Training Wu Zhou

Chapter 328: The Wolf in the Lane with the Peach Forest

Chang'an, full house.

This place has been remodeled several times, and Tang Guan and Tang Liangjun have served as the two masters, and it has already become a private residence.

Now even the officials have to hold their noses and rebuild a full house in the north of the city.

In fact, Tang Guan's mansion outside the city has already been completed, but it has not been moved for a long time. Now that Tang Guan's body is not cold, no one has such thoughts.

As a last resort, he had to renovate the full house inside and out, and it was complete. Wu Zhao saw it and acquiesced that Mr. Tang Liang was that man's younger brother no matter what.

In the living room of the full house.

A young man and an old man are sitting here, they seem to be chatting and laughing, both of them are dressed in ordinary clothes, but the old man has a sense of arrogance in his conversation.

"Mr. Tang, I have heard about the name for a long time. I was busy with business a few days ago, so I didn't come to visit. Sorry."

"Mr. Zhang Ge, you are too serious."

"Hey, Langjun and Xianhou really look alike, they are very smart and courageous!"

The old man saw that Mr. Tang Liang didn't seem to be very afraid of himself. If he pointed out something, Mr. Tang Liang's eyes changed as expected, and he was a little annoyed. This is to jump over the wall in a hurry."

For a while, Tang Liangjun kept his face calm, and after a dry laugh, he said, "Mr. Zhang Ge, what are your orders for this visit?"

"Haha, I don't dare to obey the order. I just came to see if the robes of Xianhou also have the potential of being a fairy, and to admire the demeanor of the gentleman."

As soon as these words came out, there was a strange silence in the hall, Tang Liangjun's hands hidden in his sleeves were slowly clenched, and his majesty was too much.Tang Guan's bones were not cold yet, yet this person dared to say such words.However, he is a cabinet figure who emerged from the conquest of the clan's rebellion, so he should not be provoked too much.Can only temporarily swallow.

Thinking of this, Tang Liangjun slowly let go of his hand again, and Zhang Guangfu took a panoramic view of the scene with a smile on his face. Tang Guan was not dead, so he really didn't dare to come, but the pity is he died, isn't he?

The kid in front of him relied on his brother Mengyin to get what he is today, Zhang Guangfu didn't pay attention to him at all, Tang Guanzhi's viciousness has long been known to everyone, and he would kill people like Junchen if he wanted to.What's even more frightening is that the diva doesn't even fart.

Fortunately, Mr. Tang Liang is not so vicious. For a while, both of them are silent. Zhang Guangfu is here to kill Wei Bang. He has just joined the cabinet, so he is a late bloomer. It's hard to see that this son dared to propose tax revisions with several other admonishing officials, and there must be another thorough investigation at that time!

But Tang Liangjun was silent for a long time.When he was about to take a step back and speak, there was a huge muffled sound outside in the blue sky and white sun.


The sudden voice startled the two of them, and they all got up and walked out the door.

Looking from a distance, I saw blue smoke rising in the distance.Zhang Guangfu fixed his eyes and said in amazement: "Langyan!"

Tang Liangjun's face changed when he saw this, he was no longer Xiaoqi in the past, and the sudden noise shocked Chang Ying and others out of the house.Looking in the direction where the wolf smoke came from, he couldn't help but muttered: "Yumen Pass."

Over there Zhang Guangfu was dazed for a long time, as if realizing something.Hastily said: "Farewell."

Tang Liangjun came back to his senses when he heard the words, and cupped his hands and said, "I'm sorry to send you off."

Say it.Zhang Guangfu left in a hurry.


Daming Palace, West Palace Xiaoyuan.

There is a small garden to the west of Wu Zhao's bedroom. Strictly speaking, this place was originally the territory of Taiji Palace in the old imperial city, but later it was included in the category of Daming Palace for some reason.

Even when it was finished, it was specially repaired. Since Wu Zhao came to power, this place has become a forbidden area, so that the new palace eunuchs of all colors don't know the existence of this place.

Only those who have been working all the year round know that this is a peach grove. At that time, Empress Changsun liked brocade clusters very much, but it was very different from the noble lady at this time in that she didn't like peonies, but preferred peach blossoms.

Emperor Taizong actually planted this forest for him, and it has been dozens of years.

It's late autumn, and the bare branches here are very ugly.

When the peach blossoms are in bloom, they are naturally beautiful, but when they are in decline, it is unbearable to look directly at them.

A woman walked alone in the forest, with no flowers to admire and no one to share with, she was miserable, and the details were so desolate.

It is a forbidden place and a woman, so this person must be Wu Zhao.

In this life of the Forbidden Garden, there are memories of her everywhere, but more or less, shallow or deep, or painful to the heart, or sweet to the bottom of the heart.

Wu Zhao walked slowly in front of a dead tree, and gently stroked it with his jade hand. This is a forbidden place that even Tang Guan has never known about, but it is a pity that he will never know again.

It is better to be indifferent to flowers and plants than to be unfathomable in people's hearts. People who are famous in ancient and modern times all have hobbies. Those who play with their hearts like unintentional things.

It is easy to read, but meaningless to explain, just because they have never had it.

Wu Zhao gently caressed the withered peach tree, not too much of the present, nor too much of the past.

At this moment, a soldier hurried in, not caring where it was.

After a while, he prostrated himself and said, "Your Majesty! There is smoke coming from Yumen Pass!"

As soon as the words fell, Wu Zhao slowly withdrew her hand, her phoenix eyes suddenly opened and said, "Who let you in!?"

"Your Majesty! Urgent battle report! A thousand miles of wolf smoke is coming from Yumen Pass!"

The soldier thought that Wu Zhao didn't hear clearly, so he boldly said it again.

Who would have thought that Wu Zhao would actually say after hearing the words: "Then hurry up and investigate, what use do I need you for!?"

"Yes." The soldier groaned secretly in his heart, he had to pass on such a big matter, so he didn't dare to say any more immediately, turned around and walked away in a hurry.

Wu Zhao's abnormality is surprising. In fact, after the imperial conquest, no matter how tragic things happened in front of his eyes, how can he survive that day?

Xu is gone, no matter how miserable it is, his body will be wiped out, but is this better than dying of heart?

So what if Yumen Pass falls?She is sitting on a million soldiers.

So what if the common people are in dire straits?She is still Wu Zhao.

So what if the world belongs to whom and who loses?She had everything and lost everything.

Mou Ran, at this point, looking back, there is nothing left.

The word "Feng" should be removed for monuments without characters, and the monuments without characters are enough.

Just because a woman who achieves her goals and loses her results has nothing.

Since there is nothing, why should there be words?

Some are just this peach grove, some are just the hot soup in memory, and some are just the emperor and ministers in the next life.

"It would have been nice if I hadn't entered the palace back then."

It seemed to faintly hear the sound of swallowing, resounding in the dead wood and peach forest.

But the smoldering smoke was blowing farther and farther away with the peach forest of the empress. (To be continued..)

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