late Qing Dynasty arrest

Chapter 316 Using Corrupt Officials, Fighting Corrupt Officials

Li Guolou leaned forward and said: "Prince Gong, Mr. Zhang, Mr. Wang, according to my humble opinion, officials should not be distinguished by cleanness or greed, but by ability. Incorruptible officials are just like the Ming Dynasty, when the people in the world were suffering. At that time, there were countless incorruptible officials, and the law imposed harsh laws on corrupt officials, even skinning them. The same is true when the country was founded. The country was peaceful, and the incorruptible officials were recorded in history Like Yu Chenglong in the period of the ancestors, there are still operas singing about his deeds, which are still being performed until now, and the people have erected monuments of merit for him. As for the benefits of an upright official, the common people are also chanting. Power. For example, Hai Rui celebrated his mother's birthday and ate meat once, which became a major news in Nanjing City. Therefore, it is an indisputable fact that upright officials like to invite names."

Li Guolou said a lot of good things about upright officials and representative figures, but he didn't talk about the dark reality.

"Li Guolou said it very well. Go on, what do you think of the current political situation?"

Li Guolou swallowed a mouthful of saliva and said: "I have read a piece of history, and I remember that Yu Wentai, the founder of the Northern Zhou Dynasty, was the prime minister of the Northern Wei Dynasty. The same famous Su Chuo. Yu Wentai asked Su Chuo for advice on how to govern the country, and asked Su Chuo how to firmly control the officials. Su Chuo said: "Use corrupt officials and fight against corrupt officials." Yu Wentai was shocked and asked Su Chuo why he was like this? Su Chuo Said: "The main purpose of officials to be an official is to fight for power, power is a means, and profit is the goal. Who wants to be an official if they don't get benefits?" Yu Wentai said, hasn't the court already given them salaries? Su Chuo said: 'The more corrupt officials are, the more they love being an official. The more they love being an official, the more they are afraid of losing their position. The more they are afraid of losing their position, the more they are afraid that you will clean up. Yu Wentai asked, is it allowed to be corrupt? Su Chuo said: "If you are disobedient, if you are very angry, if the people praise you for fighting corruption, the power of the people will be firmly in your hands." What kind of official is the decision of the court, not that the official has become a corrupt official. So it is meaningless to talk about who is a corrupt official and who is an honest official.”

The two clerks were choked by Li Guolou's words, and they didn't know how to refute Li Guolou's point of view. Li Guolou had no point of view, he just told about historical figures, and he didn't say which people in the Ministry of Punishment were honest officials. ?Who are corrupt officials?He kicked a difficult problem to Prince Gong Yixin, whether to use honest officials or corrupt officials is up to the master.

Prince Gong Yixin glanced at Li Guolou. When the little fox was afraid, he wanted to test Li Guolou's true thoughts.Showing a kind smile, he said, "My king has received many overseas students who have returned from overseas. They all said that the Qing Dynasty will be reformed. Do you agree with their proposition?"

Li Guolou said: "Prince Gong, I believe that the national system cannot be changed, and continuity must be maintained, so that the country will be peaceful and the people safe. I agree to learn from the advanced things of foreigners, get rid of their dross, and use the foreign for my own use. Combine horizontally and vertically, and recreate a brand new Qing Empire. Xiaguan has little ability, so he knows these things. In fact, they are just talking on paper and have never been practiced. I hope Prince Gong will not blame Xiaguan for his reckless and inappropriate words. "

Yi Xin waved her hand and said, "Don't listen to these empty words, my lord. Everyone says that. Tell me specific examples."

Li Guolou frowned, staring at him and said: "Prince Gong, our Qing Empire is now at a critical stage, and the rebels are at the end of their strength, unable to penetrate Lu Jin, and at the end of their rush, their strength cannot be drifted away. In our country now The speed of economic development, foreigners are full of fear and distrust of us, they will restrict us everywhere, they are afraid that we will eat them back after we keep a low profile. So in the development of our country, foreigners will blackmail us Just like the arms contracts signed with foreign powers today, the officials can boast about the few custom-made warships. Some of them will never fall into our hands for a lifetime, and some of them will be delivered when the contract period is reached. I can't get it either, and when it falls to the Beiyang Navy, these warships will become obsolete and inferior goods. Relying on foreigners will never make it to the top. We should organize our own shipyards, start with simple imitation, and hire some foreigners to do it. consultant."

"Li Guolou, what do you think of foreign consultants?" Zhang Jingtian, in his 40s, with a three-wisp beard and a fair face, asked.

Li Guolou said: "Foreigners employed vary from good to bad, and can be roughly divided into three categories. The superior ones are extremely intelligent, with unique ideas, and most of them are proficient in professionalism, strong and sharp in quality, respect trustworthiness and righteousness, avoid laziness and evil greed, and operate well." You are persistent, simple and unpretentious, serious in doing things, out of nature, and this is its director. Among them, the leader is General Gordon of the Ever Victorious Army. Being able to follow the rules, abide by the law and serve the public, be dedicated to the situation, stay committed to the job, and be ingenious, not everyone can do it. This is also the morality of most foreigners hired, and it is also considered to be quite satisfactory. The inferior ones are arrogant and bullying. Respect and restraint, aptitude blunt, obstinate and unreasonable, monopolistic, gang-fighting, even addicted to sex and drinking, and even bullying the Qing people. The longer I have been in the Qing Dynasty, the deeper the infection, belittling my Qing Dynasty, exaggerating my arrogance Among them, the cunning ones are always envious of others, their teachers and their skills, either keep secrets, or do nothing, procrastinate, love to get salary, deceitful physiognomy, full of cunning. Selling bullying. In addition, the misuse of foreigners, using people who are not good at it, also caused a waste of human resources."

Prince Gong Yixin listened to Li Guolou's narration, knowing that Li Guolou had stereotyped writing skills, he couldn't help but add to his love, that is to say, Li Guolou could do it well, he could write official articles, and he could stand in the court and compete with those scholars. The qualified person will make a reply.

Yixin glanced at Zhang Jingtian, the secretary next to him, who had already written down Li Guolou's statement, stroked his beard in satisfaction, nodded, and sighed: "Li Guolou, you are quite talented, and you are a scholar after studying abroad. Uncle Li Zhongtang did not recommend you, but sent you to work in the Ministry of Punishment instead."

Li Guolou smiled awkwardly and said: "The lower officials have stayed abroad, and they have acquired many habits of fake foreign devils. Lord Zhongtang doesn't like me as a nephew, so let me practice more here."

Yixin admired: "Li Guolou, you are a talented person. You are young and decisive in doing things. Mr. Bao has hired you exceptionally. You have good vision, good talent and beautiful jade. No wonder President Zhen, in front of this king I kept praising you, this king originally thought President Zhen was exaggerating and almost made you useless in the Ministry of Punishment. Good, good!"

After Yixin said three good times in a row, she stopped and did not say a word. She picked up the teacup and drank tea, maintaining an amiable appearance.The two clerks next to him understood that Prince Gong Yixin was considering how to use Li Guolou, so they discussed with Li Guolou, starting from the first article of Li Guolou's eleven old articles, the two Jinshi and A scholar began to make a defense, chatting happily, time passed by, Yixin seldom spoke, and did not walk away, just sat there, listening to Li Guolou's explanation.

Since Li Guolou had written the eleven propositions in the old note, he had already had his own opinions. If he wanted to refute Li Guolou's opinions, it would take a lot of hard work.You come and I reciprocate, each side refuses to give in, throwing out their own views, which has no bottom, just like bullshit in the court, anyone can find out the quotations of famous people in the previous dynasty, and no one can persuade the other party.

Zhang Jingtian, the secretary, couldn't convince Li Guolou, so he said, "You have written so many articles, so let me ask you where to start?"

Li Guolou replied: "I wrote this for Prince Gong's reference. As the decision-maker of the national policy, of course we have to start together. How can we wait for the opportunity to be lost in vain? Seeing the national resources and wealth falling into the hands of foreigners. Xiaguan I am also doing my part. My family runs schools and businesses, starting with education and enriching the country. Maybe the two adults think that the next official is harming the public and private, and is doing an official business. But the next official must first affirm that, against his conscience, he said, The lower officials are clean and honest officials. They use the money they earn to post in the officialdom. Like those who donate, it is only for fame, not for profit. The salary silver is never taken home and put in the public account, although someone takes it I don't care about my private life and criticize the lower officials, but that's what you want, the foreign girl is throwing herself into my arms across the ocean, I haven't lost the face of the Qing Dynasty."

There was laughter in the Qiuju hall. How could the three senior officials of Li Guolou not know that there was something used by a Prince Gong. Let out the joy in your heart.

Yixin covered her mouth with her fist, coughed dryly, and said, "Li Guolou, I heard that you are still practicing boxing and have a match with Tarzan the Ape. Are you doing it for the bounty or for the honor? Do you think you have won?" Tarzan of the Apes?"

Li Guolou said solemnly: "Returning to Prince Gong, I just take this boxing match as a test for myself and a challenge for myself. Although Tarzan the Ape has the title of boxing champion, as a Qing person, he must Don't let people insult people's personality. Since I want to compete, I just want to win and step on my opponent. Of course, I can bear the consequences of losing. Losing is actually not terrible. I can lose once, but I will still be brave enough to challenge. After trying hard, you will still work hard. You will not be intimidated by one or even two failures, and you will be ready for the next battle."

Yixin was overjoyed, and was very satisfied with this interview. Li Guolou was young and full of vigor, and sitting in his seat was actually a matter of overall planning, training talents, and placing all kinds of needed talents in suitable places. on the post.Of course, the first person to be promoted is the confidant, and the former official is the first choice.There are also many factions in the court, Aixinjueluo; Zaichun is about to take charge of the government, and he is also placing disciples of the emperor.

In fact, Yixin didn't pay much attention to power. He thought that when Emperor Tongzhi was young, he had more power, but he still devoted himself to his duties and guarded the imperial power.

Now that Yixin is nearly 40 years old, he has a sense of urgency and a sense of mission. The Qing Empire has been subjugated for more than ten years. It is a shame in his life to sign the "Beijing Treaty" in his hands that sold out the interests of the country and humiliated the country.In exchange for the support of the Western powers in annihilating the Taiping Army and the Nian Army, seeing the divided territories return to the Qing Empire piece by piece, added confidence.He is an accomplished regent. Although the title of "regent" no longer exists, his power is so powerful that most of the high-ranking officials in the entire Qing Empire came from his sect.

Li Guolou is only in his early 20s, and his hair has not yet grown up. He is a leader among the younger generation.What's even more rare is that Li Guolou and his uncle Li Hongzhang have different political views, and their subordinates have different factions. Fighting each other is something Yixin wants to see, and it happens to be used by him.Can be cultivated as a talent for the next generation, Yixin's love for talents has grown, and she wants to cultivate Li Guolou more.

Li Guolou has no military merits, he is not a Jinshi, and he is not a noble son of the Manchus. If he wants to break the rules and promote Li Guolou, he will be criticized.Even if Li Guolou is promoted to the second rank, it will be difficult for Li Guolou to make a big difference in the future. Family status and background will be an insurmountable barrier for Li Guolou's promotion.An unprecedented idea has arisen in his mind.

Yixin interrupted the big discussion of "Eleven Old Articles" between Li Guolou and the two secretary offices, and said, "Li Guolou, I heard that you came to the capital to take the imperial examination. 'Identity. Is it?"

"Yes! I stayed in the capital for more than a year. I originally wanted to be a Jinshi, but by chance, I entered the Ministry of Punishment as an errand and became an official. The work has a lot of fun. I like to fight with criminals, so I gave up my chance to be a Jinshi. Thoughts. I even had a quarrel with my brothers and sisters at home because of this matter. Fortunately for the lower officials, in the Ministry of Punishment, there is such an upright official as Mr. Bao, who was promoted two ranks and became a ninth-rank official." Li Guolou replied respectfully. , happy Taotao in my heart, the seventh-rank official hat is about to be obtained, but he still remains calm on the surface, showing no pride and complacency, he is the best at putting on airs, and he can keep Taishan on top without changing his face.Others wanted to see the fluctuations in his heart, so they had to knock his brains open.

Yixin's face changed suddenly, and he shouted angrily: "Nonsense! Li Guolou, you are ruining your future. How could this king watch you waste your wonderful youth in the corner of the capital's alley. You are going to be a Jinshi for this king! , Report your name first. Zhang Shuban, leave this matter to you, say hello to Li Hongzao, the chief examiner, and tell him that this is my student, and ask him to give you a name."

The faces of the two secretary offices changed drastically. An unprecedented favor was about to come to Li Guolou. This was a greater reward than giving a seventh-rank official hat to Li Guolou with a great future.For example, the two book offices resigned later, and they were no more than seven-rank officials when they became local officials.But now that Prince Gong wanted to vigorously cultivate Li Guolou, the two secretariats were both jealous and envious.I thought to myself: Why did Li Guolou come up with the "eleven old rules", with a sharp mouth, and it was almost eleven o'clock, and he still hadn't defeated Li Guolou, and he was ashamed of being a Jinshi.

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