Training Wu Zhou

Chapter 357: Little Treasure Addicted to Gambling and Gossip 2

(Thank you, Brother Hongyan, for your support, thank you very much, and thank you guys for accompanying me all the way until now, thank you)

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Changlefang, near and far buildings.

The name of this building is very elegant, but it is a place for selling gold. Although the flower name is not as good as Shangpingkangli, you must also know Taizong's words: "The flower nest is legal, but the game is illegal."

The emperor said what he said, but it is a pity that this long-standing "world culture" cannot be stopped.

Turn your eyes away from Datang, and look around where there are people, there are people who gamble. The psychology of gamblers is human nature. Great gamblers have repeatedly set new highs, and they can gamble on anything.

Closer to home, it is said that this near-far building is not well-known far and near, but its scale is not small. When He Qiyue stepped into this building, he would hear five and six.

Take a closer look, the player on this floor is Shuanglu. The so-called Shuanglu is a combination of chess and dice. There are only chess tables set up, and how many people are around each table. I can't wait to eat that dice.

After a glance, He Qiyue turned his attention to the second floor. Shuanglu's gambling is not big, it's just a casual game. It is expected that the second floor should be a six-frame play. [

If you ask He Qixi how the gentleman Langlang learned about these noun concepts, then it is easy to say.

In this age where there are not many entertainment activities, if someone asks you what game is popular now and you can't tell, it is as ridiculous as asking your name and you don't know it.

Especially in Changlefang, I have seen villains who are so stupid that they forgot to collect rent, but I have never seen gamblers who are so stupid that they forgot to play.

Immediately, He Qiyue plucked up his courage and walked towards the second floor, but at this moment he was stopped by two men, one of them said: "Brother, you are so nervous, do you want to go up and play a few games?"

He Qiyue's heart trembled when he heard the words, if he came to find someone truthfully, he might not be able to get there, so he replied calmly, "Yes."

Seeing this, the two men glanced at each other, then shook their heads and smiled, and withdrew their hands, allowing He Qiyi to go upstairs. When he went up and saw people throwing a lot of money, he must also want to lose his son.

He Qiyue walked up the stairs slowly. It was almost night, but he saw that the second floor was more lively than the first floor. There were only four small tables in the east, west, north, south, and one large table in the middle of the crowd.

After scanning around, He Qiyue, who didn't see the familiar person, walked up slowly. He was not interested in the tricks on the table at all. He was suffering from a lot of people here, and each one was full of excitement. The anxious and disappointed face dazzled the eyes.

Just as he was at a loss, he suddenly heard a bang outside the building.

"Boom! Crack!"

"Why is it thundering?" He Qiyi frowned upon hearing the sound, it's already winter, it shouldn't be raining, and this thunderstorm also made all the gamblers fall into a strange silence.

After a while, what broke the silence was a laughing curse: "Damn it! God is going to give me an injustice!"

"Haha!" As soon as the voice fell, laughter came from that table. He Qiyi's eyes lit up when he heard the sound, and he hurriedly walked to the corner of the sound transmission, only to see a tall young man playing with half his arms bare on this winter day. I was sweating profusely, watching him shaking his head and muttering to himself while holding a half-buttoned white bowl.

He Qiyue stepped forward and said, "Brother Xiaobao!"

The young man was quite shocked by this blow, he hurriedly turned his head and saw him, he frowned and said, "Qiu Yi, why are you here?"

"Stop betting! Go home!" He Qiyue couldn't help feeling angry when he saw his indifferent appearance, but he couldn't yell at him because there were so many people present.

Never thought that Feng Xiaobao would turn his head and say after being stunned for a moment: "Finish this game!"

After finishing speaking, he dropped the white bowl, and the man on the other side also dropped down, the two of them together looked at each other and laughed, Feng Xiaobao cursed, "Damn it!"

Looking at this appearance, he knew that he had lost, and immediately he didn't want to stay anymore, looking back, he smiled at He Qiyue and said, "Qiyue, I will lose as soon as you come."

He Qiyue was furious when he heard the words, this man is really hopeless, just when he was about to speak, the man actually shouted: "Feng Dalang, are you leaving?"

Feng Xiaobao frowned when he heard the sound: "What? You're still not allowed to leave!?"

"Hey, you can go, you have to return the money." The man saw that he didn't know how stupid he was, but he was still pretending to be dumbfounded.

"Repay the money?" Feng Xiaobao was taken aback when he heard the words, and he came back to his senses after a while, and said with a smile: "Hey, what do you think, the uncle has plenty of money!"

After finishing speaking, he put his hand into his sleeve, but when he touched it, his complexion instantly became weird, and he said with some embarrassment: "Qiyue, do you have any money?"

He Qiyue was startled when he saw this, the man narrowed his eyes when he saw the two of them, he stepped forward and said, "Feng Dalang, don't you want to break the rules?"

"Brother Zhao, I don't have that much money with me, can I send it to you tomorrow?"

"Hey, brother Feng, you should know where this is?"

Feng Xiaobao turned pale when he heard the words, and said, "Look at this, I'll let my brother go home to pick it up, and I'll stay here with you, how about it?"

"En?" Hearing the words, the man looked at He Qiyue, and his words sounded reasonable, so he nodded immediately, but He Qiyue suddenly pulled Feng Xiaobao over and said in a low voice: "Sister-in-law said that the family has no money."

"What did you say!?" Feng Xiaobao was shocked when he heard the words, and then he seemed to know everything: "Didn't I keep 500 taels at home!?"

"You" He Qiyi was almost spit out by his old blood when he heard the words. If Tang Guan witnessed this scene, he would also be dumbfounded at Feng Xiaobao, this "inflatable doll".

In the past, Tang Guan wondered how Wu Zhao would favor such a seemingly useless man, and even made the absurd guess that He Qixi was Feng Xiaobao, but now from a new perspective, no matter whether he is the real Feng Xiaobao Wu Zhao, who is as old as a wolf and a tiger, needs only a blow-up doll.

When Feng Xiaobao heard that his family had no money, he immediately panicked. He became a surname by gambling and got a huge sum of money.

But he was also clever, and immediately thought of someone, and said, "Didn't Lord Tang come back? You can ask him for some, he"

Before he finished speaking, he heard a slap, and He Qiyue slapped him in the face. Feng Xiaobao was stunned. The man over there was startled when he saw this, and then his heart shivered, and he secretly winked at the strong men around him. , Several people gathered around one after another.

I saw He Qiyue trembling all over with Qi, pointing at Feng Xiaobao with one finger, He Qiyue's temper was as good as Lou Shide's, but Feng Xiaobao couldn't help being angry again and again.

"Feng Dalang, what tricks are you playing?"

Feng Xiaobao didn't dare to make a sound when he heard the words, and looked at He Qiyue eagerly, He Qiyue then turned his head and asked: "This big brother, how much money does he owe?"

"Hey, not much, 60 taels."

"60 taels!?" He Qiyue's eyelids twitched when he heard this, and Feng Xiaobao couldn't help turning pale when he heard this amount. He gambled day and night, and he didn't know how much he lost.

"Hey." He Qiyue sighed suddenly in his heart, really wanted to let go of it and let this bastard fend for itself, but when he thought of Mrs. Feng who was still pregnant at home, he couldn't help but soften his heart.

"Hmph!" Immediately, He Qiyue snorted coldly, flung his sleeves and left, Feng Xiaobao was shocked when he saw this, and wondered if he didn't care about himself, and was about to follow up, but was held back by two men.

Wen Ting sneered and said: "Feng Dalang, I'm wronged you to wait."

For a moment Feng Xiaobao was frightened and frightened, and his heart was full of pain. (To be continued.)

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