late Qing Dynasty arrest

Chapter 324 The Chaoyang Project Remembered by the World

The little clapper watched Li Guolou go away, heaved a long sigh of relief, and said to the guards on the street, "Look at the intersection for me, and anyone who doesn't live here will not be allowed to pass. Donkey ball, toss Kill me." After speaking, the little clapper swaggered towards Cai's alley, this time he stopped walking around and turned two corners along the street.

But I saw a group of Manchurians, 300 to [-] people, holding banners and shouting slogans, "Down with the demolition office! The foreign devils go back to the concession! Give me justice! Swear to the death to defend the rights of our Manchurians!"

A lang raised their arms and chanted, these Manchus walked towards Caijia Hutong, but they were stopped by a large group of heavily armed men holding big wooden sticks.

Little Bangzi took a look at a group of courageous demonstrators, men, women, young and old, only dared to shout a few times, no one dared to charge the cordon.He has long been used to seeing it, and he can't arouse interest.Walking past the demonstrators, yelling: "Get out of the way, good dogs don't get in the way."

The group of people who were full of anger glared at the little clapper, but dared not speak out, and made way for the little clapper to pass by.All he could hear was the sound of "Bah!" spitting behind him.

Little Bangzi didn't even look back, he waved his hand to signal that he heard it, and instead of fussing with those Manchurians, he went straight to the compound of the demolition office.

The main persons in charge of the demolition office in the living room were all in a meeting. Little Bangzi stepped over the threshold and shouted, "Grandma's bear, the God of Plague has sent it away. Master, those Manchu people are screaming more and more fiercely. What should we do?" "

Nan Yunshan stroked his beard and said: "Well, we were discussing this matter just now, we should recruit a group and beat a group. The most vicious five brothers of the Yan family. Throw them into the Yongding River to feed the bastards, grandma's, and they have been in the underworld. They are not satisfied with giving them three houses, saying that they have five brothers, and they should have one set. If this is the case, let them go to the Dragon King to complain."

Huang Guang was taken aback, and said, "Master Huang, how will this end? There is an old man in their family, and there is a young man, isn't there going to be a lawsuit?"

Nan Yunshan glanced ferociously, and said, "Fat and fat, don't worry about this matter, our Nantian prefix has to be big, if you don't kill people, who will be afraid of us, you don't need to teach the principle of cutting grass and roots."

Huang Guang froze in horror, as if he had seen the most terrifying scene, and looked at another fake foreign devil, Chen Bulei, looking for an ally.But seeing Chen Bulei lowered his head to drink Longjing, he sighed: "The fresh spring tea, West Lake Longjing tastes great, but it's a pity that Xiao Lizi doesn't have the good fortune to drink it."

Duan Muchun sighed: "It's a pity that the Chaoyang Project was not invested by Xiao Li. If Xiao Li invested, we would not be so miserable. Rewarding the three armies will benefit everyone. Big brother Du is not a fuel-efficient lamp."

Huang Guang, the chairman of the demolition office, has a name but no power. The power of personnel transfer is in the hands of Nan Yunshan, and the power of finance is in the hands of Chen Bulei.He is just a nominal chairman, and everything depends on the faces of his two deputies.Seeing the two assistants, they were self-disciplined with a tacit understanding, and they didn't care about killing people to silence them. They took out a handkerchief to wipe the cold sweat on their foreheads, and said helplessly: "Where do you put Xiao Lizi in this way? Don't you let Xiao Lizi bear the infamy?"

Chen Bulei interjected: "Chairman Huang, didn't you see Miss Xiaofang notified us in advance? Xiao Lizi is going to be an official, and some things are still out of sight. Let us do the cleaning of the buttocks. If something goes wrong, I will take care of it!" At worst, go to Hong Kong and Macau."

Huang Guang said unwillingly: "Master Nan, peace is the most important thing. I'll go talk to them again. Let's all act according to our conscience."

Nan Yunshan couldn't refuse, and looked at Chen Bulei, the meaning was self-evident.

"Fat and fat, you are not in good health, take two days off to go to work, and then you can negotiate with those mandarins." Chen Bulei glanced at the chubby yellow light, his eyes full of unshaven looks, and was caught by the British. A fake foreign ghost who has been nurtured by human culture, why is he so virtuous?He doesn't even have the spirit of colonialism, so he doesn't look like someone who does great things.

Huang Guang muttered, no one could understand what he was talking about?Now he has sold the textile factory in Tianjin.All the money is invested in the Chaoyang Project, and the handling of things depends on the face of the big boss Du, so how can he do things on his own.

Chen Bulei said proudly: "Chairman Huang, you just sit here. If old men and old ladies come to you and cry, you cry for them too. Learn from Uncle Liu Huang, don't learn from Xiao Lizi, the prodigal is the Li family, you There's still a family to raise."

"Hey! Little Lizi's life is good, but we have to work hard." Huang Guang immediately figured it out, what's the matter with him?His reputation has long been rotten, and the Manchu people outside are calling his mother, thinking that he is responsible for all the vicious acts of demolition and relocation.The truth is to get benefits from the practical point. After the business is done well, and after you get rich, you will sell the shares of the Chaoyang Project.At worst, he went to the Tianjin Concession to work as an apartment and lived a life of freedom.

"Don't say this name, it's inappropriate to say it now. We're bored, and we have to bear the good and the bad." Chen Bulei knew in his heart that if there were any mistakes in the future, he still had to rely on Li Guolou to make up for it. Yes, this is the strong backing of these fake foreign devils. They spend a lot of money to promote "Little Plum" to the top, so how can they ruin their own backs.

Nan Yunshan stood up, patted his dusty clothes, and cursed: "This place is so dirty, I really want to burn it clean. Apprentices, let's maintain law and order, don't make things difficult for Chairman Huang." After Nan Yunshan left the living room, several apprentices also followed, and suddenly there were many fewer people in the room.

Chen Bulei squinted and said: "Fat Changfat, what's the matter with you? You took the wrong medicine. After all, Nanba Tianxia became cruel, but you barged out. What do you mean? This is a big deal, and you are not unreasonable." I know. If the Chaoyang area is not demolished, the funds for Standard Chartered Bank will not be in place, and you want to starve us to death.”

Huang Guang smiled awkwardly and said: "Shouhou, don't be angry, we are the two generals of hum and ha, and we have both red and white faces. Didn't I just snort and stop talking?"

Chen Bulei warned: "Fat and fat, we are all fake foreign devils, unlike Xiao Lizi, we make money by being cruel and merciless, and make money in the country. Don't be like Xiao Lizi for fame and reputation. Painting a tiger is not an anti-dog, and you are not worthy of it." Patriot."

"Hi!" Huang Guang stood up and bowed respectfully to Chen Bulei to apologize. They are all lackeys of imperialism and have no affection for the Qing Empire. , is the greatest glory of their lives.It can be written in a big book and written in the history book, and the history will record the "Chaoyang Project", a flawless planning masterpiece, and become a legend in the business world.And they are all witnesses to history and are also remembered by the world.

At this time, in the dining room of the Yinglun Guild Hall, Li Guolou sneezed heavily, but luckily covered it with a napkin, wiped his nose, and said angrily, "Xiaofang, those two fake foreign devils are scolding me, grandma! I'm easy to lie, I just don't care about them. See how I deal with them in the future."

Chen Xiangfang took a sip of wine, glanced at the foreigners around her, and raised her chest high. Everyone here knew Li Guolou, and she didn't want to lose to the French woman Yelia.

"Forget about Xiaolou, the fat and fat monkeys also have hard things to say. They want to explain to the big brother Du, but they don't explain to you. You can be angry."

"Hey, I just wanted to make money, live a chic life, dig into the corners of the Qing Empire, nothing to discuss. But whoever called Guizi Liu was kind to me. Now I just want to serve the country and the people, and step on the Mi Ziqi flag under my feet. Little Fang, do you know that in these places where foreigners don’t even pay land tax, the commercial tax also means the most favorable country treatment.”

Li Guolou couldn't help denouncing the privileges of foreigners in China, taking advantage of the Qing Empire, still not satisfied, and provoked troubles again and again, making the Qing Empire sign one humiliating traitorous treaty after another, allowing the country's resources to flow abroad. Tens of thousands, tens of millions, and hundreds of millions of silver were lost abroad.Every time the Qing Empire rose, it wanted to change, but in exchange for greater shame.

Chen Xiangfang was not dissatisfied with her current life, so she couldn't help but comfort her: "Xiaolou, don't think too much, even if you stand above the imperial court, with your age, no qualifications, no credit, no one will listen to you I think you should use your ingenuity to make money, for the country and the people, and wait a few years to talk about it.”

Li Guolou was very anxious, and said: "This is not going to work! I will go to my uncle in the afternoon. Since Guizi Liu brought my old note to the Prime Minister's Office for discussion. My uncle should have seen it too. I want to hear what uncle has. opinion."

Chen Xiangfang glanced at her and said, "Xiaolou, you've already been shut out twice, so I'm not afraid that this trip will be in vain."

"Hmph! Xiaofang, who am I? I'm a different kind of fake foreign devil, a student of Guizi Six. The more my uncle embarrasses me, the more I don't accept it. So what if I rely on women? I still rely on fake foreign devils who betrayed the country! Do you say I’m a traitor too?” Li Guolou knew very well in his heart that his qualifications and background were somewhat dirty, but this could not change his patriotism.

Chen Xiangfang looked Li Guolou up and down, and today she was dressed as a fake foreign devil again, she shook her head and said, "Xiaolou, how can this be done? Go home and change clothes;;;;;;"

"No change!" Li Guolou interrupted the chattering Chen Xiangfang, and said stubbornly, "I'll just go like this, and I'll make a run for nothing. Hufu riding and shooting, understand? One day in our Qing Dynasty, They all wear clothes of foreigners. To learn advanced Western knowledge and culture is to integrate into Western life. If it weren’t for the shackles of my ancestors’ family law, I would still want to cut my braids.”

Chen Xiangfang snorted and said with a smile: "Well, to be honest, I'm used to seeing you wearing western clothes, which is the spirit of Dragon Horse. I also like to see you wearing western clothes, and so does my daughter Lingling."

Speaking of their daughter Li Lingling, the two couldn't help but miss her.Li Lingling, who is a big kid, is willing to leave her parents to go out and play at such a young age, her heart has long been lost.

After talking about some family matters, and then turning to the main topic, Chen Xiangfang warned: "Xiaolou, don't talk about reactionary words. Honest officials are good officials, and corrupt officials should be defeated. Don't say good things about He Shen, I'm afraid of you You can't control your mouth, talking nonsense."

Li Guolou rubbed his nose and said cheerfully: "Xiaofang, there are some things that cannot be said. Those famous ministers who retired from their old age and returned to their hometowns built villas in their hometowns. All members of a family live in luxury houses, which in turn are called scholarly families. .Things have two sides, it depends on how you look at it? If Heshen had the opportunity to resign and return to his hometown, he would not have accumulated into a wealthy and famous family. It will be rewritten because of He Shen."

"Hey, I don't believe you will change your mind. You have a bad mouth in front of Guizi Liu. If you run in front of your uncle, I think you are going to make trouble in heaven like Monkey King." Chen Xiangfang shook her head and sighed. It could be seen that Li Guolou held his breath in his heart. He would never give in to Li Hongzhang and insist on his own opinion. None of the eleven old rules would be changed.

Li Guolou looked into the distance, the sun outside the window was shining on the window sill, a pigeon stayed on the window sill, as if spying on his actions, suddenly, the white pigeon flew away.He will fly high in the blue sky like a white dove with wings spread.

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