Training Wu Zhou

Chapter 245: Not talking about the shackles, frowning in vain

"Brother Guan, do you know how irritating that old man is, insisting on saying something I don't understand."

"If Brother Cowherd is here, he will probably laugh at me again."

While the carriage was swaying, Xiaoqi confided the unhappiness of being left alone in the Hongwen Hall by Tang Guan that day. It was right to think that those students were either relatives of the emperor or the heirs of high officials. It will be difficult to get along for a while.

In addition, Xiao Qi had never read a book for a day, so it was inevitable that he would not adapt to such a "high-end" education at first. Asked loudly: "Brother Guan."

Tang Guanwenyin raised his head and tried to smile at him, saying: "Jade cannot be cut, it cannot be used, and people cannot be taught, and it cannot become a talent. I will ask Brother Chang to take you there every day. You should study hard and don't contradict the master."

After all, Tang Guan's hands hidden in his sleeves trembled twice, and his face turned pale. Wu Zhao was too ruthless, but Tang Guan knew that this was considered the most polite. If another person had directly admitted to Wu Zhao the content of the impeachment, he might not even know how he died.

It can be said that Wu Zhao was really benevolent to Tang Guan. Although Tang Guan knew that even without him, Lai Junchen would still die sooner or later, but Wu Zhao gave him a chance. The meaning is already very obvious.

This is tantamount to telling Tang Guan clearly, "You can find a way to kill your enemy. If you can't kill your enemy, you are incompetent. If you do, I'll be happy."

These cruel officials helped her wipe out the enemies, and now her enemies are about to disappear completely, followed by the end of birds.Liang Gongzang.

"Once the clan is eliminated, the enemy is gone. What should I do next?" Tang Guan gritted his teeth and endured the pain from the back of his hand, Shangguan Wan'er guessed right.Even if she doesn't take the initiative to recommend herself, Wu Zhao will give him this opportunity, because she wants to see how loyal Tang Guan is, and whether she is willing to work for her under the same stigma as those cruel officials.

But Shangguan Wan'er also guessed it wrong. As the saying goes, changes are not as good as plans. It is obvious that Wu Zhao's heart is inclined to Tang Guan. She made a natural choice between Lai Junchen and Tang Guan, that is, Lai Junchen died. , but she can completely fabricate a non-existent reason to kill the dog at will.Just like her in the official history, but instead of doing this, she asked Tang Guan to replace the sword, so this also became a test of Tang Guan's ability.

"If I can't even kill Lai Junchen, she will be very disappointed in me." Tang Guan's eyes were filled with a cold light, and the severe pain in the back of his hand made his hands hidden in his sleeves tremble non-stop.

"I'm her favorite dog now, but it's just a dog." Suddenly, Tang Guan's heart calmed down completely, yes.From the beginning to the end, he did not become a human being in front of Wu Zhao. She liked herself, believed in herself, and was reluctant to kill herself.That's because she thought her dog was cute and useful, and she was angry.She will teach herself like today, she is happy.I will tease myself.

In fact, it is not only Tang Guan, she is about to become the real empress with all her enemies gone.She has long been defiant, and everyone in the court is her pet.

"For today's plan, we can only take one step at a time." Tang Guan stopped calculating, and Wu Zhao woke him up, making him understand what it means that the plan cannot keep up with the change.

"It's no wonder that Wan'er, who is as smart as she is, can only be a steelyard in her hands." It can be said that Tang Guan and Shangguan Wan'er are very similar. They fell into a passive state, and now the two of them together didn't really anticipate Wu Zhao's actions.


Chang Ying's voice came, the carriage stopped slowly, Tang Guan recovered from his contemplation, hid his injured hand in his sleeve and jumped out of the carriage together with Xiao Qi.

Tang Guan didn't want the people around him to see that he was injured. This time they entered the palace, from early morning to sunset, Tang Guan had two more things in his arms, one was the memorial of Lai Junchen to impeach him, and the other was the letter Of course, Tang Guan was not stupid enough to ask Wu Zhao how the confession letter was written by a member of the Tang family. Zhao was actually able to implement things that turned black and white.

Seeing that the people had finally returned to the mansion, Lao Wang rushed forward to greet them. Tang Guan hid his hands behind his back and said, "Where's brother Qiji?"

Lao Wang heard the words and said, "The doctor is in the room."

Tang Guan nodded when he heard the words, and then ignored the people behind him and went straight to He Qiyi's room. The old Wang was very surprised when he saw this. This was the first time Tang Guan didn't go to see his little lady first.

Tang Guan walked to He Qizhi's treatment room, reached out and knocked on the door twice, and said, "Brother Qizhi."

As soon as the words fell, the door was opened, He Qiyue saw that it was Tang Guan, he couldn't help but said, "Brother Qubing."

Tang Guan quickly walked into He Qiyue's room, He Qiyue closed the door and frowned and said, "Brother Qubing, what is this?"

Tang Guan smiled wryly when he heard the words, and stretched out his left hand from his sleeve. He Qiyue was startled when he saw Tang Guan's left hand was all purple. He immediately pulled Tang Guan and put his hand into the water basin without saying a word.

"Have you taken the medicine?" He Qiyue looked at the discolored clear water and asked in doubt.

Hearing this, Tang Guan remembered the medicine Wu Zhao had applied to him, nodded and said, "It's been applied."

He Qiyue scooped up a little water, put it in his nose and sniffed it, then heaved a sigh of relief and said, "Honeysuckle."

Then he didn't ask Tang Guan where the injury came from, he opened a small box on the table, and then slowly spread the black ointment on the back of Tang Guan's hand, frowned and said: "Hold on, it hurts a bit."

Tang Guan felt cold at first, and the ointment looked familiar, as if it was the kind he applied for Shangguan Wan'er, but as soon as He Qiyue finished speaking, a sharp pain came from the back of his hand. Hold on, the sting subsides after a while.

"Is this the one that my wife applied?" Tang Guan still didn't forget Shangguan Wan'er at this moment, it turned out that the medicine was so painful to apply, but he had never seen Shangguan Wan'er look in pain.

He Qiyue seemed to know what Tang Guan wanted to ask, and immediately said: "Yes, but Ma'am is blood stasis, not a new injury like your husband."

Tang Guan heaved a sigh of relief when he heard the words, and then He Qiyue carefully wound him with a medicinal cloth.

Seeing that He Qiyue didn't ask how he got his injury from the beginning to the end, Tang Guan said with a guilty conscience, "There are many gates in the palace. I accidentally caught it."

He Qiyue was taken aback when he heard the words, and then a smile flashed in his eyes.Naturally, he could see that the injury was definitely not caused by the door, but his principle was that it happened as the patient said.He only paid attention to receiving it, not the process, and immediately smiled slightly: "Brother Qubing, be more careful in the future."

Tang Guan nodded when he heard the words: "Okay, thank you for being here, I'm tired, brother Qiji."

He Qiyue gave a dry laugh when he heard the words, and then picked up the medicine mortar on the ground and began to grind it slowly. Seeing this, Tang Guan looked around He Qiyue's room.I saw that the room was clean and tidy, and even the bedding looked the same as when he didn't live in it. It can be seen that He Qishang lived with great care not to damage any plants or trees.

"Among men, there is such a careful person. If this person is not a drug addict, this carefulness will definitely be of great help to me." Tang Guan looked at He Qiyue and sighed in his heart, and then became curious again. The ointment he used It is also effective, and it is seen that He Qi's treatment is non-stop day and night.Seeing this, Tang Guan couldn't help saying: "Brother Qiyi, don't you feel bored when you grind medicine every day?"

Seeing that Tang Guan had bandaged up, He Qiyue put down the mortar in his hand and said, "Brother Qubing, you can't stop applying this medicine. It needs to be continued every day until there is nothing missing for your mother."

Tang Guan was taken aback when he heard the words.Then he glanced at the medicine mortar and said, "How much ointment can this mortar make?"

He Qiyue replied after hearing the words: "Four mortars make one ointment."

"Sijiu!?" Tang Guan was startled when he heard the words, no wonder He Qishou worked day and night.He knows how difficult it is to grind medicinal materials into powder, and the ointment is as thick and fine as pressed by machines in later generations. It is really rare for He Qiyue to do this by manpower.

What's more, there are as many as four mortars, remembering that when he was applying medicine to Shangguan Wan'er, he wiped a lot of it, but behind it was He Qiyue who kept on day and night, which made Tang Guan feel a little guilty.

"Brother Qubing, is there anything else you can do?" He Qiyue seemed to be concentrating on grinding the medicine, and he was afraid that it would be impolite to talk while working, so he asked aloud.

"It's gone, brother Qiji, I'm tired, I'm tired." Tang Guan said in embarrassment when he heard the words, and he was embarrassed to stay longer, so he got up and slowly exited the room.

"It's not like, it's not like at all." Tang Guan shook his head in his heart after leaving the room, the longer he spent with He Qiyue, the more he felt that he was not like Feng Xiaobao.

It would be unimaginable if such a person really became as he was in his impression. Fortunately, Feng Xiaobao did not escape from Tang Guan's grasp, no matter who was the right master, they had already fallen into Tang Guan's hook .

Tang Guan shook his head in his heart and hid his injured hand in his sleeve. He had to say that He Qi's treatment method was really clever, and he stopped the pain after slapping his hand a few times.

Tang Guan was walking on the corridor with his hands behind his back, he looked up and saw a maid standing over there hesitating in front of Shangguan Wan'er's room, Tang Guan couldn't help but stepped forward and asked, "What are you doing here?"

The maid looked back and saw that it was Tang Guan, and she said with joy, "Master, you are back."

Hearing this, Tang Guan glanced at the door and said, "Is it inside?"

"Here, the empress insists on waiting for you to come back to eat together, the food has been heated up several times."

Tang Guan was overjoyed when he heard the words, nodded and said, "Go down."

Then he turned around and pushed open the door, saying: "Wan'er, I'm back."

As soon as the words fell, a person behind the screen slowly walked out. Seeing this, Tang Guan wanted to step forward to help, but he remembered the hand hidden behind his back, and stopped immediately.

"Xiao Langjun." Shangguan Wan'er's body was almost recovered, although she often had a dull pain, she was able to walk around the room, and when Tang Guan came back, she gave a little blessing.

Tang Guan glanced at the food on the table, he was really hungry, so he sat down immediately and said, "Eat."

Fortunately, Wu Zhao stepped on with his left hand, otherwise Tang Guan wouldn't even know how to hold chopsticks, so Tang Guan lowered his head to eat in a muffled voice, picking up some dishes for Shangguan Wan'er from time to time.

Shangguan Wan'er ate one bite at a time, but finally found that Tang Guan's movements were a little weird, one hand was kept under the table, and even the food was picked with her head down.

Seeing this, Shangguan Wan'er frowned, and slowly put down the bowl and chopsticks, Tang Guan saw this and said, "Eat, why don't you eat?"

Shangguan Wan'er was silent when she heard the words, Tang Guan felt guilty after being stared at by her.

"what happened to your hand?"

Finally, Shangguan Wan'er asked a question. Tang Guan couldn't help but froze when he heard the words, then he lit up his intact right hand and said with a smile, "Okay, let's eat."

Shangguan Wan'er frowned even more when she saw this,

"What about the other one?" Shangguan Wan'er looked at Tang Guan and said, Tang Guan was now completely subdued by her, and she didn't even dare to look her directly in the eyes, and she stretched out the table after a long time. The injured hand.

Shangguan Wan'er stared blankly at Tang Guan's injured hand, her beautiful eyes turned red suddenly, and she saw that although Tang Guan's hand had just been bandaged, He Qiyi only bandaged the important parts in a hurry, and Wu Zhao's foot was very strong , is condescending again, the area is not small, a small piece of medicine cloth can not cover all the purple.

After a while, Shangguan Wan'er stretched out her small hand and caressed her. There was a pattern on Tang Guanzi that made her heart tremble. She was very familiar with that pattern. There is only one person, and there is no need to say more about that person's name.

Seeing this trace, she was as intelligent as she could have imagined how Tang Guan was hurt. For a moment, Shangguan Wan'er's tears finally welled up in her eyes. She promised Tang Guan not to cry or laugh, but seeing Tang Guan's current appearance But she couldn't help but think of her father and grandfather when the Shangguan family turned from prosperity to decline.

What she was afraid of was not that Tang Guan would come back with injuries, but that he would not be able to come back one day. It is true that women are emotional animals. She can not cry for herself, but she can't see her lover suffer.

Tang Guan couldn't help being startled when he saw her crying, then hurriedly reached out to wipe it away, and said with a smile: "You said you, I asked you to smile for me, but you didn't laugh at anything, and you started crying again .”

Hearing this, Shangguan Wan'er had the momentum of pear blossoms and rain again, crystal tears slowly hit Tang Guan's injured hand, but Tang Guan secretly clenched his right hand on his leg.

"Wu Zhao, Wu Zhao, what on earth can I do to make you really confused once!"

Tang Guan looked at Shangguan Wan'er, and slowly took her into his arms. This is the responsibility of a man. Don't say that Wu Zhao stepped on his hand, even if he wanted his arm, as long as it can save his relatives, he will give it to him.

The son of the world does not speak of the pain of the future, but bears the shackles and is willing to bear the pain of the past, but it makes the beauty frown in vain. (To be continued..)

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