late Qing Dynasty arrest

Chapter 291 It is inevitable that the red apricot cheats out of the wall

In the morning Li Guolou drank porridge calmly, and before he could swallow a bowl of raw eggs, someone came to disturb him from eating breakfast.

Secretary Zheng Hengdan's newlywed wife Zhou Jiaoyun rushed over impatiently, her face turned pale, and she staggered and said, "Captain Li, something is wrong. My husband passed out and couldn't be woken up. I'm afraid that foreigners will bring the plague." gone."

"Ahhhhh!" Li Guolou stood up from the ground and said angrily, "Zhou Jiaoyun, be honest with me, did you poison me?"

Zhou Jiaoyun cried, and said: "I knew this would happen. I slept well last night. We quarreled until midnight. We are very good now. I would never think of poisoning my husband. Besides, I am born in a bad place here. I don’t even know where to buy rat poison? I called the small pole many times in the morning, and even splashed cold water on my face. I really couldn’t wake up the small pole. The neighbor next door didn't call, and came to you directly."

Plague is most likely to break out in spring. The north is close to the Mongolian grassland, and rats are often infested, and there have been plague epidemics.This plague is an incurable disease, and even Europeans turn pale when they hear the word "plague". A plague in the European Renaissance period caused the loss of at least tens of millions of European populations and set back decades of civilization.Until now, Europeans are still talking about the catastrophe at that time, and the hygiene habits of Europeans have also changed since that disaster, and they have become civilized and hygienic people.

Li Guolou pointed his finger at the tip of Zhou Jiaoyun's nose, and said viciously: "Zhou Jiaoyun, be honest with me, don't tell me a word, and dare to say the word 'plague', I will arrest you Get up. You go and get me the doctor Wang Suzhen, and we will go to see the small shoulder pole together."

Li Guolou looked at the food on the table and couldn't eat any more. He didn't even dare to take a sip of water where "Broom Star" Zhou Jiaoyun stayed.Self-blame and misfortune came out of my mouth, I said bad things about Balizhuang last night, and the retribution came early this morning.

When he stepped over the threshold, Li Guolou turned his head and shouted: "Battelle, you stay in the stable for me today, shoveling grass, washing the manger, and doing the work in the stable alone. I will come back to check, and you are doing well. Feed you tonight."

"Yes! Captain Li." Battelle was overjoyed, jumping up for joy, never thought that when Li Guolou thought that he came from the Mongolian grassland, he was afraid from the bottom of his heart that he was the source of the plague.

The home of Zheng Hengdan and Zhou Jiaoyun is a "new home", a three-room tile-roofed house that Li Guolou awarded to Zheng Hengdan, the secretary office, in the land of no man.

When he stepped into the courtyard, Li Guolou felt that this house was weird. The courtyard entrances of other people's homes all opened to the south, but the main entrance of this courtyard pointed to the west.The courtyard is very large, with a millstone and a thatched nest where farm tools are piled up. There is no chicken coop, but a pool made of pebbles. There is only some dirty water in it, which has not been drained. Swim in the water.

Doctor Wang Suzhen, wearing a mask and gloves, was treating the unconscious Zheng Hengtan in his bedroom. Zhou Jiaoyun stood anxiously aside and applied Zheng Hengtan's forehead with a towel soaked in cold water.

Li Guolou, also wearing a mask and gloves, walked slowly into the room, three steps away from the patient, waiting for the conclusion of the doctor Wang Bizhen.

Wang Bizhen took off his mask, turned to Li Guolou, and said, "Mr. Li, the temperature of the small shoulder pole is not very high, 39 degrees, and the injured arm shows no signs of infection. It should not be unconscious. Is it typhoid fever?" It's hard to say now, it depends on whether there are still people infected with the disease, and there is no comparison between individual cases. However, the medical prevention measures in the whole village should be done well. I think the main focus is on disinfection and prevention, and the whole village should be cleaned up. Shall I give the villagers some Chinese herbal medicine to prevent typhoid fever?"

Li Guolou nodded and said: "Doctor Wang is right. People from other villages should not be allowed to work in the village casually. It is better to observe them for three days and improve personal hygiene. I will learn from it."

Wang Suzhen sat at the table and wrote the prescriptions: gypsum, anemarrhena, hay, and round-grained rice.

Li Guolou took a look, smiled and said: "Doctor Wang, I didn't expect that you, a Western doctor, have a lot of research on Chinese medicine. You can also use the prescription of Baihu Decoction written by the medical sage Zhang Zhongjing."

Wang Bizhen couldn't help laughing: "Hey, it was exposed by you. This prescription has been clinically verified. What the ancients said is infallible. What's more, the patriarch wrote it in "Treatise on Febrile Diseases". If you are not sick, treat it as a prevention. If you are sick, you can go to the disaster. I think the illness of the little shoulder pole should be poisonous in the body, which is a sign of poisoning, and the pupils are dilated.” While speaking, Wang Bizhen swept to Zhou Jiaoyun next to him, meaning to tell Li Guolou that he did not find it. Zheng Hengdan had trauma on his body, the trauma on his arm was originally bandaged, and only the disease came from the mouth, so Zheng Hengdan's bride, Zhou Jiaoyun, was the most suspicious.

Zhou Jiaoyun's face turned pale, she waved her hands wildly, and said, "Captain Li, I've really reformed myself. It was past nine o'clock last night when I got home from the shoulder pole. I drank a bowl of jujube porridge and went to bed. I'm still alive and well." Could it be that he was bitten by something while climbing a mountain yesterday?"

Li Guolou thought of the pool in the yard. What do farmers here build a pool at home?It is very likely that this farm family was originally a snake breeder, so if the owner's family is all dead, will the snakes raised by this farm family escape?The rooms have wooden floors and there is a good chance that poisonous snakes are hiding under the partitions and floors.

Thinking of this, Li Guolou became more courageous, walked to the patient Zheng Hengdan, lifted the quilt, and checked the unconscious Zheng Hengdan for wounds.

Li Guolou carefully inspected Zheng Hengdan's body from top to bottom without any shyness.As a policeman who has even seen naked corpses, Li Guolou didn't feel scared at all.Only the two feet were left unseen, and Li Guolou finally found a slight wound on Zheng Hengdan's left thumb.

"Doctor Wang, come and see!" Li Guolou squeezed one foot, not feeling bad, and let out a cry of surprise.

Wang Bizhen leaned in front of his nose to watch, and asked, "Mr. Li, what bit you, can't you tell?"

"Little snake, a very poisonous little snake. Fortunately, it hasn't grown up yet, otherwise Zheng Hengdan would have been bitten to death long ago. Last night, the little snake climbed into bed, got into the bed, and secretly bit the little pole. Snakes are feminine. , I like Yang Qi, so I only bit the male and sucked a few mouthfuls of blood from the small shoulder pole. This poisonous snake is very weird. Look at the wound on the small shoulder pole. There is no redness, swelling and bruise on the toes on the surface, which means that the poison has all flowed into the blood vessels. gone."

"Ah! Then what should I do, Doctor Wang, you need to find a solution quickly." Zhou Jiaoyun cried anxiously. Although she was proved innocent, she was likely to become a widow, which made her heartbroken. , feeling ill-fated.

Wang Bizhen also frowned, he was powerless against snake venom, different snakes have different poisons, so he was helpless for a while.Dejected: "Mr. Li, that's troublesome. There are many kinds of snake venoms, and I don't understand."

In order to be a god catcher, Li Guolou had read all kinds of books, and thought of a way. Anyway, a dead horse is a living horse doctor, so let's try it out and see if it works.

"Listen to me, you must lure the snake out and find the culprit. Doctor Wang, go find some realgar, rice wine, and ginger, and sprinkle realgar around the room to smoke out this poisonous snake. Zhou Jiaoyun, go out, Women can't stay here, I want to show my strength and fight poisonous snakes." Li Guolou murmured, explained the trivial matters, arranged the room like a Taoist priest, and even lit the incense candles.

Wang Bizhen studied western medicine and didn't believe in ghosts and gods at first, but he admired Li Guolou from the bottom of his heart, and he already worshiped Li Guolou as an omnipotent god. He couldn't hold back his excitement and said, "Mr. Li, let me stay aside Do you like it?"

Li Guolou nodded and said, "Yes, but Doctor Wang, if the little snake comes out, you must not move. Snakes rely on the movement of things in front of them to distinguish whether it is food or scenery. If you don't move, there is no danger."

"Hey, I'm going to prepare right away." Wang Bizhen ran out of the yard, and he could see Li Guolou's mysterious method, so the trip was not in vain.

Li Guolou's heart was pounding, feeling like his heart was going to jump into his throat, and he comforted himself that as long as there was no plague, everything would be fine.The poisonous snake is similar to the eel, and his face is calm, so as not to let the two guards see how nervous he is inside.

The guards Cheng Kun and Liu Yu helped to sprinkle realgar around the house. Li Guolou looked at the room and saw that there was a strong yin air in it. He also had to light the lamps during the day. The room was dark and the sun could not shine in.The original owner also kept snakes in the room, so he probably got rich by raising snakes.Those who can catch poisonous snakes will treat patients bitten by poisonous snakes, but unfortunately he has no chance to see them.

Touching Zheng Hengdan's forehead, the wet cold sweat is still flowing, and the desire to survive has kept the "little shoulder pole" up until now.When you move into a new house, you need to burn paper money and tin foil, and the charcoal stove burns vigorously to remove the evil spirits in the original room.It seems that Zheng Hengdan couldn't bear it anymore and only thought about holding a new wife, instead of driving away the "evil spirit" in the new house.

"Mao Sui! If I save you, it's your fate. If you can't save it, don't come to me to settle the score." Li Guolou thought of the scene where Mao Sui recommended himself with the small shoulder pole, and he couldn't help but feel kind. This rebel was a bit interesting.

When Wang Bizhen walked into the room, Li Guolou said, "Doctor Wang, close the door."

The doors and windows were closed, and the room became even darker. Li Guolou twisted the oil lamp into a bean, and the dark room was filled with the smell of medicine.Li Guolou sprinkled rice wine with ginger on the wall and wooden floor, allowing the wine to mix into the wall and wooden floor.He wants to force the poisonous snake out. Snakes are as sensible as humans, and they know what they have done.

As the time passed minute by minute, Li Guolou stood still, and Wang Bizhen didn't dare to move a little bit.After about half an hour, a small white snake swam out from a corner of the wall, with a black tumor on its tongue, and a snake letter in its mouth. It swam slowly and climbed onto the big bed along the corner.The three people in the room didn't move, Zheng Hengdan couldn't move, he just lay upright on the bed without a quilt.

The little white snake seemed to know what to do to survive, climbed onto the bed along the foot of the bed, walked to Zheng Hengtan's left foot, bit Wang Suzhen's left thumb, and sucked Zheng Hengtan's blood.

Doctor Wang Suzhen was taken aback, opened his mouth wide to watch the strange scene happen, Li Guolou shook his head at him, telling him to keep quiet.

Time passed by, and the little white snake swam down from the foot of the bed as if it had sucked enough blood, its stomach was bulging.

Li Guolou jumped forward suddenly, put the bamboo basket upside down on the little white snake's head, and caught the little white snake with one move.

"Okay! Doctor Wang opened the door." Li Guolou wiped the cold sweat from his forehead.

The refreshing wind blew into the room from the door, and Wang Bizhen said, "Mr. Li, what should we do with this snake?"

Li Guolou shook the bamboo basket, smiled and said, "If the little pole comes back to life, of course I will let it go."

Wang Bizhen also wiped the cold sweat off his forehead, and said with an embarrassed smile: "Oh, this is the white lady who understands humanity, right?"

"That's right, the little white snake should have sucked out the venom, wait for the little white tiger soup to drink, and see the situation." Li Guolou didn't know if the book was right?There is always nothing wrong with doing both.

Wang Suzhen opened the mouth of the unconscious Zheng Hengdan, and fed him white tiger soup.

"It's moving! The little shoulder pole, the Adam's apple is moving!" Zhou Jiaoyun, who was helping from the side, yelled in surprise. Being able to swallow the medicine by herself is always a good sign.

"Mr. Li, where did you learn this trick?" Wang Bizhen was inexplicably excited. He was the doctor who saw that Zheng Hengdan was showing signs of recovery.

Li Guolou said hesitantly: "I read a lot of miscellaneous books, and I can't remember them for a while. It seems that there is such a case in a case written by a person from the Tang Dynasty. This kind of Chilian Snake understands human nature. A domestic pet. Since the owner is gone, it will mess around, so it bites a small pole. Its life habit is not to bite people. I force it and put it in a desperate situation, and the little white snake will know what's going on .”

"Oh oh oh!" The people next to him suddenly realized, but Cheng Kun interjected: "Captain Li, you are a god-man."

"Shhhhhhhh!" Li Guolou stretched out his finger and whispered, "Don't bring up this matter again, we'll talk about it later." After speaking, Li Guolou left with a bamboo basket in his hand. It's a dark room where Feng Shui is not good. It will be rebuilt in the future, how can the gate of the compound be facing west.If you don't change it, it's inevitable that Hongxing will cheat out of the wall!

Li Guolou read miscellaneous books, and even knew a little about Feng Shui, but he was able to tell that Zhou Jiaoyun was an unruly woman.

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