Training Wu Zhou

Chapter 330: Di Renjie Can't Cry or Laugh

There was no makeup and no sleep in the dream last night, but this early winter has not locked Qingqiu.

In a blink of an eye, it is still winter.

It was only when Shangguan Wan'er woke up from her nap that she realized that the chess game she had set up last night was missing a piece, she lightly squeezed a sunspot in her beautiful eyes and dropped it.

The chess game of two people is called survival, and the chess game of one person is called life.

In this era when there are not many entertainment activities, there is a lonely bastard who wants to play everything, but he is often not good at anything. Playing tricks and laughing: "This game doesn't count."

Thinking about it, Shangguan Wan'er laughed lightly, and the bureau was set by the bed, as if she was sitting opposite him, ruthless, cold-blooded, unreasonable, and then became gentle, tolerant, and responsive in a blink of an eye.

But when the time faded and everything before her eyes disappeared again, Shangguan Wan'er sighed quietly, if it wasn't for the weird smile of the so-called fairy, maybe she should have gone to accompany him long ago.

Since she said he was still there, but she didn't look for him, Shangguan Wan'er was not Lin Yuxun, after all she decided not to wait any longer, got up slowly and got out of the car, opened the makeup box in front of the stage, and there was a handful of silver lying quietly in it. Make-up knife, we once said that the loss of a woman's life is minor, but the cause of injustice is serious. The make-up knife is mostly used for self-defense. Shangguan Wan'er put away the make-up knife and glanced around again.

Yes, she wanted to find Tang Guan, but not underground, but in the human world.

This woman's stamina, if outsiders know about it, they will be embarrassed, this world is not peaceful, it's just that ordinary people don't realize it, and the imperial court is in a state of distress.

But if she wanted to travel thousands of miles to find Tang Guan, she had to hide it from Tang Liangjun and others.For a moment, she frowned, and actually planned to find someone.

at this time.Suddenly there was movement in the courtyard.

"Dare to ask, but this is the admonishment doctor Tang Xianggong's residence?"

"Yes, who are you looking for?"

It was a servant who opened the door.I saw two middle-aged men standing outside the door. They were well dressed, but their appearance was a bit unflattering. The first person who spoke was a tall, thin middle-aged man with three beards, but those pair of The eyes give people a sense of evil eyebrows and mouse eyes.

But if you take a closer look, it's not the case. It's just a "spiritual similarity" in temperament, but behind him stands a young man in his 20s.This person looks ordinary, but looks rather strong.

The servant looked at the two of them indifferently. After Tang Guan's death, there were quite a few people who came to visit under various banners. It is expected that these two are officials from somewhere.

Hearing this, the leader laughed and said, "Tong Bing, please tell me that Wenchang Right Chancellor Di Huaiying is here to visit."

"Okay, sir, wait a moment."

The young servant is ignorant of official positions, and his master is the biggest, so his words are not very polite, so he trotted towards Tang Liangjun's room after speaking.

The two stood at the door and waited silently.The people behind him waited and watched for a long time, then stepped forward and said uneasy: "Prime Minister Di, Xiao Wan is now a servant of the Tang Mansion, and Lord Tang, wouldn't it be good to see you at this time?"

The person who called himself Di Huaiying shook his head and smiled.After looking thoughtfully at the layout of the courtyard, he said softly, "This matter is strange."

"Ah!?" The young man was taken aback when he heard the words, a little puzzled.But Di Huaiying took out a piece of paper from her bosom, and saw the word "wanted" written on it.Below it is a portrait that is extremely vicious and ugly, with bull's eyes and copper bells in the painting.His face was full of pockmarks, and anyone with a discerning eye would know that it was all made up of brains.

"Fengqiu, don't you think it's a coincidence?"

"Coincident? You mean this Yuwen Malie?"

"Zhang Yuanhui was ordered to search for Tang Houye and others. Lu Guogong's body was not found, but he found Hou Ye's immortal body. This man has tens of thousands of troops. There is no such possibility.”

"And this Yuwen Malie robs who is not good. He insisted on taking a huge risk to rob General Zhang, and not only for money, but also for the sake of fame. It is really strange that there is no benefit."

"What do you mean?"

Speaking of this, Di Huaiying shook her head slightly, looked at the arrest warrant in her hand, and then pretended to be mysterious: "What do you think of this matter?"

After hearing the words, the young man pondered for a moment and said, "There must be a big secret hidden behind this."

Just as the two of them were talking, a young man came out to meet them, and when he saw them, he cupped his hands and said, "My Lord Tang Liang, two lords, I am far away from welcoming you."

The two stopped when they heard the sound, Di Huaiying looked at her and couldn't help secretly praising: "What a beautiful baby."

"May I ask who you two are?" Mr. Tang Liang failed to recognize after careful debate. Wenchang Youcheng knew what kind of official position he was, but he was a secretary official under the three provinces. So-so and equal to himself.

But the two people in front of them are familiar faces, and they have never seen each other before. Di Huaiying said with a smile: "I have admired your name for a long time, and I am Di Renjie. Guard, Li Fengqiu."

"Oh, so that's the case, please come in quickly." Tang Liangjun suddenly realized when he heard the words. It turned out that he was a Beijing official who had just taken office.

Several people walked and talked, Tang Liangjun opened his mouth and asked, "I don't know what happened to Prime Minister Di?"

When Di Renjie heard the words, he first glanced at a room with white curtains, and saw that it was the mourning hall layout. When he saw that he was about to speak, he suddenly heard an excited and charming voice.

"Uncle Di!"

Everyone stopped when they heard the sound, only to see a woman walking in the hallway with surprise on her face, seeing this woman, Di Renjie's eyes lit up, and he said, "Xiao Wan."

Tang Liangjun was quite shocked by this, and after a long time, he frowned and looked at Shangguan Wan'er and said, "Do you know each other?"

After finishing speaking, Tang Liangjun's heart trembled. He is now like a sponge. Although his absorption ability is not as strong as Tang Guan's, he is better than resting day and night. At this stage, he is very much like Tang Guan when he first entered the dynasty.

As for Shangguan Wan'er's life experience, he has already found out that this woman is from a famous family. It seems that Di Renjie in front of him is after her.

Immediately Tang Liangjun stood aside silently, she was his brother's sweetheart, it was his job to take care of her and protect her, and looking at this Di Renjie should have been an official for many years, it was expected that she had some connection with the Shangguan family.

Sure enough, Shangguan Wan'er was really surprised by his arrival, she stepped forward and said, "Uncle Di, why are you here!?"

Di Renjie couldn't stop smiling when he heard the words, and after looking Shangguan Wan'er up and down, he said: "The longer she is, the more beautiful she is."

"Cough." Tang Liangjun frowned when he heard the words, and coughed dryly. Di Renjie cupped his hands and said: "You are presumptuous. I don't know, but I was a classmate and friend with this lady's father."

Hearing this, Tang Liangjun slowly raised his brows, but said: "So, you are here for your sister-in-law?"

"Sister-in-law?" Di Renjie looked at Shangguan Wan'er in surprise when he heard the words, Shangguan Wan'er couldn't help but blush, since Tang Guan died, this was the first time seeing someone close to her.

There are not many people who admired Shangguan Wan'er in her life. Di Renjie and Shangguan Tingzhi used to be officials at the same place, but later on, one of them could not go up or down, never retreated or advance, and the other rose rapidly by relying on his family background. The Shangguan family was beaten to pieces by Wu Zhao.

Di Renjie was really unlucky. He had been an official for decades, but he didn't get involved in the power center, and he didn't even reach Tang Guan's tricks. There are very few people who can lend a helping hand when the Shangguan family building is about to collapse.

For a while, Di Renjie saw Shangguan Wan'er blushing and showing acquiescence, and smiled in his heart, but after hearing Mr. Tang Liang's tone, his heart changed, and he suddenly said sadly: "That's not true, Xiao Wan is very good here, Xiao Langjun, I know everything about Lord Tang Hou."

"What are you?" Tang Liangjun couldn't help being startled when he saw that he had become bitter and bitter in a blink of an eye, but Di Renjie burst into tears, sobbing: "Little Lang, you don't know something, your brother and I It's Wangnian's acquaintance, how long ago, I was still drinking in Zuixianlou, I didn't expect it, I really didn't expect it!"

Speaking of this, Di Renjie actually started to beat his chest and stamp his feet. For a moment, everyone was stunned by him, and Mr. Tang Liang couldn't help being stunned. He really looked like Tang Guan's friend.

When Tang Guan was in the court, Mr. Tang Liang didn't participate very much, and he didn't know much about the connections he had accumulated, otherwise he wouldn't be black-eyed, and he had to slowly grope for which row to stand in.

But seeing the grief-stricken look of this person in front of him didn't seem like a fake, he hurriedly comforted him: "Old Xianggong, it's really hard work for brother to have a friend like Xianggong."

Seeing this scene, Shangguan Wan'er seemed to realize something, and stood aside silently.

But Di Renjie burst into tears but said: "Young Lord, can you let the old man enter the hall to pay homage to Lord Hou!? Let the old man worry about it!?"

"This..." Tang Liangjun hesitated when he heard the words, and Di Renjie coughed suddenly when he saw the words, he was startled when he saw this and said: "Since I am a brother and friend, I am just afraid that uncle will think about others when he sees things, if you want to enter, go in. "

Hearing this, Di Renjie bowed again and again, and Mr. Tang Liang was also thinking about it. He expected that the other party would not deceive him about this kind of thing. Besides, he knew Shangguan Wan'er again. It seems that his identity is not fake. That is, to do my best.

Mr. Tang Liang had never entered that mourning hall. In terms of scars, no one was more serious than him. He wore Tang Guan's court clothes and used his official seal to live the life he had experienced before. Only then did he understand that a man should How difficult it is to let your family live a better life.

For a moment Tang Liangjun could only watch Di Renjie and the two slowly walk into the mourning hall, but at this time Shangguan Wan'er also started to follow, Tang Liangjun saw this and said: "You."

"Xiao Langjun, this concubine wants to go in and visit the sick man."

"Hey, that's fine, you go." Tang Liangjun retracted his hands when he heard the words, and looked at the few people entering the mourning hall with his hands behind his back, then retracted his gaze and sighed softly. (to be continued..)

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