Training Wu Zhou

Chapter 360: False accusation is a green hat

The next day, noon.

Tang Guan shuttled back and forth between the Tang mansion and the queen's bed, the timing was extremely punctual, sneaking back before dawn, his image was very much like a scumbag who went out to steal food and never came back at night.

After spending some time casually in the morning, Mr. Tang Liang came to the door, and what he was talking about was the seizure of the near and far building last night. Tang Guan was surprised to hear it, but when he heard that the cause of the incident was Feng Xiaobao, he couldn't help laughing.

"Then according to what you said, what are you planning?" Tang Guan kept his expression calm after hearing this, and then asked with a smile. He could feel that Mr. Tang Liang was becoming more and more independent in his actions, and Tang Guan also respected his independence very much, because Sooner or later everyone will grow into an independent individual.

After Tang Liangjun got married and established a business, he became an outsider instead. Because of this, Tang Guan never put himself as a commander.

Sure enough, upon hearing his question, Tang Liangjun got up and closed the door first, and then said: "Brother Guan, Zhang Guangfu is narrow-minded, I guess it won't take long for this matter to reach his ears, and I'm afraid he will take revenge at that time." , in recent years, his family has gone to Longyou, where he has a lot of connections, so he must be coerced by him."

After Tang Liangjun finished speaking, he glanced at Tang Guan's expression without any trace, and seeing that he was indifferent, he continued: "There is also the Qianzhuang case. If this person has objections, it will definitely be delayed."

Hearing this, Tang Guan's eyes changed, and he looked at Tang Liangjun with a smile. Obviously, when Tang Liangjun said this, he wanted to impress himself to deal with Zhang Guangfu. It sounded like he was using it, but it was not. After all, the foundation is still shallow.If he tried to move Zhang Guangfu, he would definitely not get anything good.

But in his eyes, the relationship between Tang Guan and Wu Zhao is extremely close.Regardless of whether it was as rumored or not, it was still stronger than him.

Tang Guan stood up with his hands behind his back, but he didn't touch it.I was originally Tang Liangjun's backer, since he is a backer, he really should show some appearance, and speaking from his heart, he no longer pays attention to any of the so-called two slaughters and eighteen princes in the court. Wu Zhao wanted to kill.

But when Tang Guan returned to the court and captured the Queen's heart, he became extremely low-key, not because he didn't dare to touch these people.It's just that he is reluctant to move anyone, such as Zhang Guangfu is probably under Tang Guan's control, and no matter how much he jumps around, he can't turn the sky. After all, Tang Guan has no ambitions here, and he doesn't want to attract people's attention.

In other words, framing is a green hat, and whoever wants it wants it. Although Tang Guan uses Wu Zhao to act, it doesn't mean that he is really going to be the fox demon who murdered courtiers indiscriminately.Now that he has done the face-to-face, it is inevitable that he will be credited. After a hundred years, he will be credited for confusing the king.Killing innocent people indiscriminately is truly revolutionized by history.

That being said, this green hat Tang Guan does not want.It doesn't mean that some people don't want it. It's not that there are no senior cuckolds.And there are plenty of people there.

Thinking of this, Tang Guan smiled slightly.Turning his head, he said, "One tyrant in the East City?"

Tang Liangjun was taken aback when he heard the words, and then suddenly realized that Tang Guan was asking about the so-called Third Master Liu. Speaking of which, this person had business dealings with the Tang family two years ago, but it has become less so in recent years, so he nodded immediately.

"Didn't Dad want to open a semicolon in Chang'an?"

"Yes, Brother Guan, what do you mean? Tang Liangjun's eyes lit up when he heard the words, and he thought that Tang Guan was planning to make a move.

"You find a way to collect a crime and get rid of this person."

"Those two people in the court?" Tang Liangjun frowned when he heard this, he should get rid of the aggressive one first, and then get rid of the cubs.

"Hey, you don't need to worry about those two people. Naturally, someone will deal with them."

Tang Liangjun nodded secretly when he heard the words. Since Tang Guan said so, it seems that he has his own way. It is not difficult to get rid of that third master Liu. Even if a sixth-rank official who is one level lower than the entry threshold suddenly comes, that Mr. Liu can't afford to walk around.

The key is that the bully is easy to get rid of, and the backing is scary. The government is the biggest hooligan. These so-called bullies are actually a joke in the eyes of some officials. They keep him because he is filial. .

Just when Tang Liangjun was silent, Tang Guan suddenly smiled and said, "Feng Xiaobao was also arrested?"

Tang Liangjun couldn't help but smile when he heard the words, he actually didn't intend to arrest Feng Xiaobao in prison, it was He Qixi who came up with this plan, presumably it was to make him suffer a lot, and he will remember it long, probably he will still sit there Wear a prison bottom.

"This scoundrel is rascal, his wife is pregnant, and he even goes to gamble, give him some trouble." Tang Liangjun laughed and scolded, he didn't know Feng Xiaobao very well, but he knew He Qiyue very well, and he was able to make this big brother He angry last night A person like that can be called a "man of God".

Tang Guan was startled instead of laughing when he heard the words, and thought to himself: "Pregnant?"

Then he shook his head and smiled again, it seemed that everything had begun to become strange.

Immediately after the two talked about some unimportant things, Tang Liangjun got up and left, and then Tang Guan went to the book case and began to grind slowly.

This net is getting bigger and bigger. The reason why he stops in Chang'an is to cast the net. The first thing to bear the brunt is to open the checkpoint of the bank. If there is a mistake, he can make up for it in time.

Of course, this is the most ideal arrangement in terms of time, but as long as the checkpoints are cleared, it will not be too late for Wu Zhao to close the net after he ascends the throne next year. Now there is no problem with Wu Zhao, but the details still need to be pruned.

Second, what Mr. Tang Liang said was not completely unreasonable. After all, he would not stay in Chang'an forever. Then Zhang Guangfu would come out and jump around a few times, which would add to the chaos.

Thinking of this, Tang Guan stopped his movements, sat down and picked up a pen to write an invitation card.

The person he invited was familiar, only to see that after Tang Guan wrote the usual compliments, the name of the person he wrote was "Zhou Xing".

After finishing writing, Tang Guan stroked his chin lightly. He regretted killing Lai Junchen so easily. It was a pity that such an indiscriminate attack on talent died.

Fortunately, Zhou Xing is not dead, not only is he not dead, I heard that he is doing well, he looks like Yu Shitai is in charge of his family, this "Niu Tou Granny" who was frightened by him at the beginning, now makes Tang Guan also like it tight.

Strictly speaking, Tang Guan and Wu Zhao have become one. Her dog is Tang Guan's dog. achieved.

Before that, Tang Guan wanted to use her dog to kill Zhang Guangfu first.

"Hey, Mr. Zhou, it's been a long time, and you will wear this green hat." Tang Guan smiled strangely, and said, "Come here."

"Send this invitation to Zhou Xing's mansion, the censor order." (To be continued...)

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