Training Wu Zhou

Chapter 333: Greedy

Tang Guan was arrogant all the way, robbing and rushing, making a big commotion, and there were countless searchers for a while. Chang Ying chased out of the city but lost the clue. Except for the unfathomable leader, the rest of the group also The equestrian skills are so superb that Chang Ying, an old Jianghu, can't find his way.

For a while, Chang Ying had no choice but to grit his teeth secretly and ride his horse back to the city. It was the best choice to move reinforcements.

However, a group of people appeared on the wild market next to Dan Chongmen in the north of Chang'an City. The leader carried two women on his shoulders, one was indifferent and the other was struggling.

Tang Guan felt Shangguan Wan'er's struggle, and lightly slapped her on the buttocks like a prank, pretending to be fierce, and said: "Be honest, my king doesn't know how to pity and cherish jade!"

As soon as these words came out, Shangguan Wan'er felt ashamed and indignant, but she was unable to move because her hands were captured.

Lin Yuxun was honest, let Tang Guan's salty pig's hand hold tightly, Tang Guan's strength was extremely measured, neither let the two daughters struggle through the drama, nor hurt them, he can be called the most gentle robber in history.

The second daughter didn't know where it was, but felt that the man's footsteps were extremely fast. After a while, it seemed that he had entered a room. The room was empty, and the second daughter was slowly placed on the ground.

Tang Guan was about to open his mouth to tease the two daughters, but he never expected that when Shangguan Wan'er was relieved, a cold light flashed suddenly, but fortunately Tang Guan quickly grabbed it, and when he looked closely, there was a silver makeup knife in her hand.

I saw Shangguan's evil and beautiful eyes staring at Tang Guan's mask coldly. Although Tang Guan's heart beat faster through the mask, he forced himself to hold back a sneer and said, "Oh, little lady, you still carry a knife with you."

Shangguan Wan'er frowned in pain, Tang Guan subconsciously let go of her hands.This loosening was serious, and Shangguan Wan'er stabbed Lin Yuxun with the makeup knife again.

"My mother!" Tang Guan stopped again.He exclaimed in his heart, originally he wanted to surprise Shangguan Wan'er.The appearance of Lin Yuxun had already disrupted the rhythm, and now Shangguan Wan'er was so abnormal, Tang Guan recalled what Shangguan Wan'er said before he left.

"I will make everything you and I care about disappear before that."

Now, Tang Guan, who has the power to fight a tiger, can't help but break out in a cold sweat when he sees the scene in front of him. In fact, he is not so afraid of Wu Zhao now. It is Shangguan Wan'er who makes his hair stand on end. Every word she says is not joke.

"I don't care who you are, it's not too late for you to let us go." Shangguan Wan'er saw that she couldn't do it by force, and she had a second thought.He even opened his mouth to threaten.

While speaking, Shangguan Wan'er quietly protected Lin Yuxun behind her back. She was not generous from the beginning to really want to share a tenderness with Lin Yuxun. It was disgusting to her. What she lacked was Tang Guan's share. Explain, if you can't wait in the world, go to Huangquan and wait.

It doesn't matter if he is dead, presumably Tang Guan cares more about this fairy sister, if he is still in the world.That wouldn't be too sad, if he was in Huangquan, he would not blame her if he went down by himself.

Think about it.Shangguan Wan'er's gaze was fixed, she forced her way through her haggard look, and said with the last glimmer of hope, "You let her go. I'll go with you."

Hearing this ridiculous deal that suppressed his fear, Tang Guan froze in place.This is called stealing chickens without losing rice. I wanted to have a romantic surprise.In the end, he embarked on a road of no return to family disputes.

Tang Guan, who came back aggressively and with a murderous aura all the way, was originally with supreme ferocity, but unfortunately, Tang Wei's gene of joy and fear was flowing in this body, and it was completely extinguished as soon as he arrived at the door of the house.

He only felt his tongue was tied up, and he didn't know how to end it. Lin Yuxun's appearance was too sudden, and it seemed that the two girls had known each other for not a day or two. Lin Yuxun also looked back at Shangguan Wan'er when he heard this.

After a long time, when Tang Guan was at a loss, Lin Yuxun got up slowly and smiled softly: "Mrs. Tang, this person is heartless and not worth it. Let's go."

After finishing speaking, she stretched out her hand to support Shangguan Wan'er, Shangguan Wan'er was startled when she saw this, she didn't know what kind of madness this girl had gone into, but Lin Yuxun saw that she didn't leave, and said coldly: "Tang Qubing, is it interesting? Is it fun? "

"You... what did you say?" Shangguan Wan'er's delicate body trembled when she heard the words, as if she realized something, she stared blankly at the masked man in front of her.

As soon as these words came out, Tang Guan was beaten awake, and cursed secretly in his heart: "It's over, I've played too much."

He has never seen Lin Yuxun get angry, and he has never heard such a tone. Tang Guan seems to be proud of love, but in fact he just hasn't escaped the vicious circle of men in the world. The fantasy that women can really coexist peacefully is just wishful thinking.

"I'm back." Tang Guan finally spoke out, and then stretched out his hand in fear to slowly remove the mask. Shangguan Wan'er stared at the face that was exposed inch by inch, her beautiful eyes turned red, and Lin Yuxun's heart also Can't help trembling.

Although it was not quite as expected, Tang Guan still mustered up his courage. Sometimes after a long separation, he would be afraid to meet again. He never expected to hug left and right, but his love was extremely greedy, and he couldn't let go of any of them. , he has no reason to fight, he just wants to go home.

He was originally a little hedgehog, who wanted to hide all the things he cherished under his belly, but now his thorns were sharp enough, even if the sky fell, he would pierce a hole in the sky!

Shangguan Wan'er reached out to Tang Guan's unreal face with trembling hands, but love for them was so cowardly.

"Slap." A clear and crisp slap suddenly slapped Tang Guan's face, but the roughness of the slap made Shangguan Wan'er's last strength collapse, and tears burst down the embankment, falling on Tang Guan's shoulder drop by drop.

She is Tang Guan's most distressed woman. She pretends to be extremely strong like Wu Zhao, but she is also cowardly than anyone else, always worrying about gains and losses.

"Sorry, I'm here, sorry."

Tang Guan stretched out his hand towards Lin Yuxun while talking, and there was a grasshopper lying quietly in the palm of his hand. Lin Yuxun didn't want to go forward, but after all, he stretched out his hand and put it gently on Tang Guan's palm while smiling.

Once upon a time, she was the first to experience separation and reunion in the world, and she turned into a grass that was happy with the situation. She never thought about who Tang Guan was good to, or whether he was good to herself.

Unlike Shangguan Wan'er, she was originally entrusted to others, whether she lived or died, she shouldn't expect anything extravagantly, losing my life and gaining my luck.

So she only laughed and stopped crying, and she didn't know what tears were.

What she fell in love with was Tang Guan's good. Tang Guan only paid for her, which was unfair to Tang Guan, so she could only laugh it off.

But what Shangguan Wan'er fell in love with was all Tang Guan's faults, she made mistakes again and again, and then she had to tolerate all the hurts, which was unfair to her, so there were more tears.

For a moment Tang Guan felt that everything had become absurd, but he also felt that it was worth it to get hurt all the way.

Tang Guan suddenly pulled Lin Yuxun closer. He was already greedy, so of course he would not leave any of them behind.

There was a sudden silence here, only the woman was sad and happy, and the man murmured softly. (To be continued..)

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