late Qing Dynasty arrest

Chapter 14 Martial Arts Fighting

Li Guolou said without hesitation: "Brother, you set me up now, and the money I lent you can last for a lifetime. If I live my life in peace, I won't be dragged into this business by you. Now It's like I'm falling in mid-air, I can't get on the clouds, I can't touch the ground, life has no purpose."

Na Bazi shouted: "What are you afraid of! Don't you still have me? Don't worry. Tell the eldest brother, which yamen do you most want to do, let me do it. This kind of small hat, no one will come to make trouble anymore."

Li Guolou thought: Which yamen job does he like to do?In fact, there is no need to think about it. He reads books by candle every night. Those are English books. "The Collection of Sherlock Holmes" is his favorite book. Li Guolou likes English. Word study English words and sentences.Conan Doyle's detective novels are his favorite books.In his dream, he will become Sherlock Holmes and solve various cases. "Punishment Yamen" is of course his first choice, and he has no regrets if he can solve a case in this life.

Li Guolou widened his eyes and said, "Brother, I want to go to the yamen of the Ministry of Criminal Justice. I need a department that specializes in handling cases. I don't want to hang around in the yamen and wait to die. Don't let me do such errands as patrolling, otherwise I will What’s the point of living in the capital after returning to my hometown.”

That bastard patted his chest, hiccupped, and said fiercely: "Don't worry, brother knows, it's not a trivial matter to cram a person into such a small place. If brother can't do it, he won't be in the capital anymore , Just buy a piece of tofu and kill him."

Na Bazi said again: "Fake foreign devils, don't think too much about it. There are not cases in the Yamen every day. When there are no cases, they don't patrol and collect benefits. Who can support the whole family."

Li Guolou almost fell, he hastily grabbed the handrail of the carriage, and asked, "Brother, the yamen is so poor, can't the money I earn support me?"

Nabazi sighed: "Fake foreign devils, you drink too much foreign ink and don't know the national conditions. The Qing Empire still has to pay compensation to the British Empire, and every yamen has to live in a tight bag. Now the horses in your yard are bigger than the yamen. The people here earn more. Get it? The club!"

"Oh;;;;;;" Li Guolou suddenly realized that it turned out that the officials oppressed the people out of helplessness.In the future, he will feel relieved when he is scolded by passers-by A, B, C, and D.The big-headed yamen servants in Tsing Yi are pretty good-looking too, but if they can be made into plain clothes, they can wear whatever they want, so it’s a “breakfast”!

The man knocked on the carriage, shouted: "Stop" and said: "Third brother, I can't hold it anymore, do you want to come?"

Li Guolou said angrily: "That bastard, it's all your fault, let me tell you, I have it too."

But I saw two figures hiding at the corner of the alley, watering and irrigating together.This is the case in the capital, dirty and messy.Horse dung, donkey dung, Tuo dung, and human dung bloom everywhere.The country is poor, there is no money to dress up the facade, coupled with the inferiority of the Chinese people, the capital is dirty, ugly, poor, rich, luxurious, and majestic. Such a freak, a perfect combination, makes people linger and obsessed , let people feel the charm of the city.

Li Guolou has been in the capital for about a year, he has fallen in love with this city, and even learned Beijing movies smoothly.

There was an aroma in the afternoon air, the smell of opium dens.Smokers who are unable to enjoy "fushou cream" squat at the door of opium dens, begging grandpa to sue grandma, begging for money for a cigarette.Li Guolou sat on the carriage and turned his head away, out of sight and out of mind.He is just a commoner, and it is not his turn to speak on national affairs. The Qing Empire opened up to the outside world, bringing in all the good and bad things from abroad.And he has never contributed to his motherland, and he hopes to do something down-to-earth this time, and stop daydreaming and talking about state affairs.

"The Big Head in Tsing Yi" is the first step for Li Guolou to walk out. With a smile on Li Guolou's face, he finally has new hope, and the hesitation in life is swept away.He stepped into the courtyard, took a full sleep first, and became the great detective Sherlock Holmes for a while, searching in his dreams. Where did his "sharp fruit" fly?

In the Beihai Martial Arts Hall, more than a dozen apprentices were practicing kung fu, and Li Guolou was among them. He has been fine for the past few days and spent all day fighting in the martial arts hall.Ever since he went to Baozhilin to make troubles, he has become quite famous in the Jingshi Martial Arts Hall.The apprentices in the Beihai martial arts school are all proud of defeating Li Guolou.There are other people from the martial arts gym who came here to ask him to compete. It is really like what Na Bazi said, smashing the field is the fastest thing to make him famous.

Martial masters were sparring with protective gear on their bodies, Li Guolou won the third match in a row, and in the fourth match he was finally kicked to the ground by a martial master from the Nantian Escort.Everyone applauded in unison, and loudly praised "Fire Cloud Foot" Gu Litu's skill.

Li Guolou sat on the wooden floor and took off his protective gear. Today's game is finally over.I secretly rejoiced that I didn't go crazy like Wang Wu, who dreamed of inheriting the Beihai Martial Arts from his master Yan Beihao.He never thought that he would become famous all over the world as a kungfu master, and it was not his dream to open a martial arts gym or an escort agency.

Now Li Guolou is covered with bruises, and he is going to go to the bone-damaging master for massage and treatment soon.Thinking of waking up in pain when turning over in bed at night, and having a new pain today, he couldn't take it anymore and wanted to retreat.There are more than a dozen martial artists from all over the capital looking for him to compete, and the ranking has been ranked five days later.In the first two days, he was very excited. There were so many people looking for him, and everyone was just discussing with each other, wearing protective gear, so there would be no accidents.But to this day, he can no longer laugh, and even when he opens his mouth to speak, his muscles hurt.

Li Guolou raised his head and said: "Huo Yunjiao, don't smirk, what are you proud of! I have been fighting for three days, and I am overdrawn. Let's fight again in ten days. I will not fight these days. Wang Wu you It’s a bastard, I’ve never said to beat the invincible hands of the capital with such a strong person, which of you would say such a thing? This is deceiving the master and destroying the ancestors, you want me to die early.”

Huo Yunjiao Gu Litu knew in his heart that Li Guolou was powerful, he won Li Guolou by relying on the wheel, how could he abandon the honor he got.

Huo Yunjiao said in a rough voice: "Don't beat the fake foreign devils, I have done things to win glory for the country. I have won a game and I am already famous in the capital."

Wang Wudao: "Fake foreign devils, the person who said that you have beaten the invincible hands of the capital, are you so smart that you can't guess it? This time it is our Beihai Martial Art Museum who took the blame for others. My master is more wronged than Dou E. This kind of Only villains and women can do unreasonable things. Think about which woman you have offended?"

Li Guolou was furious, jumped up, and said: "Baby boy, you are too bad. You deliberately didn't say anything when no one was around. Now that there are so many people, you are screaming loudly. You want to hurt me in the capital. Fame! We're not done with it."

Wang Wu said anxiously: "Fake foreign devils, don't wrong me, don't slap me. I just heard the news. If you don't believe me, ask Huo Yunjiao. He told me."

Huo Yunjiao glanced at Wang Wu, and said helplessly: "Yes, that's right! Fake foreign devil, you should seriously reflect on yourself, and you must be authentic. If you kiss the small bell, you must also kiss the big sharp fruit. Otherwise, the rabbit will bite you in a hurry. people."

Li Guolou was secretly annoyed that there is no impenetrable wall in the world, and his affairs with the little widow Chen Xiangfang and Mrs. Qian were arranged by others.Although Ma Dabangzi doesn't care, one day it will reach his older brothers and sisters. What can he do to dispel their doubts?Fighting in the Beihai Martial Arts Hall every day, I am already tired of fighting.Where has that bastard died these days? Why hasn't the yamen's errand been settled yet?

The detective life that Li Guolou is looking forward to will not be realized until the year of the monkey.Hanging in a bamboo basket in a corner in the corridor, two grasshoppers twittered "Zui Zui Zui". Li Guolou's face looked at the sky outside the courtyard. The clouds floating in the blue sky told that his dream was still in the air, and the future The distant time is still passing, and the man's blood is vented in this duel.Li Guolou was full of fighting spirit again, and he will continue to fight tomorrow.

Li Guolou left the Beihai Martial Arts Academy with two bamboo baskets in his hand, and the two grasshoppers inside stopped screaming. He thought that Huang Qiying was also a bruise master, and it was a street away. After thinking about it, it was better to forget it, and Master Hu who was close to home Go to the Diet Hall to put some plasters on.

The afternoon sun was no longer glaring, and Li Guolou felt much better. The dog skin plaster on his waist gave full play to the residual heat, and he returned to Hongchang Alley refreshed.The roadside barber Zhou Fufu was cutting someone's hair, and at the same time gave Li Guolou a confused look, which made him a little confused. He never thought that Zhou Barber and him were good friends, so why did he do it to him.

There were still thirty or so steps away from the courtyard, and when I looked up, I saw a big elm tree in the courtyard, and two figures rushed towards Li Guolou.Niuniu and Niuniu seemed to know a secret, they hurried to Li Guolou, dragged his feet and said on tiptoe: "Uncle Li, Uncle Li, your sister is here, and you have a little bell, who claims to be your thirteen Aunt, why is your relationship in such a mess?"

Li Guolou's first reaction when he heard this was to turn around and run away. After taking two steps, he turned around again. This is his home. Is it afraid that Chen Xiangfang will not even dare to go home when he is in such a state.The last time he took Chen Xiangfang to look at the house, he had already misunderstood Uncle Li and Li Jinglue, as if he was watching a joke of him.Today, Chen Xiangfang brought a girl to find him, how is he going to deal with this matter?

Li Guolou leaned over and asked, "Niuniu, tell me clearly, does that woman claim to be my sister?"

Niuniu nodded and said, "Yes, Uncle Li, she even borrowed my stove and is cooking you dinner. But I think she is suspicious, so I took my brother out to tell you."

Li Guolou pinched Niuniu's cheeks, and said with a smile, "Smart and study hard, you will be living in school next week, are you ready to suffer?"

Niu Niu raised her head firmly, gritted her teeth and said, "Don't worry, Uncle Li, we will definitely not be deserters, please see our performance."

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