Training Wu Zhou

Chapter 247: Heartbroken and Mad Tang Qubing

Chang'an Guowai, in a dense bush.

This place is usually strange, the new shoots sway constantly when the warm wind blows, and even makes people feel relaxed and happy, but when you look closely, this place looks like a flat and sunken piece, which is not directly proportional to the surrounding gentle terrain. But if you look closely, you will know at a glance that someone must have dug a hole nearby!

Moreover, the size of this hole is unimaginable. The entire dense forest connected from north to south is sunken in. Looking at the lush trees, the roots of the trees are not damaged. This is amazing, which shows that this hole is not only big but also bottomless!

A carriage was driving on a forest path, and Tang Guan was getting more and more startled as he walked in the carriage. He thought that the kings would be tried and would come to court, but he didn't expect to be judged directly in prison!

Especially the word "prison" surprised Tang Guan even more. He often heard the word "Tianlao". In his impression, the so-called "Tianlao" was nothing more than a prison with tighter defenses. Only here did he vaguely understand what a sky prison is.

The curtain of the car was raised, but Tang Guan didn't see a building when he raised his eyes. Suddenly, he seemed to have noticed something, and looked at the land under the rolling wheels with some horror.

"Underground!" Tang Guan's heart shuddered, and then he closed his eyes and remained silent. It seemed that there were still many things he didn't understand.

A moment later, the carriage stopped suddenly, and Tang Guan immediately got up and walked out, but his eyes were still lush and lush. Just when Tang Guan's heart was trembling, an indistinguishable voice sounded: "Xiao Langjun, you have come."

Tang Guan heard the sound and looked over, only to see an inner eunuch walking out of the clump. The inner eunuch had a complicated body, and he was also Tang Guan's old acquaintance, Wang Gonggong. [

"There's this stuff everywhere." Tang Guan groaned in his heart. Seeing that Wu Zhao had something to say before the trial, just as he was about to respond, two more carriages drove up from the left and right trails.

There were two people getting out of the car, one with kind eyes and kind eyes, and the other with a sinister face.After they got out of the car and saw each other, they looked at each other and smiled, but when they saw Tang Guan's figure, the expression of the old man with a sullen face couldn't help changing, and even the kind-hearted man's eyes flashed a hint of surprise.

"Yo, it just so happens that everyone is here."

The prince saw the two coming.Xiaoying stepped forward, these two people were indeed Lai Junchen and Zhou Xing, Tang Guan looked directly at Lai Junchen after seeing them, Lai Junchen seemed to be greatly shocked by his existence.

"Why is he here?" Lai Junchen glanced at Tang Guan with some trembling in his heart, of course he was very clear about what he was doing behind his back.Moreover, he was complacent about this matter, because when he witnessed Wu Zhao read the impeachment memorial, he did not get angry like the last time, but looked a little more serious.

I thought Tang Guan had suffered a lot this time, but he didn't expect to appear here. Obviously, when Wu Zhao chose someone to judge the case, other than Tang Guan knew who came.Both he and Zhou Xing knew nothing about it.

Seeing Lai Junchen looking at him, Tang Guan raised his head and smiled at him, but with this smile, Lai Junchen couldn't help but tremble in his heart, Tang Guan's smile was very secretive, coupled with his feeling guilty, he didn't dare to look at Tang Guan for a while.

At this time, Wang Gonggong saw the three people coming together, and said with a smile: "The three ministers are all trusted by His Majesty. This time, Your Majesty has a few words to order before you go to trial."

As soon as these words came out, the three of them stood together with hands folded. Only then did Wang Gonggong nod and said: "One of them, Tang Hanlin is the presiding judge among the three."

Lai Junchen was startled when he heard the words, and Zhou Xing narrowed his eyes slightly. Seeing that the two had no objection, Wang Gonggong said again: "The second one. Although the thieves inside are rampant and rebels, they are the head of the country after all. My lord, you guys, don't "neglect"."

Say it.Seeing that the three of them didn't seem to respond, Wang Gonggong continued: "The third thing is, the gentlemen should know that the empress is a bodhisattva and can't bear to kill. As long as the thieves recruit them, the gentlemen should not be "difficult"."

After finishing speaking, the prince covered his mouth and smiled and said, "Do you want to say it again, slave girl?"

"The minister waits for the order." The three of them lowered their heads with different expressions, among them Tang Guan smiled strangely, and then the prince nodded and said: "The servant girl is leaving."

After finishing speaking, Wang Gonggong turned his head and whispered a few words to the soldiers behind him, then turned and left.

Only then did Tang Guan and the others raise their heads, and Zhou Xing said with a smile: "Young Lord, I didn't expect His Majesty to trust you so much. It seems that Zhou is going to return empty-handed this time."

"Master, you are joking. The students all rely on the power of the two ministers, especially since they have been envoys to justice for many years, and they are stern and private. Qu Bing wants to pay his respects today."

Lai Junchen laughed dryly when he heard the words: "It's easy to say, easy to say."

After all, the few people stopped talking. Tang Guan saw that the two of them didn't seem to be very unfamiliar with this place. After exchanging greetings, he turned and walked towards a dense bush.

In front of the three of them, a soldier opened the way. After a while, they came to a stone wall. The stone wall was more than [-] feet high, and the surface was smooth, but there was a square hollow in the middle, which was bottomless. Make a mold, click a pair, and then set the token-shaped object in the hollow.

Tang Guan couldn't help squinting his eyes when he saw this scene, but then he felt relieved again. The imaginary stone opening did not appear, but shouts came from inside the stone wall.

"Hey, ha."

"Hey, ha."

I saw the stone wall moving forward slowly, the surrounding earth and rocks rolled, and a big hole was forced out from the inside out on the top of the stone wall. Tang Guan glanced at the round rolling stone blocking the cave, and saw a deep tunnel appearing in front of him. Dozens of strong men in front of the cave were out of breath.

"Good guy, although it's not fully automatic, it's still a big deal." Tang Guan looked at this scene and said to himself, Zhou Xing and Lai Junchen seemed to be very skilled, so they got up and walked in.

Seeing this, Tang Guan followed indifferently. As soon as they entered, those strong men shouted again, and even pulled the round stone back, and the outside suddenly closed. If you don't look carefully at the stone wall, you can't see a circle around it. crack.

But when Tang Guan walked in the tunnel, thinking that it was over, he suddenly discovered that the tunnel with the torches stuck in it was just a passage.

While everyone was walking, there were two more soldiers guarding a cage-like object at the end of the tunnel. Tang Guan was taken aback when he saw this thing, and then secretly glanced at the soles of his feet.

"This thing should not be an elevator."

Tang Guan followed Zhou Xing into the cage in doubt, and suddenly his feet trembled. As expected, a void floated in front of his eyes.

The soldier above slowly rotated the cable in the wooden gate. Tang Guan looked down and couldn't help but his face froze. It turned out that there was a thick cable under the cage to fix the balance. He saw a vague figure below, shouting and shouting. This turned out to be a manpower version of the elevator.

It is about twenty feet from top to bottom. After Tang Guan saw all kinds of things here, he suddenly remembered that Chang Ying once said that Ma Lie turned over from the prison.

"How is it possible!?" Tang Guan was not surprised by these devices, after all, they were all human-made, but if this is really the legendary sky prison, how could Ma Lie escape from such a place!

At this moment, the cage crashed to the ground, and a group of soldiers rushed up. Only then did Tang Guan see the surrounding scene clearly. He saw that this was an open area with a structure similar to that of an ordinary prison, except that it was buried deep in the ground.

In fact, this Heavenly Prison is no secret to some veteran officials. Construction started as early as the time of Emperor Gaozu, it was used during Taizong's time, and it was fully repaired by Wu Zhao.

Tang Guan raised his eyes and looked around, and saw that the prison cells were in order, no different from the state government office he had stayed in before, but in front of the prison was not a government servant, but a group of soldiers patrolling back and forth.

Seeing this, Tang Guan suddenly laughed. He laughed at Liu Xun's stupidity and cuteness. Ma Lie could turn over from such a place, but he tried to trap him with a small state prison.

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