Training Wu Zhou

Chapter 292: 3-year-old boy champion candidate

Tang Guan and Cheng Wuting died in Luomajian, and the veteran "class teacher" was carried into Lingyan Pavilion!

There was no need to hide this matter. It was in full view at the time, and once the news came out, it could be said to be like a bomb, which caused an uproar in the civil and military affairs of the Manchu Dynasty.

For a while, there were those who had different opinions, some who gloated about their misfortune, and some who couldn't believe it. Among them, the Wu brothers had the most complicated feelings. They spent so much effort to please Tang Guan, and they said they would die.

If I remember correctly, this person is only 11 years old after this year. insufficient.

Although there are many courtiers who hate Tang Guan and despise Tang Guan, they never deny that Tang Guan is indeed a genius, his words are all articles, and he is also ruthless and decisive in his actions at a young age.

Besides, Cheng Wuting was carried into Lingyan Pavilion by Wu Zhao's decree. This is also an extremely sensational news since the founding of the People's Republic of China. Stronger than Xue Rengui.

But when they went to pay homage in person, they realized that the news was true. Another one was added to the 24 portraits in Lingyan Pavilion, ranking No. 20 and five. This is a holy place for soldiers.

As soon as Wu Zhao returned to Beijing, she made a lot of moves. No one knew what happened to her so-called "big victory" this time. They only knew that both civil and military affairs were affected, and there was finally one less argument in the middle of some civil servants who secretly rejoiced. When it was a strange thing that he would be overwhelmed by everything, another order suddenly spread.

Few people know about Tang Guan's family background, and they don't know where a younger brother named Tang Liangjun unexpectedly took Mengyin's place as his brother's position temporarily. [

Especially the two brothers of the Wu family, when they saw Mr. Tang Liang enter the court to listen to the decree, their eyes almost fell out of shock. Isn't this the little bookboy Tang Guan? Relax, after all, there is a "little uncle" in the court, who can't be touched, can't be provoked, and it will be uncomfortable to let anyone go.

This is great, just died, and another one popped up, this Tang family has really realized the "mass production of male pets".

Moreover, his appearance was much superior to Tang Guan's, which made people feel complicated for a while. Fortunately, this Tang Liangjun didn't seem to have much ability except for his flirtatious appearance. He lived in seclusion every day and rarely had contact with irrelevant people.

Just when everyone thought it was all over and they were panting secretly, Wu Zhao issued another eleven dispatch orders, urgently urging Zhang Yuanhui's department to search for Tang Guan.

Of course, in the eyes of outsiders, this can only be slandered in the heart, and it is true when you think about it. When the two were in court, they could not be said to be close to each other, and they could be said to be known to everyone. Let Wu Zhao not give up on self-entertainment. Anyway, the one who suffers is still For those who were ordered to search, Zhang Yuanhui was truly a disaster.

Of course, these big actions one after another made many people feel different.

Although Wu Zhao returned to the court, she still listened to the court as before, and was even more serious than before, but the news of her personal conquest, a complete victory, caused an uproar among the people, and her prestige was suddenly overwhelmed.

In addition, the completion of the Mingtang is imminent, and the Mingtang will be built within a year, the clan will be wiped out against the king, and the royal family will conquest in person. This not only makes ordinary people feel that only the true man and God can do it, but also makes them, the great nobles who participated in it personally, feel a little bit nervous. Shake Shenxuan, it seems that he has seen Wu Zhao wearing a dragon robe and ordering the world.

Wu Zhao's madness is still going on, but she has also undergone some unknown changes. The maid who has been with her all year round found that since His Majesty returned to the palace, she went to the building of Mingtang from time to time. daze.

But the place where she was standing was the place where she and Tang Guan got together in Chang'an for the last time, and it was also the place where she decided to carry out this ridiculous imperial conquest.

Her goal has been achieved, that is a victory, and the people's prestige will be quickly mobilized, but the price is unimaginable, as if she suddenly felt that her heart was empty, looking at the heavenly palace in front of her, the building that Tang Guan personally drew, is He gave her the last gift.

He was like a fairy stone, which landed in the palm of his hand when he needed him. It was ridiculous that although he knew the goods at that time, he was still not enough to know the goods.

When she felt that she didn't need him anymore and was hesitating whether to leave him, he flew away by himself. He was spiritual, and if the emperor didn't want it, he would return to heaven and earth. I want to go home.

Wu Zhao stands on a high platform, with the wind blowing in the evening, and the phoenix robe fluttering in the wind. In her life, she met two men who touched her heartstrings.

Why?Every time she takes a step forward, she has to pay such a high price, which hurts herself and hurts others, because she was born as a woman, but she was blessed by destiny, but bound by etiquette? [

She killed her own flesh and blood, and killed her husband. When she wanted to go back and find the person buried in her memory, he told her to take refuge.

Now!As an emperor in the world, she still can't keep what she loves, so what's the use of being an emperor! ?

With reddish phoenix eyes, Wu Zhao took out a document from his sleeve, and after opening it, names were listed on it. Wu Zhao looked at the big word Tang Guan on the top, and suddenly smiled.

Immediately, he took the jade pen handed over by the maid behind him, and picked up the pen to slowly overlap his name with the word Tang Guan. The fates of the two were entangled crazily just like this word.

There is such a thing as fate, if you believe it, there will be, if you don't believe it, there will be.

There is no doubt that most of the ancients still believed it.

If not, how can there be "sometimes in fate, there must be something in the end, don't force it when you are in fate?"

One is the destiny of heaven, one is the destiny of man, and the other is the destiny of all things.

Just when Wu Zhao in the evening breeze and morning glow felt helpless and futile about his fate, there was also a woman leaning against the door with a haggard face and questioning whether she had killed her lover.

This girl was born in the family of princes and generals, and she should have enjoyed the glory and wealth, but the family was ruined and her family was destroyed.

And the happiness of the poor girl has just begun, and then ends again.

Is it true that anyone who treats her well deserves to die?

Could it be that she and Wu Zhao are actually the same kind of person, a god-man who shouldn't be confined to a daughter?

Shouldn't Shangguan Wan'er be called Shangguan Wan'er! ?

It was another month of news, and no one told her what happened, but she knew it herself. When Tang Liangjun put on Tang Guan's court clothes, she understood everything.

"Xiao Langjun, here we are."

There was movement at the door, Chang Ying walked in with Tang Liangjun, Tang Liangjun looked up at the person who was leaning on the railing and staring at the door every day, and couldn't help but feel uncomfortable.

Yes, she is beautiful, she is Tang Guan's true love, and Tang Guan is Tang Liangjun's faith.

Chang Ying and the others couldn't bear her getting haggard day by day, but the matter had come to this point, Lao Wang even lost his mind every day, and he didn't even dare to pass the news back home.

Everyone had to accept this fact. No wonder Mr. Tang Liang was unrighteous. To be righteous is to die for nothing?

That's not loyalty, that's foolishness.

Everyone knows that everyone is uncomfortable, especially him. When he puts on this court dress and looks at himself in the mirror, this is the scene he has imagined.

Tang Guan told him before falling off the cliff: "Remember, you will be called Tang Liangjun from now on."

Since then, Xiao Qi has died, he can no longer be that down-and-out Xiao Qi, he wants to be Tang Liang Jun, he must try his best to discover what he has learned from Tang Guan before he is qualified To find the faith.

Tang Liangjun walked into the room without saying a word, then picked up the lamp and picked up the book that gave him a headache even just looking at it before.

Afterwards, he gestured carefully word by word, which was a seriousness that he, a little pickpocket, had never been in his life.

He didn't want to be that capable Xiao Qi again, watching his beliefs being trampled and destroyed!

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