late Qing Dynasty arrest

Chapter 124 Yesenia Steals the Pocket Watch

It is possible that the French women thought Li Guolou was a big stallion and invited him to the ball next Friday.Li Guolou looked at Yelia's smiling expression and said, "Mrs. Yesenia, I will accompany Mrs. Yelia to Tianjin next week. I will make an appointment next time when I come back."

The aristocratic women are very self-restraining, no matter whether they can understand the meaning of Li Guolou's refusal or not, they still stretch out their hands for Li Guolou to kiss.Mrs. Yesenia floated away, and sat at another table chatting and laughing happily with several noble ladies. The eyes of the noble ladies would turn to Li Guolou, and each of them practiced the skill of winking with perfection.

Yelia didn't look back at her friends, but warned Li Guolou, saying, "Mike, don't think of Mrs. Yesenia. Her husband is the captain of the firearms team in the French Concession of Shanghai. He is a sharpshooter."

Li Guolou smiled and said, "I'm not so stupid. The people at Mrs. Yesenia's table are playing in a circle. I don't want to be squeezed dry by them. Honestly, my dear, have you ever played with them?"

Yelia confided a little and said, "She introduced boyfriends to me in the past, but I didn't like her, but she is good at doing business, and I have some business dealings with her."

Yelia stopped talking about it, and how many people have clean backgrounds?

The waiter brought up a plate of roasted duck with asparagus, and Li Guolou rolled his eyes as he looked at the dish, thinking that a little bit of duck would disappear after a few strokes.

Li Guolou sighed: "Honey, no wonder you maintain such a perfect figure, so you eat so little."

Yelia was also eating her plate of roasted duck with asparagus, raised her wine glass and clinked glasses with Li Guolou, and said: "We French pay attention to delicacy. The dishes are beautifully presented and pure in taste. As for the quantity, that's all. If you can’t eat enough, you can order a few baguettes, and you can take them to your room to replenish your energy at night.”

Li Guolou sighed: "I don't expect delicious foie gras anymore, I won't go anywhere, everything is delicious when I'm hungry." Add staple food "stick bread".

Yelia's face turned livid for a moment, and he scolded angrily, "Mike is a high-end French restaurant. Why are you acting like a British hooligan? You are so tasteless. It embarrasses me."

Li Guolou quickly apologized and said, "I'm sorry Yelia, I lived in England, and I learned a lot of vulgar habits, often doing inappropriate actions. I didn't know that I would use them, and I couldn't change them."

Yelia rolled her eyes and said, "Forget it, let's not talk about you." He raised his head and said, "The chef didn't finish the waiter's plate of asparagus roast duck, so bring it back to me and redo it. Mike, you don't want to eat it, give it back to the waiter. "

Li Guolou was very happy. He had already eaten half of the roast duck with asparagus, and it was a good choice to have another plate of roast duck with asparagus.To be honest, he didn't think French food was delicious at all, but he didn't know how to say that. People in the Qing Empire were not used to this slow pace.This is a way of life that is slower than the procrastination of the Qing Empire. If a French chef cooks for a Qing official, he would have been fired long ago. No wonder the French have another name for European lazy people.

The lobby manager held a bottle of red wine wrapped in a napkin, walked over on tiptoe, bowed and apologized, and said, "I'm sorry Miss Yelia, but we didn't check the quality. This bottle of red wine is given to you by our restaurant. Do you want to open it?"

The label of the red wine faces Yelia, so that the picky Yelia can see the brand and year of the wine clearly.The picky Yelia glanced clearly, nodded and said: "Yes, open it, Mr. Jack, I will come again, next time I hold a reception, please arrange it."

The manager of the restaurant was very grateful, and bowed again to apologize, which is similar to that of Qing officials throwing horseshoe sleeves.

It turns out that there are slaves in France, and the methods are different. Li Guolou opened his eyes and said sincerely: "Yelia, if you are a businessman, you will definitely succeed, and only picky people will keep improving. Uh-this is which famous person That said, I can’t remember right now.”

Yelia smiled like fireworks, covered her mouth and said, "Mike, stop pretending, it's what you said."

Li Guolou's pretended expression remained unchanged, as if he couldn't figure it out: "Really? I've become a celebrity!"

Yelia scolded coquettishly: "Mike, how did you learn so many tricks, even the romantic French people don't do this."

Li Guolou smiled, a little embarrassed, this is a trick he learned in the officialdom, no matter how shameless he said it, he said it smoothly.There are also ranks in the praise of the chief. Every subordinate must figure out his position, change roles constantly, position himself, and talk nonsense when he sees others.Keeping improving and eager to learn, he has already applied what he has learned and killed a lot of officers in seconds, so he got mixed up in the circle of officers having fun.If he only intrigues with criminals, and is still fighting on the front line of heroism, going out early and returning late every day, where would he have the opportunity to enjoy the beauty of the world and drink delicious Bordeaux red wine?

The sound of the violin rang in his ears, and Robinson sent someone to give Yelia a large bouquet of flowers.Li Guolou's chest is tight, they are immersed in the most romantic love, Yelia's old lover Robinson unexpectedly came to this hand, presenting beautiful music and sending flowers, in order to make Yelia change his mind .

Yelia was furious. Robinson didn't choose the right occasion to apologize, and so many people looked at her.Could it be that she should rush out of the restaurant to leave Li Guolou now and fall into Robinson's arms.Yelia didn't even look at the cards in the bouquet, she crumpled the cards and threw them directly into the wine glass.

Yelia looked cold and said: "Mike gave them the money and let them go." Then said: "Waiter, change the cup."

The embarrassing scene ended in an instant, Yelia raised her glass and said softly: "Mike, don't affect our mood, Robinson deliberately wants to make us look bad, I won't leave, let's just be an English rascal, whatever you want what others say about us."

Li Guolou smiled and said: "Now I finally understand why you Westerners like to grab other people's things. It's so fulfilling. Dear Yelia, you are a priceless treasure, and I will always love you. Shred!"

"Cut shreds!" Yelia frowned, and thought to herself: Dumping a man is also a very fulfilling thing. I don't know if Li Guolou will cling to her stubbornly in the future and give her a chance to increase her social status.In such an embarrassing scene, she deserves a few drinks for her outstanding performance.Her movements are so graceful, I don't know how many men admire her.The ladies next to her will definitely imitate her action of throwing a card into a wine glass in the future. This is a classic action. How did she think of it?Yelia admired herself.The prom princess has become a child's joke to the Fang family, and she has been sublimated to a higher level. In the future, more rich people will stare at her ass, and whoever gets her will be the king.

Music played in the restaurant, and couples of diners danced and walked around the tables.Yelia held Li Guolou's hand and said, "Mike wants to dance this kind of dance with me next time, and I will teach you."

Li Guolou sighed: "If Yelia eats French food with you, she wants to learn to dance. I feel uncomfortable waiting for the food, and I feel tired even sitting."

Yelia sighed: "Mike, you don't have the romance of the French at all. This is not the best French restaurant. You can eat for three or four hours at a top French restaurant. The candles are lit for you, and the music is for you." It sounds, you are the only one in your eyes, how romantic it is."

Li Guolou stretched out a slap and said, "I will only give you five chances like this, and I can't stand any more."

Yelia scolded, "Mike, you're a fool. That's a way to surprise your girlfriend. How can it be measured by the number of times? It takes three or four hours to eat each time. Am I not crazy?"

"Oh--is that for a marriage proposal? I understand, to put it bluntly, it's a private room! I'll book a private room for you on your birthday in the future, um--next time you will do it;;;;;;"

Yelia said anxiously: "Mike, I'm two years older than you, you have to remember this, and say that to your two girlfriends. Do you know?"

"Ah! Aren't you French the most honest people?" Li Guolou was a little surprised.

"Mike, you have been deceived again. It was deliberately used by the British devils to deceive us French. They just want us to be honest people and put everything on the table. Our greatest monarch, Napoleon I, was deceived by the British. Deceived. One day at Waterloo changed our nation, just one day away. The British devils can deceive people, and we French will also deceive people." What a good reason Yelia said, putting two opposing nations on the table What's more, Li Guolou saw the deep groove of breast enlargement on the table.

Li Guolou swallowed, took a sip of red wine hastily, and said, "Dear Yelia, next year I will celebrate your 23rd birthday, and I will give you a big surprise."

Yelia nodded slightly, meeting Li Guolou's request.Watching the change of Li Guolou's expression, he said, "Mike, why have you never been principled and follow other people's wishes in everything, and I have never seen you object to anything?"

Li Guolou glanced at him and said: "I am a soft-hearted person, and I will consider everything for others, so I will agree to marry two widows as wives. Other Qing people steal incense and jade for this kind of thing, how can I marry Da Kefu?" A widow is a wife. I am the only one who is willing to take responsibility in the Qing Empire. In order to make a clean break with the little girl, I kicked out all the little maids who served at home. I am still very principled, yesterday In this case, you are too tempting, so I was impulsive."

Yelia Semi looked at Li Guolou, and said: "Mike, how can you lie without blushing, is it once? Drink the snail soup quickly, this is very nourishing, I can let you do it again." After speaking, Yeli Ya no longer had the demeanor of a Frenchman, moved the chair to Li Guolou's side, put one hand on Li Guolou's thigh and began to caress.If you make up, you need to use the function of making up, and you will need to use it later.

Li Guolou stood still and lowered his head to drink the soup. Mrs. Yesenia walked by, stopped and put a folded card in front of Li Guolou, and warned: "Mike, this is my home address, wait for you Come to play after I come back from Tianjin, my sisters all want to dance with you. We will be friends in the future, eat and drink together. Goodbye Yelia, come with you when you are free."

Li Guolou hurriedly hid the card in his trouser pocket and said, "Okay! I will definitely visit Mrs. Yesenia in the future." After speaking, he stretched out his right hand to pinch Mrs. Yesenia's raised right hand and kissed it.

When Mrs. Yesenia was nowhere to be seen, Li Guolou asked, "Yelia, is Mrs. Yesenia a gypsy?"

Yelia said: "I don't know where her blood came from. How can you say that Mrs. Yesenia is a gypsy?"

Li Guolou said in a low voice: "Only gypsy women have no sense of shame. Gypsies are people who will not give up until they achieve their goals. I saw Mrs. Yesenia stealing other people's things, and stole a gentleman's pocket watch."

Yelia opened her mouth in surprise, and turned her head to look at a gentleman at the next table. Just now she heard Mrs. Yesenia's voice of apologizing to others, and turned around to look at it. It turned out that Mrs. Yesenia was doing it for Steal someone's pocket watch.

Yelia blamed in a low voice: "Mike, why didn't you say it? Why don't you have a sense of justice?"

Li Guolou prevaricated and said: "Isn't she your friend? We Qing people pay attention to seeing each other in the world, so I can only pretend not to see it. Mrs. Yesenia knew that I saw it, so she came to say hello to me. Everyone knows this kind of Jianghu love."

Yelia asked suspiciously: "Mike, are you reading it wrong? Mrs. Yesenia's family is very rich and has a lot of ginseng. How could she steal a pocket watch worth only a few dozen taels of silver?"

Li Guolou stood up suddenly, felt that something was wrong, sat down again and said, "Yelia, you said Mrs. Yesenia's house is full of ginseng, how much is there?"

"Mrs. Yesenia makes expensive medicinal materials. There are several sacks of high-grade ginseng at home. I buy all the ginseng tea I drink from her. The ginseng she sells to us is at a friendly price, which is cheaper than the medicinal materials shop outside. many."

Li Guolou said: "Is the ginseng sold to you by Mrs. Yesenia a fake?"

Yelia proudly said: "Mike, what kind of mouth am I? I'm the most tricky. You can tell if it's true or not after you taste it. I buy Korean ginseng that costs ten taels of silver each, and I buy ten from Yesenia at a time." , at least double the outside."

"Oh!" Li Guolou kept silent and stopped asking questions. He already knew that Mrs. Yesenia's family was a robber. The thieves came to the Qing Empire to take advantage of it.No wonder Liu Banxian, the leader of the Beggar Gang, yelled at him for being wronged. Their Beggar Gang would not dare to do such a big case.

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