late Qing Dynasty arrest

Chapter 185 Don't rush and take your time

Li Guolou climbed into the cable, trembling all over with excitement, Robinson Robinson in the center of the boxing ring was receiving cheers and encouragement from the audience, the sun came in from the tall glass windows, and the photographer kept taking pictures of him, which made people feel like Feeling dizzy, this is his stage, everyone will cheer and applaud him, and he saw in his eyes that opponent, a monster like a bear, should go back to the deserted island.

The mustache referee shouted: "Welcome Mike; Lee is on the field!"

Li Guolou took off his hooded sportswear amidst the noise and screams, his braids were coiled on the top of his head, revealing his muscular muscles, and the red sports shorts symbolized that luck would befall him.Li Guolou pointed forward with two index fingers, and greeted the audience on all sides around the boxing ring.

There are friends who love him, his family members, and the abuse of countless strangers.

The faces of strangers, the ruthless abuse, half of them are Qing people with pigtails, and Li Guolou can understand every word they curse.Seeing the distorted faces and the way the braids were thrown out behind him, Li Guolou grinned loudly.He will laugh back at all those who question the Qing people as an inferior race.It is not necessary to conquer the world with the invisible oriental qigong, but to use Western martial arts "boxing" to defeat the invincible Western myth Robinson Robinson.

Li Guolou blew three kisses to two lovers and a girlfriend. The audience booed and whistled continuously.Next to him, Robinson knelt down and prayed to God, chanting words in the air and crossing his chest.Li Guolou, a Protestant baptized by the Catholic Church, also knelt on the ground, holding a cross and praying to God. Both of them hoped that God would give them strength and let them win.

The moment they stood up, Li Guolou and Robinson were equally confident.Li Guolou ran to the east of the boxing ring, bent down and handed the cross to Yelia.

Yelia shouted: "Mike beats Robinson, I love you!"

Li Guolou waved his fist and tied a white cloth belt under the supervision of the referee, which would be stained with Robinson's blood. He wanted to use his opponent's blood and failure to let the Westerners know that the Qing people in the East had awakened. The brilliant oriental magic star will surely shine in the boxing ring today.

Three referees are sitting in three directions of the boxing ring. They are composed of French, Russians, and British. The three referees are sitting upright with serious faces. They want to tell the world that they are a symbol of justice, just like the Eight-Power Allied Forces attack When entering the capital, it is all up to the impartial Russians to mediate with everyone to turn hostility into friendship.Today, the three of them are symbols of justice, representing the highest state of sports "fairness", "openness" and "justice"!

"Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the French Exhibition Hall. Today we will usher in the decisive battle of the century in the territory of Tianjin, France. The one fighting is the pride of the French, Mr. Robinson!"

The referee with the moustache made a cadenced speech, and the audience roared with cheers. People waving gambling tickets were jumping and jumping excitedly.Robinson raised his hands and spun around, accepting the applause of the crowd.

"This one is Mike from the Qing Dynasty;;;;;;!" The mustache referee dragged his voice, seemingly endless.

Li Guolou ignored the boos around him, pointed at Robinson, stared angrily, and shouted, "I will trample you down, the gorilla, and tell you to go to God now."

Robinson scolded angrily: "Dongye's sick man, you smoked drugs and braided dog, I want to dance on the ring with your dog tail."

The two men had a verbal altercation through the mustache referee, a lot of obscenities were pushed, and Jing scolded from Li Guolou's mouth: "Robinson, when you walk on the street, you see a half-mature lady, you have good eyesight!" Just stare at them. One day you meet someone who is not stingy and will give you a brick, and you will know what it is like to tremble. I am doing justice for the sky now, chicken thief! You are waiting to die!"

No one could understand what the two scolded. The enthusiasm of the audience was ignited, and cheers resounded throughout the French exhibition hall amidst the mountains and tsunami.

"You understand the rules of boxing. You are not allowed to hit the lower part of the belt, you are not allowed to hit the opponent from the side and behind, and you are not allowed to hit the opponent's rear part. If you violate the rules, you will be sentenced to lose!" Turning around, staring fiercely at the two boxers, here he is the boss, let him call the shots.

After venting his curses, Li Guolou's tense mood relaxed a little, his originally stiff arms kept shaking, and he looked at Robinson challengingly.The two are like two roosters in heat, and neither of them will back down.

The beautiful card holder wore tight underwear and held up a sign with "1" around the field, and deliberately circled around Li Guolou, whispering: "Mike, come to my house tomorrow, waiting for you to double the number." .”

Li Guolou glanced at the beautiful woman holding the card, hesitating in his heart, could it be a peach blossom robbery?

The first round started with a sound of "Dang!", and the referee with a mustache like fleas jumped away from the two dangerous men nimbly and lived next to the four fists.

Robinson swayed and pressed towards Li Guolou, and there was only one step between them.

Li Guolou didn't blink his eyes, staring at Robinson's movements. Robinson opened the way with a jab and punched heavily, and the pressure followed Li Guolou like a shadow.Dodging a group of combined punches with nimble steps, Li Guolou passed through Robinson's armpit and circled behind Robinson with a lunge, and used the jelly candy tactic with his opponent.

A heavy punch hit Robinson's abdomen, and it felt like nothing was going to happen.Robinson is still strong and overwhelming.The huge fist brushed past the ear, this time Li Guolou was hit in the face, most of the power of the heavy punch was dodged by Li Guolou, but his brain still felt chaotic.

Robinson's iron fist is powerful, and every punch wants Li Guolou's life. Although the movement is not fast, it is deadly. First oppress Li Guolou's movement space, and then strike hard.There are endless tricks and feints, just to let Li Guolou consume his energy.

Robinson also had a rogue trick. When he saw Li Guolou dodge, he immediately hugged Li Guolou in his arms. More than 200 pounds of weight was on Li Guolou's body, allowing Li Guolou to taste the feeling of being overwhelmed by Mount Tai.

The two shirtless men got together, and Li Guolou, who was obviously at a disadvantage in height and weight, pressed his body against Robinson's huge lump of flesh.This depends on the usual strength training, which can't be tricky or good-looking. Li Guolou, who was well prepared, was wrestling with Robinson in the first round. The referee separated the two again and again, and Robinson rushed forward again and again. bear hug.

Robinson knew that his physical strength was not as good as Li Guolou's, so he had to consume more of Li Guolou's physical strength when he came up.The unsolvable trick caused the audience present to whistle sharply. They paid a lot of money not to watch the two men hug each other.

When the bell rang, the two sat separately. Li Guolou, who was sweating profusely, drank warm water and looked fiercely at Robinson on the other side. He couldn't hear what Master Harris was saying?Just nodded mechanically.

In the first round, both sides were probing, but neither made an effort. Li Guolou scanned the scoreboard, and the average score of the three referees came out. It is fair for him to be two points behind in effective points.

Li Guolou rinsed his mouth, spat blood from his mouth, received a punch on the cheek, and spoke in pain: "Master, Robinson is such an old rascal, I must let him fall on the ring."

Master Harris bowed his head and whispered in his ear: "Mike, don't worry, don't worry, don't worry. Robinson's physical strength can't last seven rounds, and now he can still hold you. After four rounds, he can't even you I can't even catch the shadow."

One minute was fleeting, when the bell rang, Li Guolou and Robinson stood up and walked slowly towards the center of the ring, where the two roosters fought again.The boxing match at this time was very bloody and there were no gloves. Few people could fight fifteen rounds. The rules of the boxing match were made by humans, but the actual effect was that the fight would end after two or three rounds.

Boxing matches are divided into levels. Li Guolou and Robinson are not players of the same level, and they use completely different tactics.Robinson used his height, weight and strength to eat Li Guolou, and used his strengths to suppress Li Guolou's flexible pace.He punched two heavy punches and immediately rushed to Li Guolou to hug his opponent, and rested on his opponent to recover his energy.

Li Guolou can't dodge a bear-like body every time. Four out of ten times he will be raped by Robinson Robinson. The test of Lou's physical strength, he couldn't stand the test and even lost the strength to punch.

The two separated, and Robinson stepped forward to force Li Guolou's movement space. Blocking with one hand and staggering, the wind of fists waving in the air.

Li Guolou slipped away from the front of Robinson's attack, fixed his eyes on Robinson's chin, and effectively hit the target with a left uppercut.

Robinson staggered back without losing his fist, and put his hands on his chest to protect his face.

Li Guolou punched Robinson hard in the stomach, and he needed effective points.

The whole audience turned pale with fright, and their hearts were almost in their throats. Robinson was relieved by the ringing of the bell, and did not suffer a greater blow.

Li Guolou's supporters cheered happily. Li Guolou had the upper hand in this round, and the referee team showed the same score. The two tied in the first two rounds.

The master seemed very dissatisfied with this situation, and shouted loudly: "Mike, don't rush and take your time!"

Li Guolou nodded frequently, stood up triumphantly and waved his fists to greet the supporters in the stands. His confidence was bursting, and the speed of the bear-like Robinson Robinson's punches was too slow, which he could see clearly.

The second master Jack said in a low voice: "Mike, don't be complacent. Robinson didn't use his full strength. You must resist the next round. He is going to get angry."

Li Guolou rinsed his mouth, this time no blood came out of his mouth, and said, "I know! I'm not in a hurry and take my time!"

"Yoshi! Yamamoto-kun, your information is accurate, a big stallion can do it!" Qiao Ben Ryuyuki, the leader of the Tianjin branch of the Black Dragon Association, praised the dancing Yamamoto 27.

"Hi!" Yamamoto 27 beat the beat, and changed to a different dance. The swing dance jumped up happily. No one can compare with Little Japan for the warm-up work. The more than 100 Japanese in the active atmosphere are the pistachios in the venue. , the short race burst out with extraordinary comedy talent.

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