"Mike! Miss Marilyn, my friends call me Mike."

Marilyn said: "Mike, the guy who danced the ballet is gay, are you interested?" She regarded Li Guolou as a gay and introduced him to a boyfriend.

It is not the first time that Li Guolou has been suspected of having a problem with his sexual orientation. He said without changing his expression, "Thank you Miss Marilyn for telling me, but I am not gay. But I can ask who needs it? The people on Miss Marilyn's stage Is everything okay?"

Marilyn whispered: "It's all in the front row, don't even think about the back row."

Li Guolou said: "Well, Ms. Marilyn, let the people in the front row stand for a while, and I will ask which officers need female companions." After speaking, he walked off the stage and reported the good news to the officers.

Li Guolou and his party consisted of five people plus an interpreter, a total of six people. Li Guolou would help them play the role in a short time, and they were accompanied by female companions for dinner.Li Guolou was lonely, and he said that he didn't have a woman he liked yet, but he wanted to be a decent man in his heart, and he didn't want to hang out with his friends and prostitutes.

The task was completed wonderfully, Marilyn walked towards the banquet hall with her arms hooked together, and the others also had their arms hooked by foreign girls.Li Guolou was at the forefront like an interpreter. He was the bridge between Marilyn and Bao. When they talked flirtatiously, Li Guolou was the interpreter.

The long dining table of Westerners is filled with sumptuous food and tableware. The host and guest sit on the left and right, and the two sides talk face to face.Before the banquet, British Minister Justin Lear stood up, held his glass high and said a congratulatory speech. The friendship between the British Empire and the Qing Empire will last forever, and they will go to the twentieth century with flowers and brocades together.Next, Bao Yi also treated each other with courtesy, stood up and toasted to celebrate that tomorrow will be better.

Li Guolou squinted from the corner of his eye to see where the hands of the officers were placed?Listen carefully to everyone's speech, and remember the decent words on the table silently. This is a compulsory course for an officer. No one will teach you. You just rely on listening and watching.This kind of opportunity does not come often, and Li Guolou cherishes the rare opportunity very much.

The officers' eating movements were decent, which relieved Li Guolou of a burden and began to watch the situation of other tables in the restaurant.The business in the guild hall is very good, and people keep coming in to eat.Ladies and gentlemen, dress well, just like attending a formal banquet.Someone always came to say hello to British Minister Justin Lear, but Justin Lear seldom stood up.

A western organ player began to perform, and the beautiful music made the atmosphere of the banquet even better.Li Guolou is not used to Westerners' banquets. The dishes are served too slowly, waiting tediously, repeating a few polite words, and people in the officialdom just pass the time like this.

As soon as the music changed in the venue, Marilyn put her hand on Li Guolou's thigh and said, "Mike, tell Mr. Bao that we are about to start the performance, and invite him to enjoy our Western dance."

Half of the people at the dining table where Li Guolou was sitting disappeared in the blink of an eye, leaving only the men sitting and enjoying the wonderful Western dance.

The dining tables were removed one by one, and the space in the restaurant was getting bigger and bigger, and men and women who had finished eating kept joining the dance.The lights in the restaurant also dimmed, a beautiful melody sounded, and men and women embraced and danced together.They would also swap partners and keep hitting the beat.

Li Guolou asked Zhang Keyao, the interpreter accompanying him, and said, "Brother Zhang, can you dance this kind of dance?"

Zhang Keyao said: "I can only dance a simple pas de deux, I don't know this kind of court dance. Mrs. Bao will invite you to dance due to Marilyn later, don't be shy."

Bao Yitong laughed and said, "Translator Zhang, you underestimate me. I have already asked someone to teach me to dance. There is no problem with three steps and four steps. I can't learn this kind of court dance too complicated."

Li Guolou said: "Master Bao, this is the British devils who put gold on their faces. It was thought up by the nobles when they were idle. It's no big deal. It's just like our Chinese martial arts, which pays attention to routines."

Bao Yi said: "Xiao Lizi, do you know how to dance like this?"

Li Guolou smiled casually and said: "Master Bao, you can't even learn it. How could I learn it? I never participated in the dances organized by foreign devils in college." But it's much simpler than that."

Zhang Keyao said: "Then I will too, stretch my legs, clap my hands, and turn around a few times."

Bao Yi said: "Then you two can't lose face to the Qing Empire. When there is a folk dance, give it to me. Give me courage first."

Zhang Keyao said with a smile: "Good Master Bao, there will be a folk dance later, I promise."

Li Guolou was a little shy and said, "Master Bao, I still want to accompany you."

Bao shook his hands together and said, "I don't need you to accompany me, I can deal with Marilyn with my mouth."

The music stopped, the dancers took a break, and several high-class prostitutes also sat down again, taking a short rest, and waiting for the next round of music to sound.They can also speak a few simple Chinese, and their flirting looks make people burn with lust.This is what high-class prostitutes do, and kung fu is not just in bed, but a whole set of services.Their value makes people more willing to spend money through various performances, and only a few high-level prostitutes hide a few chips in their breast pockets during a short break.

Li Guolou became unhappy, and said: "Since we are playing with friends, there is no reason for me to pay the tip. Don't you have chips in your pocket?"

Wu Kefan said with a smile: "Xiao Lizi, don't be stingy if you win. I know your bottom line. Let the brothers spend all the money you win. You keep the money you win. I won't leave tomorrow. Bao My lord, just go back and make a show. Cover for me."

Li Guolou said angrily: "Without a friend like you, at most half. I want to make my girlfriend happy."

Several officers succeeded in extorting money, they clapped their hands together to celebrate what they wanted, and when they came out to have fun, if someone won money, they would let it go, until they ate and spent all their money, they did not leave a way out for their friends.

Officials spend a lot of time drinking and drinking, and someone pays for them.Wouldn't it be worthless to let them pay for it themselves, and the official hat on their heads would be worthless.If you let them treat guests, they will not mess around, and they are still restrained.

It will take a year or even a few years or even decades for ordinary people to earn this money. 400 taels of silver is enough to buy a courtyard house. If you build it yourself, you can build two courtyard houses.The officials of Li Guolou spent money without even blinking their eyes. In their opinion, they are really capable if they can earn and spend money. What is a few hundred taels of silver?Thousands of taels of silver are still spent.

This is what the cronies in the officialdom do. They catch a big fish, and once they catch a big fish, the big fish will bleed profusely.This time it was the British devils, next time it might be an official who was imprisoned, and the next time it would be a big businessman in a lawsuit. This cycle goes on and on, 360 days a year, and half of the time can be spent on this kind of fishing operation.Some officials have limited filial piety, but they can live a life of debauchery, that is, they sneak into the circle of cronies.Everyone ate, drank and had fun together, covered by a big brother, before leaving, they could apply a handful of oil and go back home, and there was still money for their wives when they got home.So some officials don't go home, but their wives are still happy.Knowing that her husband follows the "big brother" to meet clients will bring benefits home.If the husband does not engage in activities outside for a long time, it means that he has fallen out of favor with the eldest brother, and he will not be able to share the benefits in the future.

Like Li Guolou's chief, if you directly find prostitutes for them, you will look down on them, and you will leave angrily, and turn into an upright gentleman to play bureaucratic talk with you.They have already sublimated the realm, and they pay attention to the sentiment, the more advanced they play, the more fun they have.They will be happy to be your friends, your business is their business, and they will take care of the law and discipline for you.Now they are happy to be brothers and sisters with two British counselors. In the future, they will run over a commoner like a British embassy carriage, and they will not even write a report.

As the folk music played, Li Guolou stood up shyly. It was rare to see people from the Qing Dynasty dancing in the banquet hall. The foreigners present cheered for Li Guolou and Zhang Keyao.The dancers sang hand in hand, a party with a unique flavor, and the atmosphere reached its climax.Li Guolou could still keep up with the rhythm of the music, but Zhang Keyao couldn't do it, and he mixed in with the crowd and made a fuss.After the dance, Li Guolou let go, and with the accompaniment of the organ, he performed a Kazakh dance around Marilyn, squatting on the ground and kicking his feet above his head, which is not something British gentlemen have.

Wu Defu smiled and said: "Master Bao, I said that Xiao Lizi is not peaceful. Make up your idea of ​​food, Marilyn will leave your room at night, and make sure to get under Xiao Lizi's bed."

Bao Tong laughed and said, "Let's have fun with the people, I'm still very open."

The two officers next to each other looked at each other with obscene smiles, they all thought of Bao Tong's "little husband".

After the English folk dance, everyone is calling out the name of "Mike!" today, he is the prince of the ball.Another ball princess is a noblewoman "Jelia".

Euphemistic light music sounded, and the ballroom dance between the two began. Li Guolou pretended to be a gentleman and invited the prom princess "Yelia" to dance the first dance.

During the dance, the two chatted briefly, and Li Guolou nodded to Yelia's husband, Robinson Robinson.After dancing the second dance with a high-ranking prostitute, Li Guolou wanted to take a break. He had completed the task excellently and left a good impression on the officers. In the future, the officers would ask him to participate in events like this. Take it when you see it, you can't be crazy.Baotou held Marilyn's hand reluctantly, ready to dance the third dance.

Like everyone else, Li Guolou praised Bao Yi's chic dancing posture, and Marilyn praised even more, and Li Guolou was touched by Marilyn's thigh a few times.

Marilyn asked, "Mike, have you found a suitable female partner? Would you like me to find one for you?"

Li Guolou joked: "It's a pity that the princess has a husband, and I'm still alone."

Li Guolou was just joking, but Marilyn took it seriously. She was an old hand at this kind of pimping, and she searched for Yelia with her eyes.She knows most of the people here, many gentlemen have fucked her, and she can talk to women.

Marilyn Jiao Didi said: "Mike, I'll go and ask for you. I don't know if there is a chance."

Li Guolou couldn't stop Li Guolou, so Bao joined hands with Marilyn and danced together.Li Guolou was relieved when he saw it, and sat drinking tea to watch the crowd dance.A lady came up to invite Li Guolou to dance. Li Guolou stood up with a smile, held the lady's hand and started dancing in a new circle.

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