late Qing Dynasty arrest

Chapter 320 The True Essence of Hei Houxue

In the morning, Li Guolou came to the Third Hall of the Criminal Department, showed his face to Bao Tong, and explained the work arrangement to the leader. Next, he was going to take the Jinshi examination.

This surprised Bao Yitong, "Ghost Six" actually opened the back door and escorted Li Guolou into the examination room. It seemed that Li Guolou's style won the favor of Prince Gong Yixin.Although he was a bit reluctant that Li Guolou was about to leave the Ministry of Criminal Justice, business was the long-term solution, and from the bottom of his heart, Bao Yi was happy for Li Guolou.Seeing that Li Guolou was able to work diligently when he was about to leave, Bao Yitong was very moved and praised Li Guolou a few words.The relationship between the two has long been sublimated to the level of close friends, public affairs are involved in private affairs, and they talk about everything.

Bao Yitong said with emotion: "Hey, little Lizi, the lang after the Yangtze River pushes forward the lang, and a generation of old people replaces new ones. My brother has been in the officialdom for more than [-] years, and I have never seen a talent like you. Parting brother relies on the old and sells the old, and gives away the old man. A few words of your wisdom, as long as you keep them in your heart, you will be a tumbler in the officialdom for the rest of your life."

"Master Bao, please tell me, the next official will definitely remember it in his heart." Li Guolou was a little bit reluctant, and wiped away his tears. People always have feelings. After getting along with each other for more than half a year, I feel that Bao worked together but acted according to his conscience. Relatives corrupted the law.As for making money, this is human nature, and anyone who sits in the position of Shangshu of the Ministry of Punishment will make money.If not?The rules are broken, and the small treasury is empty.Future successors will come to find fault instead.Just like Yu Shuzhen, the right minister (shangshu) of the household department, revealed the theft of silver from the treasury, and screwed the former Shangshu Jingbo.

Bao Yitong stroked his beard and said, "Xiao Lizi, sometimes you are flattering and flattering, and you can do things according to the wind. Sometimes you are too straight and too straight, and you don't understand the true meaning of Tai Chi push hands in the officialdom. Doing things in the officialdom may not be 'right' to go forward. Sometimes you have to be devious, and sometimes you have to learn to give up your own opinions and cater to the wishes of the people above. The so-called doing something through inaction is the essence of Taijiquan, and it is also the true meaning of officialdom. Squeeze and squeeze' or 'push and pull around the void' or 'elbow leaning on and stepping on' or 'looking forward to fix', seemingly no tricks are actually tricks everywhere. The power to parry, but not the power to fight back. This is the organic combination of the general principles of Tai Chi and the specific reality of the officialdom, also known as Tai Chi in the officialdom.”

Li Guolou nodded and said: "Thank you, Mr. Bao, for your reminder. I also know that many of my ideas are out of date. But time is not waiting for me. Those ideas of the Qing school are really intolerable. What is the ancestral family law is actually their own interests. It cannot be touched. Our ancestral family law in the Qing Dynasty had been reformed as early as Emperor Yongzheng, which allowed our officials to do errands and pay for food, and the treasury has been filled since then. If Emperor Yongzheng did not restructure Now we can’t even afford the compensation to foreigners, and the country has already been subjugated. Now Prince Gong is too timid, so the steps taken are too small. If you want me to control the military power, I will give Prince Gong a yellow robe, and there will be an earth-shaking event. Variety."

"Hey!" Bao Yiyi let out a long sigh. How could they, Prince Gong Yixin's disciples, have hinted that Prince Gong Yixin would be the emperor? When Prince Gong Yixin was the regent and refused to usurp the imperial power, now Prince Gong Yixin Resigning from the throne of regent has no ambition to become emperor.

Even the foreigners once wanted the leader of the Westernization Movement "Ghost Six" to be called emperor. When the Eight-Power Allied Forces invaded the capital, they expressed their attitude directly, but Prince Gong Yixin still refused to be the Qing emperor supported by the Eight-Power Allied Forces.

"Little Li depends on God's will. Now the Qing Dynasty can't mess up its own way. If it is united, it can still resist the invasion of foreigners. If it is torn apart, the country will be destroyed, and we will all become sinners. You should sit firmly first and learn Tai Chi Push Hands , gain the right to speak, and expand the market for the reformers. Don’t capsize in the gutter, and wait until you are mature and prudent.” Bao Yitong taught and taught.

Li Guolou smiled slightly and said, "I know that the real meaning of Taiji Pushing Hands is the black and thick learning of Westerners. The so-called: not expressing joy, anger, sorrow and joy is called thick, and sending it without scruples is called black. Thick also It is the foundation of the world, and blackness is the way of the world. When it comes to blackness, the world fears it, ghosts and gods fear it, foolish rulers and treacherous ministers are all thick and black, and even wise rulers and virtuous ministers are not necessarily thin and white."

Bao Yitong clapped his hands together and laughed loudly: "Okay! Since you can master the black knowledge of the West and integrate it into stereotyped essays, I believe that you are well-deserved to be a Jinshi, and you can write a warning to the world without cheating."

Li Guolou chuckled and said, "Master Bao is showing love, I cannot do without the prestige of the ancient Zhang Haogu."

"Hahahaha!" Bao Tong looked up to the sky and laughed, as if he saw Li Guolou jumping up and down on the court hall.Li Guolou is not only smart, but also knows how to be grateful. He builds a brand new business kingdom with brand new ideas, and he is also a part of it. All his efforts are to build a powerful Qing Empire.

"Xiao Lizi, if you know it, it doesn't mean you will do it. Like Prince Gong, he endured the humiliation and signed a traitorous treaty that humiliated the country and the country, and he was infamous all his life. It seems that he is a betrayer of the motherland. Others can't understand the sour vinegar. Who knows that if you want to succeed, you just have to do it." You have to pay the price. You have to be patient, behave yourself with a correct attitude, and make some political achievements, and I will do my best to help you. You can’t do big things by doing your own thing. You still have to integrate into it and let those Qing schools , Conservatives, want to slander you, but are reluctant to give up their vested interests, and sometimes bring out foreigners to frighten the court, but it is also a coup;;;;;;" Bao said a lot, teaching Li Guolou like a teacher. To follow the right person, you must understand the way of being an official.

Li Guolou understands the truth. In the past, his elder brother Li Guoyun warned him to be mature and prudent, not to be unconventional, to be criticized by the chief, and then sent to the cold palace to waste his life in mediocrity.But in this society, I have my own ideas and the ability to implement them, so I want to try to do them.Especially after accomplishing one thing after another successfully, Li Guolou's ambitions swelled rapidly, his pace quickened, and he wanted to change the surrounding environment, and even change people's ideas.He wants to continue to gamble, bet his life and property, and drag more people into this gamble, so as to establish his own business kingdom as soon as possible.

At noon, Li Guolou still had work to do, so he didn't stay for dinner, so he bid farewell to Bao.It was rare for Bao Tong to send Li Guolou out of the house until he reached the entrance of a hall, and the two bid farewell.

"My lord Bao stay here, the officials are going back, I will pass on any news in the evening." Li Guolou stopped, bowed his body to perform the salute, and asked Bao to turn back together.

"Well! Little Li, I'm on business. I'm waiting for your good news. Then I won't give you away!" Bao bowed together.

The people passing by didn't know what to say, they were all stunned or whispering, never expecting that Li Guolou would be treated like this.A senior official of the third rank, and a junior official of the ninth rank, what is the relationship between the two?Wu Kefan caressed the sinister smile on the bearded face, with dirty thoughts hanging on his face.

Seeing that Li Guolou was furious, he punched Wu Kefan in the stomach, and scolded: "Is there an officer like you? Remember it for me. If you want to be romantic, don't be obscene. Otherwise, I will ask Hei Zhuzhu to ask you to beg for it." Debt!"

Wu Kefan pretended to be in pain, frowned and grinned: "Xiao Lizi, you are so wicked. You didn't cover your butt well, so you still have the nerve to talk about me. I can't even smile, I didn't say anything."

"You can't even laugh!" Li Guolou likes to deal with big bosses, he is not narrow-minded, and he does things straightforwardly.

Sometimes Li Guolou feels that he is full of people, daring to act, has a sense of drive, and dares to say anything.In the Qing Empire, the Han people were trained as slaves, cowering and hiding behind.Like Li Guolou's subordinates, the able man "Ai Hai" is Manchu.He also entrusted the business affairs to "that wealth" which is also a Manchu. In Li Guolou's mind, he no longer had the ideal of "eliminating the Manchu Qing and restoring China". Purebred Han Chinese?Why set up another Han master.As long as the current master is qualified, it is much better to protect the country than to beat up the Qing Dynasty.

Wu Kefan asked: "Xiao Lizi, tell me, why did Lord Bao send you?"

Li Guolou proudly said: "Old Wu, it's alright to tell you? It's just so you don't think wrongly. I will enter the examination room in three days, Master Bao wished me a successful Jinshi."

"Oh;;;;;;" Wu Kefan's brain is so big, what's the point of thinking about it?Baotou's young minister Zhu Danyu also went to the scientific examination, and two or three thousand students walked on the single-plank bridge, all dreaming of sitting in the Qianqing Palace.

"Then I wish you good luck. Hahahaha!" Wu Kefan patted Li Guolou on the shoulder, sincerely wishing you well.From his point of view, it is very common for Li Guolou to be admitted to Jinshi. He is capable of both literature and martial arts and can speak English.

When Li Guolou returned to the Dizi compound, there was a person waiting for him in the office. The litigator Song Shixiong was sitting in the room talking about his glorious history, scaring Ai Hai, Cheng Kun, Liu Yu and others. I froze.The foundation of these arrests is still young, and some arresters are not yet qualified to listen to Mr. Bao's trial. They are full of curiosity about what happened in the court, and imagine Song Shixiong as a "folk knight" who "makes decisions for the people" and can fight against officials.

Of course Li Guolou knew Song Shixiong's old background, and he was only worthy of praising his stinky feet.But on the surface, Li Guolou still speaks politely, unlike his elder brother Yao Cuo who likes to put on airs, making his subordinates respect and fear him.

Li Guolou still maintained his true colors, smiling like a spring breeze, and said: "Ah, Mr. Song is here, and I want you to go there yourself, but the host is late. I'm really sorry." While speaking, Li Guolou opened the window and let The air from outside blows in, dispelling the smell of cigarettes in the room.

"Captain Li, here is an old knife brand cigarette. Smoke old knife brand cigarettes if you are patriotic." Song Shixiong stood up and took out a pack of cigarettes. .Chicly holding the cigarette between two fingers, he handed Li Guolou a domestic brand cigarette.

Li Guolou shook his head and said: "Mr. Song, I don't smoke domestic cigarettes. I have a strong drive. The smell is too strong. You should keep it for yourself. Also, which country you smoke has nothing to do with patriotism. The cigarette rolling machine in the cigarette factory is They are imported from abroad. However, the owner of this cigarette factory has a plan and came up with this saying that Laodao brand cigarettes will be popular in the world in the future.” After speaking, Li Guolou opened his leather bag, took out French Camel brand cigarettes, and gave them to him alone. A pack of Camels.

"Hey! Captain Li is supernatural." Song Shixiong took the Camel brand cigarettes, full of emotion.

Although the Qing Dynasty has opened up the country, many imported products have quantitative restrictions, otherwise the impact on domestic products will be too great.For example, imported Camel brand cigarettes are luxury goods, and they cannot be sold anywhere. People who use foreign luxury goods must have money and connections.The Qing Dynasty had just fought the French in Nan'an (Vietnam), and the people of the whole country were boycotting French products, so many French products disappeared, and I didn't know where to buy them if I wanted to.

"Since the war is over and the French Concession still exists, smoking French cigarettes is not a traitor." Li Guolou took out an imported match, stroked it against the door frame, and the match in his hand ignited with a "poof!"Very handsomely lit the cigarette on his fingertips, making the people next to him fascinated.

This is broken!The person who had been sitting upright stood up abruptly and rushed up to snatch the pack of matchboxes from Li Guolou's hand. "Give it to me!" "Give it to me!" "Give it to me!" "Give it to me!"

A box of imported matches was snatched by four police officers. Li Guolou couldn't deal with it. No matter how the four police officers tossed about, he only had a pack of matches with magic.In the end, the four arresters picked out matches, and the four sat on the ground to share the spoils, and one took a few matches, and then the flag died down.

Finally, the room calmed down. Li Guolou raised his eyes and said, "Deputy Ai, do you know why I invited Mr. Song?"

"Of course it's because of the theft of silver from the household department's treasury." Ai Hai said without hesitation, he also knew this, and couldn't think of anything else.

Li Guolou wanted to test Ai Hai, to see if Ai Hai could take over from him?Is there a god catcher's head?The final test was a failure. Ai Hai only knew that Song Shixiong was here to help handle the theft of the Ministry of Accounts Bank. As for how to use Song Shixiong, and where were the loopholes in the theft of the Ministry of Accounts Bank?Ai Hai looked at a stack of files and still had no clue.

"Hey!" Li Guolou was in a low mood, not talented enough, and the loopholes were right in front of Ai Hai, but he still couldn't see them, so he said helplessly, "Let's go! Let's go to dinner first, and I will talk to you during the meal. Go to the trial, the loophole in the theft of treasury silver in the Ministry of Finance is there."

"Ah!" Ai Hai rummaged through the files on the theft of the treasury bank in the Ministry of Accounts, but he didn't see the word "Tongyitang" from the beginning to the end, so he couldn't help expressing his deep doubts about Li Guolou.

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