Because the officer was outside, Li Guolou and Howard did not drink. Before leaving, Sadako gave Li Guolou two bottles of Japanese sake. Seeing Sadako's enthusiasm, Li Guolou's heart trembled. Can a woman hold this hand?Come and get two bottles of sake for free. If Sadako is still so enthusiastic when you come to Haximi Sushi Restaurant next time, you should also fall into the trap set by Sadako.

Li Guolou couldn't help but praised: "Howard, you have a good vision. Sadako is a good woman. The climate conditions in their motherland are worse than that of England. They can adapt to the changeable weather in England. Sadako will adapt to life in the foggy city."

Howard; Eugene sighed: "I still have three years of military service, and Sadako will wait for me for three years. You are the first friend I showed to Sadako, and she likes you very much."

Li Guolou also sighed and said, "Unfortunately, I got to know Zhenzi too late, otherwise nothing will happen to you."

This is a way for the British to praise other people's girlfriends, Howard; Eugene felt more face, and behaved more relaxed, and the two chatted back to the front of the villa.Howard; Eugene left with more than [-] Indian juniors. Before leaving, he gave a military salute to Li Guolou. Li Guolou did not wear official uniform, so he could only take off his hat to pay tribute.

Li Guolou didn't see Ai Hai's carriage, so he looked left and right to search around. This is a very big rich area, and Li Guolou lost his direction for a while.

A carriage with the sign of the British Legation stopped in front of Li Guolou who was in a hurry. Wu Defu opened the door and shouted: "Get in the carriage!"

Li Guolou carefully looked at the appearance of the car, maybe he was wrong.

"I told you to get in the car, why are you dawdling?" Wu Defu said angrily.

Li Guolou hurriedly climbed into the carriage, and said with a smile: "Master Wu, I thought I was wrong. Where is Ai Hai? Why didn't he wait for me?"

Wu Defu snorted and said: "Xiao Lizi, you are so good at counting, don't you know why I let you get in the car?"

Li Guolou scratched his head, and said: "It's been calculated, but what rank am I, the officers are trying to make friends, what do I care about? I am about the same level as the British captain."

Wu Defu said: "Ai Hai has gone back. You should spend the night at the Yinglun Guild Hall tonight. Don't be too active, otherwise Mr. Bao will be jealous. Hey——you can be Mr. Bao's interpreter, just stay close at every step, don't hook up with foreign girls, good chance Just leave it to Mr. Bao."

The British Guild Hall is not far from the British Legation. It is a place dedicated to entertaining the British and distinguished guests from the Qing Empire. It is not open to the public.

Li Guolou giggled, he had mixed into the chief's entertainment circle, he was a real person, he didn't have to pretend to be a serious person like in the officialdom, the ugliness of human nature would be exposed.That is to say, whichever woman the officer likes, you have to ask to seduce that woman to the officer.If you hold a first-class woman in your arms, you have to hold a defective one. When the officer enters the shed, you have to enter the shed even if you don’t want to. This is what people in a certain circle of officialdom will do.Those who are not stained by the silt all stay up all night in the office room of the Ministry of Punishment and write neatly and neatly.

Wu Defu glanced at him and said, "Don't be so complacent, we're going to bleed a lot. Mr. Bao saw how big our business is, so he already extended his hand."

Li Guolou was startled, and said anxiously: "How could he see it? It wasn't the second brother who let you slip the tongue."

Wu Defu snorted coldly: "As long as you are smart, can't you tell whether Mr. Bao is a fool or a smart person today? Just move a little and you will see the money rolling in. Will the old fox not be able to see how big the scene will be next? I thought of a trick to make the old fox bleed heavily, let him get the benefits, and let him follow up the risks."

When Li Guolou thought about it, it was really as Wu Defu said, the benefits could not be hidden from Bao Tong for a long time, there are so many venues in the capital, and they are making a lot of money every day.People with a little brain also know why the Ministry of Punishment broke out and turned against other departments. It was not because they wanted to occupy the capital's protection fees.

"Second brother, what good idea do you have?"

"Well, I think of the ticket number business you mentioned last time. If we want to drag the old fox on board and raise the start-up funds by ourselves, we will have to work hard in the capital for at least five or six years. If the old fox is willing to board the boat, we will do it in less than two years. I can set sail." Wu Defu said.

Li Guolou thought for a while, and said: "Second brother, since you have already told the old fox, I have no objection, but in the future, people in the officialdom should not let them join, a big crocodile will eat us even our bones. "

What kind of people are they, the most are eighth-rank officials, which is very different from third-rank officials, and all high-ranking officials are Jinshi and rank.At most, they are scholars who are highly educated, and how can they use their brains better than those who are so smart and can memorize the Four Books and Five Classics.

The first level of officialdom crushes people to death. Wu Defu understood this truth from the first day he stepped into the officialdom.One day the chief will turn his face and deny it, and even make you bankrupt. If you are charged with one crime, you will make money for others for the rest of your life, and you will not even be able to keep your wife.

Wu Defu said: "Well, I will make it clear to the old fox that no other high-ranking officials can be involved, it is better to join the businessman."

Li Guolou said: "We are people between black and white, and we pay attention to the morality of the world. Those people put the national interest above everything else to crush you. The truth is what they say, the rules are made by them, and they are much more greedy than us. Second brother, goodbye I just want to know how to repay you, so be careful."

Wu Defu chuckled and said: "I know, I am not as good as his little husband, or the elder brother and the third younger brother can share wealth, I know who is my own."

Li Guolou glanced at Wu Defu and felt a little uneasy. Bao Yi, who is extremely smart, is far from their status. As long as Bao Yi is ambitious, wants to ask for more, and controls the overall situation, Wu Defu will be the first unlucky person in the end.Will Bao Yitong praise his "little husband"?That "Little Xianggong" has reached a mature age. He is learning to read in the back hall, reviewing official documents, and his writing and writing are no worse than Wu Defu.

The benefits are too tempting and rich, Li Guolou thought of the ending, Wu Defu's good life will not last long, and he will be killed, because he knows too many secrets about Bao Tong, this is a man who has dedicated himself to Bao Gong In the end, they can only be killed by the lord Bao together.

"I'm dead, third brother, my family entrusts you." Wu Defu said suddenly with his eyes closed.

Li Guolou pretended to be stupid and said: "Second brother, I just said not to let too many officials join in, just to protect our interests, what are you thinking?"

Wu Defu said: "I just like joking with smart people. Don't take it seriously. Lord Bao is still okay. He has never been sorry to me. Third brother, if you get in touch with him a lot, you will respect such an officer. The Qing Empire is like Lord Bao. His officials are considered upright officials, much better than your money-grubbing clan uncle."

Li Guolou could only take advantage of the situation and said: "Yes, second brother, it seems that some officers let their relatives come forward, so how could they guide the master from the top position, you have met a good master."

Wu Defu nodded slightly and said: "That's right, earn money together, as long as the bank note business starts, everyone's net worth will double immediately, Master Bao will not treat the guide badly."

Li Guolou talked perfunctorily to Wu Defu, but in his heart he thought of the scene of Bao Qingtian beating someone to death in the courtroom. It seemed to be killing harm for the people, but it was actually an abuse of power.Controlling the lives of others with personal likes and dislikes, uncontrollable violence, growing ambition.Where should he go?In order to remind Wu Defu of the brotherhood, he should climb to a stronger branch and die for his confidant.Li Guolou kept silent and fell asleep after a while.

Wu Defu was still immersed in the excitement. He planned the blueprint and planned the layout. A perfect start has been shown in front of his eyes. Mr. Bao praised him very much, and the brothers under him worked together.The ticket office business, which was originally a castle in the air, suddenly had hope. He was full of energy and wanted to show his skills, and looked at Li Guolou who was sleeping next to him.

Wu Defu took off his coat and put it on Li Guolou, opened the curtain on the car window, and looked at the bustling street, where the carriage of the legation was galloping with horses and whips.This is the power of the British Legation, which was originally more than two hours away, but can be reached in less than an hour.With this kind of transcendent power, the carriage can run on the street. He has more power and ambition. With the rolling wheels crushing all the gravel that blocks his way, Wu Defu looked at the British Empire on the building of the British Club with a smile Stars and Stripes.

This time when Bao came to the British Guild Hall, there was no opening speech for the meeting of high-ranking officials from different countries. Instead, he took him directly into the Guild Hall to watch a cultural performance. When Li Guolou entered the Guild Hall, he saw several officials in the box watching the ballet with binoculars. "Swan Lake", I can't help laughing out loud, ballet is an elegant art, and the officers appreciate it as a singing girl performance, and use binoculars to look carefully at her crotch, hey!The ballet is also true, the shadow and black in the crotch can be seen.

Li Guolou hurriedly walked behind Bao Yiyi, leaned down and said in a low voice, "My lord, those two dancers are decent people. This is a classic Western dance. If you meet those actors later, please give me some compliments." , just give some rewards."

Bao Yitong came to his senses, raised his hand and asked, "Xiao Lizi, can I use a telescope?"

The two officers beside Bao Yi also turned their heads to look at Li Guolou. Wouldn't their inappropriate actions embarrass the Qing Empire?

Li Guolou was a little embarrassed. The three officers had seen it. Now, should he tell the truth?

"My lord, the binoculars are for those who are far away from the stands. It's better not to use them here." Li Guolou still told the truth.

Wu Kefan said angrily: "I'm eager to try it. It turns out that it's something that can be seen but not touched. Don't watch it! I'm going to play Russian roulette, Xiao Li, come with me. Can you do it at 21 o'clock? Just now I put If you lose all the chips, you give me the chips, if you win, I will give you money, if you lose, you will show respect to me."

The British invited them to come here to play, and of course they gave them chips first, that is, they gave money in a disguised form, they could gamble and pay tips, and foreign girls could also be exchanged for chips.Wu Kefan just came in and already lost all the chips given to him by the British, and now he's making up his mind with his subordinates.

Bao Yi couldn't leave because he was performing specially for him, so he could only continue to suffer, a little annoyed: "The British devils deliberately calculated us, trying to make us look bad. Why did you come so late, little Lizi?"

Li Guolou became a hot seller, and finally Manchu Wu Kefan got the priority and asked Li Guolou to accompany him to the casino to play a few games.I came here just to play, Baotou will not be angry, everyone is not big or small, agreed to allocate Li Guolou's time next, which kind of foreign girls are first-class, and Li Guolou should pick them out for them. Don't want a foreign girl with fake breasts, let Li Guolou first look at it carefully to identify the authenticity, this is the job of a detective.

Li Guolou refused to give the chips to Yuanwailang Wu Kefan, and said: "Master Wu, playing Russian roulette is just for fun, there is no reason to bet on it all, let me do it. You also know that I have a detective mind, 21 Is it still possible to fight the British devils?"

Wu Kefan said dissatisfied: "No! You can change the chips yourself, you can't lose your little Li. I am in charge of the gunpowder. If you don't want to misfire, just bring it."

Li Guolou was empty-handed, so he had to exchange the banknotes for chips first. When he came back, he saw Wu Kefan standing in front of the Russian roulette and sighed. Li Guolou shook his head and said, "Mr. Wu, to tell you the truth, Russian roulette is played by children." , You were cheated out of your chips, which shows how high your IQ is."

Wu Kefan said angrily: "Xiao Lizi, did you say that to the officer? I don't care about the expenses later, and I will charge it all to you."

Li Guolou took out his pocket watch and said, "Don't be impatient, Mr. Wu, haven't you had a big meal yet? Watch me kill all directions."

Wu Defu said anxiously: "I'm a fly, it depends on your luck."

Now Li Guolou was in a hurry, and said: "Don't be Master Wu, everyone plays in their own way, winning or losing is God's will, and it depends on luck. Bye to you, Master Wu and I are bored together."

Li Guolou threw Wu Defu away and took Wu Kefan into a gambling room next to him, imagining God's will in his heart, Wu Kefan has already lost the bottom, and it should be a turn of events to bring him good luck.

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