Da da da da! "Li Guolou played the allegro in his hand and sang:

"Break bamboo boards to report safety, and every household is busy with production. Farmers have farm tools for farming, and gather the essence for a while.

Branch broom, cow cage mouth, hoe, dung fork and sickle.

Farmers use a plow to plow the land. There is a plow bottom under the plow surface, and a plowshare is placed in front of the plow bottom. The plowshare must be sharp like a shovel.

The plow body is mainly the plow shaft, the plow rest is like a horse's rein, and the farmer holds a whip, which is connected to the power by a running pole.

The power depends on the livestock, and there are cows with heads and heads. The lifting rope must be tied well, and the springs are used to cover the livestock.

The head is protected by the splint, the lock is placed on the shoulder of the old cow, and there is a long rope on the left, so that you can grasp the direction and turn around. "

"Da da da da!" The bamboo board made a crisp sound, and Li Guolou continued to sing:

"After plowing the field, you need to harrow the ground. The wooden rake has tines on it, and the rake bone is held in your hand, so that the seeds can be removed by the rake.

There must be a good wooden columbine for farming. There is a funnel on the top of the wooden columbine.

There are two poles on the left and right in front of the columbine, or when a donkey or an ox comes to drive the columbine, you have to shake the columbine when you start walking, and the columbine bells jingle in the field.

Wait until March [-]rd of the next year, and the wheat seedlings will return to the green fields, and the seedlings will be cultivated with a leaky hoe, and a board hoe will weed to prevent drought.

It is said that the wheat is yellow in June, and every household needs to have a field, and when the wheat is ripe, it must be cut with a sickle, and sometimes loose wheat is used.

Lamech uses iron carts with cast iron wheels called iron feet, and the shaft cart is driven in the middle of the ox harness, and the ox is divided into two sides to carry the bar cart.

A large wooden fork is used to load the cart, and the cart is filled with pressure rods to press it. The yarn rope becomes more and more solid, and one cart can pull an acre of eight.

The wheat has to be dried in the sun, and the most important thing is to turn over the stall, put it on a roller and turn it around, and grind it once and twice.

It is said that Luke is a stone roller, and the pipe core is rolled on both sides of the puller.

After the wheat has been milled, the field is set up, the stack of wheat is hit on the field, the four-toothed wooden fork scrapes the straw, and the scraper pushes the wheat to follow closely.

Yangyang depends on the direction of the wind, the wooden shovel is flying, and the broom is constantly sweeping left and right, leaving the wheat seeds to peel off the chaff.

Wheat is dried in the sun and filled to the brim. Flour is ground in the mill, with two grinding eyes on the top of the stone mill, and a grinding disc under the mill.

There is a grinding cylinder on the mill, and the wooden basket is placed on the basket bed, and the surface of the basket is pushed and pulled back and forth.The donkey pulls the mill with eyes covered, connects the trot pole with the mill pole, and the rein is tied in the nose of the mill, making endless circles of the mill.

From planting to harvesting of wheat, the various procedures are very cumbersome, and every millet and grain is hard work, so there is no need to waste food if you cherish it.Stop talking so far, and talk about planting corn next time. "

After the words fell, the bazi scratched his head and ears, and said suspiciously: "What's the matter? I haven't seen you for three days, you should be amazed, Xiao Lizi has changed into a different person, I don't know him anymore, Xie Liya, sister Wu, take a look, this is Xiao Lizi ?"

Xie Liya shook her head and said, "Don't ask me, I don't understand a word."

Wu Peipei sighed: "I don't think it's Xiaolou. I'm so stupid in the countryside, I don't want to try my best to make money, and I remember these farm tools that we can't understand. Xiaolou, you took the wrong medicine."

"No, I'm in a good head! Every day I want to be Hai Rui, Master Qingtian must understand farming;;;;;;" Li Guolou babbled endlessly, doing what he does and loving what he does, he is a bit unable Extricate yourself.

Ai Hai walked into the living room, heaved a long sigh, and said, "Fortunately, you guys came in time, otherwise I wouldn't know when I would be able to return to the capital? Then the next important task will be entrusted to you. If you don't come, Captain Li won't leave." .”

Na Bazi looked at the luxuriously decorated living room, which would be his territory. The fields and the house fell from the sky, and he couldn't help being happy in his heart, but he said: "Hey, it's hard work for those who are capable, and it's my fate."

Li Guolou glanced at him and said, "How can you be a master if you don't suffer for suffering? To be a farmer, you must have a sense of glory. Without the farmers handing over their grain, can you live in this world?"

Ai Hai pointed at Li Guolou, and said: "Hey, have you all seen it? Captain Li has become like this now, I really wish I could slap him twice to make him wake up suddenly. The only thing left to do is your mouth , Captain Li only listens to you and tells him to turn the rudder quickly. I’m telling you, I’m not trying to scare you, otherwise! Captain Li will become a farmer, and he will hold meetings with Mudlegs until nine o’clock in the evening every day. They're digging mud."

"Ahhh!" The people in the living room were all stunned. They couldn't believe that Li Guolou, who likes to dress up and likes to be lazy, would become another person.

"Hey, it's fun, it's okay, it's okay, don't be afraid, please! Go eat, I have a lot to say." Li Guolou felt relaxed, and walked towards the dining room with his hands.Finally, Na Bazi was expected, and the only person under him who could speak well and do great things was Na Bazi.It seems that we need to train a few staff members in the future, otherwise we will be overwhelmed.There is already a candidate in my mind, and that is Zheng Hengdan, who was recommended by Mao Sui. This person is not bad. Although he has been a rebel, he has a good way of doing things.

They are all old acquaintances, there is no birth, men and women sit casually.They ate farm dishes, fried snails, steamed soft-shelled turtle, big pork belly, hot dishes and hot soup. A bowl of mullet soup was served. The thick soup was fragrant and mouth-watering. Li Guolou served the soup for the two lovers.

Na Bazi drank a bowl of soup, feeling comfortable all over, and sighed: "Xiao Lizi, how can there be no wine for such a good dish, I brought good wine."

"Stop it, bastard. After dinner and work, there are too many things to do. If you get drunk at night, time is money. You can't waste time." Li Guolou spoke seriously, an unquestionable officer The tone of speech came naturally.

The bastard curled his lips and sighed: "Xiao Lizi, I've never seen you so serious. When guests come, you don't give them wine. You're just as virtuous as the landlord Laocai, chicken thief."

It was the first time I smelled perfume in my nose, and there were two beauties in my eyes, Li Guolou said happily: "Well, don't be angry, you will jump up happily later, when will I be so hungry?" soldier?"

Na Bazi felt at ease when he heard it, and said with a wry smile, "For Xiao Lizi's words, I will replace wine with tea."

Wu Peipei already knew that this watchtower was not her family's property, so she said dejectedly: "Small building, it's always unpleasant to stay in someone else's house. When will you take us to see the property?"

Li Guolou patted Wu Peipei's thigh with his left hand, and said with a smile, "Sister Wu, let's go to see the property later, I have a lot to say to you."

"Yeah!" Wu Peipei felt comfortable, leaning slightly towards Li Guolou, and Xie Liya next to her also came up to talk and laugh non-stop, pulling Li Guolou's arm, her indecent little gesture was quite different from the social atmosphere at that time, and it was kind of unsightly. Feel.

"Humph!" Ai Hai coughed dryly: "Captain Li, watch your image during meal time."

"Oh!" Li Guolou hurriedly put his hands on the table, entertained the guests, and let the two lovers, big and small, focus on drinking the soup.

Everyone was eating deliciously, Gao Yao Wuyun and her father Qing Getai stepped over the threshold and walked into the dining room.

"Captain Li, I have something to ask you;;;;;;" The new official took office three times, and Qing Getai walked towards Li Guolou anxiously.

"Stop!" Li Guolou had already smelled the disharmony, and shouted: "Father Qingge, we are eating, and you are the one who decides about your two potholes. This is a matter of Balizhuang. Don't ask about it in the future." I, you are the head."

Qing Geertai was a little angry and didn't know how to deal with the next scene. The officer Li Guolou didn't invite him to dinner, and he didn't even say "please sit down".

"It smells so good!" Gao Yao Wuyun seemed to be the owner here, dragged a chair carelessly, and shouted: "Father, you sit down, drink a bowl of soup, eat the big bastard I brought back at night, and the black fish soup is also good now."

The father and daughter were not invited, so they sat down to drink soup.Li Guolou couldn't help but feel like he was a guest in someone else's house?Is this how the Mongols ran into other people's homes?Li Guolou thought about it, and didn't bother with the father and daughter, he was leaving anyway.Then she wondered if it was Gao Yao Wuyun who dragged her father to see the crap, as long as the crap fell into the eyes of the father-in-law, the cricket would still be a joke, and Li Guolou looked much better after thinking about the strangeness.

Li Guolou asked affectionately: "Brother, pour tea for Father Qingge. Tell me how you dealt with those horse thieves, so that we can learn more."

That bazi is so smart, he understood right away, ran around on tiptoe, even rushed to do what the maids did, pouring tea and rice for Gao Yao Wuyun and Qing Getai.Ignoring Ai Hai's teasing, he was overly enthusiastic, and changed his seat to sit next to Qing Geertai and chatted.

"Last night, on the way before we were about to stay in the store, that was called thrilling. Twelve fast horses, and twelve masked thieves on the horses with guns and knives, took fifteen of us. The carriage was stopped. The scene at that time frightened my five servants so much that they couldn't even hold the barrel of the gun. Xie Liya wanted to shoot at a critical moment, but I stopped her with a loud shout. If the gun is shot, there is no room for maneuver, and it will be life and death, and the blood will be splashed on the spot. I did not hesitate to ignore the danger, jumped out of the carriage, and went to the long and short guys facing the horse thieves;;;;;;" the bastard spoke with The twisted, cadenced Beijing film made people's blood boil, and they firmly controlled the right to speak on the round table.

Li Guolou looked at Qing Getai smiling while stroking his beard, admiring Cai Jin's talent, it seemed that something big was about to happen.Winking at Gao Yao's dark clouds, what a wonderful thing it is to spend the full moon and reunite people.

Gao Yao Wuyun pretended not to know what was going on, ignored Li Guolou's narrow eyes, and secretly scrutinized that bastard's actions. There was a sense of appreciation in his eyes, and his appearance was a bit off.But that Caijin is full of people, and has a big mouth that can eat all over the world, even Li Guolou admires that Caijin.What's more, this person is not greedy for women, so Gao Yao Wuyun couldn't help feeling a sense of belonging in his heart.

After eating and drinking at the dinner table, Ai Hai took his wife, Lin Xue, into the house to rest.

Li Guolou ordered: "Miss Gao Yao, you are familiar with the situation in Balizhuang. I will give you a task in the afternoon. Take that brother around to learn about the situation in the village. I will prepare materials for the evening meeting in the afternoon." After finishing speaking, Li Guolou ordered Guolou handed Na Bazi a stack of materials from Balizhuang, and finally he was liberated. After handing over the plan, he felt a lot easier.

"Head, this;;;;;;" Gao Yao Wuyun seemed a little unwilling.

Qing Getai interjected: "Well, very good, that's it."

The final word fell, and everyone looked at each other meaningfully and smiled. Li Guolou and Qing Geertai nodded to each other, quite satisfied with the ending of the blind date.

Li Guolou turned to the scorpion and said, "Brother, opportunities are only for those who are prepared. Are you ready to take root here?"

"Needless to say, I moved my family in the capital here to chat with the old man." Na Bazi said without hesitation, knowing where the breakthrough of love is.

"Go, don't come to see me until 05:30." Li Guolou and his two lovers are also very busy, with so many things at home, there is no time to talk about them.

After arranging many matters, Li Guolou took Xie Liya and Wu Peipei to the bedroom on the second floor of the watchtower, and asked, "Why did you two come here? I wanted to take you to climb the Great Wall and see the Beacon Tower."

When Xie Liya heard it, she couldn't help it anymore, "Wow!" she cried, feeling extremely wronged in her heart.Throwing into Li Guolou's arms, he choked up and said, "Mike, they all bully me."

Li Guolou was taken aback, and hurriedly coaxed the fourth child Xie Liya first, wanting to understand the ins and outs, Wu Peipei quickly argued: "Xiaolou, don't care about my business, it's because other grandmas don't want to take her out to see the world, and it has nothing to do with me."

"Then what's going on, Sister Peipei, please tell me first, who dares to bully my first love, I will never end with her." Li Guolou took out a handkerchief and wiped Xie Liya's tears. This home is so weird. They, with their family members by their side, have a lot of things to do with mother-in-law and mother-in-law.

"Hey, it's not because of the Yelia Charity Hall. My superiors organized the venue by themselves and held a charity donation party. They didn't let Shelia participate. They said she was British, which would cause public outrage. No, she had to Come with me." Wu Peipei became more and more courageous, the tone of the elders controlled the overall situation, she had established a relationship with Zhang Xuefei for Li Guolou and Xishan Ruijian Camp, and she showed her face without any scruples.

People who shouldn't come came, Li Guolou accepted the reality, a man dared to take responsibility after doing it, and smiled slightly: "Xie Liya, don't cry, I'll scold them when I get home, it's too wrong, how can you bully Piaoyang?" Come across the sea to see my little beauty. In the future, I will let you be the chairman of "Shelia Real Estate Company" in the British Concession, let them work for you, and see if they dare to bully you."

Xie Liya stopped sobbing and her face looked a little better. Wu Peipei was jealous and said dissatisfiedly: "Xiaolou, what about me?"

Li Guolou hugged Wu Peipei in his arms, kissed him, and said, "Sister Peipei, your public relations ability has been affirmed by me. You are the executive director of "Xie Liya Real Estate Company."

"No, no, I want to be the general manager. The superiors are all executive directors. Who are you going to fool?" The big woman Wu Peipei acted like a baby in Li Guolou's arms, and began to unbutton Li Guolou's clothes with both hands.

Li Guolou hugged the two lovers in his arms, fell down on the big mahogany bed, and said without hesitation: "Okay! Two little babies, I will love you for the rest of your life."

"Hey!" The shy Xie Liya and Wu Peipei played their hands together, and the benefits of the watchtower came to the fore at this time. In the dark room, you can do whatever you want;;;;;;

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