late Qing Dynasty arrest

Chapter 134 Plugging Your Last Vulnerability

Li Guolou and Yelia went out hand in hand, they went through the back door, and the golden cat and the fake foreign devil came out of Wei's mansion together, fearing that passers-by would stop and watch.I took a rented carriage, and the two horses in the long-packed carriage had to rest, and tomorrow I had to go to Tianjin for a long 200-mile journey.The carriages in the chartered carriage house have many advantages. For such a long-distance trek, there is a carriage house on the road, where you can change the carriage.Therefore, many wealthy people in the capital have long-packed carriages and are unwilling to spend money on carriages.The Horse Carriage Shop in Beijing is the most reputable carriage shop, and Li Guolou usually hires horse carriages from the Horse Carriage Shop.

Pedestrians on the road shrunk their necks, crossed their hands in their sleeves, wore thick long cotton jackets, and walked with their heads bowed.It is said that the ancestors of the Manchus were rescued by dogs, so the Manchus do not eat dog meat or wear dog fur hats.From the style of hats worn by passers-by, one can know which ones are Han Chinese and which ones are Manchus.

Yelia looked at the street from the glass window and said, "Mike, I don't think you look alike to the people on the street. Are you really from the Qing Dynasty?"

In Yelia's eyes, Li Guolou's face was radiant, with the air of a gentleman, her braids exuded the same smell as hers, and her unique exotic demeanor fascinated her.Now that she is stuck with Li Guolou, it is best to watch Li Guolou all day long, not let Li Guolou go to work, and let her take care of Li Guolou.Wait until the day when you dislike Li Guolou for getting something for nothing and turn into a pug, then kick him away.

Li Guolou touched Ben Liang's forehead and said, "Dear Yelia, we Han people have a saying: People are poor and short-sighted. People on the street are busy with their lives every day, so they don't have time to dress up. People in the Qing Dynasty This hairstyle is really disgusting. The long hair in the back is easy to manage, just tie it up. The bare forehead in the front is a burden, and if you don’t shave it clean, it’s like weeds. When I was studying abroad in the UK, the hair in the front was not Come on, I look much better in no time, and a lot of little English girls have taken a fancy to me."

"Really? Then tell me, did you guys know each other in England before, the little wife of the boss Du yesterday?" Yelia asked suspiciously.

"Dear Yelia, how did I know Rowling? She is not from London, I only met at the big man Du's house. The little English girl I am talking about is the daughter of the landlord where I live. She took me I secretly cut off my braids and refused to let me go back to China. I was a promising young man at that time, and I didn’t want to love my children, so I bought a ticket to go back to China and fled back to China. Many souvenirs and accessories I bought in the UK are She took over her, and she even stole a lot of photos." Li Guolou's words were filled with sadness and pride.

"Huh!" Yelia sneered, "That's all I can do. I still have more boyfriends. When I was young, changing boyfriends was like changing shirts. Now take it easy, and I will teach you well in the future. A few tricks."

Or Yelia had a proud past, now she pouted her mouth and closed her eyes, waiting for Li Guolou's mouth to approach her.

Li Guolou said affectionately: "Yelia, open your eyes, I like to look at your blue eyes."

Yelia opened her eyes and began to enjoy the passionate kiss. The two kissed for a long time, until their mouths were dry, and then they separated.

Li Guolou took out sheep oil from his coat pocket, and said, "Yelia, quickly rub some on your lips, the weather in the capital is very dry, and your lips will be chapped later."

Yelia rolled her eyes and said, "Mike, you are quite good at taking care of yourself. No wonder people say you are a little husband."

Li Guolou sighed and said: "Yelia, you will know in the future how many names I have, and the rebels don't have as many names as me. So I don't care who insults my personality, I just treat them as farting. But whoever dares to move their hands and feet, I will break their fingers."

Yelia said: "Robinson said he wanted to fight with you, but you ignore him. Robinson is a disgrace to France, and he can't afford to lose at all."

Li Guolou sighed: "Yelia, I'm not afraid of anything now, but I'm afraid that Robinson will kneel down and propose to you. If he comes to do this trick, I'm afraid I will lose."

Yelia hit Li Guolou's chest with two fists, and said angrily, "Mike, you're dead. How did you know that Robinson would be tempted by this move? I haven't thought it through yet."

Li Guolou raised his voice and said: "Beautiful forests, extensive plantations, endless vineyards, magnificent manors, and antique paintings inside. This is the most beautiful scene for you Westerners. I don't think you will be left behind."

Yelia raised her head and said, "Mike, will you give me these?"

Li Guolou put Yelia's hand on his heart, nodded and said: "Yelia, I swear to you, I will give you all these, and a group of lovely children."

Li Guolou has repeatedly considered that the French are most concerned about face, and the more they can't get something, the more precious it is.Robinson loses Yelia's love, and at first he feels ashamed, losing to a manchurian dog with a braid.Now that I can't chase Yelia back, I feel that Yelia is the most precious and priceless treasure.Robinson's last resort in Jedi's counterattack is to present a diamond ring and propose to Yelia on his knees.This is also what Yelia dreamed of in the past. Which mistress doesn't want to be a lover's wife?He wants to plug the last loophole in himself, so as not to give Yelia the opportunity to drill through two holes.

Yelia smiled and said: "Mike, I believe in you. I feel ten years younger when I am with you. There are many dreams waiting for us to realize. Following Robinson is like losing our dreams. Everything is measured by money. I am now Full of energy, I want to see the world of my dreams, I promise not to leave you."

This time Li Guolou showed Yelia passion, the wild kisses seemed endless, calling Yelia's name over and over again, the exotic blonde beauty is a priceless treasure, Li Guolou will never let go.

The gate of Roberts Photo Studio was crowded, and Li Guolou opened the door with Yelia on his arm, allowing the two people inside to stand up immediately.It was bright outside and dark inside, and the flickering light shot into the shop, making Roberts Torres stupefied for a moment.

Roberts; Torres, British, less than 40 years old, with high nose bridge and deep eyebrows, gray eyes, slovenly appearance, old clothes and sheep smell, more than 1.8 meters tall, a little thin.The most special one has the unique beard of the British and looks over 50 years old.

As soon as Yelia entered the room, she was not interested in going in. She stood at the door and said, "Mike, you go talk to Roberts, and I'll stand here." Dispel the smell of medicine and body odor in it.

Li Guolou told Roberts not to be polite, and the tea was waived, and the boy was left alone.Tell Roberts not to go to see the French beauty, tell Roberts to move forward, the beauty will escape.Straight to the point and discuss business with Roberts, first door-to-door business, deposit to Roberts.Then talk about the possibility of cooperation, let Roberts close the store as soon as possible, and find a new place to open the store. The most important thing is that the signboard "Roberts Photo Studio" can no longer be used.

It got off to a rough start, and Roberts flatly refused.Li Guolou smiled and said: "Forget it, I'll ask you to take a photo. There is no hatred in our business dealings, and I don't want to eat you. Mr. Roberts, you can continue to do your business, and I will find someone else."

Roberts said: "The skills of the masters in several other photo studios in the capital are not as good as mine."

Yelia raised her voice and said, "Mr. Roberts, you are wrong. It's not that your technology is better than theirs. It's just that the camera you use is more advanced than theirs. You also have positive photography lenses, right?"

As soon as Roberts heard about his advanced weapons, the French blond beauty knew that no one could hide it from Westerners.The dialogue between the two parties revealed that Yelia has photographic equipment at home, and Yelia also knows the most top-secret printing technology.Li Guolou really wanted to cooperate with him, let him take a step forward in his career, become the best photographer in the capital, and guarantee to earn several times more money than he is now.

Roberts told Li Guolou that he could consider it for Yelia's sake, and gave him a few days.Li Guolou began to take the initiative to chat with Roberts about women, asking what kind of woman Roberts needs so that he will not touch female customers?Tell Roberts that the credibility of cooperation is very important, and he does not want the business to be the same as it is now, saying that no second customer has come in.

Li Guolou heard it clearly and gave Roberts a promise that he would help the British widower find a new love in the Qing Empire.Yelia asked Li Guolou to wait for Roberts and his apprentice Jiang Cong to go to Baozhi's room at the door. She really couldn't bear the strange smell here.

Yelia asked Li Guolou to take Roberts to the bathhouse to take a bath, and then buy clothes, perfume and other items for Roberts.Li Guolou was unwilling because he was afraid that Roberts would not cooperate in the future. Wouldn't his money be wasted?The two argued at the door.Speaking of this step, Yelia said that she would pay the money, but Li Guolou retorted that it was not a matter of money?Is this a business issue?It can't be confused, this is just the beginning, what should I do when dealing with ordinary people in the future?

The two murmured to each other but they dared not let Roberts hear them. The British are the people who want to save face the most, and Roberts should not be made to feel that he is less popular than the Daqing pariah.

Li Guolou finally compromised, saying that this time he could only give Roberts a bottle of perfume, and asked Yelia to give it to Roberts himself, so that Roberts would feel very honorable, and he would use perfume in the public hall.You must not do the bathing thing, Roberts will be angry, and you will not do business with them no matter how much money you give Roberts, Yelia thinks what Li Guolou said makes sense, so she makes a compromise.

The four of them rode in a carriage together to buy gifts for Roberts first, and let Roberts know that Yelia was very honored for him to come to Baozhi's room to take pictures.The window curtain of the carriage was drawn, but the window was opened a crack. Yelia sat at the window as if looking at the street through the curtain. In fact, he was breathing fresh air. As for the cold wind, both Li Guolou and Yelia Think it is a gift from God to them.

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