Training Wu Zhou

Chapter 391: Banner 3 Kill Yama

The sky was gray, the bright morning star had just set, and the sun hadn't even risen yet, but Wu Zhao had already put on the emperor's uniform with the help of the palace servants.

Today's Daming Palace has been tidied up and cleaned by the palace staff to give it a brand new look, but many of the furnishings in the room have not changed. Her gaze is sizing up this familiar yet unfamiliar palace inch by inch.

Until Wang Gonggong walked in quietly and respectfully said: "Your Majesty, the time has come."

"I see." Wu Zhao responded, took a deep breath, there was inexplicable excitement in her clear and beautiful eyes, but there was also unconcealable annoyance that he really didn't come, did he put himself in the right place? In the eyes! ?

I have given him enough pampering, and he dared to be so contemptuous.

Wu Zhao stood up slowly, today was her enthronement ceremony, she was dazzling this day, the eunuchs standing beside her bowed their heads, a word that is not suitable for women appeared in her On her body, she pushed open the door of the palace herself and stepped onto the holy gate, her back was so majestic.

When this favored son of heaven, who is loved by thousands of people, stepped down from the holy place under the focus of countless eyes, a red carpet was rolled out from the place where he stood to Hanyuan Hall.

There was a mass of black kneeling on the square, and Wu Zhao looked around from the corner of his eye, not giving up. Tang Guan disappointed her too much.

This ceremony is natural for her and for everyone, she deserves it, there is nothing to say, if she is not enthroned, she is also the emperor, if she is enthroned, she is still the emperor.

Coming and going is just such a name.

At the end of the red carpet is the Hanyuan Hall where she has entered and exited countless times. Wu Zhao has also walked this road countless times, but when she put away her love for her children.When you want to start on the red carpet and end this hard-won but natural enthronement ceremony as soon as possible.Wu Zhao's expression suddenly became unnatural.

Just as if the empire was not ready for the birth of the first empress, Wu Zhao stopped where she was.Looking at the end of the red carpet, Wu Zhao suddenly became nervous.

"I'm going to ascend the throne." Wu Zhao suddenly cried out in her heart. Just a moment ago, she was still thinking about that little man, but at this moment, she only had this endless road to ascend the throne in her eyes.

Wu Zhao stood there, and after a long time, no one dared to disturb her. After a long time, Wu Zhao finally took the first step slowly, full of jerk and strangeness.


at the same time.Just as the Queen took her first steps on the road to the throne.

Thousands of miles away, under the same gray sky, the flawless black-armored phalanx suddenly stopped, and their breathing gradually became short of breath, because the ground was trembling, and the stones on the ground were constantly beating.

In the billowing dust on the opposite side, the cavalry shot out like locusts, but when they saw the phalanx blocking the way ahead, they stopped suddenly.

The dust gradually dissipated, and the Tubo King's Flag fluttered in the wind.Dark clouds gushed out of it, an amount that couldn't be described in words, and everything that could be seen was covered in darkness.

And the huge shield phalanx facing them is like a drop in the ocean, their iron helmets cover their faces.The motionless shield seems to have stood there since ancient times, without a single change.

"Damn it, there are so many. I thought I could go back to eat at night! When the hell is this going to be cut?" Zhang Huanyi suddenly made a noise in the crowd, causing a burst of snickering.

The Tubo front army stopped suddenly when they saw this group of soldiers who suddenly appeared.There was a strange silence, and the two sides confronted each other silently.

The Tubo warriors all over the mountains and plains looked at the black-armored phalanx blocking the road ahead in amazement.There is no doubt that the appearance of this group was extremely unexpected.

No one spoke, and no one asked. The eyes of tens of thousands of warriors focused on this strange army. The armor on them did not belong to any ethnic group they had ever seen.

The eerie silence made people feel a little at a loss. The Tubo army seemed to be frozen in place, froze in place, as if they couldn't believe that the opponent only had this number of people, and they dared to intercept them on their own initiative?

But the silence didn't last long, and the first warrior shouted: "Drive!"

"Boom!" There was a loud noise, and the dark clouds rolled towards the phalanx half way up, the ground trembled violently again, and the horse's hooves continued to magnify in the eyes.

Looking at the surging tide, the soldiers remained unmoved until they got a little closer, and then a little bit closer, when the cold light was close at hand.

"go ahead!"


When the invincibility inherited from the ancient battlefield reappeared, when the avengers propped up the invincible steel defense line, when the huge waves beat on the rocks again.

This impenetrable shield array is like a tank active in the cold weapon era. The fearless power is far stronger than imagined. Are the three thousand wolf-fanged soldiers really fearless?

Of course not, it is impossible for people to be truly fearless forever, but at least some people can be fearless at this moment. We call these people "braves".

Unfortunately, they are brave, ruthless brave for that charming indulgence.

The slaughter song is played, the neighing and falling horses are the melody, the impenetrable shields propped up by the soldiers are the symbols, the sparks created by the collision of metal and iron are the rhythm, and the screams of the warriors are the lyrics .

Even the most gifted singers will be ecstatic to hear this almost natural song, where the brave fight in the shade, and the rage is terrorized by the mocking carnage.

The souls of the dead soldiers who have already been driven into the eighteenth hell roam the battlefield, like their impenetrable giant shields, like their never-tiring harvest.

When the dark clouds that swept over found that once they approached, they would be swept away in a large circle, and they realized that they were facing the god of death!

A grain of sand fills the sea, and a pebble cuts through the waves!

"How could this happen!?" The pupils of countless leading figures suddenly shrank, and the phalanx that was still moving was unscathed!

They were silent, submerged, rushed out again, submerged again, rushed out again, the giant shield was flawed, and the blurred phalanx dyed crimson continued to move forward.

No one knows where their target is, because the order they received is to go, go, go!

"They want to kill Fan! Block them!" (Note: General Tubo, Fan)

Finally someone realized something, Xia Canggu cracked and roared, the huge wave rose again, and beat him away viciously, a fierce battle was about to break out!

The dark clouds all over the sky, the king's flag waving in the wind, and nearly a quarter of the troops assembled by the Tubo Dynasty occupied almost all the sights.

They came with anger, only to find that these people were even angrier than them!

Hell was roaring, Yan Luo was trembling, and the stone throwers and archers finally couldn't bear it anymore, and threw the slingshots of destruction into the battle situation, trying to break the hard shell of these devils.

"Bang!" The smoke was billowing, and no one knew what happened inside... (to be continued...)

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