late Qing Dynasty arrest

Chapter 131 The Unsolvable Goldbar Conjecture

After eating dessert, Li Guolou asked the three grandmothers to watch a play in the guild hall or just listen to music and drink tea in the restaurant.He wanted to talk to five fake foreign devils about business matters, and they would wait for him for an hour at most.

Yelia looked at an exquisite program list and said with a smile: "Well, there is the opera La Traviata right now, let's go to the opera." After speaking, Yelia stretched out his hand and asked Li Guolou to help her up.

Chen Xiangfang said anxiously: "Wait! Xiaolou, help me find a leather shoe. I don't know where I was kicked by the second grandma?"

Li Guolou looked down and saw that Chen Xiangfang was wearing one leather shoe, and the other leather shoe had already gone to the next table.

Yelia giggled coquettishly and said, "I'm here to pick it up. I often encounter this kind of thing." After speaking, Yelia ran to the next table and said, "Excuse me."

Yelia squatted on the ground holding her skirt, picked up a black leather shoe on the ground, and smiled slyly at Li Guolou and the two grandmothers.Jelia was a good man who worked hard to the end and put on shoes for Jelia himself.

Chen Xiangfang proudly raised her chest and looked at Li Guolou. Didn't she lose the face of the Qing Empire?The French lady was putting her shoes on.

Li Guolou begged for forgiveness: "Grandmas, don't take off your shoes anymore. The place to watch the theater is very dark, and you can't find them if you kick them off."

Chen Xiangfang was extremely dissatisfied, and snorted coldly: "My feet hurt like hell, why not watch a show with my leather shoes?"

Chen Xiangfang has big feet, and her walking posture is crooked, as if she is about to fall down.Xie Xiuzhu is an old woman with small feet, dragging her two feet and falling at the end.

Li Guolou couldn't see it, and said helplessly: "Let me caress you first, send you in to listen to the opera, and then go to the big brother Du."

Li Guolou helped left and right, and dragged the two grandmas out of the western restaurant. There were giggles behind him, and even Yelia, who followed closely behind, also snickered.

Xie Xiuzhu said angrily, "I've been wearing leather shoes since tomorrow, and I'll wear high heels from now on. I'm taller than Mrs. Yelia, who wouldn't cheat? What's so good about the fake breasts propped up by steel rings."

Chen Xiangfang joked: "Second Grandma, don't you hold on too?"

Li Guolou said anxiously: "My two grandmas, don't say embarrassing things, the foreigners here can understand Chinese."

There was laughter from the side, Li Guolou could only lower his head, pretending that he didn't know anyone.

The waiter opened the door of the private room, and the five fake foreign devils inside immediately roared with laughter when they saw Li Guolou.

"Grandma Liu has entered the Grand View Garden! Mike, you are such a treasure!" The big fat man Huang Guang pointed at Li Guolou with a cigar and laughed.

The Western building has pipe heating, and five fake foreign devils are all wearing shirts and sitting on the sofa smoking cigars.The smoke from cigars in the private room made Li Guolou unable to open his eyes due to the mist, and said, "How can you stand it, waiter, don't close the door, let the air circulate."

"Mr. Li, an old cow eats tender grass and sacrifices his life for righteousness. It is worth learning from our predecessors." Du Xianyu continued to tease Li Guolou.

Li Guolou was teased by the five fake foreign devils, and all his old stories were revealed, so the five fake foreign devils were willing to listen to the topic.

Li Guolou hurriedly got up and closed the door, poured good tea for the five fake foreign devils, and said, "Brothers, Mr. Bao is willing to come forward to promote Mr. Du's plan. There are a lot of preferential policies. You can build a hotel without money to pave the way. Shops. Mr. Bao still sells silver stocks, so let’s do it together.”

Huang Guang clasped his fists and said, "Mr. Du, I only admire you for being fat and fat. How did you come up with this empty-handed white wolf? Where did you learn it?"

Du Xianyu raised his head and said triumphantly, "It's not about reading English books and looking for loopholes in their legal policies. Only I can see the loopholes in their legal policies if others don't see them. Only then can I make a lot of gold and silver."

Another skinny fake foreign ghost, Chen Bulei, said: "Mr. Du, this land can be borrowed from Citi Bank, and we don't spend a penny to build hotels and shops. I really admire it. But the other investments are still huge. After 60 years, returning hotels and shops to the Qing Empire free of charge, I don’t think it’s a big deal, isn’t this returning the fat to others?”

Du Xianyu raised stick, pointed at Chen Bulei, and said: "Mr. Chen, you are not very good. Will we still be there in 60 years? I only make money that I can see when I am alive. You can still make money when you are dead." Is it? Besides, can the Qing Empire see what happened 60 years later? As long as this trick is drilled into it, it will be an unsolvable Goldbal conjecture."

Several other fake foreign devils applauded and celebrated together, applauding big brother Du loudly.

Li Guolou stood up, bowed to the bottom, and sighed: "Mr. Du, you are the idol in my heart and the driving force for me to move forward. With a perfect plan and a tempting trap, you are more powerful than a foreigner's warship. An official and businessman like Hu Xueyan is not on the same level as you, so we have agreed in the future that we will be in-laws."

Although Du Xianyu's wives are not as many as Hu Xueyan's, as long as he sets foot in the business circle, they all have concubines.The biggest enemy in his mind is Hu Xueyan, and the people who follow him are all Hu Xueyan's enemies.Li Guolou's elder brother Li Guoyun is in the silk export business in Shanghai, and he is also a competitor with Hu Xueyan.This is also a competition in the officialdom, one faction is the power of Li Hongzhang, and the other is the power of Zuo Zongtang.Du Xianyu Ken was helping Li Guolou, and he wanted to attach himself to Li Hongzhang's wing.In the business world, there are either enemies or friends. Enemies are used to fight and make fun of, while friends are used to cooperate and help.

The fake foreign devils on the side also began to speak ill of Hu Xueyan, and they dug out Hu Xueyan's depraved private life and made fun of it.

Du Xianyu said casually: "Well, Mr. Li is smart and capable, and I appreciate it very much, so it's settled, and we will marry in the future." He thought: My wife's sons and daughters are worthless, just pick one up, as long as As long as you don't play tricks on my eldest wife's daughter Du Yingying, this is his heart.

Huang Guang looked left and right, and said with a pun, "Is that all?"

Li Guolou and Du Xianyu replied in unison: "It's done!"

Du Xianyu said: "Mr. Huang, go and get the bottle of 1811 Bourbon Dynasty red wine that I keep here. We want to celebrate. Next Sunday, Mr. Li invites us to drink flower wine in Baozhi's room, you go and inform A few other friends, the singers from Jiaofenglou will be performing, they are the ones who can enter the studio."

The big fat man Huang Guang who walked to the door turned his head when he heard this and said, "Old rules, Mr. Li treats you."

Li Guolou kept silent and did not express his position clearly, but he did not say anything against it either.These friends are too rich, and with their help, Baozhifang will surely have a prosperous business in the future.If you want to get something, you have to pay first. He has long been familiar with the role of a pimp, and he can still bargain with Sai Jinhua for a [-]% discount.

Du Xianyu asked: "Mr. Li, would you like to invite Mr. Bao to my house during the Spring Festival?"

Li Guolou replied: "Mr. Du is still free during the Spring Festival, Mr. Bao is also very busy, you just need to come to the door and deliver Feng Yi. After the festival, please invite Mr. Bao to play at the Yinglun Guild Hall. Mr. Bao likes the games there gone."

Du Xianyu said: "Rare is still possible! Don't be addicted!"

The other three fake foreign devils showed their perverted expressions, and said, "It's rare!"

Six people stood up and toasted for a round!Li Guolou drank it down in one gulp, turned his cup upside down, and said, "I'm sorry everyone, I have to go to put out the fire, so I can't enjoy myself today, see you next Friday."

Du Xianyu sighed: "Mr. Li's young life is awesome, and it will be up to you in ten years. When Yelia will hold a reception, please invite us to attend. I still need a French lady, you need to help."

Li Guolou put on his coat, held his top hat and bowed to France casually, and said in a chic gesture: "Mr. Du's order is my motivation. Next time there will be a lonely Mrs. France waiting for Du." Sir, come to comfort me."

A few fake foreign devils who looked like gentlemen saluted and bid farewell politely. Who could tell that they were all traitors who betrayed their ancestors.

In the private room, Du Xianyu said: "I'm not mistaken about Ruanfan Wang, as long as there is meat to eat, he is willing to eat. After this project is completed, we will promote it to Shanghai, Wuhan, and Guangzhou."

Huang Guangdao: "Mr. Du, the people's hearts are not enough. Although your plan is good, there are big loopholes. This is a bottomless pit. If the follow-up funds cannot keep up with it, it will be a dead end. Let's take it step by step and do a good job in one place. Let’s talk about the project. Only when the first pot of gold is dug out will everyone be confident.”

Du Xianyu glanced at him and said, "Fat and fat, then you don't believe me!"

Huang Guang laughed and said, "Big brother Du, we all rely on you to make a fortune, how can we not trust you. But when the plan is really implemented, people will see the tricks in it. It is impossible to promote it in a comprehensive way." It's not that I don't believe you."

Chen Bulei said: "Yes, Mr. Du, the Eight-Power Allied Forces have only landed in Tianjin Port once, how can they come five or six times. You are too naive to think, and the loan procedures of the British Citi Bank will also be done for what you do. If you don’t make any amendments, you won’t get a second loan.”

The four fake foreign devils clapped their hands together and laughed, and Du Xianyu, a smart man, also laughed.

In the corridor, Li Guolou was smiling in his heart, and his face couldn't help being full of spring breeze. He was a go-between who was good at dancing and playing with everyone, and the money would fly over like snowflakes.Li Guolou was immersed in the beautiful dream he had woven, a daze and a person collided with each other.

"I'm sorry!" Li Guolou hastily apologized first.The strange person didn't fall, nor did he bounce off, but was still attached to Li Guolou.

"Xiaolou, why don't you come to my house to play?" A sweet voice asked.

Li Guolou hurriedly separated Du Yingying's hands with his hands, and said anxiously, "Niece, don't mess around."

"Hmph!" Du Yingying said angrily, "It's all your fault, why tell me the story of Cinderella and the crystal slipper, the prince in my dream is you."

"Niece, don't think about it. This is the beginning of puberty. You will find a suitable partner in the future. You will be monogamous in the future. You need to find a lover." Li Guolou turned to see if anyone knew her. It was terrible, the little girl in front of her was a goblin, she wanted to seduce him at such a young age.

"Call me Yingying when there is no one, Xiaolou, why are you so rude? I will tell my mother about the future, but it is useless for me to tell you." Du Yingying stared at Li Guolou intently.

Li Guolou was so frightened that he wanted to run away sideways, but Du Yingying said angrily, "Xiaolou, if you dare to move, I will call you indecent, try it."

Li Guolou yelled angrily: "Du Yingying, who taught you this!" But people dare not take a step forward, if they are not afraid of [-], they are afraid of the eventuality, and they should be innocent.

Du Yingying said triumphantly: "Of course it was taught by Aunt Rowling. Men like girls who take the initiative. They can't resist a round."

Li Guolou's forehead was dripping with sweat, the heating here was turned up too high, and he had no interest in Du Yingying at all.In this day and age, it is normal for women to get married at the age of twelve or thirteen. He didn't want to have anything to do with a 12-year-old girl, let alone how awkward it would be for a man and a woman to stand so stiffly in a dark corridor together.

Li Guolou saw that no one was moving around, and hurriedly said: "Du Yingying, go to your mother's place quickly, I have something to do, next time I will make fun of you."

Du Yingying smiled sweetly and said: "Xiaolou, I'm not joking with you. Mom knows I'm waiting for you. Remember this is an invitation card. Come to eat at noon on the [-]th day of the first lunar month. It's two meals! Many girlfriends Bring a few for me to see, so that I can see your vision."

Li Guolou took the card and asked suspiciously, "Your mother told you to give it to me?"

Du Yingying waved her little hand, and said coquettishly, "I don't believe you will be knocked down! Look for yourself, I'm leaving. Goodbye!" After speaking, Du Yingying stretched out a hand in front of Li Guolou, waiting for Li Guolou to kiss him goodbye.

How could Li Guolou dare to kiss again, he shook hands in a perfunctory manner, touched him lightly, and said anxiously: "I'm very busy during the Spring Festival, I'll talk about it then."

Du Yingying smiled foolishly and said: "Xiaolou, you will come, or else you will have dinner at my Tiantian Baozhi's room." After speaking, Du Yingying walked away, shaking her two pigtails, proudly humming the British folk song " Lavender".

"Lavender is blooming everywhere, blue flowers and green leaves are full of fragrance. I am the king, you are the queen. Toss a coin and make a wish. I love you forever;;;;;;"

Du Yingying's voice was crisp and clear, leaving only a lingering echo.Let Li Guolou sigh slightly, the hearts of the people!When will be satisfied.

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