late Qing Dynasty arrest

Chapter 244 The Attitude in the Brothel

Li Guolou laughed dryly and said, "San Yuehong, when will Yanzi Zhang come?"

"That's it!" San Yuehong glanced at Yuan Jihong, and said vaguely, "How do I know?"

"Yuan Jihong, give me a word first." Li Guolou still has a way of seeing people, knowing who speaks and San Yuehong will obey orders.

Li Guolou is not easy to offend, Yuan Jihong laughs again and again to cover up her inner struggle, Yanzi Zhang is a hero of the common people, betraying a good person will be punished by heaven.

"San Yuehong, do you know Yanzi Zhang?" Yuan Jihong kicked the ball back to San Yuehong, anyway, Yanzi couldn't get into her bed, and the daughters would brag about whoever slept with a famous person afterwards.

"Mom, there are several people who claim to be Yanzizhang, how can I tell the truth from the fake?" San Yuehong can also fool people, so she doesn't say anything to death.

Li Guolou said sternly: "Sanyuehong, Yanzi Zhang is easy to recognize. He is less than 1.6 meters tall, has a mustache, mung bean eyes with inverted eyebrows and onion nose. Beards can be faked, people with eyes, eyebrows and noses like that, you should Never forget."

"Oh, let Nunu think about it?" San Yuehong tapped her fingers on the table, as if she was thinking, but she was actually waiting for Li Guolou to make an offer.

"San Yuehong, stop pretending. You have boasted a long time ago. Do you still want me to expose you? Yuan Jihong is in business." Li Guolou put on his official authority to scare the lowly people. Prostitute, as long as he says a word, Yixiang Pavilion will be closed down.

"Hahahaha!" Zhang Tieniu seemed to have suddenly realized, and said loudly: "San Yuehong, you are lucky, the third brother will not treat you badly, tell me how much money you want."

The high-ranking prostitutes are divided between the bustard and the bustard. She and the bustard Yuan Jihong are divided between four and six. San Yuehong just took the opportunity to say: "Mom, my daughter is not young, can I add [-]%?"

"The request is reasonable." Li Guolou narrowed his eyes and looked at Yuan Jihong, putting pressure on Yuan Jihong, the procuress.

Yuan Jihong scolded her mother in her stomach, slandered the eighteenth generation of San Yuehong's ancestors, looked at San Yuehong with embarrassment, and said hesitantly: "Good San Yuehong, for the sake of third brother, I set a precedent for you, other daughters have to be 30 This kind of treatment is only available to people over the age of [-].”

Yuan Jihong was secretly annoyed: Why didn't San Yuehong ask the fake foreign devils to redeem her body?Then she could earn a lot of money.But thinking about it, it is impossible for a fake foreign devil to marry San Yuehong, it is still a long way to go, let San Yuehong earn a few more years of money for her.

"Third brother, Yanzizhang is my golden egg, I sold him to death." San Yuehong first reminded Li Guolou that the news was not cheap.

Li Guolou smiled, and said: "San Yue Hong, don't be fooled, old customers like Yan Zi Zhang, you can't make much money, isn't the friendship price?"

"Hey;;;;;; third brother, if you don't leave, I'll sell it to you cheaply." San Yuehong prepared to grow Li Guolou into a golden rooster.

Li Guolou rubbed his nose with a bitter face and said, "San Yuehong, I really want to go. I need a girl for a reception in the future, so I'll invite you first."

The old bustard Yuan Jihong heard the words, and hurriedly interjected: "Girl, the third brother is very high-class, and Wu Yingzi, the mother of Jiaofenglou, is next to the third brother, and now even a branch is opened, and I will let you do it in the future mother."

Being a mother is a dream of every prostitute. Although this bowl of food is cheap, it is easy to make money. Congliang is just a vase for a rich family.If you really have a chance to make a fortune, you are still happy to be a mother. You can change the little man casually, and you will be bored when you get rich.

"Third brother, it's a deal." San Yuehong threw herself into Li Guolou's arms in a tender voice, she was only one step away from her dream.

Li Guolou furrowed his brows tightly, this matter is too difficult, the capital is the capital of the country, how can brothels bloom everywhere, and the image officer of the country has to take care of it, how many back doors does it take to open a brothel license?The officer gave him a big face once, how could he take this kind of thing as food.

"It's better to delay Yuan Jihong's matter. It's too difficult. If you are really rich, I can help you connect with the Black Dragon Association in Tianjin. Their boss, Qiao Benlongxing, wants to do business to get cash. The three restaurants want After selling the two, the license is ready." Li Guolou was quick to think, thinking that Tianjin also has friends who are in this business.

"Tianjin!" Yuan Jihong's thoughts were taken by Li Guolou to the city of Tianjin, which is more than 200 miles away. That is the real world of flowers and flowers, the window opened to the outside world by the Qing Empire. over there.

Li Guolou said: "To be honest, several members of my family are very interested in this industry, and I rejected it. The Black Dragon Society is very loyal. Yuan Jihong, if you are interested, I have friends in Tianjin." , you can take you to meet Qiao Benlongxing. The decoration of Little Japan is not good, you can show your strengths in Tianjin and create a new world."

Yixiangge is making money every day, Yuan Jihong is getting enough gold and silver, her eyes are rolling around, everyone has ambitions, of course she wants to go to the next level.She would not farm and become a landlord if she had money, she still wanted to develop her career, but the brothel government in the capital was under strict control, and she had no chance to become bigger and stronger, and she did not use clever tricks when she went out.

"Third brother, Nunu respects you for a glass of wine." Yuan Jihong walked gracefully and walked to Li Guolou, with the demeanor of a big sister in the world. People in the world put loyalty first, and the third brother's business is her business.

"Come on! Cheers to Tieniu." Li Guolou looked at Zhang Tieniu, whose personality had changed drastically. How many people changed their fate because of his appearance. Zhang Tieniu was very satisfied with his current status, but what about Zhang Tieniu's master, Huang Qiying?The apprentices left the master's "Bao Zhi Lin" one by one. As the master, Huang Qiying took the benefits and was happy, or scolded him behind his back?

Li Guolou couldn't help thinking that he hadn't seen Huang Qiying's newborn son, Huang Feihong, and that he should visit Huang Qiying when he had time. In the capital, there was a new type of Chinese medicine hall called "Hu Qingyu Tang", and the old-fashioned Chinese medicine hall "Bao Zhilin" finally came to an end. will close down.

Li Guolou straddled his leather bag, left Yixiang Pavilion, and waved goodbye to his three friends.The evil flames provoked by San Yuehong are raging, and Li Guolou wants to fight all directions, so he goes home to practice boxing shirtless to vent his anger.

In Yixiang Pavilion, Yuan Jihong snorted coldly and said: "Tie Niu, you said how powerful the fake foreign devils are, but they are not hollow carrots, and I played with them between applause."

"Xiaohong, what do you know! Playing stupid, understand? The fake foreign devil didn't show his power, which is called being in a high place. He is no longer a person of our level, so he doesn't care about these little money. He is Li Zhongtang's grandnephew, what a god! Do you want to give him face? I’m just an ant in his eyes.” Zhang Tieniu sighed, he hadn’t gotten into the inner circle of Tianzihao yet, the benefits were not much, and he had to rely on women to support him.

"Official!" Yuan Jihong was also a little frustrated, doing business to make money, how can an official come to pay so much money quickly, seeing Li Guolou's temperament as an official and businessman, Yuan Jihong understood that she would not be able to catch up in this life, and would always follow in the footsteps of high-ranking officials. With money to earn, Yuan Jihong knows that her Yixiang Pavilion will make a difference in Tianjin by being on the boat of Li Guolou in this life.

"Tie Niu, if we open a branch, can you solve the problem if we don't have enough money?" Yuan Jihong felt guilty. The daughters would cost a lot of money to buy. Yixiang Pavilion is a high-end brothel, and there are other tricks in it.

"No problem, I don't have enough face. If the fifth brother says something, the third brother doesn't dare to let go. Do you know that the fifth brother used to be the third brother's second brother, and the fake foreign devil is the most nostalgic." Zhang Tieniu patted his chest Guaranteed, Li Guolou's Achilles heel has been found by his subordinates, and none of his subordinates are afraid of Li Guolou.

"Tie Niu, you've had too much to drink, and you can't speak clearly. Go back to your room and rest for a while." Yuan Jihong said coquettishly, and led Zhang Tieniu upstairs. The wine is an appetizer, and the sex is tigers, wolves, and leopards. The two brothers will never be separated. Yuan Jihong, who is as old as a wolf and a tiger, will never let go of Zhang Tieniu until he has been wiped out. The sisters in Yixiangge know that Zhang Tieniu will become a drug scum in a short time, abolishing half of his martial arts, and then being thrown away by Yuan Jihong.

Zhang Tieniu enjoys life and beauty, and he doesn't care about the love of a procuress, everyone walks around in style, women are like clothes, he has a place to find happiness.

The big brothers and big sisters who hang out in the underworld are so unrestrained and unrestrained, their desires are endless, they live unrestrained and unrestrained, and they don't care what others hear.Enthusiasm erupted from the unlocked door. The sound of sex here is an aboveboard thing. The characteristic sweet voices lang after lang. The daughters are wearing revealing clothes. The light gauze Miaoman stands on the second floor with her upper body exposed, looking affectionately. Passing by pedestrians.

"Guest officer, come and play!" The daughters showed their skills to the passers-by on the street. The passers-by who couldn't hold back thought that Sai Pan'an, the beauty had taken a fancy to him, and stepped into the Yixiang Pavilion impatiently. This way.

Gui Nu wears a green hat and greets every guest officer with a smile. The big teapot pours tea and water for the guest officers. They have no dignity and no shame, but they still live a nourishing and unrestrained life.Sisters and sisters will also show them the rain and dew, and the turtle slaves and the big teapot are happy to leave here.

Daughter San Yuehong returned to the top, her mother brought the distinguished guests to her room first, and the other daughters watched with envy the stream of great men entering San Yuehong's boudoir. San Yuehong was busy from afternoon to night, To break the highest record, how many men went in?Except for the turtle slave who led the way, the other sisters were too busy to calculate.

The world imagines their sorrow and desolation, but how many people enjoy it and linger on it, the money they earn can enable them to live a good life, and being good is a matter of beauty and aging.It was a place where rich men could be caught, and very few whores were reduced to homelessness.This is a cruel world, survival of the fittest!The daughters who can be on the Yixiangge platform are all beautiful, and there are little girls serving them.

After the daughters earn money, their dream is to go to the step of the procuress Yuan Jihong, open a high-end brothel, and live in the world in style.The white money is exchanged by sweat, and they don't care if others call them whores!

This is an era where the poor are not laughing at the prostitutes, and it is also an era without personal dignity. People have long since become insensitive. They can kneel down to foreigners with humiliation, and they must also learn to flatter power.If you want to gain a foothold in the Qing Empire, you have to learn to shake your donkey's hoof sleeves, show your loyalty, and strive to be a gentleman who is loyal to the emperor and patriotic.

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