late Qing Dynasty arrest

Chapter 167 Documents are more important than people

Li Guolou went into the inner hall of the Criminal Department after finishing his official duties in Team C. The Criminal Department occupied an area of ​​nearly three square meters, passing through layers of guard posts and courtyard gates, and came to the Jingxin Pavilion where the heart of the Criminal Department worked together.

Li Guolou lowered his head and didn't dare to raise his head. He flicked his sleeves and kowtowed, "My subordinate Li Guolou pays his respects to Mr. Bao."

"Oh, you are Xiao Lizi. We met each other in the courtroom, but we didn't say hello. My name is Zhu Danyu, you should have heard of me." A childish voice came out from the public case, and Bao Tong's book boy was also him. Zhu Danyu greeted Li Guolou with a peaceful voice.

China has a vast land and abundant resources. In ancient times, rich scholars always had bookboys with them. The relationship between the two parties was that of master and servant.For this kind of bookboys who accompany them to study, a good-hearted and conscientious scholar will teach the schoolboys to read and practice calligraphy, which can be regarded as a kind of case.

Li Guolou immediately changed his face, and also in a peaceful tone, he cupped his fists and said: "Oh, it is Mr. Zhu. I have heard that Mr. Zhu is famous for a long time. I often see your handwriting on documents. Your writing style is smart and your language is smooth. The article is even better. It's easy to understand, so that us big bosses can understand it at a glance."

Zhu Danyu smiled handsomely and said: "Li Xiucai, are you hurting me or praising me. I also study stereotyped essays hard, and I will ask you for advice."

Li Guolou said with a smile: "Mr. Zhu, I am a fake scholar. I can only write four paragraphs of stereotyped essays. You will laugh at my language organization ability."

Zhu Danyu made the invitation and said, "Sit down, Mr. Bao will come right away. Come! Have a cup of tea."

The two scholars began to chat about the imperial examinations. Li Guolou told about the hard work of the students who stayed in the inn in winter, and lamented that it was not easy to study, and asked if he would take the Chunwei scientific examination.Li Guolou said that he would not participate in the scientific examination, and Zhu Danyu said that he would try his real level. How about it?

Li Guolou said: "Xiao Zhu, tell me the truth, did you bribe the chief examiner? Which word was written in secret, and how much money you have to charge before you are willing to reveal it."

Zhu Danyu opened her eyes wide and said, "Xiao Lizi, what are you talking about? I can't understand a word."

Bao came out from behind the screen together, laughed, and said, "Xiao Lizi, don't teach Zhu Danyu badly, he has never been outside, so I don't know how despicable and shameless a rich person like you is, even the most sacred scientific research cheating too."

Li Guolou hurriedly stood up and paid his respects, and said with a playful smile, "Master Bao, why don't you give me 2000 taels of silver, and I'll scan it for you."

Bao sat down together, shook his head and said, "Zhu Danyu is still young, she has to try how deep this pool is, and don't do such dark things. You have a big tree behind you, so people will buy your face, I really want to test it." There is no problem in the top [-], and the examiner is afraid that you will be exposed, the empress dowager has piercing eyes, you don't know, the empress dowager is a good painter, and I was lucky enough to get one."

(It was a female painter, Miao Jiahui, who wrote for the Empress Dowager Cixi, and was sent out of Beijing by the Empress Dowager Cixi, and then stayed in France.) Zhu Danyu understood, and the three of them drank tea with a smile on their faces. Meet and say hello.

Li Guolou had an easy-going face, as if he didn't feel much burden when he saw the officer, but his heart was pounding, and the chess pieces that were wrapped together moved faster and faster, pushing out his confidant.It is also necessary to train him to be a confidant, skip Wu Defu's escort room and directly deal with Zhu Danyu in the inner hall.

Bao Tong said: "Li Guolou asked you to come in, and you will scold you. Please don't mention you for such a long time off, and go to the French Concession to fight. How bad the influence is. Now the capital has not gone viral, In a few days, the city will be full of wind and rain, and the prince will know about it. How can you tell me that you are a national hero because your subordinates are unlearned and incompetent. For a French girl, didn’t you stink of my name too?”

Li Guolou bowed and said, "Lord Bao, please forgive me. I signed the life and death document impulsively, and I won't let the Criminal Department discredit me. I have invited two French boxing coaches, and I will have devil-like training in the afternoon. Please invite Master Bao." Go watch the duel with Xiao Zhu."

Bao Tong said in surprise, "Why is it that Lizi is still officially open to the outside world?"

Li Guolou said embarrassingly: "Master Bao, my love rival Robinson Robinson is a big businessman. I was tricked by him. He has put up posters in the French Concession and started selling tickets. Now two French journalists have come to my house. I His deeds appear on the French newspaper Pravda every day. There should be an interview with Yelia today. I will also accept an exclusive interview with French newspaper Pravda at noon today."

Bao Yi sighed sadly, and said: "It's over! You have caused an international dispute, Xiao Li, and you can't stop the car. I can't show up. Winning or losing comes second. Don't die too ugly. Then I will let my son go I'm cheering you on, I'm sure of your lie. Go and deal with the rest of the matter first, and then tell me if you have any clues. I'm afraid that even if you get all the credit for this matter, the Ministry of Internal Affairs will come to criticize you. What do you think we should do? "

There is a group of people in the Ministry of Internal Affairs who are also spies. They are also called Ouchi Guards.This group of people can't even command Prince Gong Yixin. They obey the orders of the Empress Dowager Cixi. Now this group of spies goes deep into the tiger's den and enters the concession to inquire about the secrets of the western powers. They even pretend to be national righteous men and directly penetrate into the heart of the enemy.

Wu Defu reported to Bao Tong the deal made by Li Guolou and the remnants of the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom. If things were carried out according to the established goals and a group of people who were planning to assassinate the emperor of the Qing Empire were arrested, then he would send the spy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

The head of the House of Internal Affairs, Xiang Gangdian, will find fault with the Ministry of Punishment. Why do traitors against the Qing Dynasty turn the living into the dead, and why do some people escape?Anyway, a great achievement will become a small achievement, and the case of assassinating the emperor will become a mere plan that has not been implemented.

Li Guolou didn't understand, and Bao Yitong expressed his inner worry that no matter the assassination case was not acceptable, if it happened in the capital, the Ministry of Criminal Affairs would have to pay full responsibility.

Li Guolou pondered for a moment, then said: "Lord Bao, if you do something, you will make mistakes, and if you don't do it, you will make mistakes. Those traitors are very terrifying people, they are desperate desperadoes. You also know about the case of the Ministry of War last time." , committed suicide in front of us, and I can't guarantee that I can catch a living person. But these traitors have a characteristic, they like to make written reports, and they will hold meetings to discuss every step of the plan, and they will write a very detailed assassination plan Come down, as long as you get this document, no one can obliterate the credit of our Criminal Department. If you can't find this document, I will make a copy myself, Master Bao, what do you think?"

Zhu Danyu laughed out loud, and said: "Xiao Li, why do you have to report this kind of thing to the officer, he is doing it well to deceive the officer."

Bao Yi looked up at the roof and said, "Oh——documents are more important than people, and it makes sense. If your mouth grows on someone's face, shameless people will talk nonsense. If you want to do your best, you must have documents. Throw them at the shameless people. On the face of the people, let them all suffer at that time. Xiao Lizi, you are all-rounder and you are not allowed to change jobs. You can only leave after I resign. This is our life and death agreement."

Li Guolou flicked his sleeves, turned over and bowed, saying: "I am willing to do my best, even if I am heartbroken, I will not leave Master Bao."

Bao Yitong helped Li Guolou up with his own hands, and said with a smile: "Little Lizi, you are a smart person who knows how to advance and retreat. You are not greedy, but you are too good at making troubles. Be honest with me in the future, so that you can handle errands. I have already left my hometown. The land is sold. Understand?"

Li Guolou nodded frequently, smiled but did not answer, and everyone kept silent.

After talking about business affairs, Li Guolou said that now is the best time to invest in textile factories. A large number of factories have closed down, and textile factories are purchased at low prices. After two or three years, they will become business leaders.He is ready to cooperate with Yu Hanbing, a fake foreign devil, and invest his funds in a textile factory in Tianjin. He asks Bao Yi if he dares to take a gamble?

Bao asked together: "Xiao Lizi, who else is involved in this bet?"

Li Guolou said: "Master Bao, if you are the only one, you may lose your money if you gamble. At that time, you can't turn your face and be ruthless, you have to afford to lose. Win! The future is yours. Tens of thousands of people live behind you. Now is the worst era, and it is also the best era. If you miss it, you can only be a spectator of history. The Chaoyang plan is well discussed in the court, and there will be no conclusion in a year or two The implementation is also very slow. We just take advantage of this period of time. The Qing Empire must be the largest textile power in the world in the future. The north belongs to Tianjin. I will go to Tianjin to visit the factory this time. It will be inconvenient for you then Just let your son go and have a look, hold back for two or three years and orders from all over the world are flying like snowflakes, I can see the future."

Li Guolou did not forget to pour ecstasy soup on Bao Tong. It was spread in the Criminal Ministry that he was invincible in fortune telling. There were also rumors that he could communicate with ghosts and gods.

Bao wrung his fingers together and said, "Xiao Lizi, which one is better, the Chaoyang Project or the textile industry?"

Li Guolou smiled casually, and said: "I want to participate, and I will rely on these two industries in my next life. Master Bao, you also know that if I spend money to buy a juren, I will be able to get your seat in more than [-] years. , but the times are different, if you don’t make a move now, you won’t have a chance.”

Bao Tong asked, "Xiao Lizi, do you have a plan?"

Li Guolou said with a smile: "Master Bao is gambling, not taking advantage of loopholes. There is no plan for you to read, so if you believe it, just throw it into this hole. Those who don't believe it will take you as a joke, and some people will make fun of you in the future." .But after two or three years, the prince also wants to buy your shares, so I advise you to hide in the concession and don't be eaten by others."

"Really? Someone dares to eat me!" Bao Tong stroked his beard and laughed out loud.

The officer didn't tell Li Guolou to leave, but Li Guolou reported that he was leaving, and that there was a dinner at noon, and he wanted to invite Master Bao's family to come over.

Bao Yi waved his hand and said: "Let's go, don't report to the back hall from now on. I'll let my son come to you tomorrow, and you have to bring him on the right path. There's no future in acting. You have to tell him the truth. Only You have the ability, don't tell me the reason."

Li Guolou saluted and left. Zhu Danyu watched Li Guolou leave and asked, "Lord Bao, do you trust him?"

Bao said with a smile, "Xiaoyu, Xiao Li is a little fox. Don't believe him. But he is the person sent by God to save the Qing Empire, so you have to obey God's will."

Zhu Danyu stared at Bao Tong suspiciously. This time he didn't understand what Bao Tong said, so he could only draw a sign of the cross on his chest. Homosexuals also believe in God, and tolerance is great. Bao Tong believes in Catholicism.

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