Training Wu Zhou

Chapter 258: The Life and Death of Gou Li Country

Daming Palace, the power core of the most powerful empire in the world.

We have mentioned the existence of the three provinces many times. This institution has weakened the imperial power to a certain extent, so the existence of controlling this institution must be the confidant of the supreme ruler.

There is no doubt that Wu Chengsi and Wu Sansi at this time are indeed Wu Zhao's confidantes, not only that, but the most important thing is blood.

And Hongwenguan, an aristocratic college affiliated to the three provinces, maintains this noble lineage. The reason why Hongwenguan is not like ordinary imperial schools, is to maintain the nobility of bloodlines. China has no borders between east and west, as long as a ruling class is born, this phenomenon will appear.

The word "Confucianism" was born in later generations. Although China is a polytheistic country with omnipotent and supernatural gods above the nobles, the strange thing is that religion has not been able to develop into the ruling class, but has become a tool in the hands of the nobles.

Strictly speaking, Confucianism is not a religion, but it has a more powerful brainwashing ability than religion. Of course, this is not derogatory. At a time when productivity is not developed, Confucianism has become a system that is ahead of all mankind.

What it brings is not only a stable society, but also the relaxation of conflicts between people.

At this time, the morning watch started to sound, and the palace was completely dark, only the lamps in the Hongwen Hall in the vestibule were lit, and a morning reading began.

And Tang Guan, the principal of the Hongwen Museum, was also present for a rare time, sitting with his arms crossed and listening to the bachelor's lecture.

Of course, he was only staying for a short time, half an hour later he would hold the morning court, and then he would go to the first real morning court in his life.

Looking at myself as a student, my face is full of tiredness.Tang Guan sat on the chair and shook his head secretly. He is a man who has not studied hard for ten years.Scholars who have reached the sky one step at a time are also very bored with the scene in front of them.

I just listened to the scholar's lecture: "Therefore, there are six meanings in poetry: one is wind, the other is Fu, the third is comparison, the fourth is Xing, the fifth is elegance, and the sixth is praise."

The Grand Scholars in the Hongwen Museum have a rule, that is, never speak twice, if you understand it, you understand it, and if you don’t understand it, you don’t understand it.

Hearing this, Tang Guan took a look at the students present, and when he saw Xiao Qi who was mixed in there and pretended to be counting.Can't help but smile, this kid is obviously in a cloud of mist, and as expected, he lost his mind there.

Seeing this, Tang Guan looked away, there was one person he was interested in, and that was Yao Hua, who was clever and sensible, which suited Tang Guan's appetite.

I saw Yao Hua attentively listening to the bachelor's lecture. He knew that the family had spent a lot of effort and worked hard to send him in.So I didn't neglect to read the book.

Just as Tang Guan was looking at this person and pondering, the library staff came forward and said in a low voice: "Master, the court meeting is about to begin."

"Oh, good." Tang Guan regained consciousness after hearing the sound.Then when he was about to get up, his heart suddenly moved, and he said, "I heard that you can take two students to listen to the government?"

"Well... there is such a saying, but these students have only been in the library for a few days. They all have no rules, so they went. I'm afraid..."

"It doesn't matter, if you don't go, you will never understand the rules." Tang Guan waved his hands when he heard this.stand up.

Hearing the words, the library staff apologized and said with a smile: "What Mr. Xiang said is true, then which family do you think will be brought into the court?"

Tang Guan was silent when he heard the words, and looked at them one by one. The library manager smiled slightly when he saw this, and said, "Master, look, that is the gentleman of Zhongshu Shilang's family."

Hearing this, Tang Guan glanced at it casually, then shook his head slightly, and the library staff said again: "That is Saburo from Da Honglu's family, from the main room, the whole family treasures it."

The library staff seemed to know the background of the students here, but Tang Guan gave him a playful look and said, "You really know a lot."

The curator was startled when he heard the words, knowing that he was talking too much, Tang Guan looked at Yao Hua after he finished speaking, this son is the heir of the governor of Xiazhou, he is also a noble son in the place, but it is really ordinary here.

If it is said who is the most honorable, of course it must be Li Chengqi, the grandson who sits in the front row and no one dares to get close to him, but this little fat man was directly ignored by Tang Guan. Some human nature, as for the government, let alone think about it.

Thinking of this, Tang Guan said: "Sir, please stop for a moment."

Hearing this, the bachelor got up and stopped, thinking that Tang Guan had something to say, and was about to move his seat, but Tang Guan pointed at Yao Hua and said, "You, come here."

"Me?" Yao Hua was startled when he heard the words. He had already discovered the existence of Tang Guan. .

Only then did Tang Guan slightly bow his hands to the bachelor, then turned and left, Yao Hua immediately followed after seeing this.

"Yao Hua."

"The students are here."

"Do you remember the lesson from the other day?"

Yao Hua's heart trembled when he heard the words, and he said in a low voice, "Remember."

"Okay, those people are rebels, they are rebellious, and death is not a pity!"

"Yes." Yao Hua responded respectfully when he heard the words, but Tang Guan's next words made him ecstatic.

"You come with me to listen to the government, just put on your ears, understand?"

"Thank you teacher, thank you teacher!"

When Tang Guan spoke, he walked ahead without looking back, but Yao Hua was agitated. His classmates had a deep background, and he could only be regarded as the bottom among them. Unexpectedly, Tang Guan seemed to be very optimistic about him.

"Stop." The two walked for a while, Tang Guan shouted to stop, then Tang Guan bowed and said nothing, raised his hands to face the board, Yao Hua immediately bowed his hands and bowed his head without daring to look at it.

It turned out that the "big troop" had arrived, and I saw a mighty approaching on the steps over there, left Wen and right Wu, but the leaders were Wu Chengsi and Wu Sansi, the left and right ministers.

The two of them saw Tang Guan here as they were walking, and they were not surprised when they saw the suit on his body. The people in the court were orderly, and several people also glanced at Tang Guan on the side of the road, then lowered their heads and continued walking to the upper hall go.

It wasn't until the end of the line that Tang Guan pulled Yao Hua into it. Yao Hua looked up and couldn't help but feel excited. His father's official career is not small, and it's not easy to get mixed up with the governor, but this Hanyuan Palace is a soldier The ultimate goal of the son, it is a great honor to enter it.

Everyone filed in.It is not once or twice that Tang Guan came to the Hanyuan Hall, but he stood there immediately.Pull Yao Hua behind him.

In the early days, Tang Guan was close to his colleagues.As an admonishing doctor, he glanced at Yao Hua and said in a low voice, "Mr. Tang, this is?"

Upon hearing this, Tang Guan responded, "Students in the library."

Hearing the words, the person suddenly understood, and said no more.

At this moment, the inner eunuch raised his voice and shouted: "Way!"

"I see you, Your Majesty!"

As soon as the sound fell, everyone bowed in unison to salute, the curtain above moved a few times, and Wu Zhao was sitting in the curtain.She was not in a hurry to let everyone excuse me, but took a look, and when she saw Tang Guan's figure, she said: "All the gentlemen, excuse me."

Everyone got up when they heard the sound, Yao Hua was already so excited that he couldn't control it, it was the first time he heard Wu Zhao's voice with his own ears, and he just felt that everything was so novel.

Tang Guan raised his head and looked around for a while, the civil servants' side was the same as usual, but the generals' side had a few sad faces.

Seeing this, Tang Guan's eyes paused for a moment, and then he moved away.

In fact, it is also interesting to say.Most of the civil servants in the early court did not report on state affairs, and often talked about some personnel arrangements. The reason was also very simple, and the early court only opened every three to five times.Most of the things they want to deal with have already been dealt with, but sometimes the generals in the central government become the main theme, and most of what they want to play is some emergencies.

Sure enough, after reporting to the internal supervisor, there is something to report.After retreating without incident, a general over there who seemed to be of high rank couldn't hold back immediately.He stood up and said, "Your Majesty, there will be a war to report!"

Hear the word war.Everyone's heart trembled, and they only listened to the general's words: "In recent days, the subordinates of the last general have reported that the Turkic soldiers and horses have been mobilized frequently, and the army of Helong may be disadvantageous to our court."

"Oh? Is there a repatriation envoy to negotiate?"

Hearing this, another general stood up and said: "Your Majesty, these Hu thieves have long been disobedient. The envoys sent by the army have not returned for a long time. It is expected that something unexpected will happen. The final general is willing to lead the army to put down the rebellion!"

As soon as these words came out, the curtain moved slightly. The frontier frontier was extremely wide, and although the national treasury was full, if there were two fronts fighting, there would be no guarantee that no accidents would happen. At this moment, Wu Zhao hesitated.

If it is said that Wu Zhao has been honored by Emperor Taizong in recent years, the biggest one is Turkic, whose vitality has been greatly injured. When Turkic wins completely, Emperor Taizong of the Tang Dynasty in the world will have to waste all their troubles to defeat it, and it is only a defeat.

Listening to what these people said, Tang Guan was also eager to try. Yes, he had never seen what a real war looked like, and he was already tired of this endless luxury.

If Wu Zhao can give him a chance to get in touch with violent organizations, that would be what Tang Guan would most like to see, but the road is unbelievably long, and Tang Guan is eager to get another chance to reach the sky.

Thinking of this, Tang Guan secretly looked at Yulian. He didn't dare to ask himself to lead the army to fight. To be honest, even if he was allowed to fight, he really didn't know how to fight now.

It is absolutely unreliable to rely on his own inexhaustible power at that time. He has read military books, but Tang Guan is more familiar with the stories on paper. He just wants to see it with his own eyes. promise.

But Wu Zhao didn't make a sound for a long time, and only after half a stick of incense did he say: "Where is Cheng Wuting?"

Wenyin, Minister of the Ministry of War, stood up and said, "Reporting to Your Majesty, General Cheng is recuperating at home and has not yet returned to the army."

"Your Majesty, the old general is old and can't bear to fight hard. The last general is willing to lead his troops to crusade!"

These generals are all newcomers, and most of them are descendants of warlords. There are countless military guards in the central government.

Of course, there are also some old people among them, who are silent, and Cheng Wu has frightened the frontiers for many years. Only a few days after returning to the court, the Turks have the tendency to invade with troops, and the war against Tubo has been fruitless.

Tang Guan originally tried everything possible to keep Cheng Wuting, relying on him to live a peaceful life for two years, but now it seems that peace may not be possible.

"Announce Cheng Wu to return to the army and strengthen security. This matter will be discussed again."


Tang Guan narrowed his eyes when he heard the words, and he heard something wrong in Wu Zhao's tone. He had already caught this kind of something wrong a long time ago, and it seemed that she, who has always been vigorous and resolute, could not help becoming afraid when encountering such things.

Although this fear was not very obvious, Tang Guan seemed to understand something.

"She's a saint, but she's also a woman."

After a court meeting broke up with a bang, it was really ridiculous for Wu Zhao to be vague about such a matter. The empire behind her was so powerful, but it didn't give her the confidence she deserved. (To be continued..) (To be continued..)

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