Training Wu Zhou

Chapter 253: The death of the family matter is the first crime

The yin will end, and there will be no sleep all night.

An imperial decree came with the sunrise, Tang Guan knelt down to receive it, and got up, the father-in-law said: "Congratulations."

Tang Guan smiled and shook his head. It was indeed a happy event. After sending away the bird of good news, people around him dared to step forward. He Qiyue said, "Brother Qubing, congratulations."

Tang Guan stopped his body when he heard the words, and looked up at He Qiyue. He was a fifth-rank admonishing doctor, and he enjoyed a real salary of [-] stones.

But Tang Guan glanced at the imperial decree in his hand and sighed softly again, a person walked out of the room over there, Shangguan Wan'er was finally in good health, she no longer struggled to move, seeing the imperial decree in Tang Guan's hand, she Also like Tang Guan, he didn't see a happy expression.

She is a person who has seen a real extremely personable official. Tang Guan is so good at this. Before, the fifth rank was in the past, and she couldn't even touch the threshold of Shangguan's family.

But as Tang Guanguan became bigger and bigger, Shangguan Wan'er became more and more worried. Thinking of this, she walked towards the courtyard. The old king who was holding Tang Guan's brand-new court clothes and official seal with a smile on his face saw her coming, and said: : "Master, I'll put it away for you."

Tang Guan nodded when he heard the words, and then said again: "Where is Xiaoqi?"

"Chang Zhuang took him away."

"Understood." Tang Guan heard the words, and then took the imperial decree in his hand with the old king.

He has already opened up the joints in the palace. Although Xiao Qi is not from a famous family, it is indeed unreasonable to forcefully insert himself into the Hongwen Museum, but Tang Guan, as the owner of the museum, has become reasonable even if he is unreasonable.

Seeing Tang Guanjia, He Qiyue felt happy for him, but when he looked up and saw Shangguan Wan'er who was already moving freely, he was taken aback for a moment and then thought to himself: "It's time to leave."

"Qubing." Shangguan Wan'er called Tang Guan.Tang Guan heard that it was her, and said softly, "Wan'er, you don't want to sleep much."

Shangguan Wan'er looked at He Qiyue in embarrassment when she heard the sound, and it was not difficult to see that her relationship with Tang Guan was getting closer.He Qiyue also felt embarrassed, and hurriedly said: "Brother Qubing, do you have something important to do later?"

Tang Guan shook his head when he heard the words, and He Qiyue then said: "Then can you go to the servant's room later, I have some things I want to explain."

Tang Guan's heart was moved when he heard the words, and then he said: "Brother Qizhi, you and I, brother, you can speak directly if you have something to say, if you think your wife is present, she just avoids it."

Seeing this, Shangguan Wan'er didn't wait for Tang Guan to say anything, she gave He Qiyue a blessing, then turned around and wanted to leave, He Qiyue hurriedly said: "No, it's okay, madam, don't go."

Seeing Shangguan Wan'er stopped hearing the sound, He Qiyue said to Tang Guan: "Brother Qubing, thanks to your good care these days, my mother is fine. This is the last box of ointment, I should say goodbye."

After all, He Qiyue took it out from his bosom and handed it to Tang Guan. Tang Guan first took it with his hand and then frowned, "Brother Qiyue. I didn't treat you well?"

"No, go to the sick brother to respect the virtuous corporal, and I am deeply impressed by the abandonment of treatment."

"Is that because I'm so mean? Brother Qi Zhi disdains Tang Mou's company?"

"Tang Dianyuan. Oh, no. Mr. Tang, don't embarrass yourself. Abandoning a wild crane in the cloud, I really can't bear the love of my brother." Although He Qiyue is pure and kind-hearted, he is not a fool. He is used to Tang Dianyuan. , Remembering that he just became an official, he immediately changed his name to be a gentleman.

Tang Guan kept silent when he heard the words, it seemed that he really couldn't keep him, but that was also good, because he wanted to verify one thing, and it would be useful to let him go back.

Thinking of this, Tang Guan said: "Since Brother Abandoned Medicine is determined to go, and Tang Mou doesn't force it, why don't you wait for Big Brother Chang to come back and let him give you a ride?"

"Don't dare to cause any more trouble. Brother Qubing, if you have nothing important to do, then you can leave now by abandoning the treatment."

Tang Guan frowned upon hearing this, Shangguan Wan'er saw this and said without waiting for Tang Guan to speak out, "Mr. He, Mr. Lang and you hit it off right away. Wouldn't it hurt his heart if you just walked away like this?"

"This..." As soon as Shangguan Wan'er spoke, the effect was immediate. Seeing that He Qiyi was speechless, Tang Guan was also very surprised when he saw this. Wan'er's words made him hesitate.

Seeing this, Tang Guan smiled and said: "Brother Qiji, don't be in a hurry, wait for Brother Chang and Xiaoqi to come back, we will see you off."

"Okay, then I'll be bothering you for a while." He Qiyue had no choice but to agree. After all, it's hard to turn down his kindness, and Shangguan Wan'er said so, so he had to follow Tang Guan's wishes.

After that, He Qiyue saw what happened here, said goodbye and walked back to the room.

Tang Guan also subconsciously wanted to help Shangguan Wan'er back to the room, but was avoided by Shangguan Wan'er, and then realized that she no longer needed help.

After shaking their heads with a wry smile, the two walked back to the room together.


Daming Palace, Guanxi Court.

The pavilion and flower terrace here is where Wu Zhao often comes. She doesn't have many hobbies on weekdays. Apart from reviewing memorials, which is indispensable every day, she comes here most of the time to play with her flowers and plants, which usually takes a whole day.

On this day, there was an old sister behind her. The relationship between the two of them looked very similar to the so-called "girlfriends", but the appearance of the two was very different. Although Princess Qianjin was two years younger than Wu Zhao, her hair was already black and white. Then, but looking at Wu Zhao, it was just the opposite. The reason why this woman who is close to a demon is looked up to as a god is because she is going against the current in all aspects.

Wu Zhao, who has a good face, and Princess Qianjin behind him are all smiling and serving the flowers and plants in front of them.

"Your Majesty, my concubine hasn't come to see you for some time." Princess Qianjin laughed.

"Well, it's been a while." Wu Zhao said hesitantly.

Princess Qianjin saw that she was so calm, but her heart was even more frightened. The reason for her entering the palace this time was very simple. The news that all the [-] anti-kings had pleaded guilty had already spread. Well, the trial started yesterday at most, and they were forced to plead guilty willingly within a day, and the name of the judge was very famous, it was the well-known Tang Qubing.

Before the kings rebelled, she also received that letter. Although she did not intend to respond to it at the time, even though she was also a member of the clan, she was different from many princesses in that she had a good relationship with Wu Zhao when she was young. .

Even so, because she is a member of the clan, all the anti-kings who have military power in the clan have been eliminated, and Wu Zhao will repair them one by one sooner or later. Instead of waiting to die, it is better to take the initiative Please, she has the advantage, just like what I said before, Wu Zhao still has some feelings for her.

Thinking of this, Princess Qianjin stopped her movements and said, "Your Majesty, those thieves are too rampant. They are definitely not the royal family's intention. They rely entirely on His Majesty's heavenly power, so they can't hide."

After she finished speaking, she took a peek at Wu Zhao, who was still looking left and right to sort out the flowers and plants after hearing the sound, and then said softly after a long time, "Sister, I heard that they wrote a letter to everyone?"

Princess Qianjin trembled when she heard the sound, she knelt down in the tunnel and said: "Your Majesty, this concubine was forced to accept the letter from the rebels, but this concubine has no other intentions, I beg Your Majesty to learn from you."

After finishing speaking, Princess Qianjin kowtowed to the ground, Wu Zhao stopped and patted the jade hand lightly when she heard the words, and said, "Get up."

Princess Qianjin was overjoyed when she heard the words, she was just about to get up, but she thought of something, she suddenly bowed to the ground and said: "Your Majesty, this concubine has always admired you, the queen mother died young, seeing you, I want to see the Virgin Mary, please Take me as your adopted daughter."

As soon as these words came out, even Wu Zhao couldn't help being taken aback, and looked at the Qianjin Princess on the ground in surprise, she didn't intend to really embarrass this girl, she is a rare one in the clan who has a better relationship with him People, but seeing that she said so herself, Wu Zhao felt happy instead.

After a long time, he actually said: "Okay, that's fine, my dear daughter, then you will be the daughter of Princess Qianjin from now on."

"Ah, princess." Although she had been mentally prepared, Princess Qianjin still felt her eyes go dark when she heard this. She is the daughter of Gaozu, and she is older than Wu Zhao in terms of seniority, but now she has done something for her. Daughter, but also turned into a princess.

This kind of scene was really funny, Princess Qianjin finally said after gritting her teeth: "I will see my mother."

"Okay, okay." Wu Zhao stretched out his hand to help her up, and showed a rare smile. This is really funny, and it is even more funny to Wu Zhao. Even this princess can only recognize herself as a godmother!

It can be said that "the death of a family matter is the first crime", Princess Qianjin endured the humiliation, and only hoped to calm things down and save her life. (to be continued..)

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