Training Wu Zhou

Chapter 302: Brave Heart

When Ashina Huanyu died and the net was broken, everyone was captured. The captives were ridiculous, and the captives were ridiculous.

One was buried three times and lost his own Tang crown, a sick tiger with no end in sight, a mysterious bandit, a young general who was eager for revenge, a useless person who never cared about his life and death, and a soul who returned to kill him. Gentleman, this is a strange combination, so strange that it should not be combined.

"Bang." When they were thrown to the ground again, they were in a cage.

"You lunatic!" Tang Guan gritted his teeth and said to Ashina Huan, but Ashina Huan smiled sinisterly, as if mocking Tang Guan's cowardice.

"Brother Qubing!" At this moment, He Qiyue's nervous voice sounded, and Tang Guan heard the sound and tried to raise his head, only then did he realize that the cage was so huge, one person after another turned their backs to them, as if facing them who were suddenly thrown in He didn't have any interest, but looked out of the cage with a dull expression.

At this moment, a strong smell of blood came to his nostrils, Tang Guan frowned and followed everyone's gaze to look out of the cage.






Tang Guan's pupils enlarged rapidly amid the roars from all directions and the eerie silence of everyone in the prison.

"Then... what is that!?"

Outside the cage is an open field, where death and the night are friends, and at dusk, an invisible monster is lying on the ground and biting something.

"Tiger!" Tang Guan finally saw the monster's appearance clearly. A middle-aged man was pressed to the ground by its giant claws, and the fierce tiger was biting his back piece by piece!

The middle-aged man howled.Screaming, the tiger seemed to be teasing its prey.When the skin and flesh were gone, it stretched out its big wet tongue and began to lick the spine of the middle-aged man.

Such terrible pain.Letting He Qiyue sit on the ground slumped, Cheng Huaibi and the others also opened their eyes wide in disbelief.

"Roar!" Seeing that the prey had stopped struggling and resisting, the tiger roared, and bit down with a bloody mouth, tearing everything, and its sharp teeth were covered with minced meat.

"Ugh." He Qiyue finally couldn't bear it anymore, retched and retched, and Tang Guan's complexion also changed again and again.

Ashina Huan seemed to be watching the tiger eating with relish, this is his little pet.And everyone here is just fodder for his pets!

He is a warrior, a brave warrior, Ashina Huan never thinks about life or death like Tang Guan, a warrior should fight!

Just like Cheng Wuting, you can't die if you don't fall!

Also like the Ashina ring, the fish dies and the net breaks!

Tang Guan's face was pale, and he tremblingly said: "You...what the hell are you doing here?"


What responded to him was Ashina Huan's mocking laughter. He saw through Tang Guan's cowardice hidden under the strength supported by Wei Weiqiang, the more weird he was.The more cowardly he is, Tang Guan has been deceiving himself and others. In fact, he is not even considered a man in Ashina Huan's eyes.

Face to face, minister.Nepotism, wine, world.Jiangshan, beauty.

In exchange for all this, Cheng Wu slapped the table angrily.And Ashina Huan's ruthless ridicule.

The tiger's feast was over, and the figures in the prison looked back one after another.They were all young, and the oldest was only about the same age as He Qiyue. Their faces were expressionless, as if they were numb to all this.

After turning around, he just glanced at the newcomers indifferently, and then crawled back to their corners, dumbfounded and frightened.

Tang Guan and the others also fell silent. Cheng Huaibi leaned against the wall with a complex expression. Cheng Tiance didn't seem to be thinking about revenge. He was a scout and spied a lot of Turkic news in the past, but he never knew that there was such a terrible one. place!

And here is the slaughterhouse!

Tang Guan tried his best to support himself, he didn't know if he was afraid, he only knew that his heart was trembling.

"I can't die!" Tang Guan stretched his hand into his bosom, and tightly held the small thing sewn in the clothes. It was a grasshopper, which accompanied him from spring to autumn, and from countless calamities to calamities.

Tang Guan still feels good about himself, and feels that he is not cowardly. He once comforted himself by saying that greed for life does not mean fear of death.

This kind of wishful thinking made him willing to lose himself and become a useless coward.

Until Ma Lie said, "Are you scared?"

Tang Guan Wenyin remained silent, he finally spoke, but at this moment.

Tang Guan can only pin his hope on God's will. Fate seems to have let him go many times. As a coward, he is praying that fate will let him go again.

"If you don't talk, you're afraid." Ma Lie sneered, Tang Guan frowned and looked at him, but just as he looked, Tang Guan couldn't help but freeze.

I saw Ma Lie standing up slowly, as if nothing happened, and patted his sleeve lightly.

Cheng Huaibi and the others looked horrified when they saw this scene, and Tang Guan also shrank from his fright, propping the ground with his hands.

Ashina Huan was taken aback for a moment, but then became happy.

But what happened next left everyone stunned.

I saw Ma Lie stepped forward with a smile on his ferocious face and said, "You think it's your fate that you can live till now?"

"What do you mean?" Tang Guan shrank back subconsciously when he heard the words.

"Two years ago, on the Jiangnan River, you died once."

After finishing speaking, Ma Lie took another step forward, and Tang Guan moved back at the same time.

"who are you!?"

Tang Guan couldn't bear it anymore, who is this person! ?Why is he still haunted! ?

Ma Lie was not in a hurry to answer, but continued to laugh and said, "Su Yan Wang of Tangmen personally came to assassinate you. Do you think you can really hurt him so easily with your three-legged cat skills? This is the second time."

Tang Guan was dumbfounded when he heard the words, and saw Ma Lie leaning over and whispering in his ear: "Not only is there poison on the sword, but also on the hilt."

"It's you..." Tang Guan's body trembled when he heard the words, and he looked at Ma Lie in horror. He always thought that it was his own infinite strength that saved him, but he didn't expect that it was him who poisoned him!

Seeing Tang Guan's expression, Ma Lie smiled slightly, then took a step forward and said, "There are now six people alive here, do you know how many should have survived?"

"A few... a few..." Finally, infinite fear swept over. Tang Guan knew that it was Ma Lie who saved him in the incident on the Jiangnan River. He is helping in secret!

"One, that's me." Ma Lie leaned over again and murmured softly. Tang Guan was already fighting with both sides. How could this be possible? A gangster followed him like a ghost, and he didn't even notice it.

After Ma Lie finished speaking, he rolled up his sleeves, revealing a terrifying scar, and said with a light smile, "This scar should have appeared on your head."

"Who the hell are you? Why did you save me!?"

"Heh, it doesn't matter who I am, the important thing is are you afraid now?"

Ma Lie stared at Tang Guan with his hands behind his back and smiled, his ferocious face sent chills down everyone's backs, especially Tang Guan was stunned.

"Are you scared now?"

"Are you scared now?"

"Are you afraid..."

Ma Lie's voice was like a curse, and Tang Guan seemed to be on the verge of collapse. It turned out that the fate he was complacent about before was not luck! (To be continued..)

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