Training Wu Zhou

Chapter 300: The Disappeared 9th Corps

Under the setting sun, Tang Guan’s eyelids jumped at the strange ring-shaped building on the low slope. Logs were rolled and ashlars were built. From any angle, it clearly looks like the ancient Roman Colosseum.

"Why is this thing here?" After the shock, there was a deep doubt, as if there was no connection between the Turks and the Eastern Roman Empire, which was called "" at this time, in memory.

Tang Guan quickly began to dig and recall everything he knew, and He Qiyue also looked at the slaughterhouse with some dismay. Although the name was indecent, the shape was also considered unique, and he had never seen such a building in the Central Plains.

"The Western Roman Empire has been destroyed. Even if the Eastern Roman Empire and the Eastern Turks really have contacts, they will not help them build this kind of thing. Could it be the Western Turks?"

Tang Guan suddenly felt as if his head was going to explode. He forcibly recalled all kinds of things about the Tang Empire, which was enough for him to drink a pot, let alone digging up the history of the ancient world.

Every complete country has inextricably linked cultures, Tang Guansi thought about it, and said secretly in his heart: "That's not right, Western Turks and East Turks are two independent regimes, and Western Turks do have diplomatic relations with Fulin , but they are enemies!"

For a moment, the crown of Tang was stuck in his throat. No matter how magnificent and magnificent the Han Dynasty was, he was not surprised. It's not surprising to get rid of fickleness. After all, people's hearts are complicated, so it's impossible to remember and speak clearly.

However, such macroscopic things as local customs and ethnic habits should generally be correct, but this ghost thing in front of him seems to subvert Tang Guan's cognition again.

"No, I must have missed something." Tang Guan frowned, he must have missed something, and he looked carefully at the obviously rough Colosseum again. At first glance, it was indeed very similar, but after a long time It felt a little weird again. [

After watching for a long time, Tang Guan's eyes flashed a trace of solemnity.Said in a deep voice: "Brother Qizhi, go back."

"Ah, good." He Qiyue came back to his senses after hearing the sound, walked back to the tent with Tang Guan on his back, and then put it down slowly.

Tang Guan looked at Ashina Huan over there with a strange expression, and after pondering for a long time, he said, "Hey, can I ask you something."

Ashina Huan heard the sound and slowly opened his eyes.He sneered and said, "Han boy, if you want to ask me how to get out of the desert, I advise you not to think about it."

Hearing the conversation between the two, several people in the tent cast their eyes over one after another. Tang Guan heard the words and said calmly: "What is that thing on the mountain?"

"Haha, that's the grave of you stupid and despicable Han people!" Ashina Huan immediately understood what Tang Guan was asking after hearing this.Every plant and tree here has his painstaking efforts, including the slaughterhouse that was established just after moving here!

Tang Guanwenyin's eyelids twitched, but Cheng Tiance stared at Ashina Huan through gritted teeth.

"This man expanded thousands of miles and was so strong that he conquered all the nomads in the north, and his compatriots in the west were also conquered by him. At the peak of his power, he dared to confront the Tang army head-on. Only by bravery It's hard to do, there must be something that helped him!"

Thinking of this, Tang Guan narrowed his eyes. He had an idea but he didn't dare to confirm it. It is certain that East Turkic and Eastern Rome had no actual contacts, including Western Turkic. Sambos! "

Then there is only one possibility, Tang Guan sneered under Ashina Huan's mocking eyes: "I didn't expect Julius to still exist."

As soon as this remark came out, everyone was puzzled.Only Ashina's eyes froze for a moment, and then he stared at Tang Guan like a sick tiger pinched to a sore spot. Tang Guan had already noticed that his eyes could catch people's hearts, so he immediately stared at something else. That ring had tiger-like eyes, Tang Guan didn't want to be overwhelmed during the conversation.

"How did you know?"

"Heh, not only do I know that they are descendants of Julius. I also know that you Ashina Huan is an idiot!"

Cough" Ashina Huan was furious suddenly. He had endured the weird bastard Tang Guan for a long time, and tried to stand up as soon as he tried hard, but unfortunately after the severe pain, all he got was a series of coughing.

Seeing this, Tang Guan sneered in his heart: "Sure enough."

Immediately afterwards, he himself whispered in surprise: "The disappearing Ninth Corps!"

"Later, it is said that the Roman Ninth Corps failed to conquer the Saxons in the first battle. When they fled, they were chased and marched around the bend, and finally marched to the edge of the Han territory, where they were taken in by the Xiongnu Shanyu Wangting."

"I didn't expect that after so many years, they have always existed, and they were also included in the clan by Ashina Huan!"

"Helong, Julius, Colosseum, Ashina Ring."

"Heh." Suddenly Tang Guan chuckled. History always made jokes with him, but the Colosseum outside has a similar shape and weird details. After all, after so many years, even if The building method has been preserved, but it is estimated that few people in the so-called Wusi family know their origins.

"He has a tiger in his heart, but he sniffs the rose carefully. He must have found some records somewhere. It really led him to find this group of people."

For a moment, Tang Guan's hairs would inevitably stand on his head. This was a completely different experience from the Tang Empire. There were fine wine, singing and dancing, and beauties. Everything was whitewashing the peace.

But under the heyday of the Tang Dynasty, it was besieged on all sides. Wu Zhao was a woman and Taoist family, but she was not good at fighting the country. Relying on her strong national power, she forcibly consumed the tiger Ashina Huan to death.

If this person was born after this, the consequences would be unimaginable. If Zhenguan and Wu Zhou were the heydays of the Tang Dynasty, then the so-called Kaiyuan heyday is more like a flashback. Fortunately, it is Anlu Mountain, not Ashina Huan!

"No, we must find a way to kill him."

Thinking of this, Tang Guan was certain that this was a great opportunity. Although the Turkic civil strife was an accident, and it seemed to make this man a bereaved dog, Tang Guan felt that he was better than his own when he thought of all the things in him. It's even more terrifying. It's not surprising that this kind of man does anything. Once he survives, the salted fish may turn around.

Immediately, Tang Guan became more determined to kill him, and took advantage of his illness to kill him, but the entanglement was that even if he was killed, how could he escape?

Just when Tang Guan was in a complicated mood, Ashina Huan said: "Boy, do you want to go back?"

Tang Guan raised his head when he heard the words, his eyes remained unchanged and he said, "I think so."

The weasel must have no good intentions in wishing the chicken a new year, but he would like to hear what Ashina Huan can say.

"We make a deal, you, let your friends save me and my warriors, and I will take you out of the desert."

"Haha." Tang Guan laughed out loud upon hearing the sound, this was a bullshit deal, Ashina Huan was already dead in his eyes, yet he dared to make a request.

But Ashina Huan's next words made Tang Guan silent for a moment.

"Han boy, I know you want to kill me, but without me, you will never get out of our tribe, we Turkic people can't leave the tribe alone! That's defection! And there will never be a warrior who will be afraid of you Ridiculous threat!"

"Tang Guan, don't listen to nonsense!" Cheng Tiance saw that Ashina Huan was making a deal with Tang Guan in order to save his life, and Tang Guan seemed to be a little moved. Kill this father-killing enemy!

Tang Guanwenyin glanced at Ashina Huan, then at Cheng Tiance, and said to himself, "Even if what he said is false, now that Cheng Huaibi is abolished, it would be very difficult for us to quietly capture a Turkic man." , not to mention just having a guide is not enough, it is not suitable to stay here for a long time, it is better to promise him for the time being."

Thinking of this, Tang Guan came up with another poisonous plan, but he didn't know if he could do it. (to be continued...)

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