Training Wu Zhou

Chapter 297 My Tang Han 3 Chapter Is Coming

(ps: The editor is not at work, so I will lower it tomorrow and put it in this volume first, which is the content of the fourth volume.)


With the red sleeves flaring up, it's hard to lose to a punch, and it's ridiculous to live in this world.

Whoever speaks of the truth does him a disservice.

Anyone who tried to prove him, instead disabled and distorted him.

Anyone who puts a label on him and fixes a school of thought kills him instead.

All who professed to believe in him buried him.

So a truth, by the time it was established as a talent system, he had died three times and been buried three times.

So a few years later, a woman wrote a book "On the Difference Between Tang Guan and Hooligans". [

Also known as "How to Make an Asshole".

Some women shed tears because of this bastard, and some women looked at each other in a daze.

So Lin Yuxun said with a playful smile: "When you want to come, all of them will come, or none of them will come; if she comes today, I will come again tomorrow. If it's the wrong time, wouldn't people come every day? It wouldn't be too late." It's cold, but it won't be too lively. Why can't my sister understand this?"

There is an old saying in Kyushu, three thousand miles away, there are eagles hitting the sky.

In the vast desert, where the yellow sand is flying all over the sky, there is a low tent.

The geese fall on the flat sand, in the dark room of the tent, there are six teasers,

His name was Tang Hansan, because the first thing he said when the bastard opened his eyes was: "Fuck, I, Tang Hansan, are back again."

The second name was why he gave up treatment, but when he woke up, the first thing he said was: "Brother Qubing. You're awake."

Three of them were named Cheng Huaibi, "cough."

Four of them were named Cheng Tiance, "I want revenge!"

The five rings are Ashina, "Stupid Central Plains people!"

The sixth name was Yuwen Malie. He didn't say anything, but just looked at "Tang Hansan" silently.

So there was this next scene.

The smell of cattle and sheep mixed in the dark felt tent, it is obvious that this is not the Central Plains.What's more obvious is that this is Ashina! [

"Hey. Fuck your mother's lost dog." Tang Hansan squinted at Ashina Huan who was lying on the ground and couldn't move, even though he couldn't move himself.

I saw that everyone was unkempt, hiding behind the pile of sundries in the tent, as if waiting for something.Tang Hansan's vulgar words fell into Ashina Huan's ears, and they immediately counterattacked in a low voice: "Despicable Han boy!"

"Oh, you're an idiot, don't you understand? Big idiot!"

The three languages ​​of Tang and Han are vulgar, but they can't understand the meaning when they fall into the ears of everyone.

The quarrel between the two intensified, He Qiyue said in a low voice: "Brother Qubing, stop talking."

Tang Hansan sneered when he heard the sound, yes, this so-called Tang Hansan was the legendary bastard Tang Guan who broke a woman's heart and shed tears wantonly.

Obviously.He is still alive.He didn't know how he survived, he only knew that the moment he opened his eyes and shouted out Tang Hansan, his second thought was to find out if there were any martial arts cheats around him.

It's a pity that he didn't find the cheat book, but what he found were five people who woke up almost at the same time, including friends.There are enemies, and there are even people who don't know what he wants to do from start to finish.

What's even more ridiculous is that the only one among them who still has the ability to move is He Qiyue, who has the strength to bind a chicken. This is a blessing in misfortune.

Fortunately, they neither threw their corpses into the wilderness, nor were they in the desert. When they woke up, they were already in this tent, a border dweller's home belonging to Ashina.

When the Turkic people went out to fight, they rarely kept prisoners on the battlefield, but for civilians, they were often captured as slaves. After a long time, some "very experienced" old slaves even became part of Ashina's department.

The owner of this tent is an old Han man who has changed his "nationality".

There was a sound of strange language outside the tent, several people in the tent were silent, only heard a few yells, and there was no movement outside, and everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

It has been nearly three months, and they have suffered the most serious trauma in their lives. Almost all of them have lost their ability to move. Until now, due to the lack of herbs, He Qiyi's silver needles have been lost, and the recovery is very slow.

At this moment, an old man returned to the tent, He Qiyue got up and moved away the sundries in front of several people when he saw this, the old man returned to the tent and sighed: "Children, let's go, it's not that I won't help you." , it’s been a mess here recently.”

Everyone frowned when they heard the words, especially Ashina's green eyes were full of murderous intent.

Tang Guan sneered at him, "Hey."

His eyes were extremely playful, originally he, Cheng Huaibi and the others were horrified when they realized where this place was, and just now they were out of danger and fell into a tiger's mouth.

It's a pity that something that shocked everyone happened. At that time, Ashina Huan tried to reveal his identity, but just after he said the word Ashina, the old man blocked his mouth in shock.

Although he has lived in the Ashina Division for more than ten years, but now the Ashina Division is no longer called the Ashina Division. It turned out that the Ashina Huan led the army and was defeated. The Tiemo tribe, the second largest surname in China, was killed, and the Ashina tribe suffered heavy losses. They were the heads of a group of dragons, and those who were caught were killed.

When they heard the news, Tang Guan and the others were naturally pleasantly surprised. In this way, Ashina Huan became a bereaved dog, but this news was like a thunderbolt to Ashina Huan.

Fortunately, the old man didn't see anything, he just thought that this group of people accidentally drowned. Although there were Han Chinese and Turkic people among them, it wasn't too strange. There were too many Turkic tribes. That department put an end to business with the Tang Emperor, but the other departments have their own regulations, only thinking that they are businessmen.

But now Ash's movie is in trouble, people are being searched everywhere, and people come to check almost every day, and he is gradually unable to stand it.

It was precisely because of this series of shocking changes that they quickly reached a consensus among those who were originally friends and foes. Although the old Han man saved them, those present were either the general of the central guard or the leader of the clan. There is Tang Guan, a young man who joined the cabinet, and Ma Lie, who is the least popular, is also a gangster who has been rampant for many years. He has long been familiar with the truth that people's hearts are bullshit.

Obviously this old man is not trustworthy, and their consensus is that no one can betray anyone, and if one confesses, the old man is afraid that they will all be involved in it.

Tang Guan gently tugged at the corner of He Qiyue's clothes, He Qiyue suddenly realized that Tang Guan touched his waist, took out an ingot and quietly stuffed it to He Qiyue.

"Old man, there is still some silver taels here. Take it and let us stay for a few days. After I cure these friends, we will leave."

The old man's eyes lit up when he saw the silver taels. Although the purchasing power of silver is extremely poor in the Turkic tribes, most of them use barter. Auxiliary, the number of caravans has increased day by day these days, and it won't be long before this is a good thing.

Immediately he took it happily, but he hesitated and said: "You friends are too seriously injured. It has been so many days, isn't it too slow?"

He Qiyue became a little nervous when he heard the words, and sighed softly after a long time: "Old man, do you buy and sell medicinal materials and needles here?"

"Medical needles?" The old man frowned when he heard this, and then grinned: "Are you a doctor? It seems that your merchant ship is not small, such a large and small family."

"En." He Qiyue rubbed his nose noncommittally when he heard the words, and gave a light grace. Lying is not his forte.

The old man put the money in his pocket, and said: "Yes, yes, I heard that a group of food caravans will come to the ministry tomorrow, and they should have what you want."

"Great, can you help me buy some?" He Qiyue was overjoyed when he heard the words, and Tang Guan and others were also happy. He once tried to order He Qiyue to find a way to kill Ashina Huan who couldn't resist With Ma Lie, it will be much safer for me and others to wait this way.

But this idea obviously didn't work. At that time, He Qiyue refused without hesitation. He had never even killed a chicken, let alone a human.

However, although He Qiyue is caring, he is not pedantic. He does not take the initiative to kill Ashina Huan and Ma Lie, but he never saves Ashina Huan and the two of them, leaving them to fend for themselves.

Tang Guanxi was delighted that as long as he had needle stone herbal medicine, people like himself would be healed. Wouldn't Ashina Huan let him fish and meat, round and flat as he wanted?

But the old man hesitated for a long time, and said again: "I'm afraid not, slaves are not qualified to trade with caravans."

"Hey." At this time, Ashina Huan, who had been watching coldly, sneered. This rule was made by him. Tang Guan Wenyin stared at him coldly and said, "Stupid, what are you laughing at?"

Ashina Huan heard the words and remained silent. This boy named Tang Guan babbled nonsense all day long, and he had never heard what he said, but he couldn't tell the bitterness when he heard it.

Seeing this, He Qiyue looked disappointed and lowered his head to think for a while, then suddenly raised his head and said pleasantly: "People here don't know me, how about I go buy it?"

"You? No way, do you understand Turkic language?"

"Kana, Buben Rada." He Qiyue smiled when he heard this.

Everyone looked at him in surprise when they heard the sound, and Tang Guan also felt a sudden shock. He had already noticed that He Qiyue had an ambiguous relationship with Turkic, and at this moment he was uttering birdsong!

Ashina Huan's pupils shrank even more.

"Old man, we are businessmen, of course we need to understand something, just tell me where to trade."

"This way" the old man felt the ingot of silver in his arms. He also took in this group of people out of kindness, and later found out that he was quite rich. Fortunately, he was not courageous enough to be malicious.

After a while, he finally nodded and said, "Okay."

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