late Qing Dynasty arrest

Chapter 101 Lost Appetite

Li Guolou ran for more than ten minutes in the small courtyard, and he was so tired that he couldn't breathe. He felt that his body was not well yet, and his shortness of breath and chest tightness were completely different from his usual state.If you suffer from an illness and hurt your body, you have to take your time if you want to recover.Originally, I wanted to show off my martial arts foundation, but now it seems that I should be a more peaceful person, and I can't afford to toss about it.

Seeing Xie Xiuzhu leaning between the pillars, looking at him silently and affectionately, not afraid of being seen by the servants, Li Guolou approached and said in a low voice: "It's cold outside, you go in, I'm done training, go to the kitchen to have breakfast ,Where are you eating?"

Xie Xiuzhu rolled her eyes and said: "It's already like this, you still have to pretend and eat together!" After speaking, he handed a cotton coat to Li Guolou to keep him from catching cold.

Li Guolou looked awkwardly at the kitchen, where several servants were inside.He originally wanted to go in and eat with them as if nothing had happened, but from now on, will he live in the room of the dead "former master Wei Wenshao" like a master?

Xie Xiuzhu saw through Li Guolou's thoughts, took his hand, and said, "Be generous, there are no outsiders here, let's go to the kitchen to eat, no one dares to look down on you."

Li Guolou glanced at Xie Xiuzhu, feeling ashamed in his heart, he should have said this to Xie Xiuzhu, he and Xie Xiuzhu had slept in the same room for two nights, but he still couldn't let go and dared not face others vision.

Li Guolou became free and easy, put Xie Xiuzhu's left hand in his arm, and said with a smile: "Second Grandma, you must hook me like this in the future, so that you can feel like a family."

Xie Xiuzhu was happy in her heart, and said coquettishly, "Foreign devils walk like this." He said so, but he still hooked it firmly, and walked to the kitchen openly.

"Good morning, Second Mistress! Good morning, Little Li!" The people in the kitchen greeted Li Guolou and Xie Xiuzhu first, as if they didn't see Li Guolou and Xie Xiuzhu hooking up together.

"Well, good morning everyone!" Li Guolou was full of style, but he had the demeanor of a foreign devil.

"Godfather, you look very good today, are you going out?" Wei Xiaoliu asked inappropriately.

Xie Xiuzhu said coquettishly: "Xiaolou will take a day off today and won't go anywhere." After speaking, she winked at Xie Ma and told Xie Ma that she had completely controlled the situation and she was the big sister here.

Preserved egg vegetable porridge for breakfast, as well as Wowotou, Li Guolou ate it sweetly, and even smeared hot sauce on the Wowotou, this weird way of eating was incomprehensible.

Xie Xiuzhu asked strangely: "Xiaolou, what do you eat?"

Li Guolou said: "Oh, this is a habit I developed in England. The British spread cheese on slices of bread. I use foreign things for China, and I like to eat with sauces."

Xie Xiuzhu grabbed a bun and said, "Then I'll try it too. I can eat spicy food too. I'm from Sichuan, so I'm not afraid of spicy food!"

He said with a smile, "Well, it's really unique, and I like it too."

Li Guolou glanced at Xie Xiuzhu, but did not expose her lies. She was sold to Huamanlou since she was a child, but no one knew where she was from, only that the person who finally sold her to Huamanlou was from Sichuan.The kind of person who picks a smart little girl out of many girls and sells them for a high price should be a human trafficker, but who is Xie Xiuzhu's father?Xie Xiuzhu confided to him and told him about his childhood, but he just listened silently. He didn't tell Xie Xiuzhu his reasoning, leaving some good memories for Xie Xiuzhu.Everyone has different experiences, Xie Xiuzhu should be lucky, because she survived every adversity.

Li Guolou asked Wei Xiaoliu how he lied for him, and was there any loophole?

Wei Xiaoliu said: "Don't worry, godfather, your brothers will cover for you. Everyone knows that there are many things in the yamen. But when it comes to buying a house, Uncle Li can't make the decision. You are required to pledge on the deed, and you are required to recover from illness. Go do it. Anyway, you have already paid the deposit, and they are not afraid of you escaping."

Li Guolou wished he could go out today, but he had no means of escape, and said meaningfully: "Hey, things are imminent."

Xie Xiuzhu warned: "Jin Langzhong will come later, you should be at peace. You are panting heavily while running, and you have the nerve to say that you are a kung fu master. Where did you make such a fuss? Do you think I can't hear it?"

Li Guolou glared at Wei Xiaoliu angrily. He even reported to Xie Xiuzhu what his godfather had done.

Wei Xiaoliu was clever, and said anxiously, "Second Grandma, I have something to do and I'm leaving."

Xie Xiuzhu said without revealing: "Don't worry, little six, Xiaolou will mention you in the future. Xiaolou and I have arranged your marriage for you. It's good to go to work."

Before Wei Xiaoliu could express his gratitude, Wei Xiaoqi interjected, "Second Grandma, Xiao Li, and me."

Xu Biao pointed to his nose and said, "I want it too!"

The master eats, and the servants stand by and wait for orders, but they are not afraid of Li Guolou, they listen to the wind and it rains, and when they hear that Wei Xiaoliu is benefiting, Wei Xiaoqi and Xu Biao can't help but stick a stick.

Li Guolou glanced at Xie Xiuzhu, turned to look at several servants, and said: "We will be a family in the future. Although you are slaves, Second Grandma and I will take care of your life, but the girl's family, my second wife and I will take care of you." Grandma doesn't have anyone ready, you two have a suitable partner, my second grandma and I will handle the marriage for you, if not, we have to wait, second grandma and I won't juggle."

As soon as the words were finished, Wei Xiaoqi said: "Xiao Lizi, then buy two maids. If we don't have a job for the rest of our lives, we still need the master to come forward."

Li Guolou saw that they were not too young, so he couldn't help but soften his heart, and said, "Okay, after Master Wei's memorial day, at the end of next year, I promise to let you hug your wife. But you two can't pick and choose, and think about your own conditions." , don’t be a toad who wants to eat swan meat. You two don’t have to think about a little girl like Wen Shuijuan.”

Wei Xiaoliu sniggered from the sidelines, with a perverted expression in his eyes, the master found a good girl for him, and he already felt impatient.

Xu Biao said, "I'm not picky!"

Li Guolou glanced and said: "Well, that's good, don't be nervous then, your speech has improved a lot now." Then he said: "Little Seven, what do you say?"

Wei Xiaoqi was helpless, why was he not as lucky as Wei Xiaoliu, and said, "Just get by!"

Li Guolou sighed, what kind of family is this?Not long after the master died, he was dreaming from top to bottom, and said that it was not a good thing to work for the master all his life.

After Jin Langzhong came, Xie Xiuzhu asked, "Xiaolou, do you want to listen to my opera?"

Li Guolou was taken aback, and hurriedly said: "Second Grandma, this place is not good, we will sing in another place later."

Xie Xiuzhu scolded: "Prudish, then what are we playing?"

Li Guolou hugged Xie Xiuzhu and said, "Then let me hug you and tell you stories. I am very good at coaxing children, and I promise you will never tire of listening to them."

Leaning on the bed, holding Xie Xiuzhu in his arms, Li Guolou told the two stories of "Snow White" and "The Crystal Slipper". "

Although Xie Xiuzhu was not reconciled, she was afraid that Li Guolou would be too tired, so she said helplessly: "Well, Xiaolou's speech is really nice, why have I never heard of it before?"

Li Guolou said: "These are banned books, many of them promote Western religions, and some insult the imperial power, so they are not allowed to be translated into Chinese. The Qing Empire is too feudal."

Xie Xiuzhu said: "Well, I see, then you rest, I will write down the story you wrote, and when you wake up later, can you help me see if it is well written?"

Li Guolou didn't expect that Xie Xiuzhu's cultural quality was so good that she could write articles. He underestimated Xie Xiuzhu who was born as a singer.After a while, he fell asleep, and at noon Li Guolou was woken up by Xie Xiuzhu, who told him to get up for lunch.

Li Guolou still prefers to eat in the room next to the kitchen, where the dishes are still hot and there are more people. He has forgotten that he is a young master, and he is used to eating in crowded places.Although Xie Xiuzhu said she was a little bit unwilling, but she didn't show it on her face, she followed Li Guolou's intention, took his arm, and walked along the corridor to the dining room next to the kitchen.

After taking her seat, Xie Xiuzhu said affectionately, "Xiaolou, eat and watch Xie Ma's cooking, it's no worse than Xiaofang."

Li Guolou rolled his eyes, annoyed when he said "Xiaofang!" He was not in a panic, but thinking of Xiaofang's fierce and stern expression, he felt that he had done something wrong, and suddenly lost his appetite.

At this moment, the gate in the courtyard rang loudly, and the peaceful and shady life was broken.

Xie Xiuzhu was a little annoyed, and dissatisfied: "Little Qizi, go and see who it is. If the neighbors come to borrow things, they will be dismissed. Don't do anything if you borrow something. Here! It's not your turn to do good people."

Wei Xiaoqi was scolded by Xie Xiuzhu, and ran out to open the door wisely. After a while, Wei Xiaoqi ran back quickly, panting heavily, his face turned pale, and said, "Second Grandma, something is wrong. Chen Xiangfang is at the door. outside."

Everyone in the room was startled, Li Guolou and Xie Xiuzhu stood up abruptly.

Xie Xiuzhu asked anxiously, "Did you let her in?"

Li Guolou said: "What did Xiaofang say?"

Wei Xiaoqi looked at the two masters, and said distressedly: "How dare I open the door, saying that I want to inform the master and let her wait for a while."

Xie Xiuzhu said anxiously: "Then what should I do? This flirtatious woman is calling at the door, Xiaolou, why don't you hide?"

At the critical moment, Fang showed his true qualities. Li Guolou made a decision in an instant. Under his pale face, he said calmly: "That bastard must have a cheap mouth. Tell his sister. His sister's mouth is even worse. Tell Xiaofang!" I'm here. Don't be afraid now, I'll go and lie on the bed, Second Mistress, welcome Xiaofang into the mansion generously, don't be afraid of her with low eyebrows, don't be afraid of her shadow, just say you saved my life, Don't say much else, I'll take care of it."

Li Guolou broke out in a cold sweat in horror, he really looked like he was seriously ill, and ran to the room quickly, leaving Xie Xiuzhu aside, no matter what others thought.

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