Training Wu Zhou

Chapter 279: 3-year-old boy champion candidate

In the middle of the night, Cheng Huaibi was in his tent.Please use to visit this site.

He Qiyue felt the strange ups and downs of his fingertips, and frowned as he looked at Cheng Huaibi's pale face. What surprised He Qiyue wasn't Cheng Huaibi's trauma, but whether it was because his body was naturally strong or because he was deformed by external force. The iron armor worked, so strong that it didn't break the person's muscles and bones.

What's even more weird is that this seemingly innocuous trauma seems to have affected some kind of strange disease that has been dormant for a long time. He Qiyue has been secretly concerned since he first saw this sick general. Now that he has the opportunity to diagnose it himself, he even It surprised him more than ever.

"Premature aging of the lungs, what a terrible internal injury."

"Impossible, what did he use to hang his life?"

He Qiyue murmured to himself, feeling a little helpless, this person is beyond the reach of needles, stones, grasses and trees, and there is no response to acupuncture points with silver needles.

At this moment, a person walked into the tent and said: "Brother Qizhi, how about it?"

He Qiyi heard the sound and knew that Tang Guan had come, he shook his head and said, "I don't know."

"You don't like it either?" Tang Guan was shocked when he heard the words. He had seen He Qiyue's strange medical skills before. All kinds of famous doctors in the capital couldn't cure Shangguan Wan'er well, and he didn't even notice that he was poisoned. But the medicine cured the disease. [

And Cheng Huaibi's unconsciousness after being beaten was somewhat unexpected. In his impression, this spy chief has always been mysterious and his actions are secretive.

Immediately, Tang Guan looked at the iron armor Cheng Huaibi had removed, and when he saw the shocking dent on it, his eyelids twitched, and he quickly stepped forward to check it.

Tang Guan brushed it inch by inch with his hand, and couldn't help but gasp.

Anyone who is not blind can see that the dent on it is definitely not left by some kind of weapon, it is obviously being beaten alive with fists and feet.

"I didn't expect the Turkic people to have such masters." Tang Guan still didn't know much about the so-called martial arts at this time, and he didn't realize that there were only a handful of people in the world who could have such strength. He only thought it was left by the Turkic assassins.

"This gangster knows martial arts, no one can stop him." Tang Guan narrowed his eyes, thinking that the so-called boxing kung fu was actually limited to the Han culture, but now it seems that the so-called fighting knows no national boundaries.

Thinking of this, Tang Guan looked at the frowning He Qiyue and asked, "Can he still live?"

He Qiyue nodded when he heard the words, then shook his head and said, "I don't know. It stands to reason that he should have died long ago."

hear this.Tang Guan couldn't help being startled, and asked again: "How?"

He Qiyue didn't speak when he heard the words, he just kept staring at the unconscious Cheng Huaibi, and after a long time he said, "I don't know."

Seeing that He Qiyue didn't know what to ask, Tang Guan knew that Cheng Huaibi was probably in danger.

Just when Tang Guan was about to ask clearly, another person walked in outside the tent.

"Old general." Tang Guan said when he saw someone coming.

It was Cheng Wuting who came out of Wu Zhao's tent just now, and he strode to the front of the shop as soon as he entered the tent, observing Cheng Huaibi vaguely and anxiously.

When he saw that there was no obvious injury on his exposed chest, Cheng Wuting heaved a sigh of relief, and felt sorry for Cheng Huaibi when something happened.Loyal to protect the lord, Wu Zhao, the master, doesn't care about him.Cheng Wu is very concerned about this person who is in charge. [

"Where's the doctor?"

Seeing that there were only two young men here, Cheng Wuting couldn't help frowning, Tang Guan stepped forward and said, "Old General, this is He Qiyue, a famous doctor in the capital. If he doesn't like it, the military doctors outside don't need to look at it either."

In terms of seeing a doctor, Tang Guan was surprised to believe in any abandonment of treatment, and He Qishen blushed when he heard this.What kind of famous doctor is he? He is just a little medicine man.

Immediately stood up, cupped his hands and said, "Why don't you give up the treatment."

Cheng Wuting sized him up and down after hearing the words, half-believing in Tang Guan's words, the young man in front of him was only a few years older than Tang Guan, he could be regarded as just grown up, he couldn't care so much immediately, and asked: "Why? Doctor, how is he?"

He Qiyue heard the words and said: "This general suffers from an internal disease, not a new injury, but an old one. I dare to ask, who is this general?"

Speaking of this, He Qiyue hesitated, as if he had something hard to say. In fact, the doctor asked about the history of past diseases and normal conditions when he saw a doctor, but this did not conform to He Qiyue's style. Regardless of whether it is a bad person, in his eyes, that is life.

But Cheng Huaibi's condition was strange, all he could tell was that the huge shock hit the inner mansion, Suo Xin was protected by iron armor, and no bones were hurt.

"You just say no, if the old man knows, he will definitely tell."

"Dare to ask where this general came from."

As soon as He Qiyue said this, Cheng Wuting and Tang Guan were taken aback, and after a while, Cheng Wuting said: "Huaibi is the youngest son of General Zhijie after the meritorious officials."

He Qiyue nodded when he heard the words, and then said: "Then this general must have never worked hard since he was a child?"

Cheng Wuting frowned when he heard the words, and after thinking for a while, nodded and said, "I haven't worked."

He Qiyue asked again: "Then when did this general practice martial arts and when did he join the army?"

Hearing this question, Cheng Wuting finally stopped answering, with a hesitant look on his face, it seemed that this matter was related to Cheng Huaibi's personal privacy, except for a few people, no one knew the reason.

Seeing that he was silent, He Qiyue couldn't help frowning. He couldn't find the reason, so there was no result, and he could only wait quietly for a while.

At this moment, Tang Guan suddenly handed over two vials. It turned out that while they were talking, Tang Guan found these two things while playing with the armor.

He Qiyue was startled when he saw this, took it immediately, opened the medicine bottle, and quickly closed it with a wave of his hand.

"Hemp Boiling San!"


Tang Guan murmured to himself when he heard the words, and looked at Cheng Wuting. Seeing this, He Qiyue stopped writing, and said directly: "This general is obviously sick from overwork. If it is possible according to what the old general said, it can only be forgiven by Xia Qihuang." Not good enough, can do anything.”

After all, He Qiyue seemed to be really planning to give up the treatment. Tang Guan was listening silently, and he was also curious about how Cheng Huaibi got this half-dead appearance.

Cheng Wuting, who had been pondering for a long time, finally said: "Forget it, Huaibi was weak and sick since he was a child. At that time, Lord Zhijie was still alive. I was the escort envoy of Annan Road. My father was also under the command of Old General Cheng. child."

"Interesting." Hearing this, Tang Guan immediately pricked up his ears. The name Cheng Zhijie now only exists in the story.

"Although this son has roots, it's a pity that he is not suitable for martial arts. The eldest son of the old general has already acquired his mantle, and he doesn't want the youngest son to repeat the same old ways, but he has been influenced by his ears and eyes, so let him learn."

"Good guy." Tang Guan looked at Cheng Huaibi while listening. The household name "Cheng Yaojin" passed down by the folks in later generations still interested him very much. Unmistakable, his form must be a tall and mighty general, Cheng Huaibi is his youngest son, but he has cultivated such virtues.

Sure enough, Cheng Wuting paused again when he said this, and after a long time, he said again: "In ancient times, martial arts practice is divided into good fortune and hard work. Without a natural hard body, it is difficult to achieve anything."

"That's right." Tang Guan nodded secretly from the side. This statement is indeed reasonable. In fact, it is the same as civil and military. His only "cheat" now is not a photographic memory, and all kinds of words are swept away by him. People have worked hard for decades.

But just when Tang Guan felt that these words were reasonable, Cheng Wuting's next words made him change color in shock.

"But this kid Huai Bi was able to make up for the lack of eight points by relying on great diligence. Old General Cheng's momentum is heavy, and he never takes three moves in front of the enemy. There are only a handful of people who can make up for three moves."

"After a lot of hard work, you weak children may not understand. One is the chaotic cloak, which needs to cut eighty lumber a day to achieve a small success, and the other is the mountain axe, which requires an even number of lumber cuts every day to be effective. , and the third is to split Huashan Mountain, which requires two punches every day!"

"In order to achieve something, this child practiced hard day and night without telling the old general. At first, he achieved great results. Later, the old general found out that it was too late. Not everyone in the Cheng family could practice the three axes. I don’t think so, after the death of the old general, all the shortcomings will be revealed, and the health will go from bad to worse, so we can only rely on Mabosan to paralyze the meridians.”

"Hiss." As soon as Cheng Wuting's words fell, Tang Guan gasped. He really yearned for these high-flying guys, but he didn't expect such bitterness behind them. He knew that each boxing routine had its own training method behind it. , I just didn't expect that the legendary three-axe turned out to be a big tree.

This is just the basic skills, the angles, routines, and strength all need to be taught by others, otherwise, even if you cut down the mountains and plains, you can only exhaust yourself to death.

Thinking of this, Tang Guan began to feel sad. Originally, he was still thinking about how to develop his unreliable power, but he immediately gave up this idea when he heard this. Cheng Huaibi worked so hard. Beaten unconscious?

It's a pity that Tang Guan didn't know that there were only a handful of people in the world who could fight Ma Lie with these three moves alone and force the other party into danger.

Tang Guan also discovered a rule, that is, whenever he is hysterical to the extreme, that warm current will appear, but this is uncontrollable, like a survival instinct, and they can explode anytime, anywhere. The martial artist who cracks the stone with courage is not the same.

And He Qiyue was also taken aback by what Cheng Wuting said, and it took a long time before he realized it, and hurriedly said: "Logging? Yes!"

After all, He Qiyue raised his head and said, "Brother Qubing, there may be medicinal materials here."

Before Tang Guan could answer, Cheng Wuting said, "Yes, what do you need?"

He Qiyue scanned around and saw that there were paper and pens there, so he immediately stepped forward to write.

Then handed the prescription to Cheng Wuting, Cheng Wuting held the prescription and immediately got up and went out to look for it.

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