A large group of people followed behind Li Guolou to watch the excitement, Cheng Kun said softly: "What kind of wrestling does Captain Li play with the Mongols? Isn't he just looking for his own death?"

Li Guolou smiled slightly and said, "Deputy Cheng, what does it matter, there is no place to vent your anger."

"That's true!" The people next to him laughed coquettishly, some were a little embarrassed, some were complacent, and all kinds of people had their own ways of solving problems.

On the baogu field, surrounded by spectators, Li Guolou took off his robe, threw it to Cheng Kun, untied his belt, and handed the belt and pistol to Liu Yu, the guard, and quickly put his braids on his head. Staring at Battelle, he said, "Battelle, you are only given one chance, two wins out of three."

Battelle smiled wryly and said, "Captain Li, this is the only piece of clothing I have. If it is damaged, you will have to pay me for it."

Seeing that there were no women around, Li Guolou said angrily, "Come shirtless." While speaking, he took off his clothes, revealing his majestic muscles, allowing others to see his bulging and muscular muscles.People around Li Guolou couldn't feel his strong figure when he was wearing clothes. After taking off his clothes, the body of a boxer made the people around him gasp in amazement.

Battelle looked enviously at the bulging muscles on Li Guolou's body, took off his clothes, and said, "Captain Li, I don't have enough to eat, and I can't exert half of my strength, so I'm taking advantage of you."

"Hmph, don't say such soft words, come on!" Li Guolou didn't learn how Mongolians wrestled and jumped up and down, feeling like a flea. He leaned forward, opened his arms, and stared at Battelle with fierce eyes.

When Bateer was still a little hesitant, he still wanted to make dance moves before Mongolian wrestling, such as goshawks soaring, lions galloping, and tigers entrenched.Li Guolou, a hungry tiger and a sheep, pounced on him, grabbed Battelle's arm with his left hand, and grabbed Battelle's belt with his right hand. When he turned around, he threw a big backpack and threw Battelle to the ground.

"Well, well, well!" The people around were elated and excitedly applauded loudly, and the applause continued for a long time.Li Guolou laughed loudly, clasped his fists to salute the people around him, to win is to win beautifully.

Battelle got up and said angrily: "Captain Li, why are you playing a rascal, Mongolian wrestling is not like this."

Li Guolou said without hesitation: "Battelle, don't make excuses if you lose, isn't it Mongolian wrestling if you don't put on airs? There are still two rounds, so you can do it yourself."

Battelle muttered and spoke Mongolian that no one could understand, but Li Guolou could hear Battelle calling him a despicable person.

In the second game, Li Guolou had no chance to sneak attack. The two stared fiercely at each other, circled around to find each other's loopholes, squatted down, and poured strength into their legs.The four arms are mixed together, the perfect combination of strength and weight, the use of cleverness and brute force, are vividly reflected in Mongolian wrestling.

Li Guolou held Battelle's arm, and felt that the other party had a lot of strength, unable to break it or pull it back, and his four legs hooked each other, trying to throw him down.The pressure is getting bigger and bigger, and it feels like a mountain is pressing on my body, which is far behind my strength.

Battelle's physical strength is not at a loss, and he wants to use his stalwart body to force Li Guolou.With all the strength in his arms, he pressed Li Guolou firmly under his body.Sweat dripped from their foreheads, and neither of the two strong men would back down.

"Come on, come on;;;;;;" The people around were cheering for Li Guolou, shouting desperately, the scene was precarious, and Li Guolou was at a disadvantage.

"Hook your feet, hook your feet!" The person next to him offered a move for Li Guolou, who didn't care that Li Guolou hooked the opponent's feet, but didn't move at all. An unstable foot would be dangerous. own.

Battelle took advantage of the situation, his body was pressed against him, his hands were hard, and his feet were stumbling. Li Guolou was originally unstable, and it was not easy to hold on until now. He flew out and fell to the ground.

"Hey hey hey!" The people around beat their chests and stomped their feet, feeling sorry for Li Guolou, who still lost after suffering for so long.

"Bah!" Li Guolou spat in his palms regardless of his image, rubbed his palms together, and said, "Okay, I have some stupid strength, this time I'm going to play tricks, big fool, be careful."

"Hey hey hey! Captain Li, you have to keep your word." Battelle naturally danced the Mongolian dance, swung three times, and let the people around him see his heroic posture like an eagle.

Why did you lose the last round?I underestimated Battelle, thinking that the opponent is thin and not very strong, never thought that the Mongols are born with supernatural power.It is impossible to win with brute strength, this time Li Guolou changed his tactics, no longer like a brute bull, and he will fight the opponent when he comes up, but swim for a while, take a few more breaths, recover his strength, and prepare to win by cleverness.

The two were mixed together, their arms touched each other, and then separated vigorously. Both sides were cautious and did not dare to be careless.The eyes are fixed on the opponent's every movement, the enemy changes and I change, for a while, no distinction is made between high and low.

Li Guolou turned a deaf ear to the advice of the people next to him. He was killed badly in the last round, so he will attack cautiously this time.

Li Guolou refused to make an attack, and walked around in the field. Battelle couldn't help it, and attacked first, catching Li Guolou's shoulders, and twisted his four arms together. Without strength and weight, he couldn't wrestle. .Li Guolou is more than 30 catties heavier than before. Although he is more than ten centimeters shorter than Battelle, he still has an advantage in weight.However, the Mongols are unmatched in talent. When wrestling with the Mongols, Li Guolou has the upper hand. The disadvantage in strength and the level of proficiency in Mongolian wrestling make Li Guolou block from left to right and try his best to avoid the opponent. set.Even if the opponent showed his weakness, Li Guolou didn't dare to rush and attack. He tried a little harder to see if he couldn't take advantage of it, so he gave up the initiative to attack.

"Well! Captain Li, it's a good piece of material!" Battelle went around in circles, but he didn't dare to complete it in one go, Li Guolou had strength.I hated Li Guolou's cunning. After being shirtless, there was no place to hold hands on his body, and he couldn't do many Mongolian wrestling moves. The opportunity to defeat the enemy with one move was wasted.

Li Guolou panted heavily, and said, "Battelle admits defeat, you just use these few tricks, you just show your face during the warm-up at the Nailadam Conference."

"Don't look down on people!" Battelle was angry. His body is not suitable for wrestling. He is too tall and has a high center of gravity. He is easy to be knocked down by his opponent, but his strength is not inferior to anyone.It's a pity that he didn't have enough to eat, so he could only display [-]% of his strength.

The two people who are like bullfighting are mixed together, the perfect combination of strength and technology, the people around the mountain roar and tsunami shout.The one-sided shouts made Li Guolou rush towards the stupid big Battelle like a bull that had been bloodied.

Under the sun, the faces of the two were covered with sweat, with their hands spread out, guarding each other, circling and holding each other, looking for the gap between each other.

Li Guolou rushed forward, and the two scuffled together.Sometimes they use their best strength to fight each other, and sometimes they kick each other's legs to trip each other.The scene of their fighting was extremely fierce, and there were shouts all around.

Li Guolou was not familiar with Mongolian wrestling moves, and couldn't stand up to the opponent's changeable movements. He was overwhelmed by the opponent's movements, and was dwarfed by comparison. He was led by Battelle, and his steps were already chaotic. He wanted to break free from the opponent's control, but The arms could no longer be freed.

Li Guolou's feet were churning, he was already on the verge of falling, and he wanted to use the opponent's body as a support point.Unexpectedly, Battelle flipped his arms and hugged Li Guolou's waist, and the two big men hugged tightly.

"Plop!" With a sound, Li Guolou and Battelle fell to the ground together, "Hey!" The people around let out a long sigh of frustration, and Li Guolou was crushed by Battelle.

But the scene was very weird, Battelle yelled instead: "Captain Li, spare me, my hand is broken!"

I saw Li Guolou resorted to classical wrestling movements, split his tendons, twisted his hands, and reversed his joints to subdue Battelle.

"Hahahaha!" Li Guolou didn't feel ashamed at all. He patted the dust on his trousers, rustled, took off his clothes, put them on, and said, "Battle, you're still a little tender, but it's okay. I'm here today." I'm happy, I'll treat you to a table of food at noon, and I will follow you later."

Battelle's face turned purple, and he said unwillingly, "Captain Li, you are playing a rascal."

"Hey, Battelle, you are ignorant. This is called Greco-Roman wrestling. You can turn defeat into victory by falling on the ground. Keep up with the times, and your Mongolian wrestling is outdated." How could Li Guolou admit defeat in front of so many people and humiliate himself.What he said made sense. Usually, the police officers trained mainly in classical wrestling. The form of Mongolian wrestling was greater than the content, so it was not suitable for actual combat.

Unwilling to be reconciled, Battelle asked, "Mr. Li, am I considered a farm laborer or your entourage?"

"Battelle, I invited you to eat table noodles, you are stupid!" Li Guolou liked this big stupid guy very much. Race is an inherent advantage. People in the Qing Dynasty ate whole grains, drank mare's milk, and ate beef and mutton. The Mongols missed several laps.

"Hey hey hey!" Battelle is not stupid, he laughed and sang happily, and danced the Mongolian dance shirtless, shaking his body, swinging his arms, jumping around as if there were cockroaches under his feet, letting others see how much Mongolians like singing and dancing .

The people around were laughing, thinking that this Mongolian slave was cute, and there was nothing terrible about the slave brand on Battelle's face.

Li Guolou walked with his head bowed, didn't speak, everyone has a past, Battelle is definitely not as simple and kind as he appears on the surface, the person who can escape from the vast prairie is a wild wolf.There are no good people around him, so what does it matter?He won't ask about Battelle's past, and he doesn't care about a person's past.Bad women and poisonous spiders sleep next to him, and bad men are his attendants, so he can accept it calmly. Of course, he is not a good person. Birds of a feather flock together and people are divided into groups. What will happen in the future?Washing hands in a golden basin is an unchanging truth.

Li Guolou went back to the backyard to take a shower, changed a set of clothes, and ran out after the braids were completely dry. When he walked into the dining room, he saw that Battelle had already eaten and drank, and he was holding a bottle without any scruples. The leg of lamb is nibbling.Several guards stood aside, staring at this "cow man" eating and drinking, and couldn't believe that such a big-bellied man existed in the world.

Li Guolou smiled and said: "Team deputy, why are you staring. How much did Battelle eat?"

"Hey!" Cheng Kun sighed: "Captain Li, you've been fooled, Battelle has turned over the table and is eating!"

"Ah!" Li Guolou turned his head to look at the table. It turned out that the kitchen staff wanted to see how much Battelle could eat?It has already turned over the table for Battelle to eat.This foodie can eat him poorly. Fortunately, he was a god catcher just now, and he had the foresight to say that he would only feed Battelle four meals a month.

"Hey hey hey!" Battelle opened his mouth wide, his lips were greasy, the mutton in his mouth gushed out, he smirked at Li Guolou, satiated his appetite, and didn't intend to stop.

Li Guolou didn't dare to look at it, and said anxiously: "Battelle, eat slowly, if you don't eat to death, you will be cruel." After saying that, Li Guolou left the dining room, preferring to have lunch in the kitchen instead of sitting with this rice bucket and eating mutton .

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