prediction was true, these beauties would become the playthings of these people present, and it was expected that they had already got involved with Wu Chengsi.

But when Tang Guan looked at Wu Chengsi's expression, he denied this idea, because Wu Chengsi was also stunned like everyone else, and it seemed that it was the first time he watched it.

"Xiao Langjun, look."

at this time.Wu Sansi next to him suddenly pointedly said to Tang Guan, Tang Guan smiled at him when he heard the words, picked up the wine cup on the table, and drank it down in one gulp.

moment.After a song, some people clapped their hands and applauded, some stroked their beards and smiled.On the stage, Qin Mo didn't seem to notice Tang Guan in the crowd, who was a happy queen with the woman beside him.Then the money will be refunded.

At this moment, someone on the table got up following her movements.Looking at this appearance, he actually wanted to follow out, but fortunately, Wu Chengsi coughed dryly, and the man came back to his senses, smiled awkwardly at his colleagues, and sat down again.

But he seemed to be a little bit unwilling to give up, and said insinuatingly: "The Duke is so lucky to enjoy such a beauty."

As soon as he said this, Wu Sansi said without hesitation: "Brother is not thick, there is such a beautiful woman, but he does such a thing like hiding a beauty in a golden house."

Wu Chengsi gave a wry smile when he heard the words, then shook his head and said, "This is Mr. Chengzhong, everyone is joking."

"Oh." Everyone was stunned when they heard the words, and they knew the meaning when they heard the word "Mr." Based on their handsome looks, they guessed which one was the top brand.

Thinking of this, there were a few people with strange smiles on their faces immediately, it was not in vain this time, to be able to watch

Such a beauty, Tang Guan was also a little surprised, the two were destined, the little girl who devoured food turned into a hot "plaything".

That's right, it's just a plaything. Tang Guan could tell what they were thinking after looking at everyone's face for a while. I'm afraid they will be scattered here, and they will have to search everywhere.

However, the oiran and the top card are both the targets of Lie Yan's pursuit, whether they can get it or not is another matter.

Seeing that Wu Chengsi had finished what was to be done, everyone got up and left one after another, but Qin Mo's figure had long since disappeared.

Tang Guan was seen off by Wu Chengsi and Wu Sansi, and also walked out of the mansion. Wu Chengsi's birth was just a small episode, but he didn't expect to meet Qin Mo again here.

Tang Guan walked out with his hands behind his back, and Chang Ying, who had been waiting outside the door, came forward when he saw him groaning inwardly, without disturbing him, helped him into the car, and walked away.


In front of Fengyu Pavilion, a carriage stopped slowly.

The two women got out of the car, and the servants around hurried forward to help them.

"Mo'er, those men are dumbfounded seeing you."

The leading woman covered her mouth and smiled, and the young girl blushed when she heard the words, and then the woman seemed to have thought of something and said with lingering fear: "I didn't expect those old guys to be there."

"What?" The girl was taken aback when she heard the words, but she didn't understand the voice of the woman's words.

The two talked while walking, the woman was about to speak, but there was a sharp voice.

"Yan'er, Mo'er, you are back!?"

"Tell me, how is it?"

Seeing her, the woman smiled and said, "Don't worry, mother, Mo'er has been trained well."

The old bustard who came here killed the old man, and looked at the two of them as if they were looking at two cash cows.

The second daughter ignored the old bustard, and slowly went up to the attic with the support of a group of servants.

The two women were Qin Yan and Qin Mo who were dancing in the Duke's mansion. The two women returned to the pavilion, but Qin Yan turned away the maids on the left and right, and took Qin Mo to the wooden barrel that had been prepared in the room alone.

The fragrance of flowers in the barrel was scattered, and Qin Mo seemed to be no stranger to this scene, there was only one in the barrel, and she stretched out her hand and slowly took off the thin shirt for Qin Yan.

**Jiao's back slid out a seductive curve, and then Qin Yan turned around slowly, reaching out to remove her clothes for Qin Mo as well.

The two girls are facing each other, Qin Mo seems to have been used to it for a long time, Qin Yan is plumper than her, a pair of jade rabbits are bouncing up and down, but a jade foot has already been inserted into the barrel, the peach blossom garden under the shame Qiu is looming, just Like a delicate mouth opening and closing.

When her whole body was inside, she stretched out her hand to help Qin Mo, who was as naked as her, into the bucket, and then the two girls took off the jade hairpin on their heads, and let their long hair fall down, covering half of their pretty face.

The scene of the two women sharing a bath here is really shocking. If a man was present, he would have had a nosebleed, and this must be the truth of the "mandarin ducks and butterflies flying together".

The second daughter's actions are extremely skillful, and it took more than a day or two to think about it. At this moment, Qin Yan suddenly swam forward, winking and saying: "Your little lover is also there, why don't you stay with him?" say something?"

"Who?" Qin Mo lifted her flawless head. In the mist, her beauty became even more hazy. Even Qin Yan was taken aback. After a while, she and Qin Mo were stuck together, and the two girls, Yutu, collided and squeezed together. Press out the shape of **.

Qin Yan stretched out her sweet tongue and licked Qin Mo's ears slowly, saying: "Hey, so you didn't see it."

"Is it him?" Qin Mo seemed to be reacting to her teasing, but asked with some fear when she heard her words.

Qin Yan's lips were already pressed against Qin Mo's cheek, and she said softly, "Yes."

Qin Mo's delicate body trembled when she heard the words, her eyes dimmed, Ren Qinyan stuck her sweet tongue into her small mouth, and the two girls hugged each other and kissed in the water.

Of course, Qin Yan is not doing this kind of fake dragon and fake phoenix tricks in idleness, but this kind of behavior is a kind of trick passed down from generation to generation and counted as a teaching trick. When the top cards are entered, they are all virgins, and even the real top cards in each workshop are not lacking in virgins. The body, just because they have a certain authority within a certain age.

That is the right to choose, but once that age is passed, there will be no authority. At that time, if the person they love has no background, they can only watch her being straddled by thousands of people and ridden by thousands of people.

This is also the sorrow of prostitutes. Their beauty doesn't last long, which is also the reason why most of them directly choose princes and nobles. Like Qin Yan chose He Zhizhang, there is also a certain reason, because she believes in her talent potential.

The two women's tongues were mixed together, and Qin Mo was the passive one. Qin Yan seemed to be very good at this method, sucking the body fluid of the other party while swallowing, making people want to stop.

Gradually, flushes appeared on the bodies of the two daughters, and Qin Yan began to grope down with her hands, and found the quiet path in Qinmo water.

Suddenly, her slender fingers slowly stretched in.

"Mmm...ah..." Qin Mo called out tenderly, Qin Yan was very measured, just reached into her flesh wall and dug lightly, but did not take the layer of red pills.

"Put it away." Qin Yan noticed that Qin Mo seemed a little careless, and shouted coquettishly.

Qin Mo Wenyin retracted the fleshy wall of her lower body, and Qin Yan smiled slightly when she felt her fingers surrounded by warmth, her sandalwood lips moved down slowly, and her sweet tongue circled Qin Yan's pink and tender areola, at the same time The fingers also began to twitch slowly.

" hurts" Qin Mo's reaction became more and more serious, and she began to breathe softly.

A moment later, Qin Mo's tender body trembled, and a wave of warmth gushed out from Huaxin. Qin Yan smiled slightly, and stretched out her fingers, but a long transparent line from thick to thin was connected under the water.


Qin Mo Wenyin's beautiful eyes were still closed, and the jade rabbit was still shaking up and down in the water, as if still immersed in lust. When he opened his eyes again, looking at the fog in front of him, he sighed softly in his heart: "He saw me, but Ignore me, my sister said he doesn't like prostitutes, yes, who would like prostitutes."

There was no sound of spring here, only an empty sigh, what Qin Yan did today, said that someone would do this to her sooner or later, but it definitely wouldn't be him. (To be continued..)

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