late Qing Dynasty arrest

Chapter 263 You Are Too Fake

The road was full of dust, and three horses were galloping. Immediately, the three of them had their own thoughts, some were happy and some were worried. Gao Yao Wuyun felt that she was the heroine Hua Mulan, and no one could shake her position.The two thieves behind her, as long as she wanted to, could twist their heads off in one round.

News came from the front that Li Guolou was galloping on his horse, and the man was bumping on the horse's back.Some people can't figure it out. The last time Miao Fanlu sent the news, it was through his father Miao Luobin. Li Guolou didn't see Miao Fanlu. Still near Balizhuang.What is he dawdling about these days?

Li Guolou jumped off the bay red horse gracefully, whispered to Gao Yao Wuyun, and looked at Miao Fanlu and "Fat Brother" Yan Weiwu in the distance.As he had expected in the past, Miao Fanlu was an uneasy master, until now he still refused to return to the capital, preferring to live a life of wandering in the rivers and lakes without a fixed place.

"Head, let me do it. There must be members of the White Lotus Sect in the tea shed. As soon as the spear team comes up, all 35 people will die." Gao Yao Wuyun was eager to try, clenched his fists and prepared to fight.

Li Guolou has other plans. Miao Fanlu is the "big monster" in his hands. How can he just kill him casually? come over."

"Zha!" Gao Yao Wuyun hastily lowered his head without laughing, this "head" is a cunning person, and he has reserved tricks.

"Brother Miao, you go first, my boss wants to see you." Gao Yao Wuyun's horsewhip pointed at Miao Fanlu, arrogant and domineering, as if she was a gift from God to ordinary people.

Miao Fanlu has a short stature, with a thick beard covering half of his face, which has not been shaved for a long time.A pair of thief's small eyes scanned the disguised cavalry, with a timid look on his face, he bowed his head and said, "It's Gao Yao who caught the head."

He is not afraid!Everything depends on his information, but he didn't expect that he left a bit late.

When Miao Fanlu walked in, Li Guolou was annoyed and asked, "Miao Fanlu, what a fool, you still have five days left, stay here and prepare to eat bullets."

"Hey;;;;;;" Miao Fanlu sighed, moved closer to Li Guolou, and said in a low voice: "Master Li, it's hard to say, we are only 35 people, we are only [-] people, and we can't get away because of Huo Ying's words. It's not the head of this brave man, so how can I hurry it up. Don't you think so?" After speaking, Miao Fanlu revealed his own determination, and his figure was quite tall and straight.

"Who is your head?" Li Guolou asked.

"The little nun is safe and alone, just like me." Miao Fanlu had something to say, watching Li Guolou's reaction quietly, trying to see the flaw from Li Guolou's expression.

"Tell me about the current situation in Balizhuang." Li Guolou was expressionless, interrogating Miao Fanlu.

"Huoying Huadandan and his elder brother Miao Qiaowei made Balizhuang extremely filthy and wiped out more than a dozen big families. Now they have mobilized the entire Balizhuang. There are about 600 households in the village. Both men and women are crazy. More than 150 people have been recruited, and there are more than [-] backbones. You came at the right time, and if you don’t come, they are planning to do something big and flee to the Mongolian grassland.” Seeing that Li Guolou was still expressionless, Miao Fanlu hurriedly confessed : "Master Li, why am I lying to you? We are going to Zaozhuang, Shandong, which is the old nest of the Ax Gang, so you let me make new contributions. It will be good for you to mix in with the top of the Ax Gang."

Miao Fanlu's words aroused Li Guolou's ambition. After more than ten years of the Nian army's turmoil, Shandong has long been corrupted. Now the imperial court has appointed Ding Baozhen as the governor of Shandong.

Ding Baozhen's ability to sit in this high position is in recognition of Ding Baozhen's daring to enforce the law and defy the powerful to kill the former imperial eunuch An Dehai. The imperial court used ruthless people to clean up the mess in Shandong.When Li Guolou thought of Ding Baozhen killing his good brother An Dehai, he couldn't help being furious. This incident cost him tens of thousands of taels of silver.If there is an opportunity to trip Ding Baozhen, how can he let it go, dirty thoughts arise spontaneously.

Li Guolou changed the idea of ​​wanting Miao Fanlu to lead the way to attack Balizhuang, and said with a smile: "Brother Miao is lucky, if you meet other people, you will have gone to God. I will guide you, Let you leave the capital safely;;;;;;How many guns does Hokage have?"

Miao Fanlu was overjoyed, and the neighbor next door was still easy to talk to, so he said cunningly: "Master Li, get closer to Fat Brother later." He added: "Most of them are shotguns, more than 40 long and short guns, and the rest are all ancient guns. Divine Weapons and Artifacts."

The non-cutting language shows that Miao Fanlu does not believe in the invulnerability skills performed by Hokage. Li Guolou looked at the "fat brother" Yan Weiwu who bowed his head in the distance. In his eyes, this person is already a dead man.

"Let me make it clear to you that I won't let anyone in the juggling class of Miao's family go." Li Guolou changed as he said, and his face became ferocious.

Miao Fanlu raised his voice three times, and said: "Don't worry, Master Li, all of us are heroes of the Jianghu. They are robbing the rich and helping the poor, and they will do no harm to the people."

"People who receive favors say they are heroes." Li Guolou stopped talking to Miao Fanlu and walked towards "Fat Brother" Yan Weiwu. Next, he wanted to get closer to the cute "Fat Brother".

The big team and the outpost team assembled, Yan Weiwu said excitedly: "Leader, let's go. I have already negotiated with Xiao Li, Xiao Li is really a good friend, even Lu Yin opened for us."

Thirty or so people were surprised and happy, and finally they could stand up and leave the place of right and wrong.Gao Yao Wuyun raised his voice and said: "For the sake of past affection, I will give Fat Brother face."

"Gao Yao catches the head, and you will be promoted later." Yan Weiwu was driven to a dead end by a dead end, but Yan Weiwu didn't realize it, and was still laughing cheerfully.

Li Guolou stopped Ping An in front of the tea shed, and said, "Let's chat a little bit, the head of the house."

Ping An felt guilty and timid, and said calmly on the surface: "Okay! Xiao Li has something to say, we know who is a friend."

There were only two people left in the tea shed, Li Guolou watched Ping An, this is an ambitious female believer of the White Lotus Sect, capable of bending and stretching, begging for mercy in front of him like Goujian.With the illusion of moving flowers and trees with one hand, he played with men in applause. Ping An has more than [-] heroes of the rivers and lakes who swear to follow him to the death. He already has established capital.

Will you let the tiger go back to the mountain?Li Guolou was contemplative, hesitant when the situation came to an end.Seeing Ping An's calm and unmoving, he admired secretly, and asked: "Whether you are a man or a woman, there is no difference in the first place. They all depend on the birthless mother, and they are all born with one breath. I told you to combine men and women, so you don't need to separate each other."

Ping An couldn't help being taken aback, never thought that Li Guolou knew the true meaning of the White Lotus Sect's belief in the Inanimate Mother, and blurted out: "Master Li, you believe it too."

"Egalitarianism, I know what your ideal world is like, but I can tell you that this is an illusory world, just like your spells, it is still fake in the end." Li Guolou looked at the clouds floating in the sky , Who can catch the beautiful looking clouds?

"How is my master?" Ping An couldn't help asking.

"I can only tell you that she is not dead, but you will treat her as dead." Li Guolou said to this point, even though everyone knows what kind of person Mrs. Baimei has become now.

Ping An lowered her head and shed a few tears. In order to survive, she could pretend to surrender and pretend to obey Li Guolou.And her master has no chance to fake surrender, only by betraying the hidden Bailian believers in the capital can she survive.In a cruel world, we can only bow to reality.

Ping An performed a touching stunt, showing his true feelings, and said: "Xiao Li, you have stayed abroad, and you can fight side by side with us to overthrow the decadent Manchu Dynasty and build a society where everyone is equal."

"The country has been torn apart by you, and pieces of land have been eaten by foreigners. You can shirk all these responsibilities on Manqing. But I can't. I want to see a united country that strives for self-improvement and defeats foreign powers. There is a difference between noble and humble in life. Point, peace, aren’t you the leader of this team? No matter how hard you try, you can’t see the world you describe. If one day you succeed, you are also a queen, so why would you drink tea in a broken straw hut?” Li Guolou explained that in ancient times, I don’t know how many people kept saying “the rich and the poor are equal”, but in the end they were still fighting for the throne of the emperor.

"Xiao Li, why did you let us go?" Ping An felt that she was being used by Li Guolou, like a huge stone suppressed in her heart, betraying her conscience again and again, and felt that she was a despicable villain who was seeking skins from tigers.

Li Guolou rubbed his chin and said with a sly smile: "Ping An, there are so many wonders in the world, I just hope to live a wonderful life. Some enemies must be eliminated, and some enemies can cooperate. You are the partner I fancy. Maybe I can't sit in a high position without your help."

Seeing Li Guolou's slick blinking, Ping An's face flushed, and he hurriedly turned his head away from Li Guolou's mischief. It turned out that Li Guolou saw through that she was a member of the White Lotus Cult who was not determined, and who valued life more than ideals. people.Kneeling and begging for mercy when dying, he is not qualified to talk about lofty ideals with others.

Ping An ignited raging anger, and said unwillingly: "Xiao Li, for your sake, I will prove to you that a wild horse that has run away can't be held back by anyone. The rotten Man Qing will definitely be killed. Down, and I am the gravedigger."

Li Guolou looked up to the sky and laughed, as if he had heard the funniest joke, and said, "I look forward to seeing peace on this day. Killing the rich and helping the poor will only make them poorer and poorer. Construction and development is the right way."

"But corrupt officials are everywhere, how can ordinary people live!"

Li Guolou said dryly: "Killing is endless, I believe it can influence a group of people."

Pingan glanced and said, "I've never heard of such a thing."

"Wealth can only last for three generations, and the wealth will still flow into the people." Li Guolou still quibbles, refusing to say that he killed corrupt officials. He is also a corrupt official, so how could he pour dirty water on himself.

"Hahahaha!" Ping An contagiously laughed wildly, tears flowed from the laughter, and after taking a breath, he said, "Xiao Li, you are too fake. In what era is the country's wealth flowing into the concessions of Western powers? Didn’t your family do this? You are just as shameless, and I won’t talk to shameless people.”

Ping An proudly holds her chest high. A noble mind must first be exhausted, exhausted, and depleted. What if she has done Goujian? It does not hinder her righteousness, and she fights for the dignity of the nation. It is her lifelong ideal.

Li Guolou was severely criticized by Ping An, and he bowed his head in shame. He is such a shameless person.As cunning as a fox, take three steps to see where the footprints are left?The cunning rabbits and the three caves have reserved tricks, and they have friends with rebels, revolutionaries, and underworld gangs.It seems to leave a way for others, but the real purpose is not to leave a way for one's own future.

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