Gu Shuimo's family belongs to the middle class, and the family employs four long-term laborers to cultivate the land. They have heard of Gao Xiuxiu in Gaojiazhuang for a long time, but they never thought that he would be favored by the talented and rich Miss Gao. On his head, he was secretly delighted.After finally staying up until the dead of night, he happily went to the appointment.Seeing that the back door of Gao's house was ajar, but it was not locked, he couldn't help but smile and sneaked in.

Gu Shuimo followed the route agreed in the morning. There was no one on the way. When he came to the dim embroidery building, he walked up the embroidery building quietly. Just as he went upstairs, he was tripped by something. He stretched out his hand and felt it was blood. Shui Mo was so frightened that he ran downstairs, looked around, and found that there was no one else, so he let out a long breath, his mind went blank, and then disappeared into the dark night.

In the early morning, when the twilight had not completely dissipated, a terrified cry suddenly came from the Gao family's courtyard: "Come quickly! It's not good, Miss was killed."

The sleepy-eyed people were awakened by this shout, and they didn't understand for a while. Therefore, the housekeeper Gao Xin'an reacted the fastest, and stopped the maid Aihua's shouting sharply, and hurried to the lady's embroidery building. Go to the village office to report to the official.

Baozheng Gao Yufan received a report from the housekeeper Gao Xin'an, and rushed to the scene of the crime with his guards.Although he had a good personal relationship with Yuanwai Gao Qiuyu, looking at Gao Qiuyu's grief-stricken expression, he couldn't think of any words to comfort him.The unprovoked killing of the only child and beloved daughter is undoubtedly heart-wrenching.Who on earth is so resentful towards Gao Xiuxiu, who actually hit her most painful place like this?

At the scene of the crime, Gao Xiuxiu was lying in a pool of blood. A sharp knife was pierced into Gao Xiuxiu's chest. Her clothes were messy and her lower body had been stained. Except for the sharp knife and a few messy bloody footprints, there was nothing else. There are no clues, and there is no sign of breaking the door, indicating that the murderer entered through the back door calmly, and then left calmly after committing the crime.The embroidery room was in a mess, and all of Miss's gold and silver jewelry was stolen. It seemed that she was trying to kill her for money.But I heard that Gao Yuanwai has always been strict in managing the house, and the door guards are extremely strict. How could there be such omissions last night?Is it an oversight or someone did it on purpose?Or is it collusion between inside and outside to see the money?For a moment, Gao Yufan had countless thoughts.Thinking of this, Gao Yufan decided to call Gao Xiuxiu's close maid, Aihua, first. On weekdays, Aihua always accompanied Miss Gao Xiuxiu. Where did Aihua go last night when the crime happened?

The servant girl, Aihua, had been crying all morning, and when she heard the summons to Baozheng Gao Yufan, she immediately turned pale.

"Aihua, tell me the truth about how you colluded with outsiders last night to seek money and kill your young lady? Tell the truth." Gao Yufan said in a tone of urging rent, and the four guards on both sides also shook their torture tools. To frighten the maid, Aihua, who was so pale from crying.

"Gao Baozheng, no, Aihua dare not." Aihua sobbed and denied, she became an accomplice of the murderer, thinking of this Aihua trembled all over.

"Hmph! The murderer clearly sneaked in through the back door yesterday, and then slipped away through the back door. You didn't do it on purpose, how could the murderer do this?" Gao Yufan questioned loudly, causing the people in the Gao Mansion to scold the servant girl Aihua continuously.

"Gao Baozheng, Aihua has been wronged! Miss ordered me to do this." Aihua pleaded guilty on the ground, Gao Qiuyu and the housekeeper Gao Xinan who were standing beside Gao Yufan were in a messy mood, Liushen Wuzhu lowered his head again , She did something bad with good intentions, and she was going to be beaten up by the family servants.

When Gao Yufan heard that he had some eyebrows, he stared at the pearls, and shouted: "Aihua is honest, otherwise the official board will be hit."

"Aihua, tell Baozheng the truth, the old man will not embarrass you." Gao Qiuyu is kind, old and slightly trembling, being supported by others and helping him.

"Master, it's up to me." The housekeeper Gao Xin'an said, sighed, and said annoyedly: "Yesterday afternoon, Aihua came to me and said that Miss found her sweetheart, and she was going on a date at Xiulou at night. The guards rearranged. I only thought of being a favor, so I agreed. The back door was unlocked last night, and I ordered the guards and servants to do so." Gao Xin'an quickly glanced at Gao Qiuyu, the outsider, Lowering his head in shame, he also became an accomplice of the murderer, wanting to speak.

Next, the maid, Aihua, will tell the story of how Miss Gao Xiuxiu happened to meet the scholar Gu Shuimo during the tomb-sweeping, sparked the spark of love, and how she agreed to meet at the Xiulou at ten o'clock in the evening.

Outsider Gao Qiuyu wept silently, he no longer had the anger he had before. It turned out that his daughter had a tryst with the young scholar secretly and did such a thing that was harmful to women's morals.At this time, apart from grief, Gao Qiuyu was more ashamed. He felt that all the misfortunes in the family had happened to him, and the white-haired person sent the black-haired person.

Gao Yufan's heart was already clear, in order not to embarrass his old friend too much, he didn't ask any more questions, he only had the security jurisdiction of Gaojiazhuang, so he hurriedly reported the case to his superiors and got a ticket to arrest Gu Shuimo.He personally led his guards to Gu Village to arrest Gu Shuimo and bring him to justice.Gu Shuimo managed to hide from the first day of the new year but not the fifteenth day. He was arrested and dragged out of the house before noon.

In the courtyard of Gu Shuimo's residence, blood-stained boots and clothes were found, which further showed Gu Shuimo's suspicion.So he went to the court and went down with a board and a stick. Gu Shuimo confessed everything, and signed a painting and pleaded guilty.The truth of the case came to light. Na Gu Shuimo killed Miss Gao Xiuxiu because he was afraid of being accused of adultery because he raped Gao Xiuxiu.

But the stolen property was not found. No matter how hard he tried to open Gu Shui Mo's board, he didn't know where the property was?Now Gu Shuimo is locked in death row, waiting for the death sentence.

Jin Erzi sighed: "Captain Li, that kid was beaten into a trick. A weak scholar, how can he rape and kill people. The brat knew he regretted it after entering the death row, and asked his family to move around, trying to survive. Yue Lanlan It's Gu Shuimo's cousin, she thought of you, so she came to entrust me with Huang Kaohao, now that Huang Kaohao has returned to the inn, Yue Lanlan is waiting for you in the office."

Li Guolou held his chin, thought for a while, and said, "The facts of the case make sense. After rape, he committed murder. There are all witnesses and material evidence. It is very difficult to reverse the case. As for the refusal to hand over property, it is very common. Gu Shuimo knows that If you are about to die, if you don't leave some benefits to your family, there is no need to discuss it after Qiu Wenzhan."

The second son of Jin refused to accept it, and said: "Captain Li, I don't agree with your claim. There is something suspicious about this case, so since Gu Shuimo went to a tryst, he must be secretly delighted. Gu Shuimo is a scholar who recites poems and composes Fu every day. He likes to show off his identity, and he should wear a sword on a date. How could he carry a sharp blade. Besides, someone knew that Gu Shuimo was dating the deceased Gao Xiuxiu. Don’t you understand this causal relationship?”

Li Guolou smiled slightly, and said: "Can you be your own boy? How about I give you a signing order, and you can check it out. You can decide the life and death of the little scholar Gu Shuimo."

"Hey hey!" Jin Erzi was praised by Li Guolou, scratched his head in embarrassment, greeted him with a coquettish smile, and said, "Captain Li, I can see the loopholes, but fighting the murderer hidden in the dark, I still can't do this kind of thing, watching you fight criminals is a kind of enjoyment, I'll still be your pawn."

Li Guolou took out his pocket watch to check the time, and said, "Is the prisoner on death row in the prison here or in the prison outside the city?"

Jin Erzi showed joy, and said anxiously, "It's right here."

"Oh;;;;;; that's it, I'll take care of the business and take the month;;;;;; well, I don't want to go to prison if I have a big belly. Let's go and see the little scholar later and hear what he says Say, there are countless people who are fools, Jin Erzi, don’t you think so?” Li Guolou stared deeply at Jin Erzi, as if he could see through the depths of his heart.

"Hey hey hey!" Jin Erzi was blushing and thick necked by Li Guolou, and quickly lowered his head. The officer caught the obvious clue, and the loophole was about to become a big living person.

"Let's go! Let me be serious. You must have the dignity of an officer if you are a team. Don't let people see the loopholes." Li Guolou walked straight to the office, and the murder scene began to flash in his mind. The girl in her prime It was the second time that someone killed her in the Daughter Building.This time the criminal is even more cruel, rape first and then kill with vicious methods, can he catch the real criminal?Li Guolou's thoughts were entangled, and he stopped worrying about family affairs, but put his mind on work.

Jin Erzi followed behind Li Guolou, with a snickering smile on his face, people of a feather flock together, there is a younger brother for every kind of big brother, and he even said that he was stealing incense and jade!The laughing stock of the Ministry of Criminal Justice is the "fake foreign devil" Li Guolou. Even Prince Gong Yixin wants leftovers. Li Guolou is a good example for them to learn from.

"Ah! Huang Yueshi, don't get up and sit down! Why is Huang Cunzheng gone? I still want to invite him to drink;;;;;;" Li Guolou said a lot of polite words, but did not accept Yue Lanlan's words bribery.He is not a fast tracker to solve crimes for profit and rewards, it is purely a personal hobby, and it is a very hard work to find the clues left by the thieves.But Li Guolou never tires of it, staying at the scene of the crime with nothing to do, can also consume half a day.

Yue Lanlan sat on Li Guolou's back chair with her big belly, she was very moved, she choked up and said, "Captain Li is so kind even after being promoted, when you get married, our whole family will definitely come."

"This;;;;;;" Li Guolou touched his nose, glanced at the talkative Ai Hai, and said with a smile: "Okay! Then I won't send invitations, and I will reserve a table for Huang Cunzheng, who will be called Zhang Gazi when the time comes." Come together, can this kid study?"

Li Guolou has not forgotten the key to solving the case in Huangcun, he never forgets Zhang Gazi, and wants to take care of Zhang Gazi.

"It's okay, there's not much problem with literacy and reading, but I don't think Zhang Gazi can do it for such a difficult task as a scholar." Yue Lanlan smiled and said with a smile, people need self-knowledge, and you can see how important it is at a glance.

"Oh;;;;;;" Li Guolou nodded frequently, and said: "That's fine, that's all I want from Zhang Gazi. When he comes, I'll tell him. Don't farm the land in a few years. Go do business with my wife, and be a townsman in the future."

"Then I will thank you on behalf of Zhang Gazi's parents." Yue Lanlan made a blessing, the grandiose words on the scene were impeccable, and the affair in the dark was a matter of course.

Li Guolou said with a smile: "Don't worry, Huang Yueshi, since you have come all the way, I promise you, I will go to Gaojiazhuang with Deputy Jin to check the scene as soon as possible. As long as the little scholar Gu Shuimo really has grievances, I will He will be rehabilitated for him. It is not easy for a village to produce a scholar. How can he be abused like this. You should go back. Prison is not a place for people to go. Huang Yueshi, you should not go to see the little scholar. No good."

"Oh;;;;;;" Yue Lanlan wept silently, thanking Li Guolou for his willingness to help, and left the office.

Jin Erzi left with him, and wanted to hire a carriage for Yue Lanlan. The etiquette of the friendship of the landlord should be fulfilled, and the duties of accompanying the pregnant woman are clear.

Li Guolou looked at the desk, peanuts, red dates and other agricultural products, and waved his hand: "Deputy Ai, let the brothers try something new, I won't take it back. What are you laughing at! Be careful, I will let you stay on duty!"

Li Guolou frowned and glared at each other, he couldn't smile when he shouldn't.

"Oh;;;;;;" The subordinates took away the agricultural products that were eaten on the table, and the dirty thoughts were pushed away. Is there such a thing that the husband ran away and asked the wife to intercede?Li Guolou had an affair with a village girl with a big belly, and it was a sure thing. A group of old men who were hiding in a room and eating, used their imagination to tease Li Guolou.

When Jin Erzi came back, he didn't refute what the brothers said, Yin smiled deeply and meaningfully, picked up a handful of dates and went to find Li Guolou.

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