Training Wu Zhou

Chapter 274: Three-year-old young champion Hou

Ma Lie, or Yuwen Ma Lie, acted secretly. He first threatened the generals of the Tang army, and then joined the enemy alone. What exactly he and Ashina Huan were going to do is still unknown, only that the Tang army felt a little lost.

Five days later, Tang Jun was in the camp.

"Your Majesty's majesty is in full swing, and the barbarians shrink back, so they dare not invade!"

"General Yimo sees that this battle has been won without a fight!"


Wu Zhao sat in the court case and listened to what these people said to each other, his face became more and more gloomy. When they came, they were still discussing fiercely, saying that they were beating this way, and they were beating that way.

The army has been stationed here for many days, and they haven't even seen the so-called imaginary enemy, which makes Wu Zhao lose face more and more.

There is only one young man and the old man who have been silent all the time. The young man has a handsome face, bowing his head and sneering continuously, and the old man is also full of playfulness looking at these younger generations comforting the newly acquired queen.

It is undeniable that among these generals of the new generation, there are indeed some who are good at fighting, especially those generals from poor families. They all climbed out of battles, but their battles are limited to the battles that were said before. , now even the enemy can't be seen, it's like a hammer falling on the cotton. [

This is also the most uncomfortable thing. Cheng Wuting, who has dealt with the Turkic people all his life, is helpless in the face of the vast natural dangers. The Turkic people can go in and out freely in the deep desert. It depends on the adaptation of several generations. It might be wiped out completely.

However, it is obviously impossible to eliminate the Turks by exhausting national power, so when he heard the news of Wu Zhao Yujia's personal conquest, he just said no, because he knew that this would definitely happen.The newly promoted Khan Ashina Huan is more rogue and shameless than his brother and father.

But at the same time he is also more courageous.The news that the so-called Lieutenant Helong received in the court was actually just that he moved the tribe forward.This is like two enemies, one standing downstairs aggressively shouting: "Come down if you have the ability."

One stood upstairs and shouted, "Come up if you have the ability."

Obviously, both sides have their own abilities, but they also have their own abilities. Ashina Huan dared not confront the Tang army head-on, and Cheng Wuting also tried his best to push the army into the desert.

Wu Zhao's complexion became worse the more he heard it, and after a long time he couldn't hold back and shouted: "Enough!"

Everyone stopped in a hurry when they heard the sound, and Tang Guan, who was standing beside Cheng Wuting, shook his head secretly when he saw this scene. Wu Zhao was still in a cold war with him, but he could feel the woman's helplessness.She came to the edge of the empire with fear and expectation.

The reason why people are afraid is because of the unknown, the more vague, the more afraid, the more disturbed Wu Zhao is when the Turkic people don't show up. Just imagine that she has made such a big noise this time, and after several months, she has left everything in Chang'an behind.The whole power was handed over to Wu Chengsi and Wu Sansi in order to overcome her last trace of weakness as a woman.

The generals were also beating their hearts. They didn't expect things to turn out like this. This was completely different from the Tubo they had faced before.

Although the environment is equally difficult.But at any rate, the Tubo people are targeted enemies. On the other hand, the Turks have made them a fly in the face and insisted on fighting them.It's not impossible to advance the army's destination.You can only face countless disadvantages, which is a big taboo for military strategists.

Or.This is no longer as simple as taboo.

Just when Wu Zhao was frowning and everyone had their own thoughts, suddenly a scout Pegasus came to report.

"Report! Enemy situation found [-] miles ahead!"

Everyone was shocked when they heard the sound, and Tang Guan immediately looked at the scout. There were eight generals present, and each of them was used to asking questions alone. Upon hearing this, they immediately started asking questions.

Seeing so many people asking, the scout didn't know who to answer first. Fortunately, at this moment, when Wu Zhao clapped the table, everyone retreated. [

Wu Zhao glanced at Cheng Wuting, Cheng Wuting stepped forward and said, "How many people are there?"

"Within three punches, about nine handles."

"Three fists and nine handles, 5000 people." Tang Guan murmured silently in his heart when he heard the words, and then his eyes lit up, appeared, finally appeared, and so many appeared at once.

Immediately Tang Guan looked at Cheng Wuting excitedly, but Cheng Wuting frowned when he heard that so many Turkic people appeared at once.

When those generals heard this number, they were all excited, the opportunity to make meritorious service came, and immediately someone went to the tunnel on one knee and said: "Your Majesty, the last general will lead the troops to meet the bandits!"

Wu Zhao also stood up a little excitedly. She waited the hardest here, and immediately gave orders without even thinking about it. She really wanted to see if the barbarians really gave birth to three heads and six arms!

But at this moment, Cheng Wuting suddenly cupped his fists and said, "Hold on, Your Majesty, there is deceit in it!"

"Fraud?" Wu Zhao was taken aback when he heard the words. The enemy appeared and should fight back. What kind of deceit could there be? Besides, there are hundreds of thousands of elite soldiers here. .

The generals also looked at Cheng Wuting in astonishment, Cheng Wuting frowned and said: "Your Majesty, the barbarians are always cunning, and they never send out more than three punches every time, there must be deceit!"

After all, Cheng Wuting ignored Wu Zhao, waved his hand and said: "Come here, order all the ministries not to move out, let the rear army go back to the garrison pool, and the bow guards go up..."

Before he could finish his sentence, a scout rushed in and reported: "Report, the enemy cavalry has advanced for five miles, and the guard in front has engaged with him!"

"What?" Cheng Wuting was taken aback when he heard the words. The Turkic people never confronted Tang Jun head-on. This time, there were so many people at once and they wanted to force their way in. This is not in line with their small-group infiltration style.

Just when Cheng Wuting was about to issue a new order, Wu Zhao said coldly: "Old general, you step down."

"I..." Cheng Wuting was dumbfounded when he heard the words. He was used to calling out directly, but he ignored Wu Zhao, but he didn't dare to disobey, so he had to step aside.

Tang Guan also wondered if Cheng Wuting was overly careful. The Turks finally showed up, but they were so careful. Tang Guan and Wu Zhao had the same idea. Any conspiracy is nothing but a conspiracy in the face of absolute power. It's a pity The current Tang Guan has not realized that when the political macro is used in war, that is the real bullshit.

But Wu Zhao was already impatient, looking forward to a victory, and immediately issued an order: "My guards on the left and right obey the order, and no prisoners will be left! I am a good boy, and I will fight bloody battles here, and there will be rewards!"

"Order!" Several generals were already eager to try. 5000 people were just stuffing their teeth, and they immediately responded excitedly. I have to say that Wu Zhao's existence is not completely useless. The man's words made the general's hormones surge even more, and after receiving the order, they rushed out quickly, and their respective leaders responded.

Seeing this, Tang Guan also wanted to fish in troubled waters and follow him out. It would be better if he stood far away to observe, but he had just taken two steps when he was pulled back by Cheng Wuting, who frowned at him and shook his head slightly.

Seeing this, Tang Guan was puzzled. What was Cheng Wuting afraid of? Can a mere 5000 people turn the world upside down?

As Wu Zhao thought, even if there was a fraud, it would be better if the Turkic people came out in full force, and that was exactly what everyone was looking forward to.

"Old general, you are already old, so you will accompany me here to wait for the soldiers to triumph!"

At this time, Wu Zhao seemed to be happy, and said to Cheng Wu, Cheng Wuting heard the words and said in a deep voice: "Yes."

After finishing speaking, Wu Zhao looked at Tang Guan again, his beautiful eyes flickered slightly, his sandalwood lips parted, and then he snorted coldly, but did not speak to him after all.

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