Training Wu Zhou

Chapter 321: Afraid of Death

Apology: Everyone knows that I have no morals, and I can only make two updates. These two days are too busy, and I will definitely make up for the two owed! ~~~~~~~~——

We once said that the number one scholar comes out of the line, the best in j is called the top, and the best in the business is called the king. On the other hand, scholars have no rank titles. In the official career, there was a monkey monster in mythology who laughed and asked: "Is this Bi Mawen a big man?" Have you reached the ultimate level?"

Someone replied with a smile: "Yes, it's too big to be top-notch, but it's also so small that it's not good!"

Monkeys still know their ranks, let alone people. Sha Xingliang, the leader of the sand bandits in front of Tang Guan, is a well-known figure among bandits, and he can barely rank among the "bandits". Not the best.

What if the officer meets a thief?

Obviously, he must be caught, but what if Tang Guan meets a thief?

Then no one knew what he was going to do.

"Kang Dang." A large box was taken from the horse's back, and the eyes of the thieves immediately lit up. This is a big deal. Although there are only 30 people here, there are far more people than this when doing this deal. Think about it , There are more than three times less people.

Being a thief is a desperate job. Anyone who loses his head will not be wronged. If one more dies, the survivors will get more money when they sit on the ground and divide the spoils. [

"Brothers, they are all here, you can take as much as you can!"

As soon as the words came out, everyone laughed loudly, and then opened the box, only to find that it was full of copper coins, and someone grabbed it immediately, making a heart-pounding sound.

"Good deal! Good deal!"

I saw the man laughed loudly, and then he grabbed and packed it, and after a while, he was allowed to fill half of the sack.

The strange thing is that the group of people behind him just stared greedily, and didn't come up to take the money. Tang Guan, who was behind the slope, poked out half of his head quietly, and couldn't help but swallow secretly when he saw this scene.

He was not greedy for these copper coins, but was surprised by the way they distributed them.

Tang Guan took advantage of the time when the thieves were distributing the money, took a closer look, had a panoramic view of everyone, and then quickly shrank back.

"Cripple?" Tang Guan shrank his head and asked Cheng Huaibi beside him in doubt.

Cheng Huaibi shook his head slightly when he heard the sound, and said in his ear, "No."

Tang Guan frowned when he heard this, he clearly saw that Sha Xingliangzhu was holding a crutch, Tang Guan immediately fell silent, pondered for a moment and put the dagger back into his sleeve.

Then he stood up slowly, Cheng Huaibi was startled when he saw this, and whispered: "What are you doing?"

Tang Guan smiled at him, and said softly, "Robbery."

Everyone was stunned when they saw this, and without waiting for a reaction, they saw Tang Guan crouching quietly like an ape.

For a while, everyone looked at each other, they were not as capable as Tang Guan, and when they saw him leave, they had no choice but to hide in place and listen to the movement without daring to move.

The man who was the first to take the money was tall and burly, and his big hands were scratching with veins, and he seemed to be a skilled hand. Indeed, this man was the one with the darkest hands besides Sha Xingliang. So when he took the money, the people behind him could only watch helplessly. [

In the barbaric world, the only rule is strong and weak, the strong take more or even all, the weak can only wait, everyone waits greedily, only a short and fat man on crutches looks at them with a smile .

This short and fat man has a short stature, his appearance is a bit funny, there are only a few stray hairs on his scalp, he looks like he is bald, but he is not.

This person is Sha Xingliang, the ghost of the land. He doesn't seem to be very interested in the box of copper coins, and he just watched the people distribute the money from the beginning to the end.

In fact, it is not the case, these are just small heads, the real big head is already in his hands, it is the batch of salaries that cannot be thrown away because of the closure of the customs.

In ancient times, bandits had to sell their stolen goods when they robbed. Usually, their background is good, but few sand robbers dare to accept business.

The reason is that the things in the hands of the Sand Pirates are not comparable to those of the Southern Water Pirates or the Northern Green Forest Heroes. Most of the "buying and selling" they talk about is the military salary of the imperial court!

All the gangsters were smiling for a while, these people also had self-knowledge, Sha Xingliang called them to do business because he thought highly of them, he was already satisfied with what he had in front of him, as for the payment, he could only think about it.

The thirteen bandits in Mobei are more terrifying than the last one. It is said that Wu Yaojiu, the leading figure among bandits here, has a deep friendship with the legendary gangster Ma Lie.

Ma Lie's fierce reputation is no longer a rare thing, and all kinds of deeds are shocking. It is true that a bandit who has achieved Ma Lie's level is indeed the best.

"Brothers, let me go first! Brother Sha! If you have any business in the future, just say hello!"

The man who was the first to take the money pretended for a long time, then he accepted it as soon as he saw it, bowed his hands to everyone, and rode away.

"It's easy to say." Sha Xingliang grinned when he heard the words. This person is a good player, but he can try to use it for himself.

Now people who are as famous as him are starting to rebuild their nests, but Sha Xingliang is the only one who is a bit of a lone ranger. After entering, for some reason, the class teacher returned to Beijing to recuperate, and they finally recovered.

Just when they thought they would continue to make ends meet, the great news came that Cheng Wuting died in the battle and fell into the horse stream, which made them ecstatic. The gesture of closing one eye.

This made the sand bandits here a windfall, the so-called accumulation of small amounts, they dare not move the big ones escorted by the large army, but they still dare to fight for the small teams walking around the battalions.

But having said that, this time Zhang Yuanhui's closure of the customs for unknown reasons was an unintentional wake-up call for them.

Sha Xingliang couldn't help but ponder inwardly. The closure this time is really strange, and it doesn't look like he is targeting himself and others. Could it be that the Turkic people are really going to fight over?

Just as the thieves were excited to share the spoils and Sha Xingliang was muttering to himself, a scream suddenly fell from the sky.

Everyone was shocked when they heard the sound.

"Rub!" Immediately, they pulled out their waist knives one after another, and Sha Xingliang suddenly looked at the sky.

I saw a tall figure constantly zooming in before my eyes.

Seeing this, Sha Xingliang hid on the spot, only to hear a "bang", the thing that fell from the sky was actually a corpse!

"It's Zhao Li!"

One person exclaimed when he saw the corpse clearly. This person was the first man to take the money and leave just now. Sha Xingliang couldn't help shrinking his pupils when he saw this scene.

How could someone throw people so far alive!

There were no obvious scars on Zhao Li's body, but his eyes were round, as if he had seen some terrible monster before he was alive. The most frightening thing was that blood was still flowing from the corners of his mouth until he died, and the blood was even mixed with bits of blood. Lumpy objects.

At first sight, even these desperadoes felt their scalps go numb. Seeing this, Sha Xingliang immediately stepped forward to probe. When he noticed Zhao Li's chest was sunken, he said in amazement: "One move will break people's hearts!"

After all, he seemed to have thought of something, and turned his head to look at the dark place ahead in disbelief.

"Ghost, there are people over there!"

Someone narrowed his eyes and hurriedly called out a reminder, and everyone looked over one after another, only to see a black image standing there like a ghost.

Sha Xingliang stopped the subordinates who were about to rush forward, then clasped his fists and said: "Where is the master at all, come here!"

As soon as the words fell, the black figure was still standing there, unable to see clearly, but the big thief Sha Xingliang began to feel uneasy, for fear that it was really that person.

But Heiying's silence made him dare not move. If it was really that person, not to mention that he was adding these dozens of people, even if there were twice as many, it would be hard to say who would stay.

Seeing this man pretending to be a ghost, a group of sand robbers thought that he was playing tricks. Immediately, someone shouted: "Playing tricks! Ghost head! I'll cut him off!"

After all, this person will single-handedly raise his sword and charge forward. Before Sha Xingliang can stop him in the future, the person has already rushed into the darkness.

"Ah!" There was a miserable cry, and even under the horrified eyes of everyone, the person who had just rushed in flew out of his breath.

"Wow!" The person spit out a mouthful of old blood after landing, and then fell to the ground with a bang.

"Hiss~" Everyone gasped when they saw this, and Sha Xingliang roared in horror: "Ma Dawang, you and I have grudges in the past, but in the present, what do you mean!?"

"Pony King?"

Everyone seemed to realize something when they heard this name, and some of the knives in their hands almost fell off.

After Sha Xingliang finished shouting, he continued immediately: "King Ma, I know it's you. If you have anything to say, please show up as a true respecter. If you offend my brother, just order it!"

"Heh, since you know it's me, you still dare to stay here?"

A voice finally came from the darkness, but the voice was extremely weird, not rough, but rather teasing.

But the weirder the voice was, the more frightened Sha Xingliang became. To be honest, he had never seen Ma Lie himself, let alone this vicious voice.

But when he heard this, Sha Xingliang was stunned for a moment, and then said ecstatically, "Ma Dawang, I'm disturbing you! Let's go now, brother!"

After finishing speaking, he hurriedly turned around and winked at the crowd, and two of them immediately lifted the box, trying to get on their horses and flee in a panic.

Ma Lie was the only one who could make Sha Xingliang so afraid and call him King Ma again. This sudden change made them feel very strange.

"and many more!"

The people had just walked a few steps, when there was another voice in the darkness, Sha Xingliang stopped immediately, a fierce look flashed in his eyes, Ma Lie's whereabouts were strange, fierce and vicious, it was not surprising where he appeared, he could only be regarded as It's unlucky for me, most of these people are eccentric and kill people casually, but if they are too aggressive, Sha Xingliang is not a vegetarian!

"King Ma, what other orders do you have? Just say so, brother will definitely do it!"

"Put things down."

"What!?" Everyone was startled when they heard the sound. This co-authorship is really going to be black and white. When did the gangster Ma Lie come down to this field and eat the copper coins of these little shrimps.

A few people showed hesitation and unwillingness, but they finally put down the box under Sha Xingliang's stare.

"Ma Dawang, a small gift is used as filial piety, it is not a respect!"

After all, Sha Xingliang didn't want to stay any longer. Fortunately, the other party wanted money. Even if Dang got on his horse, before he could whip his horse, another voice came from the darkness: "Wait a minute."

"You!" This time Sha Xingliang almost couldn't bear it anymore, he almost yelled, but he got off the horse slowly, could it be that he really wanted to die?

"Leave them all."

"Huh." Sha Xingliang heaved a sigh of relief when he heard the sound. This Ma Lie was really weird, but he didn't dare to think too much about it.

Immediately shouted to the bandits: "Go!"

After all, all the bandits could only follow him on foot, and they followed him for a while, especially Sha Xingliang, whose fast pace made people laugh, which really meant "ghosts walking on the ground".

It wasn't until they disappeared into the night that a young man slowly walked out of the dark place, looked at the money box and a dozen fast horses in front of him, shook his head and smiled.

Then he joked, "I'm really afraid of death, unlucky bug."

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