Training Wu Zhou

Chapter 243: The unscrupulous principal sells the child 7

(Many book friends in the book review area said that the preface was a failure. In fact, I added it on purpose later. Book friends may think that this is a spoiler, and they knew the ending in advance. In fact, it is not, meddling can only guarantee the preface It has its usefulness, and when the book is finished, everyone will understand, and the plot will soon have a big turning point)


It may not be true that we face each other day and night, and we live together day and night.

But on the way Tang Guan kept approaching Shangguan Wan'er, he responded to such a small poem as proof:

Uncertain three life wishes, frequently add a period of worry.

Tighten your forehead when you are bored, and turn around a few times when you go.

Shangguan Wan'er showed her true nature in front of Tang Guan, which made Tang Guan a little ashamed. This woman's sensitivity to politics far exceeded his expectations. As an enemy, Tang Guan could foresee that he might not necessarily be his opponent.

But there is no doubt that Shangguan Wan'er finally let go of her guard against Tang Guan, and gradually talked more in the past two days, but Tang Guan still didn't see her smiling face.

Tang Guan thought that the kings would come to Beijing before the opening of the Hongwen Museum, but he didn't expect them to crawl like turtles, and they seemed to be making the final pull with Wu Zhao. It was another two days, and Chang'an was still calm.

Chang'an, full house.

At this time, the evening watch first sounded, but Tang Guan had already got up.

"You rest, I have something to go to the palace."

Seeing that his actions had woken up the person next to him, Tang Guan comforted him.

Shangguan Wan'er rubbed her sleepy eyes and slowly got up.Half-kneeling on the bed and stretching out his hands to help Tang Guan tidy up his clothes, the two acted like an old married couple.

Tang Guan stretched out his arms.Ren Shangguan Wan'er moved around nimbly with her small hands.

Shangguan Wan'er changed her clothes and said, "Is the Hongwen Museum open?"

"En." Tang Guan gave a noncommittal grace when he heard the words, he knew that as long as she had the heart.Nothing can be hidden from her, so instead of doing this, it is better to discuss it.

Shangguan Wan'er heard the words but didn't say much, she didn't say much until she helped Tang Guan straighten his collar: "What I want to talk about is "Five Classics of Justice", you know?"

At first her voice was cold, Tang Guan smiled and said, "You really think I'm ignorant."

Shangguan Wan'er was silent when she heard the words, but Tang Guan smiled at her when she saw that the packing was done, and pushed the door out.

Shangguan Wan'er waited for him to leave.But he took out the strange book from under his pillow. Although he couldn't read it, he still flipped through the pages thoughtfully.

When Tang Guan went out, a gust of cold wind blew, and his mind suddenly cleared up a lot. He knew that she was worried that she was a Jinshi who did not understand the scriptures. In fact, it was just that Tang Guan didn't choose that path.

Seeing that the carriage was parked outside the door, Tang Guan knew that Chang Ying got up early, so he wanted to go out.But after walking a few steps, he thought of something, walked to Xiaoqi's door and knocked on it.

"Squeak." The door was opened, Xiao Qi rubbed his eyes and looked at Tang Guan, and muttered, "Brother Guan, what are you doing?"

Seeing this, Tang Guan smiled and said, "Take you to kindergarten."

Xiaoqi: "......"


The vestibule of Daming Palace.

It was daylight, but people were seen in the palace, and beside the three provinces was a pavilion that had not been opened for a long time.It burst open.

The eunuchs in the palace huddled together, washing and wiping.I saw that the hall is spacious and bright, divided into two areas, large and small.The big table is complete with an incense burner and portraits of sages on it.

At first glance, I thought such a large hall was a school, but after another look, it was really a school, but it was much more luxurious than the folk academy.

And in the back of the hall, His Majesty Dan, there was another group of people dressed as scholars standing with their hands tied, none of them said a word, some of them were very curious about the surrounding environment and looked around secretly.

This group of people was of different heights, and through the twilight, one could tell that the oldest was a young man who looked no more than eleven or twelve years old, while the youngest was an enlightened boy who was only five or six years old.

There was another enlightened child standing in front of this group of people, but different from the group of people behind him, this person was actually dressed in a yellow robe, and looked chubby and very cute.

And the group of young scholars behind seemed to be a little afraid of the little fat man, and kept a certain distance from each other, not daring to look directly at him.

This fat man is Li Chengqi, the grandson of Emperor Wu Zhao and the son of Li Dan. What is rare is that he doesn't care much about his identity. He seems to want to enter the circle of the "little friends" behind him, but he takes a step back. He took a step back, he took a step forward, and others also took a step forward, and the book must maintain a respectful distance.

The little fat man tried for a long time, but he had no choice but to let it go. He and his father usually lived in the East Palace, never going out, and finally met so many people of the same age, but he was so indifferent to himself, he couldn't help but feel a little lost for a while.

I only heard two half-year-old teenagers whispering in the crowd, and they seemed to be familiar with each other.

"Brother Yao, why haven't you seen the teacher?"

"I heard from the adults in the family that we are going to pay homage to the young master."

"Zhuang Yuan Lang?"

After all, the young man said indifferently: "My father said that he did it to please His Majesty..."

"Hush." ​​The boy surnamed Yao was shocked when he heard this, and hurriedly stopped his companion from speaking.

The two are the oldest here, one is Wu Kaitai, the son of Wu Yong, the governor of Yongzhou, and the other is Yao Hua, the son of the governor of Qizhou.

The two were born in aristocratic families, and they have been friends since childhood. Needless to say, although Wu Yong is often slandered by others, he may be mixed up with the position of governor, and he is not an easy generation. Officials naturally dare not talk like this, and those who dare to address them are senior officials with whitebaits in their bodies.

Therefore, the two of them are no different than the young children around them who have just received their enlightenment education, and they came to Hongwen Museum to learn more about gilding.

Yao Hua seemed to be relatively calm. Seeing that Wu Kaitai dared to talk about Tang Guan, he couldn't help but feel a little hairy. Tang Guan's name had long been rumored by his parents as a person who was close to a demon. At this age, one or two years will be enough to gain fame, and Yao Hua still knows the affairs of the court very well.

Seeing that Yao Hua was afraid of this, Wu Kaitai secretly cursed in his heart.He has a close resemblance to his father Wu Yong in stature and is young.Potbellied.

For a while, the fat emperor and grandson down to the fat Wu Kaitai were all secretly waiting for their unscrupulous "principal" Tang Guan.

At the same time, three people appeared unhurriedly in front of the hall.

The three people who came were actually an inner eunuch leading the two teenagers.One was Tang Guan, and behind him was a little tail, which was Xiao Qi who was pulled up by him.

Tang Guan has been suffering from lack of time to teach Xiaoqi, and now there are free teachers, so it is not for nothing.

And Xiao Qi was naturally reluctant, and followed behind Tang Guan.


Only now did I realize that apart from the students at the back of the hall, there were actually a group of veterans standing in front of the hall. Seeing these people, Tang Guan cupped his hands and said, "You gentlemen have been waiting for a long time."

"The owner."

"The owner."

Everyone clapped their hands in response.These old ministers were many bachelors whom Tang Guan had visited a long time ago, and the number of them was not many, only a dozen or so.

Xiao Qi was in a state of half asleep and half awake, turning a blind eye to the scene here, and didn't bother to care what Tang Guan was doing, only knowing that he had entered the nest of the emperor Laozi again.

Tang Guan glanced back at the main hall which was already lit with candles. He didn't care much when he saw the decorations in it. He turned his head and said, "Open the hall."

Everyone was taken aback when they heard the words, and a school clerk came forward with a file in his hand and said, "Master, this is the list of students admitted this year, please have a look."

Tang Guan reached out to take it. Anyway, these people will also be his students in the future, and their names should be remembered.You must know that the owner of the Hongwen Museum seems to be just a teacher, but he is not. In previous years, the prime ministers of the three provinces held this position.The so-called one day as a teacher, life as a father.They joined Tang Guan's family and became officials in the future.When others ask, they always report his name.

Tang Guan took a quick scan and found that this year's class was actually younger, generally five or six-year-old children, the oldest of which was 13-year-old Yao Hua.

"The son of the governor of Qizhou?" Tang Guan narrowed his eyes when he saw the name of the person he recommended, but this person had never visited him.

Tang Guan glanced at it and handed back the list. The Hongwen Museum, which had been dragging on for so long, was finally settled. .

Thinking of this, Tang Guan didn't want to procrastinate any longer, and said again: "Open the museum."

At this time, a middle-aged man hurriedly stood up and said, "Little Lang, the two gentlemen haven't arrived yet."

"Two gentlemen?" Tang Guan frowned upon hearing this.

He was about to open his mouth to ask who had such a big face, and when the owner of the museum had to wait for him to come to open the museum, a voice suddenly came from over there.

"Ah, little man, it's late, it's late."

Tang Guan's heart moved when he heard this voice, there really are these two brothers everywhere, and when he looked up, it turned out to be Wu Chengsi and Wu Sansi.

"I forgot that Hongwenguan is a disciple of the three provinces." Seeing the two of them, Tang Guan suddenly felt that although he was the owner of the museum, Hongwenguan was actually under the prime minister's school.

Wu Chengsi had a happy event for the first time, and he hadn't slowed down yet. Seeing Tang Guan was full of smiles, Wu Sansi stepped forward and said, "Haha, my dear brother, I thought you wouldn't come."

"I'm joking." Tang Guan cupped his hands and smiled, knowing that Wu Sansi was joking, and Tang Guan's behavior of skipping work had already been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

Tang Guan saw that there were three chairs in front of the portraits of saints and sages in the hall. There were five chairs in each row, thirteen chairs in total.

Xiaoqi, who had been closely following Tang Guan, saw Tang Guan sitting down, and wanted to find a place to sit down, but unexpectedly sat down on the chair beside Tang Guan, which shocked everyone present, Tang Guan hurriedly Pulling him up, he smiled awkwardly, "Forgive me."

Wu Chengsi frowned when he heard the words, Xiao Qi was no stranger to him, and he didn't mind seeing Tang Guan bring him here, Xiao Qi woke up immediately after being pulled by Tang Guan, only then did he realize that there were so many more people , hurriedly stood aside and bowed his head in silence.

Wu Chengsi and Wu Sansi then shook their heads secretly and sat around Tang Guan, Tang Guan was not polite and sat in the middle directly, after all he was the owner of the pavilion, these two brothers just came to make soy sauce.

Seeing that the three of them sat down, they bowed their hands together and took their seats. They are all scholars here. This teaching is not just for Tang Guan. There are ten scholars in the Hongwen Hall, all of whom are court officials. Including Tang Guan, the main lecturer, there are a total of 11 people.Only Tang Guan was born as a Jinshi.

Here, the school clerk saw that the masters and prime ministers of the bachelor's hall were all seated, so he immediately went to the back of the hall to call the students.At this time, the students in the back of the palace had been waiting for more than half an hour.

As soon as the school clerk went out, he first bowed to the little prince who was the leader.Then he opened his mouth and said, "Open the museum!"

As soon as the voice fell, the students below were all solemn and followed the school secretary to the front of the hall in an orderly manner.

Tang Guan, sitting on the seat, was looking at the empty front door with doubts in his heart, when a group of students suddenly appeared, his eyes lit up.

Tang Guan saw the students outside the door lined up in three rows at a glance, and the little fat man at the head made Tang Guan's eyelids twitch.

At this time, Wu Sansi said from the side: "My dear brother, get up."

Tang Guan was taken aback when he heard the words, and whispered: "What?"

"Get up." Wu Sansi thought that Tang Guan should understand the etiquette here.Unexpectedly, he didn't know it at all. In fact, Tang Guan didn't know it either, thinking that it should be no different from ordinary private school admission.

But speaking of Tang Guan, he had never even been to a private school, so he had to get up for a while, and the students who had already stood outside the door rushed into the hall when they saw him get up.

Tang Guan stood there, not knowing what to say.

"Cough, that, apprentice." After a long time, Tang Guan bit the bullet and coughed dryly.

As soon as the words came out.Wu Chengsi and Wu Sansi blushed, the students over there almost laughed out loud, and even the top ten academicians were embarrassed for a while.

Wu Sansi hurriedly said in a low voice, "Sit down."

Tang Guan was also embarrassed when he heard the words, only Xiao Qi watched the scene with interest.

When Tang Guan sat down slowly.The student over there just bowed down on the ground in a daze, Tang Guan whispered to Wu Chengsi when he saw this, "It's the first time, I don't understand."

"Cough." Wu Chengsi coughed dryly upon hearing this.Tang Guan is also weird, he doesn't understand what he thinks he should understand.Tang Guan, who he thought he shouldn't understand, did.

But come to think of it, these are subsections.Immediately Wu Chengsi said: "I respect the sages."

The student heard the sound and bowed to the portrait of the sage, Wu Chengsi saw this and said again: "Two respects to the teacher."

The student Wenyin first bowed to Tang Guan and Wu Chengsi, and then divided into two groups to bow to the ten academicians.

"Three respects to the Emperor."

As soon as these words came out, all the students who were just bowing knelt down on the ground and kowtowed to the door, even the emperor's grandson Li Chengqi was no exception.

After the three salutes, the students just turned around. They seemed to have rehearsed once in advance, and the fact is the same. Enrolling in the Hongwen Museum is not a trivial matter. It can be said that this is a passport to be an official in this era, and the owner of the museum is their official career. certificate of birth.

Tang Guan looked at this scene with a smile on his face, waiting for the next sentence, but he waited for a long time but there was still no movement. At this moment, Wu Sansi said quietly: "It's your turn."

Tang Guan regained consciousness upon hearing the words, and said in a low voice, "What are you doing?"

"Just say a few words." Wu Sansi responded in a low voice.

Only then did Tang Guan nod his head, and instantly remembered Mr. Guan Shi who was angered by him when he was still at home, and immediately said: "My word is Qubing, and I will be your teacher from now on. After you are all officials, you will enter Hongwen In the hall, pass on my way, teach you the rites of sages and sages, intensively study the "Five Classics of Justice", secondly learn from the teacher of the Yellow Sage, and secondly study the military classics and astrology, all of you will be treated equally regardless of the three teachings or nine streams."

"Fuck, it's so fucking cool to talk like that." After Tang Guan said that, he felt secretly refreshed, and instantly felt that he was going to go after Old Master Kong.

But he didn't realize that the two brothers beside him had already looked weird, and even the top ten academicians over there had an old face, and Wu Chengsi whispered in embarrassment: "Wrong, the justice of the Five Classics is not taught by you."

Tang Guan, who was on his head, was poured with a basin of cold water. Fortunately, these students didn't seem to feel that there was anything wrong, but that group of bachelors looked a little ugly. It turned out that Tang Guan had robbed their lines.

At this point, Wu Sansi had no choice but to cough dryly and said, "Tea."

As soon as the words fell, the little fat man Li Chengqi came forward with a cup of tea, behind him were Yao Hua and Wu Kaitai. The reason why these three people offered tea was because of their identities and ages. Those who have rarely had a husband understand this rule.

Li Chengqi held tea and walked to Tang Guan, Yao Hua and Wu Kaitai walked to Wu Chengsi and Wu Sansi respectively.

Tang Guan looked at the little fat man with great interest, and the little fat man had been alone all this time, and it was fun to see so many people. He only knew that the little brother in front of him was his teacher, and he stepped forward and said respectfully: "Teacher .”

Tang Guan took the tea in his hand and said with a smile, "What's your name?"

"You can't ask!" Wu Sansi was taken aback when he noticed the movement on his side, and hurriedly stopped him.

But the little fat man had already opened his mouth and said, "My name is Li Chengqi."

"Oh!" Wu Chengsi also pulled his old face.The two teenagers, Yao Hua and Wu Kaitai, didn't understand what they meant. Seeing this, Tang Guan knew that he had made a joke again.But this grandson of Emperor Wu Zhao is also cute.

For a moment, the three had no choice but to drink the tea in embarrassment, and the three returned to the crowd.At this time, a few more people came out to offer tea to the ten major scholars respectively, and then the staff over there raised their voices and said, "Open the museum!"


It was said that the library was open, but the door was suddenly closed. Tang Guan was taken aback when he saw this, and saw that the library staff had already led a group of students to arrange seats there.

"My dear brother, you... hey..." At this moment, Wu Chengsi put down the teacup, dumbfounded.

"This is the end?" Tang Guan couldn't help shaking his head secretly when he saw the people in front of him walking back and forth and scattered into a ball. In fact, Tang Guan didn't know that the establishment of Hongwen Museum was actually more casual at the beginning.It was just a place to discuss Taoism, and later developed into a noble school.

Its structure is actually no different from that of a private school, except that it is a private school for nobles, and the number of students who come here is as many as [-], and as few as [-] people like the one in front of you.

"There are still important things to do in the pavilion. Let me go." Wu Sansi also felt that Tang Guan was behaving strangely, but he finally finished it bravely and got up to leave immediately.

Tang Guan also knew that the two of them were embarrassed to make irresponsible remarks, so he didn't take it seriously despite being embarrassed.He got up to send the two of them off, and then looked at the group of students who had already been seated over there.

And among the ten academicians, only one was sitting in the lecturer's seat, and the other nine were missing. Just when Tang Guan was standing there stupidly, he didn't know what he was doing as the museum owner.

The middle-aged staff member stepped forward and said, "Master, this minister is Meng Fandong, the staff member here."

"Oh, Bachelor Meng." Hearing this, Tang Guan's eyes were still on the student who had followed the steps and seemed to be about to start formally attending the class.

Although it is said that the dead are like gentlemen.Day and night, but there is no need to be so anxious.The owner of the museum himself was put aside before he even said a few words.

Meng Fandong had already seen that Tang Guan's eyes were smeared, and immediately stepped forward and said, "Master, your wen pavilion is over there."

Tang Guan heard the sound and looked over, and saw a side hall over there, but he still didn't know what he was doing here, so he only heard Meng Fan say: "There are 24 students in the pavilion, ten of them are university scholars, who are responsible for teaching students. There are sixteen school clerks who are in charge of proofreading the collection of books, and Weichen is your exclusive subordinate who is in charge of the general affairs of the library, and you can ask your subordinates about everything in the library."

"Oh, Bachelor Meng, then tell me what I'm going to do." Tang Guan looked around with his hands behind his back, completely ignorant of the meaning and value of his existence.

"This... this..." Meng Fandong was taken aback when he heard the words. The Hongwen Museum opened every three years, and this was the first time he heard a museum owner ask this question.

In the past years, the owners of the museum, such as Pei Yan, were very busy, and they didn't come here many times. Tang Guan seemed to have nothing to do. Tang Guan thought that this place should be very busy, but he didn't expect that he really didn't have much to do.

After a long time, Meng Fandong said: "If the curator wants to give a lecture, he can give it. If there is nothing important, he can rest in Wen Pavilion."

"Ha, I just make soy sauce when I co-author." Tang Guan felt happy when he heard this. To be honest, Wu Zhao has been asking Tang Guan to make soy sauce from the very beginning. Until now, Tang Guan is still dragging a big bottle around the temple. Soy Sauce Lang.

"But that's fine." Tang Guan's heart skipped a beat, and he looked at Xiao Qi who was drowsy over there, and immediately murmured to the library staff.

Meng Fandong looked indifferent at first, then looked at Tang Guan with some embarrassment, then glanced at the half-dead Xiaoqi over there, then nodded and said: "I obey."

After finishing speaking, he turned around and walked towards the lecture hall, but Tang Guan stepped forward and patted Xiao Qi awake, Xiao Qi came back to his senses and yawned: "Brother Guan, can we go?"

Tang Guan smiled and said: "I can go, you have to stay."

"What?" Xiao Qi was startled when he heard that, at this moment, the librarian led the bachelor who was preaching over.

The bachelor seemed to know what Tang Guan wanted to do, he looked Xiao Qi up and down as soon as he came up, and then he cupped his hands and said: "Master, I will be a good teacher."

Upon hearing this, Tang Guan replied, "Mr. Lao is here."

Xiao Qi listened in a daze, at a loss, Tang Guan said: "From now on, you will study and write here."

"Brother Guan, what did you say?" Xiao Qi was still very puzzled, but Tang Guan didn't say any more, just smiled and said: "I'll pick you up later, do you know what this gentleman says?"

"This..." Xiaoqi was dumbfounded when he heard the words, it turned out that Tang Guan wanted him to shake his head with the group of guys who were shaking their heads, but before he could refuse, Tang Guan had already turned and left.

For a while, Xiao Qi's scalp was numb, and he lost all sleepiness, but the bachelor said: "Follow me."

Xiao Qi glanced at Tang Guan, who had disappeared, and felt slanderous in her heart, but after all, she followed the bachelor to the group of shaking heads. (To be continued..)

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