Training Wu Zhou

Chapter 281: 3-year-old boy champion candidate

Ashina Huan in Luomajian is ambitious and vows to capture Wu Zhao alive. It can be said whether Tang Jun's personal conquest succeeded or failed, it is hard to say.

It depends on whether Ashina Huan has the ability to use the more than [-] warriors under him to stage a beautiful ambush. From a strategic point of view, the Tang army is still kept in the dark. For Ashina, a war is zero. Casualties are the real victory. He exchanged the lives of [-] comrades for this opportunity, which is beyond his tolerance.

You must know that Ashina's combat power at this time is actually close to [-], and some of them cannot be directly mobilized by him. The reason for saying this is because Ashina's army is not monolithic. Composed of many surnames, after so many years of development, Ashina is the most powerful, accounting for nearly six tenths of the distribution rights.

In other words, it means that his operation this time is a complete adventure. Counting the [-] horsemen who died in order to cover the infiltration of the large army, a total of more than [-] people was the biggest operation in his life. Although it can't be said that they are out of the nest, once they make a mistake, it will be beyond redemption!

Two days passed in a flash, and the Tang army camp was ready for preparation. It turned out that Wu Zhao finally accepted Tang Guan's proposal, so there was no need to spend it here. Calculating the time, it will be the end of the year when he returned to Beijing triumphantly.

It took several months for the Tang army to reach the destination, but it took only half a month to stay here. Fortunately, Wu Zhao and Tang Guan did not have the mentality of sweeping away with one blow. Can only return empty-handed.

Now at least five thousand horses have been beheaded. According to Tang Guan's personality, he would accept it as soon as he saw it. The assassination of Wu Zhao touched his nerves. Unfortunately, Tang Guan didn't know who did it, he just thought it was a Turkic man. A master warrior, otherwise, his decision to accept as soon as it is good may have to be changed again.

In fact, Tang Guan can't be blamed for not being vigilant. He has finally adapted to his political career. When he first came into contact with war, his thinking was still stuck on paper and some strategic games he had played in his previous life.Casualty figures.Marching direction is like a pile of data to him. [

It can be said that the current Tang Guan, and even Wu Zhao, are like many careless civil servants in history. The so-called specialization in art, there are many civil servants in history who are proud of their talents and think highly of themselves. ending.

Of course, there are some differences, but he is naturally suspicious, so this retracement is inevitable.

Wu Zhao is in the imperial tent.

Wu Zhao is doing the final mobilization of the generals.In her opinion, this personal conquest was barely a success, even though it was attacked by assassins.But this was hurtful, and hearing that although Cheng Huaibi was still awake, he had gradually calmed down, and the last trace of hesitation in his heart fell.

Counting Cheng Wuting present, there were still nine generals. Cheng Wuting stood aside and listened silently. It is a good thing for Wu Zhao to go back.They are here, but they can't use it.

However, there is always an inexplicable sense of crisis lingering, these days are too weird, especially when Cheng Wuting pays for more than half of the guards who died in front, and listening to their reports makes him feel that there is something wrong with the five thousand horsemen , but it is not sure where it is wrong.

After all, Cheng Wuting is a veteran who has experienced an all-out war with the Turks. At that time, the Turkic Khanate had nearly 30 troops.Fighting with five thousand small units is nothing, but although East Turkic has regained some vitality, it is by no means the style of fighting hard.

Just when Cheng Wuting was pondering, Han Cheng suddenly stood up and said: "Your Majesty is magnanimous, and the last general is willing to lead his troops to station here, to assist the old general, and to make meritorious deeds!"

Everyone looked at him in unison. Wu Zhao did not pursue his lack of strict governance. After all, the incident happened suddenly, but he himself was worried about it. From the moment politics was born, the most powerful violent institution in the hands of the ruler also emerged as the times require. , This is regardless of era, regardless of national boundaries.

They have different names in a complete national system, soldiers.

Adding the word "jun" in front of people means that they are hammers and sharp knives, trying to crush all known and unknowable threats.

As a soldier, everyone naturally understands Han Cheng's mood. In recent years, the main target of the war is Tubo. The garrison is a soul alchemist in Sichuan and Shu.

Therefore, when they found out that the Turkic people had shrunk their necks and couldn't cut them no matter how hard they tried, they could imagine the aggrieved hearts.

What Han Cheng said aroused the dissatisfaction of several other people. It is a crime to send troops to the army. They did not commit any crimes, but returning to the army is the biggest crime.

Five thousand Hu Qi comforted Wu Zhao, but they couldn't comfort them. Immediately, two more people stood up and said respectfully: "Your Majesty, the ministers are willing to lead the troops to garrison, and make meritorious deeds!"

"Haha! Good!" Wu Zhao was not surprised but happy when he saw this. This time he brought out more than [-] horses, eight generals each held one, and there were eight in total. The bloodiness of his subordinates has not diminished, so he looks a bit manly.

Cheng Wuting frowned when he saw this, and stepped forward and said: "Your Majesty, it is a good thing that several generals are willing to serve the country, but I have been deployed here for many years, and new recruits have been added. I am afraid that it will be difficult to allocate them in time. I will see you in the end, why not"

Before he finished speaking, Han Cheng interrupted: "Old general! I will punish myself by half a level and obey you! I will never weaken your prestige."

"You..." Cheng Wuting was furious when he heard the words, and gave up. These brats really don't know what to do, and they thought that they were afraid of being robbed of their limelight.

Wu Zhao fell silent when he heard the words, looked at Cheng Wuting, then at the three generals who asked for orders, and said in his heart: "Cheng Wuting is old, and he is obedient in doing things. , It will be used for a while, but it will not be used for a lifetime, since his life is spared, then give him a good death."

Thinking of this, Wu Zhao said softly: "Old General, you are old. After staying for a few years, I promise you to go home and reunite with your wife and children. These younger generations are my pillars of the dynasty. Can you be my mentor?"

"I don't dare!" Cheng Wuting hurriedly dropped to the ground on one knee. He didn't expect Wu Zhao to say such a thing.

He didn't dare to refute for a while, he only hoped that the urgency in his heart was just a bad habit developed over the years. It has to be said that Tang Guan's lubricant is very effective. It not only made Wu Zhao feel at ease, but also saved the lives of many capable people. .

"According to my order, Han Cheng's Department, Lin Lang's Department, and Zhao Minglu's Department, the three armies stay behind and protect our land!"

"The rest of the team will set off immediately. This time they will return with a big victory. Each class teacher will be rewarded."

"The minister waits for the order!"

Everyone bowed to receive the order, and dispersed to mobilize various ministries.

Cheng Wuting was still in the tent, eight of them went to three of them, and only five of them escorted Wu Zhao back to the capital. Although there were still a large number of people, this made the unspeakable darkness in his heart even stronger.

Finally, he couldn't bear it anymore, and said: "Your Majesty, I will send you into the customs at the end."

"Huh?" Wu Zhao was about to get up and tidy up, and he gave a light grace when he heard him say this.

"Weichen sent you a party, and turned back immediately after leaving the Luomajian."

Cheng Wuting thought a lot, but on the class teacher's road, there was only Luomajian where the terrain was relatively steep. After passing there, the country would not be a king for a day. There is also a basket of orthodox ideas for the Li family to turn over the salted fish.

But after the clan case, the elders of the Li family turned against the king and slaughtered them all. The Internet is unknown, and even irrelevant people outside the pedigree are also included in the Internet. It can be said that it is possible to turn around for a long time.

Therefore, no matter who the emperor is, if something goes wrong with the monarch, it is inevitable to fight for power. She has already killed every ten of the Li family. At that time, I am afraid that the situation will no longer be about who to choose. Coming to be the emperor can only be a change of dynasty!

Wu Zhao pondered for a while, then nodded lightly indifferently, Cheng Wuting bowed to accept the order when he saw this, and at the same time heaved a sigh of relief, personally escorting him, at least it was a little comforting.

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