Training Wu Zhou

Chapter 304: Brave Heart

"I can't do it." Ma Lie looked at the open place outside the cage for a long time before looking away. Ashina Huan was right, this place is the "Daming Palace" of East Turkistan.

Tang Guan heard the words and said calmly: "King Ma, you are a good man. Tang thanked you for saving me so many times, but I have my parents and my brothers, so I dare not pretend to be my brother."

After all, Tang Guan turned around and exchanged glances with Cheng Huaibi without a trace, what Yuwenguan was, of course it was all bullshit, Tang Guan wanted to play hard to get, to see how fanatical Ma Lie was.

Ma Lie had spent so much effort to protect him secretly, he must have such a younger brother, as to whether he is still alive or not, it is hard to say.

He is ugly and hideous like a ghost, and his whole personality is neither human nor ghost. Although he doesn't look like he is cheating himself, he can't believe it completely.

But just as Tang Guan took a step, his knee suddenly hurt and he fell limp on the ground. The heat flow subsided rapidly, and Tang Guan couldn't help secretly annoyed that this power was out of his control and could not find a pattern, as if it was digging his body dry. Average potential.

But every time it appears, the time will be longer. Cheng Wuting once said that eight points of martial arts are destined by nature, and two points of childhood skills. Cheng Huaibi suffered almost disabled injuries because he did not have the talent to carry out high-intensity basic skills training. Let him practice some skills, there are only a few people who can compete with him in this world, but the price is too high.

As for Tang Guan, he doesn't know whether he is suitable for martial arts. Even if he is suitable, he may not really practice hard. First, he doesn't have so much time; Fight and kill every day.

Although the court is precarious, it is a lip service.Nonsense is his forte.

Ma Lie couldn't help frowning when he saw Tang Guan put on an appearance that had nothing to do with him.He stepped forward and said, "Your parents are fake, and your brother is also sworn."

"Ma Dawang. Tang owes you three lives, but he can only pay you back once. If you want to kill him or cut him up, you can do whatever you want. Please don't insult your parents."

Tang Guan was certain when he heard the words, but his face remained unchanged, and instead he spoke righteously. This man is really delusional. In fact, Tang Guan's background can be ruled out by careful investigation, but Ma Lie is so stubborn.It can be seen how attractive Tang Guan's strange power is to him.

In fact, Tang Guan didn't know that there was a reason why Ma Lie had been lingering on the Jiangnan Road for the past few years, even lurking in the prison for two years. When Taizong came to power, he had to deal with the lineage of Prince Jiancheng who was defeated by him. A lot of effort has been spent on cleaning up these remnants of their previous dynasty.

Among them, what impressed Taizong the most was naturally the Yuwen Shendu who beheaded countless powerful generals under him. Originally, the Yuwen family had been dispersed and hidden away after the collapse of the dynasty. The only branch of the Shendu was Ma Lie.Nature has become the top priority in clearing objects.

But I have to say that their family was very lucky, until Taizong drove the crane west, Gaozong ascended the throne, and Mrs. Yuwen was pregnant with her second child.Tragedy still happened.

That year was the seventh year of Gaozong's succession to the throne. In the Jianghu, an organization that had been hidden in the Sichuan and Shu areas in the previous dynasty rose rapidly, and the person in power was a woman.Surname Su, first name Gong Yan.And the name of this organization is Tangmen!

No one knows why they lurk, and no one knows how they rise.All I know is that one more killing machine appeared in the imperial court overnight, and their shadows can be seen everywhere.

Some people say that Su Gongyan is actually a concubine of Emperor Gaozong, and some people say that the person in power is not a woman at all, but it is just a rumor.

At that time, everyone in the rivers and lakes who were disobedient was in danger, so they spread the word "the pear blossom needle for a beautiful woman, when the rainstorm kills her!"

A few years after the rise of the Tang Sect, bad luck finally befell the Yuwen family who had been hiding their names in Yangzhou for many years. That night, the young Ma Lie witnessed everything.

Thinking of this, Ma Lie stared at Tang Guan, trying to see a trace of memory in his eyes, but after staring for a long time, he shook his head and laughed, counting the time, Tang Guan was only a baby at that time, no, Not even a swaddle!

He clearly remembered at that time how he hugged that shivering little one and ran for his life...

Ma Lie's ferocious face twitched slightly, and he said, "Mother died when she gave birth to you."

Tang Guan raised his head upon hearing the sound, and Ma Lie was silent for so long to hold back such a sentence. It is not difficult to imagine that there must be many stories and secrets about this person, but Tang Guan didn't care to ask more questions, secretly planning how to use this person.

At this time, there was silence inside and outside the cage. It was night, and even the fierce tiger on the opposite side might have fallen asleep after a full meal.

But the six people in the corner didn't sleep. The excitement brought by Ma Lie's disturbance was too great. He Qiyue only managed to understand a little bit after digesting it from sunset to now, but it was still specious.

"Ma Dawang, Tang's old mother is still alive, Ma Dawang is joking."

Tang Guan has always been careful in dealing with things, but this is not enough. He depends on how far Ma Lie can go.

What's more, Ma Lie never expected that Tang Guan had silently classified him into the ranks of must-kills. Such a person, ghosts and ghosts followed him all the time. Don't mention Tang Guan.

He doesn't care if the surname of Ma Lie, who is dreaming of restoring the country for thousands of years, is Yuwen or Ma, he can't let him keep staring at him like this!

After Tang Guan finished speaking, he was about to speak again, but suddenly his body lightened, his feet left the ground, and his throat stopped again.

Seeing this, several other people who were drowsy opened their eyes one after another. This place was originally a dark corner, and it became even darker under the night. Ma Lie picked up Tang Guan and rushed straight to the shadow.

He Qiyue was startled when he saw this, he got up and wanted to follow, but Cheng Huaibi gently grabbed the hem of his clothes, He Qiyue saw him shaking his head slightly, so he had to give up.

The strange thing is that the people on this side moved quickly, but the Ashina ring on the other side kept staring at the open space outside the cage. They couldn't see other directions here, only the front.

"Tie Mo Tuoyan!" Ashina Huan slowly closed his eyes, as if he was thinking about something.


corner, in the dark.

Tang Guan tried his best to endure the feeling of suffocation, this kind of powerlessness hovering between death.

"That Turkic man was actually wrong. If I want to leave by myself, no one can stop me!"

Tang Guan's ears were dumbfounded, he didn't know what the use of Ma Lie's pranking him was, he had something to say.

"Even if you are my younger brother, you have almost touched my bottom line. I know that you have many things that I don't have now, but if you are stubborn! I will take back your blood for my parents!"

"Uh...uh..." Tang Guanwenyin opened his eyes wide and let out a hoarse growl, this Ma Lie must not stay, he has already made him angry, how could there be such a bird man pestering him.

Others don't know, but he himself knows very well that he really has nothing to do with Marie.

Ma Lie's persistence exceeded expectations. Seeing that the struggle was futile, Tang Guan had no choice but to nod in agreement, but he just tapped twice, but the hand gripping his throat tightened a bit.

Ma Lie licked his lips ferociously and said: "The little lady who is with you is called Shangguan Wan'er, tsk tsk, when will you give it to me?"

I don't know why Ma Lie suddenly brought up this topic. It seems to be intentional, but also unintentional. These words suddenly touched Tang Guan's inverse scales. In the darkness, Tang Guan's eyes flashed red, under the double hatred of physiology and psychology. , a hot current rushes forward.


The two punched each other suddenly, and Tang Guan fell to the ground again, "Hoo...hoo..."

After taking a couple of breaths, Tang Guan's heart skipped a beat, and he wanted to kill Ma Lie right now while his strength was still there. What he just said was Tang Guan's bottom line!

Unexpectedly, just as Tang Guan clenched his fists, Ma Lie smiled and said, "Haha, okay, remember, that's what it feels like."

"Anger, hatred, the more angry you are, the greater the power that comes from the great blood of your ancestors!"

"What!?" Hearing Tang Guan's words, it was as if a basin of cold water had been poured on him, and it was so heart-cooling.

The way this person controls power is to rely on emotions?

But when he thought about it carefully, it seemed that a door was slowly opening, but Tang Guan felt something was wrong. Could it be that the real power came from anger and hatred?

Before he could think about it, the warm feeling on his body began to fade away quickly, but Ma Lie took another step and grabbed Tang Guan's neck again, and pressed him against the wall.

"I forgot to tell you. When you were in Chang'an, I asked someone to capture that Xun'er you hid at home. The person who captured her was a well-known prostitute in the world. Her favorite is this fresh product. It is estimated that this will be sold to a kiln after playing, and it will be played by men."


Ma Lie kept stimulating Tang Guan, repeating and repeating, as if deliberately making him feel angry. At first, Tang Guan was easily stimulated by Ma Lie's words while he was suffocating, but after repeated times, it became more and more difficult.

But Ma Lie never tires of it. That rainy night gave him eternal anger in this life. He is always angry and hates all the time.

The muffled bangs and bangs from time to time made Cheng Huaibi and the others dare not fall asleep, and kept staring at the dark place.

Even Ashina Huan watched quietly thoughtfully. (To be continued..)

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