The spring sleep flows horizontally, and the jade body sings softly.The night comes with the sound of wind and rain, and the flowers bloom to welcome each other.

Li Guolou indulged himself, after a sleepless night, he slept during the day and didn't get up to eat until it was getting dark.Seeing the family members getting along in harmony, serving the plates and bowls by themselves, setting the dining table, taking out the delicate bowls and chopsticks that are only used during the holidays, and there is a bouquet of flowers in the middle of the round table.

Li Guolou touched his nose and said with a smile, "It smells so good! Why do you put on a kind of perfume, it's killing me!"

"Father!" Li Lingling rushed over in a childish voice, and was immediately lifted above her head by Li Guolou. There were laughter, exclamations, and reprimands in the room.

"Lingling smells good too! It smells like butter!" Li Guolou praised his daughter and started chatting, waiting for the food to be served.

Li Guolou sat with his daughter in his arms. Now in this family, Li Guolou and his daughter Li Lingling have fixed seats. They sit together, and another seat next to them. The eight grandmas take turns to sit. This shows the harmony and fairness of the family.As for the servant girl Bai Lian, she is not qualified to sit next to Li Guolou, and now she is sitting on the seat opposite Li Guolou.

Looking at the spring in front of him, Li Guolou said with emotion: "Hey, time flies like an arrow. At this time last year, I was still a widow. Now the plates and bowls are full, and there are eleven people sitting. When Mayuko and Yelia gave birth, we There are two tables open at home."

Chen Xiangfang's eyes flashed, and she said softly: "Xiaolou, take care of your health, the country cultivates you, don't mess around again."

Yingying, Yanyan, chichichichi laughed coquettishly, and they were all dressed up for dinner.Li Guolou looked at Shu Tan, smiled sweetly and said: "Oh, I know, I promise not to mess around again before entering the Qianqing Palace Exam. I will go to work tomorrow, and there is still a big case waiting for me to solve. Tonight Practice calligraphy. Second Mistress, Anita, have you told me to read the book written by Li Hongzao for me?"

Xie Xiuzhu was in a happy mood. She will enter the bridal chamber this month, and she will get married before the mourning period. Only their family can do it. With a smile on her face, she said delicately: "Xiaolou, I bought all those books by Li Hongzao today. Yes, I will watch it all night long. Don’t worry, I will take good notes and won’t delay your future.”

Li Guolou was still worried, and said: "Grandma, I will ask Little Six to collect the teacher's writings tomorrow. No matter how high the price is, I will buy some decorations, remove the boxing ring in the living room outside, and put it in the inner house. Then In a few days, the threshold of our house will be broken through. Hahahaha!"

Here Li Guolou doesn't need to pretend to be a gentleman, but he smiles comfortably, and his vigor is undoubtedly revealed.Zhen Yuhuan sounded the alarm and warned: "Mike, don't get carried away, be careful to make a fool of yourself in the Qianqing Palace, and show your old self!"

Every time an imperial examination is taken to obtain a Jinshi, about two or three hundred candidates are selected, and they have to enter the imperial palace for the "big exam", that is, to write an article, the title of which is determined by the emperor himself, and to write an article full of flowers and flowers, but also to add ideological connotations.From among these two or three hundred candidates, the emperor decided on comprehensive factors such as articles, looks, and backgrounds to determine the first-class "No. [-] Scholar", "No. [-]" and "Tanhua". Ranking, generally the examiner first ranks a ranking.However, in order to show imperial power, the emperor would always change his ranking a little bit, sometimes it was just a person's name to change a person's fate.In the Qing Empire, there was a Jinshi who became the number one scholar because his name entered the eyes of the Empress Dowager Cixi.

It is not difficult to see from this that those who want to cheat in the scientific examination must also have a strong foundation in stereotyped writing, and the handwriting is also excellent, otherwise writing at the feet of the emperor will immediately reveal their true colors.The emperors of the Qing Dynasty learned stereotyped essays since they were young, and their literary skills were very good. From the founding emperor Taizu Aixinjueluo; Nurhaci to the Tongzhi emperor Aixinjueluo;

Those who want to cheat in scientific examinations and open the back door must first consider whether they can sit in the Qing Palace and write a beautiful article?Only those who can pass this test are eligible to be considered for the title of Jinshi.The emperor of the Ming Dynasty ignored political affairs, so the joke of "consecutively promoted to three levels" during Wei Zhongxian's period appeared.

Li Guolou smiled and said, "It's so difficult! I have to write reports every day in the Ministry of Punishment, and I read too much. I don't waste the writing format of stereotyped essays. 'Ghost Six' valued me and asked me to take the Juren examination." , It is because I said a long stereotyped essay when I responded, and the handwriting on my old slips was qualified, and my ideology and morals also met the standards of "Devil Six", so I have the opportunity to pass directly to Jinshi."

Prince Gong Yixin is the sixth child and the head of the Westernization School. The Qing school in the court called him "Ghost Six", and even the folks called him this nickname.In the inner house of Li Guolou, they call themselves "emperor" and "loved concubine", and they are all ranked in the order of names. What else are they afraid to say?

"Huh! Guizi Six is ​​so smooth! You are also a fake foreign devil." Zhen Yuhuan did not forget to tease Li Guolou's nickname.

"Hey, who told us that we have the same vision and like Xi Shi!" Li Guolou also teased Zhen Yuhuan, and the two were not ashamed, but proud, and they called "Devil Six" smoothly.

Zhen Yuhuan was complacent, she was very satisfied with the title Li Guolou bestowed on her, the first of the Four Great Beauties of Xishi in ancient times, with her beauty, she won the first place, and she deserved it.The only pity is that the person sitting next to Li Guolou tonight is Wu Peipei, not her.Otherwise, seduce Li Guolou now.Let him want to stop, and tonight.

"Mike, I have to tell you about the rules in the palace tonight." Zhen Yuhuan did not forget to send out a code word. She has a place for "egalitarianism" in the family tonight, and no one can compete with her. Of course the minister deserves to be favored!

Li Guolou coughed, and said: "Dinner is ready!" He glanced at the table of charming ladies with spring eyes, young and lovely, all of them blooming with bright flowers.Maintain rational restraint in his heart, he is still young, and there is still a long way to go in the future, and he cannot be wasted on a woman's belly.

When the food and wine were served, the topic of conversation was inseparable from the imperial examination. We talked about the two empress dowagers in the imperial palace, the Empress Dowager Ci'an of the Eastern Palace, and the Empress Dowager Niu Gulu of the Eastern Palace, and the Empress Dowager Cixi of the Western Palace. When will these two people remove the curtain?

At this time, in addition to the emperor's seal, there are also the seals of the two empress dowagers on the national documents of the Qing Dynasty. Although the emperor Tongzhi has been in charge, he is not yet full. The two empress dowagers still listen to the government behind the curtain for important decisions in the court, and they cover them. In the last two chapters, the empress dowager's big seal, the Chinese language is considered valid.

Of course, when the two empress dowagers are compared, they can be distinguished. Empress Dowager Cixi can write Chinese in person and has the ability to be a statesman. She wrote many decrees by herself. The power in the palace has fallen to Empress Dowager Cixi, the birth mother of Emperor Tongzhi .But the Empress Dowager Ci'an of the East Palace is not inferior to the Empress Dowager Cixi of the West Palace in terms of jurisprudence, and her status is even higher than that of the Empress Dowager Cixi.Now in terms of foreign ministers, the two palaces stand side by side, regardless of size, state affairs are still in the hands of the two palaces.

Zhen Yuhuan stopped eating, looked up and said: "I heard that when Jinshi is defending in Qianqing Palace, the two empresses will also hang down the curtain to watch, and they will also read articles written by Jinshi. Lou, there is hope."

Zhen Yuhuan looked forward to relying on Li Guolou's outstanding appearance and majestic body, to be appreciated by the two empress dowagers and squeeze into the top ranks. What a glorious moment that would be.

Li Guolou smiled and said, "I'm not greedy. If Devil Six gets jealous, all my previous efforts will be wasted. If I can get into the second class, I will take you to visit my relatives when I return to my hometown in May."

The grandmas laughed loudly, Zhen Yuhuan spat lightly, and said softly: "Mike, you are necrotic, where are you going, that is the mother of our Qing Dynasty, how can you blaspheme. I want to slap you, slave An Dehai! Call Bengong!"

Li Guolou smirked foolishly, with his daughter and old mother looking at him, how could he slap himself.

Smiling again and again, at the hilarious banquet, the family enjoyed themselves happily.The fourth child, Xie Liya, was jealous of the good lives of the three grandmas in front of her. When she was able to be named on the gold list, she asked in time, "Mike, can my marriage be placed in your hometown in Hefei?" Mist flashed in his eyes, emitting a sultry mist.

How could Li Guolou be willing to upset the heart of the fourth child, Xie Liya, and go back to his hometown after becoming famous?The elders and elder brothers of the family will not object to him having a banquet in his hometown and marrying a few concubines.

Looking around, he said proudly, "Don't worry, Xie Liya, as long as I am admitted to the Jinshi, I will go back to my hometown and hold dozens of banquets, and you will have Mayuko, Xiao Xiangyu, and Anita. I don't care about him! Sister Peipei Let's also go through the door together, in Hefei, we won't pass through."

The whole family applauded and cheered. After the grandmas were overjoyed, Chen Xiangfang sighed, "Xiaolou, you've taken away the limelight from your elder brother by acting like this. Be careful that he executes the family law and punishes you."

Li Guolou shook his head and said: "No way! As long as you finish "Please Come Into the Bank", my elder brother will flatter you. The future loan of his "Yadong Textile Factory" will not be approved by Yelia Is it? Besides, my elder brother also wants me to be a Jinshi in his dream, so he can't say the word 'no'."

After taking the reassurance, the grandmas became more relaxed, had a big appetite, and kept eating and drinking.

Zhen Yuhuan sighed: "It's better to be a Jinshi. Once you have a mentor, a room teacher, a fellow student, and a fellow subject, Mike will have a lot of friends in the future, and he will become a crony. People of culture will say good things about our business. You can gain both fame and fortune, and you won’t succeed if you don’t want to develop. Hehehehe!”

Li Guolou glanced at him and said: "Anita, if you can't speak, don't say it. What cronies! Those are like-minded friends, and the friendship between gentlemen is as rare as water. Cliques are criminals who gather together to flirt with apes. Being despised by the world. Emperor Yongzheng also wrote a special article "Party Theory", specifically criticizing the dark relationships you mentioned, so that the world can take a warning. You should not use the wrong analogy in the future, and don't let people laugh at our family. .”

"Hi!" Zhen Yuhuan dared to offend the public, quickly bowed his head to admit his mistake, fined him a glass of wine, and asked, "Mike, let me ask you, if you were a high-ranking official, you would be like your uncle Li Hongzhang, and the people under him would use the Huai Army as their team." , employing people out of selfishness. Just like your teacher Li Hongzao, out of a public heart and seeking talents for the world.”

Li Guolou put down his wine glass and said without hesitation: "The one who is close to the water is the first to get the moon. Of course, I use people I know well. Even if there are shortcomings, I can tolerate them. I have already engraved a degree in my heart. Just like that guy, he I am fully aware of that flirtatiousness. Public heart, what is public heart? Some people implement the policies you made when you were in high position and power. Hello, student, even if he wants to say that you are not, he dare not say it in public, just like me, can you argue with Li Hongzao about what is right and what is wrong? Whatever he says, I will say "yes" in person, how can I Talk to the teacher."

Chen Xiangfang sighed and said: "Xiaolou, the more I listen to you, the more I feel like a gangster in the court? Do you want to accept apprentices, otherwise you will have no influence, how can you argue with others?"

Li Guolou pondered and remained silent, his mood sank. Disputes between sects existed in the Jianghu, as well as in the court. If the "clique" fails, don't even think about having the right to speak, and you will be drowned if you spit on your stars. "Ghost Six" wants to promote him because he is also a fake foreign devil.

Only when you form a faction can you move forward, and you are alone. Unless you have the same majestic strategy and power as Emperor Yongzheng, you can implement a series of reform policies such as "single gentry into the mu", "one gentry as a errand", "reform the land and return it to the locals".The ancestral system of the Qing Dynasty has been changed beyond recognition by Emperor Yongzheng. The evil result is that Emperor Yongzheng was scolded by literati, and even the accession of the imperial power was criticized as illegal, and it was written as the most brutal king in the Qing Dynasty.

In fact, Li Guolou is a reformist, Prince Gong Yixin, and Li Hongzhang are both reformers, and they want the Qing Dynasty to carry out the Westernization Movement.But he couldn't pass the court, and the pressure was too great, so it was impossible to pass the court.So now they are called "reformists", taking advantage of the loopholes in the national system, taking the first step, using the resources in their hands, and starting from bit by bit.

In a trance, Li Guolou saw the beautiful scene and couldn't help laughing: "Xiaofang, you are right, I also want to run a school in the imperial court and recruit disciples. The alliance is unreliable and may become a political enemy at any time. Only when your disciples spread all over the country can you go forward indomitably, and the world will praise you."

The female family members looked at Li Guolou with admiration. They could understand what he said. It was in Li Guolou's blueprint to open a school with new ideas and new culture. When the momentum has come, the future can be promising!

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