late Qing Dynasty arrest

Chapter 193 Accepting the Baptism of Revolution

In the morning, Li Guolou went out and entered Haihe Park with Wu Defu. The two of them were like brothers with more than [-]% similarity in dressing.Most of the old men and women in the park, Li Guolou and Wu Defu came to the meeting place, the west side of the clock tower.

Li Guolou and Wu Defu didn't know who would join them, so they could only hold their hats in their left hands. This was a secret signal to join up with Su Yuli (Yang Dongting). What does a national righteous man look like?Li Guolou and Wu Defu looked curiously at everyone who passed by them.

"Sir, do you want to buy flowers? I have two red flowers here." A ten-year-old girl with two braids on her head looked at Li Guolou and Wu Defu playfully. Basket in hand.

"Well, I'll buy two sunflowers." Wu Defu remained calm and took out a franc.

"Sir, one is not enough. My safflower will bring you luck. Wearing the safflower will make you better tomorrow." The little girl seemed to be teasing, but she was talking about incisions.

"Okay! I'll add another one, so that tomorrow will be better and the world will be peaceful forever." Wu Defu's incisions are impeccable, and he has already memorized them fluently.

The flowers were fake flowers made of colored paper. Li Guolou and Wu Defu put them in their chest pockets, followed the little girl and left the garden by the river.

After walking for more than ten minutes, the little girl got into a carriage in an alley, and Li Guolou and Wu Defu hurried into the carriage.

The little girl jumped off the carriage again and continued her flower selling career to raise funds for the national righteous.The door of the carriage was closed, and Li Guolou and Wu Defu couldn't see anything in the dark carriage. They didn't know where the carriage was turning, and half an hour later they came to a residential area of ​​small citizens.

When he jumped off the carriage, Li Guolou looked up at the stone inscription "Fuyoufang" on the alley, and hurriedly lowered his head as if he didn't know where he was.

An old man led Li Guolou and Wu Defu into the alley, stopped at the door of NO.13, knocked on the door three times, and shouted, "Open the door quickly, old lady."

An old woman opened the door and showed her small toothless mouth to Li Guolou and Wu Defu. Her small mouth once fascinated thousands of young people, but now she can still do her part to guard the door for the righteous men of the nation.

Li Guolou smelled a smell of garlic and almost felt sick at the door, so he turned his head away from the old woman's face.

In Shikumen's house, the living room is the largest room when you enter. There are at least forty or fifty men sitting in it, mostly young people. When they saw Li Guolou and Wu Defu entering the door, they all nodded slightly in greeting.

Su Yuli stood up and said excitedly: "Comrades, these two are our newcomers. The thirteen comrades in the prison were able to escape with their help. Please give them the warmest applause." .”

Li Guolou and Wu Defu were dumbfounded. As soon as they entered the door, they became national righteous men. What they have done cannot be blamed. They have really helped revolutionary comrades.

The applause was incomparable to that of the little Japanese, and the rhythm was inconsistent. It was just a crowd of rabble clapping their hands indiscriminately.

"Hello!" "Hello comrade!" "Thank you comrade!"

It is not easy to shake hands with more than 40 people. Li Guolou and Wu Defu successfully completed the arduous task.

Some people recognized Li Guolou with excited expressions on their faces, but none of the national righteous men with rich struggle experience had an English name called Po Li Guolou, and they were still referred to as comrades.

Li Guolou couldn't understand what Su Yuli did.He leaned over and asked, "Mr. Su, why is this?"

Su Yuli glanced at him and said: "Don't worry, little comrades, we will give lectures first, and let you two new comrades accept the baptism of revolution. Everyone sit down, and we will continue with the class."

The young Su Chenggong (pseudonym, adopted son of Su Yuli) was wearing a pair of glasses, like a schoolteacher, standing in front of a small blackboard, looked around everyone in the room solemnly, and said: "I am here today. Two new comrades, let me start with what a comrade is." After speaking, Su Chenggong wrote two words "comrade" on the blackboard with a white chalk.

Su Chenggong pointed and said, "Xiao Chen, what do you call a comrade?"

A sturdy man about 30 years old stood up and said honestly: "Hey, comrades are like-minded people who gather together to resist the oppression of the Manchu Qing."

"Well said, Xiao Chen, very well said!" Su Chenggong gestured for Xiao Chen to sit down again.

Li Guolou peeked at the people around him. Most of them were illiterate. When they knew the word "comrade", their faces were flushed with excitement, as if seeing the dawn usher in hope.

"Our National Renaissance Party, adhering to the dreams of our ancestors, wants to establish a government with no oppression and no emperor, and we are the masters. Although the heavenly king Hong Xiuquan failed, God has opened a door to us. The road to revival of the French Revolution It is waving to us. Although this road requires us to throw our heads and blood, and there will be the darkest hour before dawn, we National Baathists are not afraid of death! We are not afraid of sacrifice! We have the courage to accept all the tests that the party puts on us, beheading Don’t be afraid, let alone be imprisoned!”

The applause rang out again, this time Li Guolou and Wu Defu were both clapping.They already know that the sound insulation facilities here are very good, and their applause cannot be heard in the alley, because the windows in the living room are covered with thick quilts, and oil lamps are lit in the room, and everyone's faces are flickering, like ghosts from the underworld. kid.

There was a sneer on Wu Defu's face. He had never seen anyone who was not afraid of the prison, and anyone who could get out of the prison alive would succumb to his feet.Whether it was true or false, the thirteen Ba'ath Party comrades who were released by him had their repentance letters in his hands.

Seeing teacher Su Chenggong looking at him, Li Guolou hurriedly nodded with an expression of approval, and told teacher Su Chenggong that he had listened.

Su successfully took off the gold-rimmed glasses, held them in his hand, his eyes became dull, and said, "Comrades, what kind of country do we live in? An emperor who doesn't think about making progress, but only pursues pleasure, has no sense of shame." , one by one, the land was ceded and indemnity was given piece by piece to the foreign devils. Those emperors, generals and ministers still lived a decadent life of rich clothes and fine food, and sensuality. But now we are standing on the territory of the French, watching for foreigners , drive a carriage, work as a clerk, wash dishes, deliver newspapers, and live like cattle and horses, living in attics and shanty towns. But those elders do nothing, but sit in a carriage, live in a bungalow, and enjoy delicious food , holding a beautiful woman, is this fair?"

"It's not fair!" Clenched fists clenched their fists to vent their anger.

"Yes! This society is unfair! There is no freedom, no dignity, no hope, and no reason for existence. Therefore, we want to overthrow the decadent Manchu Qing regime and build a free country. We are far away. But his cause has never failed, because we are still alive, we are the gravediggers of the decadent Manchu Qing regime! What our ancestors did not complete, we will complete for them.”

The sonorous and forceful words resounded loudly, the crowd applauded excitedly, and tears filled their eyes with excitement. The burden on them was heavy. A free and independent country relies on them, the famous righteous men who shed their blood and are not afraid of difficulties and obstacles, and have the courage to open up a new way out.

Li Guolou bowed his head and remained silent, criticizing what kind of life he and people like Wu Defu were living. Could it be that he was expected to overthrow the decadent Manchu regime in exchange for a life of being a cow and a horse.Different ways do not conspire with each other, or the idea of ​​the reformist party is suitable for him, and the idea of ​​the Baath Party is not suitable for him.Hong Xiuquan's remnant thoughts are too radical, and he must keep a distance from these revolutionary Baathists in the future.

Wu Defu didn't listen to the teacher Su Chenggong's words, and said in his ear: "Third brother, when will it end?"

Li Guolou winked at Wu Defu, which made Wu Defu a little patient. These national righteous men like to hold meetings the most. Every time they hold meetings, they will put forward new ideas, discuss new topics, and debate with each other whose words are valid.Why did the Paris Commune fail, and what was the reason?

Li Guolou lowered his voice and said, "Second Brother, you can smell the aroma of the food. Keep listening to me. You won't let us go back until the afternoon. This is called brainwashing. At night, you'll recognize the **Renaissance Party members." claim."

Wu Defu listened intently, trying to find some clues in the words of his teacher Su Chenggong, but Su Chenggong's words were all based on history, with evidence, so Wu Defu couldn't help but nodded frequently, agreeing with the teacher Su Chenggong's statement.The Manchu Qing government was an executioner who slaughtered the Han people. As long as the blood of the Han people was shed on their bodies, they must drive out the barbarians and return them to China.

"Comrades, the burden on our shoulders is very heavy. We remember the blood of countless martyrs. We once shaved our heads and tried to frighten us by massacring the city, but we followed the teachings of the heavenly king Hong Xiuquan and fought against the Manchu government until the end. The enemy wants to buy us by beheading and exterminating the family, and even money and sex, will they succeed?" Teacher Su Chenggong looked at the two new "comrades" and asked the "new comrades" to express their views.

"No!" Li Guolou and Wu Defu said without hesitation, as if they were saying goodbye to their past life with resentment on their faces, and they wanted to follow the Baath Party forever.The dog slaves trained by the Manchu Qing government have no other skills, and their ability to climb smoothly is second to none.

The teacher Su Chenggong showed excitement. The task entrusted to him by his adoptive father Su Yuli was completed. The two new comrades will become the staunch backbone of the Communist Party of China and the Baath Party.In the future, we must talk more with people who entered the Manchu Qing government in a heart-to-heart manner, so that we can develop more members of the Revolutionary Baath Party.

At noon, four or fifty people sat together in the living room, eating lard vegetable rice and seaweed egg flower soup. Everyone had a big bowl. It was fair and reasonable, and there was no distinction between superiority and inferiority. They talked and laughed and gossiped.

Su Yuli asked while eating: "Are Comrade Wu and Comrade Li still get used to food?"

Wu Defu said with a smile: "It's still delicious Chinese food, I've been eating every day these two days;;;;;;"

Li Guolou kicked Wu Defu under the table, and interjected: "Comrade Su, we Han people like to eat rice with pork oil, but we are not full. Is there any more?"

"Hahaha!" Su Yuli laughed three times and said, "Comrade Wu, Comrade Li, you are new members. Of course, we must do our best as landlords and eat as much as we can!"

Everyone showed envious expressions, jealous that the two new comrades could still eat pork and vegetable rice.

After lunch and hot tea, Li Guolou quietly asked, "Comrade Su, when will we talk about this matter?"

Su Yuli shook his head and said, "Comrade Xiao Li, don't worry, we will have a big discussion on criticizing the radicalism and revival party in the afternoon. claim."

Li Guolou looked around, feeling strange that there are no radical members of the Communist Party of China's Ba'ath Party here. If there is a big criticism here, which radical member of the Communist Party of China's Ba'ath Party will jump out and refute it?Brainwashing is not done once or twice. It has been accumulated over the years. Through repeated brainwashing, the members of the Nationalist Fuxing Party here have already been controlled by Su Yuli. But are there secret agents of the Qing Dynasty Internal Affairs Office?

Li Guolou believed that there was more than one spy from the Qing Dynasty's Ministry of Internal Affairs, and that the secret agents of the Qing Dynasty's Ministry of Internal Affairs had one-way contact, and their own people did not know their own people.

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