Training Wu Zhou

Chapter 265: Arrows on the string cannot be fired

(This book may be banned. If it is really sealed, I hope everyone understands. I won’t say more about the reason. Book friends who like it can keep it for themselves)


"Your Majesty, General Cheng asks to see you."

A voice came from outside the tent, Tang Guan's movements stopped abruptly, and Wu Zhao immediately woke up with a curse in his heart.

"Pa!" After a crisp sound, Tang Guan added another palm print on the left face.

"Get out!"

Hearing the sound, Tang Guan stood up, expecting that Cheng Huaibi had spoiled his good deed, he couldn't help feeling annoyed, Wu Zhao, this flirtatious bitch was really lucky.

This time, he made himself unable to shoot.

Cheng Huaibi's skills are not weak, if Wu Zhao suddenly made trouble, I'm afraid he would have to confess here, Tang Guan immediately stepped out of the bucket unwillingly, and he didn't care much because he was soaked, and walked out of the tent directly. Standing outside the tent, he couldn't help being taken aback when he saw Tang Guan's appearance.

After Tang Guan glanced at him, he immediately found a direction and left.

"Almost, almost!" Tang Guan was furious at this moment. He didn't know what would happen when Wu Zhao reacted. look.

Tang Guan's footsteps were so fast that the patrolling soldiers on the road didn't dare to step forward to check him when they saw him. Tang Guan opened the tent and entered in a moment.

"Brother Guan!"

As soon as he entered the tent, there was an excited voice, and there were three shops in this small tent.One of them belonged to Tang Guan, and the other two belonged to Xiao Qi and He Qiyue who came with him.

This imperial conquest is no small matter.Tang Guan reported to the police and placed the two beside him as servants. Fortunately, Tang Guan was not a general.It is a violation of military regulations for generals to go out to war for ease and pleasure.

"Brother Qubing, what are you?"

He Qiyue saw that Tang Guan was drenched all over, he and Xiao Qi had stayed in the tent all day today, and did not see him, so he was so terrified when he came back.

After Tang Guan glanced at the two of them, he shook his head and smiled wryly. He was indeed "sexy and daring" on the way to the expedition.He had just left Chang'an, and he was about to get entangled with Wu Zhao, but it was a pity that he was only a little short.

Regardless of the presence of the two of them, Tang Guan directly took off his clothes, got into the quilt and changed into clean obscene clothes, and then said: "Dumping water into the river, are you still used to it?"

The two were stunned when they heard the words, Xiao Qi was fine, he had always been partial to Tang Guan.Hearing what he said, he smiled casually and said, "Okay, it's much more interesting than writing."

After all, Xiao Qi also took off his shoes and got into the bedding.For him, this is no different from going out to play. Although Chang'an is prosperous, it has been a long time.That's it.

And He Qiyue seemed to sense something was wrong, but Tang Guan's expression was the same.Without thinking too much, he nodded and said, "It's okay."

"That's good. Take a rest and get up early tomorrow."

Tang Guan nodded and said, turning his body and ignoring the two of them, he thought to himself: "She won't kill people to silence her, but she enjoys looking at her, and I am a scumbag who is qualified enough."

As I said before, Tang Guan has long been tired of coping with Wu Zhao's mental illness. Playing mental games with her is like asking for humiliation. She does have physical flaws, and women will do everything when they are in love. out.

In fact, Tang Guan knew it from the beginning, but he was slow to deal with it, because he didn't bother to do so, and he also felt awkward and disgusting. This way of confrontation is the next strategy, but now even Tang Guan himself is disgusted with himself, Admit that you are a scumbag.

It can be said that Wu Zhao drove him to a dead end step by step. He looked around and saw that her enemy was completely defeated. Although Tang Guan's personal conquest this time was beyond Tang Guan's expectations, there are hundreds of thousands of troops defending her alone, so the possibility of a business trip is unlikely. Da, Tang Guan's road ahead is at a loss. What Pei Yan told Wu Zhao before his departure, on the one hand, increased Tang Guan's social status, and on the other hand, it actually hurt him.

Tang Guan has long lost his edges and corners due to various experiences. Not to mention that Wu Zhao won't win the world if he doesn't believe in him, but he himself doesn't believe that he will continue to plan every step of the way. How can the world be won.

But often the plan can't keep up with the changes, it's only a tiny bit short, and it's even spinning around in front of the acupuncture point. It's hard to say how she will deal with herself.

The reason why Tang Guan, who didn't say goodbye to Shangguan Wan'er more sadly, suddenly dared to put everything aside and take a big gamble was also very simple. On the eve of the departure, Tang Guan could not sleep at night by his pillow. Yes, he was scared after all. The more you have, the less courage you will have.

The old lunatic in the sky prison said that he was afraid of being punished by heaven. To be honest, Tang Guan was really afraid. He was afraid that one day his actions would be retribution. Just imagine that one day he would be a prisoner and someone would treat his wife like him. Girl, Tang Guan will also admit defeat without hesitation like so many anti-kings.

This is not only the bottom line of the officialdom, but also his own bottom line. Now that he has touched it, he is afraid.

But Shangguan Wan'er's words chilled Tang Guan's heart, and the courage that had been lurking for a long time quietly returned, and she said: "I will disappear by myself before then, and everything you care about."

These words were spoken from Shangguan Waner's mouth, which undoubtedly made Tang Guan's hair stand on end. He would not question how thorough the disappearance and everything she cared about was in the slightest.

The woman has gone so far bravely, never leaving any flaws for her husband, she is still Shangguan Wan'er after all, among all the women Tang Guan met, compared with Wu Zhao, she was only born at the wrong time.

Tang Guan's betting has always been unequal. He lost all his wealth and life to bet on Wu Zhao. Obviously, he will lose in small bets. He wonders if he can continue his good luck in big bets.

It can be imagined that Tang Guan and Shangguan Wan'er are indeed similar in some aspects, which is unbelievable, just like his viciousness, just like his cruel heart.

Tang Guan tossed and turned for a while, although he had the confidence of Shangguan Wan'er's words that he could kill and not be humiliated, but Tang Guan, who was greedy for life, was naturally a little melancholy and uneasy.

"Cheng Huaibi, Cheng Huaibi, you ruined my big business!"

Tang Guan's impression of Cheng Huaibi was not bad at first, after all, this person had rescued him before, although it can be seen that he obeyed Wu Zhao because of some ulterior motives, and he did not hesitate to lose his family and humiliate his integrity, but just think about it. .

Wu Zhao pushed himself to this point, even if other people did something even more unbelievable, Tang Guan would not think it was so strange.

But he didn't show up sooner or later, and he appeared just when Tang Guan was about to do something completely. However, what Tang Guan did just now may be no different from Tang Guan's disappointment in Wu Zhao's opinion. (To be continued..)

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