Training Wu Zhou

Chapter 380: Let's do it and cherish it

(ps: There is an error in the title of the previous chapter, please see it)——

Tang Guan saw that someone paid attention to him, and after handing over the donkey in his hand to the servant who came, he started to approach Lin Yuxun, sat beside her, and Xiaohua got up and left.

"Xun'er, I'm back."


"I miss you."


"Do you miss me?"


Lin Yuxun seemed to be concentrating on the needle and thread in her hands, and responded to him indifferently. Although she didn't make a bad face at Tang Guan, after thinking about it, since she came to Chang'an, her smile never seemed to be stingy. [

It's scary when gathering less and leaving more becomes a habit, and what's even more terrifying is that someone really gets used to it, or Lin Yuxun, who lives under the fence, gradually sees the man next to him clearly.

In this era where too many privileges are given to men, Tang Guan fully demonstrated his greed as a man, but it is obvious that women also have the survival wisdom after moths fly to a flame.

Her wisdom is very simple, that is self-knowledge, the sweet words that Tang Guan utters over and over again, it’s okay to have heard it, nine out of ten men lie, and one is a fool.

The so-called good men in the values ​​are actually stupid men, and why abandon treatment if a bad good man makes his home.

In other words, she knew very well that Tang Guan only regarded them as cute little pets. If they didn't have this beautiful skin, would Tang Guan still pester them endlessly?

The answer is also obvious, that is, no, Tang Guan's nature is like this, when he sees a beautiful thing, he must take it for himself, especially a woman who can serve and soothe the desire deep in his soul.

This is a beast. She likes a beast and wants to avoid harm. Few women can do it, but Lin Yuxun has done it. The more obedient she is, the less Tang Guan dares to do anything.

Demons are cruel, they like to watch the sacrifices struggle, the more they struggle, the more excited the demons become.

But when someone stopped struggling and was put into the claws of the devil without any procedures, the cruel devil became at a loss. Is this really his?

This is also the reason why Tang Guan never dared to touch her when he was alone with her, a sacred object that made even the devil pious.

The two sat leaning against the railing in silence, Tang Guan himself was naturally not aware of it, everything was taken for granted to him, this man was just playing a game, doing everything possible to make the sacrifice willingly let him vent, and then selfish and greedy To treat each other as a spittoon.

So, Tang Guan is a pervert?

He is really a pervert, not only lustful and greedy, but also capricious.

Seeing Lin Yuxun's neither cold nor indifferent attitude, as if his existence was optional, Tang Guan named "anger" in his heart. This anger was not really angry, but the resentment that he wished for.

Seeing Lin Yuxun smiling and silently fiddling with the needle and thread, Tang Guan's heart suddenly moved, and he said slightly teasingly: "Xun'er, you female red is getting more and more detailed." [


"Wait a little longer, brother, let me find you a good man to marry." Tang Guan's three-point probing, and seven-point teasing words fell into Lin Yuxun's ears, causing her to pause, accidentally pricking her thumb.

Lin Yuxun frowned in pain, and subconsciously put her jade finger into her small mouth. Seeing this, Tang Guan was startled, and hurriedly said: "I was just kidding you, why are you so careless?"

Lin Yuxun was still smiling when she heard the words, she didn't let go of the pain until the pain was gone, and said softly, "Xun'er will marry whoever Master Hou asks Xun'er to marry."

As soon as these words came out, Tang Guan's heart was twisted, and he said without hesitation: "I am talking nonsense, don't be angry."

Lin Yuxun bowed her head and did not answer. After a long time, she seemed to have finished her work, so she stood up and said, "If Lord Hou has no other orders, the servants will leave."

"I, you..." Tang Guan stood up when he saw this, he had nothing to do with her, unlike Shangguan Wan'er, she said anything to Lin Yuxun, and she still got her weak point.

Looking at the back of Lin Yuxun leaving, if it was Shangguan Wan'er, Tang Guan would have spared no effort to force her to stay, but for her, Lin Yuxun would not struggle and resist like Shangguan Wan'er, on the contrary, Tang Guan had nothing to do. What she thought was a mystery.

After a long time, Tang Guan looked away, he would not be able to deal with this girl for a while.

Immediately Tang Guan walked towards Shangguan Wan'er's room with his hands behind his back, without knocking on the door, just walked in, Shangguan Wan'er frowned when she heard the sound, and put down the book in her hand.

"Wan'er, I'm back." This time Tang Guan's voice was not as gentle as it was to Lin Yuxun. He and Shangguan Wan'er were more like a couple living in the world.

They'll argue, and maybe occasionally make plans for food and beverages.

Sure enough, Shangguan Wan'er was a little annoyed when she saw his appearance, and after seeing him sit down carelessly, she said, "Tang Qubing, how old are you, you don't know how to knock when you enter the house!?"

Tang Guan laughed dryly when he heard the words, and then said: "Wan'er, let's stop arguing for the New Year's Eve."

Shangguan Wan'er was dumbfounded when she heard the sound, Tang Guan saw this and said: "It's my fault, I left in a hurry this time, I didn't have time to tell you, besides, didn't I ask Chang Ying to leave a letter?"

Tang Guan knew that Lin Yuxun and Shangguan Wan'er hated him for leaving without saying goodbye, but he also had reasons for not saying a word.

But it’s okay if you don’t say this, and Shangguan Wan’er is even more annoyed when you say it. She has a very strong nature. He and she are already husband and wife, but he left home without saying a word. If things go on like this, he doesn't even know where his husband has gone. What kind of home is that?

"You still have the face to say, when will you grow a mouth? You are such a big living person, don't you have a mouth?"

After Shangguan Wan'er got along with Tang Guan for so long, she was no longer so afraid of him. Tang Guan didn't answer when she heard the words, and looked at her trembling body with anger. Gently open.

Looking at Lai in front of her, Shangguan Wan'er was annoyed and funny, the man said something when he was away from home, at least he told where he was going, so as to save others from worrying.

Shangguan Wan'er sighed in her heart, this man didn't know where his thoughts were drifting, and he didn't care about other people's feelings at all, she was so angry that she didn't want to be obsessed with Tang Guan, and said coldly: "Go, go Just don't come back."

Tang Guan laughed dryly again when he heard the words, he knew she was angry, but he still felt warm when he heard this, Shangguan Wan'er and him were more like an ordinary couple, she would be angry because he didn't say goodbye, and she would be angry because he didn't say goodbye at night. Worried about where to go, firewood, rice, oil, salt, soy sauce, vinegar and tea, she wants to live a life, and Tang Guan actually wants to too.

Immediately, Tang Guan stopped stroking her beard, and pinched her little hand with all his strength, and then he really followed her will, got up and said: "Calm down, I won't dare in the future, just wait until the night." , I’ll come back for dinner.”

After finishing speaking, Tang Guan walked away without a trace. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come (this site) to subscribe and reward. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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